Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

April 15, 2014

Would you like to find out how to quickly ingest lots of vital substances?

How to quickly fill up your blood with lots of vital substances in spring.
Spring is coming and most people think about spring cleanse.
With the warmer temperatures it is good to integrate juicing and smoothies to your diet. Today we want to focus on juicing.

If you do not own a juicer, a “middle class” juicer for $100 will do the trick.

Juicing allows vitamins, minerals, vital substances and nutrients to go straight into the bloodstream, without the body having to expend energy to break down food.

There are many health benefits of drinking freshly juiced fruits and vegetables, and it’s a great way to add nutrients from the fruits or vegetables that you normally wouldn’t eat. Fruit and vegetable juices retain most of of the vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals (phytonutrients) that would be found in the whole versions of those foods. These nutrients can help protect against cardiovascular disease, cancer and various inflammatory diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis. Valuable compounds called flavonoids and anthocyanins are abundant in a variety of fruits and vegetables and protect against cellular oxidation, which comes from everyday cellular maintenance and is exacerbated by exposure to acids and toxins.

Experts say that juicing can lead to clearer skin, better sleep and a stronger immune system

My favorite recipe:
The greener the better: add cucumber, green leaves (chard, kale), beets, carrots, celery, parsley and 2 apples. If you like add to your juice 1-6 table spoons of Dr. Jentschura’s life food WurzelKraft to make it a SUPER-POWER-JUICE


October 24, 2013

Why your breakfast should be alkaline and gluten free

What could be better than a morning full of sunshine? We open our body to fresh air and life energy. We find delight in the intoxicating fragrance of fresh herbal teas or coffees. The process of digestion starts already: our body produces digestive secrets in mouth and stomach in preparation to make use of the breakfast for the complete organism.

The body needs fuel for a day full of many challenges and tasks ahead of us. Using the vital ingredients of breakfast we make ready for these tasks. Eating a healthy breakfast we ensure that we stay the whole morning without fermentation and flatulence, but instead in a good mood, a clear mind and cheerful vitality in muscles and organs.

Especially the gluten is a major health problem for millions of people who suffer from allergies. Gluten rich breakfast is dominated by grain cereal or white or brown bread.
Unfortunately, this breakfast contains too much gluten, which “glues” together the protein of wheat grains. If we consume it over years and decades gluten blocks the finest capillaries and therefore hinders both the supply and the cleaning of our tissues, cells and organs.

Our smart organism likes to survive the increasing constriction of the vessels in increasing the blood pressure in order to supply itself with the necessary amount of blood: high blood pressure is created. This symptom is significant for older consumers of gluten breakfast.

Younger people also suffer from gluten allergy which is called celiac disease. Even in young children, symptoms like bloated stomach, abdominal pain and even growth problems, the so-called short stature, are well known.
The only remedy is the absence of gluten-containing diet. German Dr. Peter Jentschura discovered that the typical gluten breakfast with grain cereal or white or brown bread is also very acidic generating. This means that it does not help to balance the body’s natural need to keep its blood slightly alkaline (pH range of 7.25-7.35).

Also a diet consisting of sugar, red meat, white bread, black coffee, pops and milk has a very acidic generating effect on the body while an alkaline life style full of green organic vegetables, fruits, and anaerobic exercise has an alkaline forming effect in your body.

Dr. Peter Jentschura research found out that gluten free breakfast porridge on the basis of millet, buckwheat, amaranth, fruits, sweet almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds is alkaline generating. The porridge is quickly to prepare and easily digestible. Its numerous rich vital substances are highly absorbable.
Due to an acidic life style with lots of unhealthy gluten foods and stress most people suffer from mineral depletion. Each acid forming food/drink must be neutralized by the body with organic minerals. In order to re mineralize the body Dr. Jentschura developed a life food supplement made out of 100 organic and wild crafted healing herbs and plants.
To learn more about Dr. Jentschura’s approach and his alkaline generating, organic and gluten free products please visit

October 21, 2013

Learn what acidity does in our body and how Dr. Jentschura’s alkaline program works

Take 10 min to find out

What makes our body deteriorate?
How to nourish our body?
Wow the acidic life style ages our body?
Which poison to avoid?
Which alkaline foods to eat?
How German alkaline guru Dr. Jentschura works?

Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura pic

Please visit youtube and watch our video

May 15, 2013

Dr. Jentschura’s successful triple jump from Germany

1. Cleansing
Successful cleansing starts with breaking apart impurities into their original
components. The dissolving or breaking up process reactivates acids and other
toxins that were originally deposited in the body.

For almost two decades now, 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea has proven to be a successful
cleansing agent. As an ideal cell flusher and with its specific combination of
49 herbs, spices, roots and flowers, 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea contains all elements,
which are involved in the process of impurity accumulation. The doctor based
his recipe on the life-long research of a family of naturopaths from the 1920s
in Germany. Due to its amazing formula 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea is able to dissolve all
of the different types of impurities in the human body.

2. Regeneration of the Body’s Functions and Neutralization of Reactivated Acids and Toxins

In the second step, newly released and
reactivated acids and toxins are neutralized
for safe removal from the body
using alkaline-forming vital substances.
WurzelKraft is a purely plant-based food
powder made of 100 plants! These vital
substances neutralize and alkalize; they
also strengthen the elimination function
of the kidneys and detoxification function
of the liver.
Each plant contains specific vital substances. WurzelKraft provides all plant
derived vital substances needed for optimal health, metabolism and all the
body’s important functions.

WurzelKraft also preserves and reconstructs our mineral stores (our body’s
chambers of life) such as skin, hair, nails, vessels, tissue, bones, cartilages and

3. Elimination of Acids and Other Harmful Substances

Finally, the superfluous “ballast” must be expelled from the body! Apart from
our kidneys, intestines and lungs, the human body possesses another quite
large and efficient elimination organ – the skin!
With alkaline body care we can specifically activate the elimination function
of our skin. The underlying principle is simple, but ingenious. Hundreds of
thousands of sweat and sebaceous glands expel acids and other harmful
substances from the body. When submerged in a bath with the optimal
pH value of 8.5, which is alkaline, we are able to drain huge amounts of acids
and toxins via the skin.
The alkalinity of an alkaline bath, foot bath or of another alkaline application
removes the acids and toxins already expelled from the skin. Thus our body
can flush out more. The result of eliminating these harmful substances offers
us substantial relief. The skin is also gently cleaned and its self-oiling function

3 Easy Steps to Follow:

1. Start with 1 – 2 cups of 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea daily, gradually increase
quantity to ½ or 1 litre.
Drink 1 – 1½ l of plain water daily.
2. Eat 5 teaspoons – 12 tablespoons of WurzelKraft distributed throughout the day.
3. Practise intensive alkaline body care, including full baths and
foot baths, alkaline stockings, wraps etc. as often as possible.

And read more about it at

Alkaline Living Recommendations

1. Avoid Coffee, Black Tea, Pops and Alcohol: Your body is suffering from mineral depletion if you ingest them because of their acidity. Your body is a bank and you get what you pay in
2. Avoid Foods with Preservatives, Sugar, Food Coloring, and Additives
3. Green Powders or Dr. Jentschura’s life food WurzelKraft will support your kidneys
4. Always Have Fresh Organic Veggies in Your Fridge
5. Have a great green organic juice/smoothie and a large salad each and every day
6. Breathe deeply! Our body cleanses also via the respiratory system
7. Avoid Stress and Learn To Handle It Better
8. No artificial sweeteners
9. Enjoy live and bring oxygen into your body: dance, walk, jog, swims and laugh!
10. Make love, not war: Anger and Frustration are are very acidic generating

January 29, 2013

Alkaline Food and Health Tips

Alkalising Health Tips

Avoid Stress, Anger and Frustration

Breathe with all of your heart

You see, when your body is under a lot of stress, you experience the emotions typically associated with stress: anger, fear, anxiety, worry, frustration, hostility, etc. Each of these emotions produces acidic chemical reactions in your body that usually have adverse effects. Here
are a few examples:
• Anger, fear, and anxiety typically cause a complete shut-down of your digestive
system. That means the elimination of toxic waste is stopping and we acidify our body.
• Worry, hostility, and anger cause your stomach to excrete extra acids. The end
results in more toxins and half-digested foods to deal with.

Letting go of stress, anger and frustration is the key! In 10 years from now on or even better when we die the reason for our stress will be obsolete. In this perspective there is actually no legitimate reason to worry or fight.

Discover the place in your heart where there is stillness and love and try to stay there all day. If you left it relate and resonate with it and surrender to it.

Deep Breathing helps!

The more oxygen you get into your body, the better you body will function, the more energy your body will have, the easier it can get rid of the acids in your body.

Allow you body to relax and fall into the point in your heart where peace and love is. In this point breathing happens:

How do you breathe to alkalise?
You take kindly deep breaths, filling the lower parts of your lungs to their fullest extent before filling the upper lungs (chest area). Hold the breath for a brief moment, and exhale slowly in reverse order. You’ll need to use your diaphragm to make this happen, sticking out your stomach with each breath.
What we’re after is keeping the lower parts of your lungs (the most blood-rich part) filled with air for as long as possible with each breath.
Take 10 breaths like this, 3-5 times a day

alkaline foods help you staying healthy.

December 4, 2012

Really Good Christmas Gifts: Of course Alkaline Foods

Everybody is always looking for enriching Christmas gifts. This year we like to make it easy for you to express your love and care to dear ones. We created 3 different packages with very attractive prices:

1. Dr. Jentschura’s Alkaline Diet Vitality Starter Kit
165 g Aromatic WurzelKraft, 2,5 weeks of all minerals + vitamins + vital substances
50 bags 7×7 AlkaHerb, Cleansing Tea
750g AlkaBath, 15 full or 100 footbath/AlkalineStockings
500 g MorgenStund’ , Alkaline Breakfast Porridge, 14 portions
Energy Brush, finest bronze bristles made of a sensible alloy of copper and zinc
Plus 1 free 75 g AlkaBath
Regular $132.45
Christmas Special $99.95 Click here

2. Dr. Jentschura’s Vitality Kit “Uplift Health and Beauty”
“Health By Purification” by Dr.P.Jentschura: Best-selling book
330g Aromatic WurzelKraft , 5 weeks of all minerals + vitamins + vital substances
500g MorgenStund’, Alkaline Breakfast porridge, 14 portions
50 bags 7×7 AlkaHerb, Cleansing Tea
750g AlkaBath, 15 full or 100 footbath/AlkalineStockings
AlkaStockings , Detoxification overnight
BathBrush , Premium natural brush with light colored Chungking bristles
Plus 3 free AlkaBath 75g
Regular $242.65 Christmas Special $199.95 Click here

3. For all those whe like to make sure that you or your loved ones gets their monthly supply of Dr. Jentschura’s powerful products we created

Dr. Jentschura’s Alkaline Power Package “Ease of Mind”
Get your monthly alkaline balancing package with:
330g WurzelKraft, omni-molecular life food, made out of 100 plants, aromatic blend
750g AlkaBath for 15 alkaline full bath
50 bags AlkaHerb, blood cleansing tea with 49 herbs
1000g MorgenStund, Alkaline generating porridge with buckwheat, millet, fruit, nuts and amaranth (Organic, Gluten Free)
800g Tischlein, Quinoa, millet and 8 vegetable (Organic, Gluten Free)
Regular $141.95 CAD
Special $119

November 26, 2012

These Alkaline Foods Must Be At Your Home :-)

Our blood connects the 100 million cells in our body to make up a
meaningful whole. For its many diverse functions, blood requires an alkaline pH value between 7.35 and 7.45. Only within this alkaline range blood flows optimally, nourishes cells and keeps the body cleansed.

All of our foods and drinks have either alkaline or acid generating effects in
our bodies.

Due to our modern fast food
and living civilization most of the food we eat barely deserves to be called “nourishing”. It is often mass-produced, pre-cooked, frozen or pre-processed in one or another way. The ingredients in these products often originate from mono cultures grown in impoverished soil. These types of foods lack essential nutrients and do not provide us with the vital energy that we need. This lack of nutrients especially minerals causes the fact that most of our food is acid generating.

To prevent our body from acidification we should offer it lots of fresh and organic produce (if possible) each and every day.

These alkaline generating foods & vegetables should be on your shopping list:

1 bunch Celery
Sweet Potatos
2 bunch Cale (my favourite)
3 Grapefruits
Brussels Sprouts
1 bunch of Coriander
1 bunch of Basil
1 bunch of Spring Onions/Shallots
1 packet of Beansprouts

Black Beans
Bragg Liquid Aminos
Soba Noodles (Buckwheat)
Brown Rice
Sprouted Wraps/Tortillas
Organic Silken Tofu
Organic Firm Tofu
Unsweetend, Organic Soy Milk/Almond Milk
Almond Paste
Organic Olive Oil
Avocado Oil
Sesame Oil
Kidney Beans
Chick Peas/Garbanzo
Sprouted Bread
Flax Crackers
Herbal Teas: Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaHerb, peppermint, nettle, redbush/Rooibos, Lavender etc
Dried Herbs & Spices: A. Vogel herb mix, cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon ginger, cumin, chilli, coriander seeds, nutmeg

If you are suffering from
symptoms you need to have a healthy, alkaline diet.

October 25, 2012

Dr. h.c. Jentschura’s lecture tour about alkaline foods in Canada!

dr. jentschura at the big carrot

Dr. Jentschura is the German biochemist and natural doctor known for his 30 years of clinical work using the “alkaline” approach to achieve health and healing. The creator of the “Triple Jump to Purifiction” as well as author of the best-selling book “Health By Purification” was in Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary and Edmonton.

Dr. Jentschura’s lecture tour in Canada was such a success.

People loved his knowledge about our body’s biochemistry and achieving great health using his alkaline triple jump products. By the way the gentleman is 72 years old and got the looks and vitality of a young man.

Try to have Dr. Jentschura’s alkaline foods to stay healthy.

February 11, 2011

Enjoy Alkaline Foods And Beautiful Epidermis

In recent years, many people have found that they or their children are intolerant to gluten. This is actually a protein and it exists in food in a variety of ways because it’s found in wheat, rye, and others. Sometimes, even if it doesn’t create a great intolerance, it can affect the skin. So, you can enjoy a gluten free diet and beautiful skin combined.

That means that if you are suffering from rashes, acne, or other skin problems it would be in your favor to cut out this protein that could be affecting you. Certainly, it causes inflammation in the abdomen. If your digestive system is not working properly, it will affect the rest of your organs and body.

Everyone should understand that the digestive system is much like the sewer system in the city. If it’s not functioning properly, diseases will ensue for those who live there. The same is true in humans and their digestive system.

Having said all that, it’s important to understand also that the level of acidity and alkalinity are very important in the body. All must be well-balanced to have great skin, not to mention better health. Therefore, it is important to increase the amount of alkalinity as most people have way too much acidity in their blood.

Therefore, it’s important to consume more vegetables. A variety of different colors are extremely important. Greens like broccoli, celery and such will help to oxygenate your cells. Sprouts are also highly recommended. Beans and other legumes, as well as low sugar fruits like lemon, tomato, avocado and lime are too.

To be healthy and have great skin, you need 10 times the amount of alkalinity to neutralize one part acidity! If your levels of acidity are higher than the recommended amount you could be feeling off, irritated, fatigued, and even suffer from headaches.

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