Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

November 30, 2012

What deteriorates our health and beauty and how how alkaline foods can help?

What deteriorates our health and beauty?
Harmful amounts of acids and toxins are accumulated in our bodies. Alkaline neutralizing nutrients in the form of natural, energy-rich minerals and trace elements are barely even contained in processed, concentrated foods, and are instead replaced by horrendous amounts of “empty” calories. The overview shows just a few typical acid-inflated, nutrient destroying foods, drinks and energy-consuming behavior:

Meat and meat products
Uric acid
Sulphuric and nitric acid
Sweets,Sugar, White flour products
Acetic acid
Artificial sweeteners
Formic acid
Soft drinks
Phosphoric acid
Coffee, black tea, red wine
Tannic acid
Pain relievers
Acetylsalicylic acid
Physical overexertion
Lactic acid
Stress, anger
Hydrochloric acid

These acids….

Create overweight and obesity! As Dr. h.c. Jentschura states the body creates fat cells in order to protect our organs from excess acids. The fat is designed to carry these acid wastes away to other, less critical areas of the body and it clings to these organs to provide protection. Once the body is rid of acid wastes (through a healthier diet and exercise) it no longer needs to hang onto these fats for protection and it lets them go.
Weight problems are also compounded by the result of yeast and fungus overgrowths wreaking havoc on our digestive systems. Yeast and fungus thrive in an acidic environment. Because your body is now not able to properly process foods and extract the full nutrition from the foods that you eat. That is why people with a poor diet are always hungry. Also yeasts and fungus crave for more sugar, which further fuels the yeast growth.

Following a diet of mostly alkaline foods (fresh and raw vegetables, salads, fresh alkaline fruits, seeds, nuts and pure alkaline water) will clean your system of the yeast and fungus overgrowth and will flush your body of the excess survival fat.

Acidification or acidosis (Dr. Jentschura’s term) will cause our body to leach alkaline minerals from our bones, muscles and other tissues to ensure that the blood maintains its delicate alkaline balance. This removal of alkaline minerals inhibits efficient and effective cellular and body metabolism – making us weak. Put most simply – over acidification drains our bodies of energy and inhibits the body’s ability to use stored energy reserves. And as if that was not enough – with the leaching of calcium from our bones, osteoporosis very often follows.

Causes Allergies: Mycotoxins thrive in an acidic environment and severly stress the immune system leading to it being constantly overworked and stimulated into response mode. The result of this is absurdly heightened sensitivity to nutrition and chemicals is what is more commonly known as an allergy. Excess mucus, soreness, swelling, eczema etc are all ways for the body to eliminate toxins.

Causes Free-Radical Damage and Premature Aging!: Acidosis is a symptom of – and a cause of – oxidative stress and lipid breakdown. The effect of this is that free radical damage is then promoted, attacking cell walls and membranes before killing the cells themselves. The outcome of this? Wrinkles, age spots, dysfunctional hormonal systems, poor eyesight, bad memory and foggy thinking – at the very least. Premature aging could become the least of your concerns!

Causes Excess Mucus: Mucus is normal. It is just another mechanism by which the body eliminates toxins – it coats everything we ingest and engulfs the toxins. When toxins are engulfed the mucus becomes sticky, thick and cloudy in order to trap the toxins in. Acidic foods and drinks always contain toxins which cause so much mucus that we seem to be constantly blowing our noses! The worst offenders are dairy products, animal protein, white flour and pastas, chocolate, coffee and alcohol

Acid is corrosive – and overly acidic blood and bodily fluids almost immediately begins to erode and destroy cell walls of the heart, veins and arteries – leading to a much weakened cardiovascular system.

Fatty acids are absolutely essential to the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system – without them any number of neurological problems can arise (including depression, bipolar and other mental health problems, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, brain development and learning in children, mood swings, ADHD and many more).

With the acid problems above, including increased LDL Cholesterol and compromised cell health – the heart has to work increasingly harder to move blood around the body. Acidosis is also to blame for venous vasoconstriction (meaning a decrease in diameter of the blood vessels) – which further adds to the workload of the heart and raises blood pressure!

For healthy cell regeneration and DNA-RNA synthesis – a cell pH CANNOT BE ACIDIC. On the flip side of this – for a cancer cell to grow, the cell pH HAS TO BE ACIDIC! An acid pH dramatically accelerates the possibility of the formation of mutated cells – otherwise known as cancer. Cancerous cells cannot contain hydrogen atoms – and healthy (alkaline balanced) cells contain plenty of hydrogen. In fact, the addition of hydrogen to cancerous cells actually heals them!

When our bodies are suffering from over-acidification the problem becomes compounded by the fact that an acid pH decreases the amount of oxygen than can reach our cells. Without oxygen our cells die!

November 26, 2012

These Alkaline Foods Must Be At Your Home :-)

Our blood connects the 100 million cells in our body to make up a
meaningful whole. For its many diverse functions, blood requires an alkaline pH value between 7.35 and 7.45. Only within this alkaline range blood flows optimally, nourishes cells and keeps the body cleansed.

All of our foods and drinks have either alkaline or acid generating effects in
our bodies.

Due to our modern fast food
and living civilization most of the food we eat barely deserves to be called “nourishing”. It is often mass-produced, pre-cooked, frozen or pre-processed in one or another way. The ingredients in these products often originate from mono cultures grown in impoverished soil. These types of foods lack essential nutrients and do not provide us with the vital energy that we need. This lack of nutrients especially minerals causes the fact that most of our food is acid generating.

To prevent our body from acidification we should offer it lots of fresh and organic produce (if possible) each and every day.

These alkaline generating foods & vegetables should be on your shopping list:

1 bunch Celery
Sweet Potatos
2 bunch Cale (my favourite)
3 Grapefruits
Brussels Sprouts
1 bunch of Coriander
1 bunch of Basil
1 bunch of Spring Onions/Shallots
1 packet of Beansprouts

Black Beans
Bragg Liquid Aminos
Soba Noodles (Buckwheat)
Brown Rice
Sprouted Wraps/Tortillas
Organic Silken Tofu
Organic Firm Tofu
Unsweetend, Organic Soy Milk/Almond Milk
Almond Paste
Organic Olive Oil
Avocado Oil
Sesame Oil
Kidney Beans
Chick Peas/Garbanzo
Sprouted Bread
Flax Crackers
Herbal Teas: Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaHerb, peppermint, nettle, redbush/Rooibos, Lavender etc
Dried Herbs & Spices: A. Vogel herb mix, cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon ginger, cumin, chilli, coriander seeds, nutmeg

If you are suffering from
symptoms you need to have a healthy, alkaline diet.

October 25, 2012

Dr. h.c. Jentschura’s lecture tour about alkaline foods in Canada!

dr. jentschura at the big carrot

Dr. Jentschura is the German biochemist and natural doctor known for his 30 years of clinical work using the “alkaline” approach to achieve health and healing. The creator of the “Triple Jump to Purifiction” as well as author of the best-selling book “Health By Purification” was in Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary and Edmonton.

Dr. Jentschura’s lecture tour in Canada was such a success.

People loved his knowledge about our body’s biochemistry and achieving great health using his alkaline triple jump products. By the way the gentleman is 72 years old and got the looks and vitality of a young man.

Try to have Dr. Jentschura’s alkaline foods to stay healthy.

January 31, 2012

Strengthen Your Vitality With Alkaline Foods

The human body has various ways to secrete acids, toxins and other harmful substances through different organs and functions. The main secretion organs are the outermost layers of the skin, which release toxins through sweat, pimples, eczema, shed, warts; and the mucous membranes through mucus and discharge. One of the most important organ for secretion are your intestines. In the intestines, acids are split into gas and water, which is the cause of flatulence. That is why we highly recommend a herbal or hydro colon cleanse.

The kidneys are the most important secretion organs in removing acids, such as uric acid, lactic acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, oxalic acid and other acids within the body. These organs are crucial for our bodies function in excreting acids, chemical reagents, and other base-forming minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.

We need these base-forming minerals and we receive them from the daily vegetable diet. The vital substances received through this kind of diet are not only the basis to form our bones and tendons, our vessels, cartilage and skin; these vital substances are virtually carriers, which bind the acids molecule to molecule, removing them from our body through urine. Therefore it is our essential that our daily diet be rich in vital substances and minerals, creating an efficient life of health and beauty for the acid-loaded body of the modern human being.

Wurzelkraft serves as a tremendous assistant for our two kidneys. It strengthens their productivity in secreting acids and other toxins from the body. The secretion capacity of the kidneys in our modern and diet–with an overabundance of coffee, meat, sweets salty chips and peanuts–is greatly diminished. The kidneys are overloaded with pollutants and acids, while receiving only small amounts of energy-lacking minerals for acid neutralization and strengthening. Offer your body an abundance of alkaline foods.

We need large amounts of not only organic vegetable and whole food supplements because they are necessary for people suffering from deposits or excretions – it is a tremendous help for the kidneys and their capacity to secrete acids. For patients with structural damage including osteoporosis, spinal disc problems, skin aging or similar. You cannot overdo eating a healthy diet. You are able to eat better for your health!

A whole food dietary supplement like Wurzelkraft, which contains 100 all natural plants and plant substances, is a fully designed omnimolekular (all minerals are completely available in the supplement) whole food, which provides the body with a limitless abundance of minerals and vitamins, amino acids and countless vegetable fiber and other active substances. It is a living food that permeates our body with vital energy. The superior offer of Wurzelkraft is the high energetic, base-forming minerals that thoroughly strengthen the kidneys, improving overall body function and health. Our body is in a desperate need of nano-sized, organic minerals to deal with toxins and acids. “Alkalize or Die”

Eat lots of alkaline foods to improve your health.

December 7, 2011

The Scientific Proof That The Alkaline Foods are Critical To Your Health

Recent scientific research into human health, sickness & disease has shown with increasing evidence that living an acid-lifestyle is extremely detrimental to health & that by living alkaline you can increase your health, energy, vitality, immune system, youthfulness and protect yourself from disease.

As recently as October 2009, a Cambridge University study published in the highly respected British Journal of Nutrition stated:
The concept of diet-induced ‘acidosis’ as a cause of disease has been a subject of interest for more than a century. The present article reviews the history of our evolving understanding of physiological pH, the physiological support for the concept of ‘acidosis’, the causes of acidosis, how it is recognised, its short-term effects as well as the long-term clinical relevance of preventative measures, and the research support for normalisation of pH.
The available research makes a compelling case that diet-induced acidosis…is a real phenomenon, and has a significant, clinical, long-term pathophysiological effect that should be recognised and potentially counterbalanced by dietary means.1
The researchers, Pizzornoa, Frassettoa and Katzinger have clearly identified that acidosis (increased acidity in the blood – pH below 7.365) is a very real threat to our health.
Furthermore, my research has shown that the effects of acidosis can directly contribute to various cancers2, 3, 12, arthritis4, osteoporosis5, cardiovascular disease6, diabetes7, depression/psychological disfunctions8, Crohn’s disease9, kidney disease10. Yes, all of the top five killers in Western society and a whole heap more. Furthermore, my experience and the experience of those who have used my twelve week Alkaline Diet Course have given me significant proof that living alkaline also leads to weight/fat loss, muscle gain (also scientifically proven11), energy increases, libido increases, skin improvements and more.

Alkaline Diet & Cancer
Alkaline Minerals Prevent Cancer Growth
In March 2009, Robey, Baggett, Kirkpatrick et al published a paper in the American Association for Cancer Research Journal proving that alkaline minerals (in this case NaHCO3 – sodium bicarbonate) that raise the extracellular pH of cancer tumor cells and prevent metastasis. Their research shows that the pH of the tumors are always acidic and by using highly alkaline minerals to raise the pH – the growth of the cancer (and involvement of lymph nodes) is prevented.
Source: Cancer Research 69, 2260, March 15, 2009
Cancer Thrives in an Acidic Environment
Also in Cancer Research Journal, in 2006, Gatenby, Gawlinski et al researched and discovered that “chronic exposure of normal tissue to an acidic microenvironment produces toxicity by: (a) normal cell death… and (b) extracellular matrix degradation”. They proffer that glucose imbalance (an acid lifestlye) leads to a chronically acidic microenvironment (the normal cells and molecules that surround a tumor cell) which provides the perfect base for cancer.
Source: Cancer Research 66, 5216-5223, May 15, 2006

Acidosis & Osteoporosis
Alkaline Minerals Prevent Osteoporosis
A recently published study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Vol 94, No 1 96-102, 2009) has provided further evidence that the consumption of and supplementation with alkaline minerals is essential for good health. The objective of the study was to understand the effect of alkaline organic minerals (potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate and potassium chloride) on bone health – specifically, the ability of these alkaline minerals to slow the bone resorption rate and calcium excretion.
The participants who were taking the bicarbonate supplements had significant reductions in urinary N-telopeptide and calcium excretion when compared to the control group. This means that when taking the alkaline organic minerals, bones remained stronger and healthier.
Source: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Vol 94, No 1 96-102, 2009)

Cardiovascular Disease & the Alkaline Diet
Alkaline Minerals Critical to Prevention of CVD
In the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Joseph Campbell provides a thorough review of the scientific literature surrounding minerals and disease and highlights that the alkaline minerals, magnesium and calcium, are critical to the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). He also highlights that “Excessive consumption of acid producing foods, results in metabolic acidosis. When this occurs, the parathyroid hormone stimulates the removal of calcium from the bones and teeth (osteolysis), to buffer or neutralize the excess acidity. After many years, such calcium loss results in depleted bone, bone weakness and structure.”
Source: Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 10, No. 3 & 4, 1995

Arthritis & Alkalinity
Alkaline Mineral Supplementation Decreases Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
This incredible study from Institute for Prevention and Nutrition (Germany) provided clear and unquestionable evidence that using an alkaline mineral supplement (30g daily) reduced pain and increased movement in patients with moderately active Rheumatoid Arthritis over a 12-week period.
Source: The Open Nutrition Journal, 2008, 2, 100-105
Do you want to safeguard yourself from degenerative diseases while living with more energy, a lean, fit body, great skin, youthfulness and vitality?
How You Can Guarantee Your Health With Alkaline Minerals
The above studies prove, without question, that having sufficient alkaline mineral buffers to neutralise dietary, lifestyle and metabolic acids is critical to maintaining excellent health, energy and vitality and to the prevention of degenerative disease.
It is also highlighted in several of these studies that using an alkaline mineral supplement is an effective way of guaranteeing your daily intake of alkaline minerals is sufficient.
The efficacy of using a organic mineral supplement (and these supplements providing a usable form of these minerals) is further supported by this June 2009 study published in the Nutrition Journal, “Effect of a supplement rich in alkaline minerals on acid-base balance in humans”. The study concluded “that the ingestion of a organic multimineral supplement is associated with both a significant increase in blood and urinary pH”.
If you want to guarantee you have sufficient alkaline minerals then supplementation with a omni-molecular life food life foods like WurzelKraft is a smart choice

Sources & References:
1 Diet-induced acidosis: is it real and clinically relevant? British Journal of Nutrition Cambridge University Press; Joseph Pizzornoa, Lynda A. Frassettoa and Joseph Katzingera
2Acid-Mediated Tumor Invasion: a Multidisciplinary Study; Cancer Research 66, 5216-5223, May 15, 2006; Robert A. Gatenby, Edward T. Gawlinski, Arthur F. Gmitro, Brant Kaylor and Robert J. Gillies
3The Potential Role of Systemic Buffers in Reducing Intratumoral Extracellular pH and Acid-Mediated Invasion; Cancer Research 69, 2677, March 15, 2009; Ariosto S. Silva, Jose A. Yunes, Robert J. Gillies and Robert A. Gatenby
4Alkaline Mineral Supplementation Decreases Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients; The Open Nutrition Journal, 2008, 2, 100-105; Regina Maria Cseuz, Istvan Barna, Tamas Bender and Ju?rgen Vormann
5Treatment with Potassium Bicarbonate Lowers Calcium Excretion and Bone Resorption in Older Men and Women; The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 94, No. 1 96-102; Bess Dawson-Hughes, Susan S. Harris, Nancy J. Palermo, Carmen Castaneda-Sceppa, Helen M. Rasmussen and Gerard E. Dallal
6Minerals and Disease; Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 10, No. 3 & 4, 1995; Joseph D. Campbell
7Preservative Effect of Electrolyzed Reduced Water on Pancreatic b -Cell Mass in Diabetic db/db Mice; Biol. Pharm. Bull. 30(2) 234—236 (2007); Mi-Ja KIM, Kyung Hee JUNG, Yoon Kyung UHM, Kang-Hyun LEEM, and Hye Kyung KIM
8The Effect of Acid/Alkaline Nutrition on Psychophysiological Function; Int J Biosocial Res. Vol. 9(2); 182-202, 1987; Rudolf A. Wiley
9Severe Osteomalacia Associated with Renal Tubular Acidosis in Crohn’s Disease; Digestive Diseases & Sciences, Vol 31, No 3, March 1986; Rui MM Victorino, Margarida B Lucas, Miguel Carneiro de Moura
10Metabolic acidosis of CKD: diagnosis, clinical characteristics, and treatment; American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Volume 45, Issue 6, Pages 978-993 J. Kraut, I. Kurtz
11Lean Tissue: Alkaline diets favor lean tissue mass in older adults; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 87, No. 3, 662-665, March 2008; Bess Dawson-Hughes, Susan S Harris and Lisa Ceglia

August 29, 2011

Dr. Jentschura’s 1 Day Seminars on Alkaline Foods And Anti-Aging In Vancouver And Toronto

22nd of September in Toronto
24th of September in Vancouver
Reserve your seat at the Dr. h.c. Jentschura 1 day seminar on complete cleansing and anti aging.

Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura will talk about the cause and the treatment of modern diseases. These diseases are manifesting as toxic residues, eczemas, structural deficits, allergies and deficiencies. Dr. h.c. Jentschura developed the 3 steps to health and wellness.
We will inform about alkaline body care and regeneration, how you can cleanse successfully and eliminate toxic deposits. Through these steps it is possible to maintain and regain health and beauty up until old ages.

The definition of health, disease, healing and aging
The 3 groups of modern diseases caused by civilisation
The significance of minerals
The 3 steps of purification: break up of impurities, neutralisation of acids and elimination of impurities
The metabolism difference between a man and a woman
Alkaline body care

Times: 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. with coffee/tea brakes and a healthy lunch.
You are warmly welcome!

11.30-12.00 Coffee/Tee Break
1.00-2.00 Lunch Break
3.30-4.00 Coffee/Tee Break

$49.95 early registration before August 31th
and $59.95 after.
Please email:

February 1, 2011

Natural Skin Care Should Include A Healthy Alkaline Diet with lots of Alkaline Foods

People, particularly women, spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on products each year. Even when they opt for natural skin care, they don’t realize one extremely important fact. One of the most important things to do to look great is to be concerned with what you put inside your body, as well as on it.

It’s easy to forget this. Just because it is on the outside, the skin is treated like something exterior. However, everything you put into your body can provide nutrients for your epidermis, like the rest of your body, to be healthy.

The wrong foods and drinks, however, can also have a very negative effect on the inside as well as the outside of your body. A lot of people experienced this in their teenage years when eating certain foods seemed to make acne worse. However, this correlation between what you eat and the health of your epidermis continues your entire life.

One of the best ways to keep the epidermis healthy is with a diet that is alkaline in nature. Diets that are acidic can have a very negative effect on the body. In fact, many people believe that they contribute greatly to many different internal diseases. The effect on the outside can be just as bad. Gluten-free diets can also contribute greatly to increased health.

When a healthy, gluten-free and alkaline diet is combined with alkaline natural products, you get the best of both worlds. This allows you to give your skin exactly what it needs from both the inside and on the outside. The result will be a healthy glowing complexion that is sure to be noticed.

Whether you’ve always had problem skin or you just want to ensure that it is as healthy as possible, natural skin care can help. The health of your exterior is a direct reflection of the health of your interior. When it is looking its best, you’ll know you’re healthier overall.

September 1, 2010

Embracing Life, Using Alkaline Foods

Conscientiously choosing to live the Alkaline Life Style is the first step into and towards a healthy and deeply fulfilled life. But if you just say my goal is to loose 20 pounds to look nice in my new pants! This might not carry you very far! Because loosing the pounds is kind of a shallow thing, you are not carried by a deep power.

It will be most likely that you will kind of fight your cravings to loose the weight and perhaps make it but then most likely gain it again. Then try to loose weight and gain it again…. Very stressful! But to deeply decide to change completely your life towards a better, sweeter and lovelier YOU. That is just great! It might take some years and eventually get very painful inside because we get to be light in our darkest moments. Thats just awesome. Then changing your life towards the Alkaline Life Style is simply good and fulfilling.


There will be pitfalls and disappointments but that makes us just stronger! So a deep and good commitment for the good is crucial! On the physical level there are bricks which we need to build a new body for our new self. Painful aging can and will be stopped and replaced with aging in beauty and dignity without diseases and agony.

Dr. Jentschuras vision is that the human body is created to become 100-120 years old and then we will die in peace. Be responsible for the right choices now for in order to create a good and healthy future.

The choice is now to take care of and to invest in your body in order be happy in your body for the next decades of your life! Instead of short term “fast food emotional satisfaction” lets go for deep soul fulfilling real food. Lets start enjoy life, embrace life, breathe life!

Knowing that stress, anger and frustration create acid in our body we have to take care of soul food: meet lovely people, do Yoga, practice meditation, enjoy joyful action in mother nature!

If you do have deep childhood pain lets learn and love to forgive. Most human being have covered their deep and dark pain in the lower stomach and hips area and are not even aware of it because we all long to be happy and therefor we try to do anything to get away from the pain. But the real way is the opposite: allowing and embracing the pain without indulging in it.

A very good Cranio-Sacral Therapist can be of great help with this. Please contact me if you are in Edmonton.

Dr. Jentschura’s triple jump to health and wellness is a great way to help your body to regenerate and heal itself: Alkaline Cleansing, Alkaline Purification and Alkaline Regeneration really works.

Alkaline Regeneration means to flood and therefor nourish the body with nano-size, organic minerals, vitamins and all vital substances. Change your diet: Go Green. Eat vegetables, green salad, fruits and herbs. Also enjoy dietary supplements like Dr. Jentschura’s WurzelKraft with 100 plants, to refill the mineral deposits (bones, skin, scalp, teeth, tissue) in our body which we robbed due to an over acid north american diet.

Alkaline Purification realizes the fact that the skin is our largest organ for cleansing and purification. Dr. Jentschura AlkaBath with 8 precious stones creates a high energy, high alkaline solutions for full and foot bath with pulls out all toxins and impurities via the principle of Osmosis. It is like a long bath in the ocean. Most people don’t know that as babies we bathe in alkaline solution for 10 month – amniotic fluid got a ph-level of 8.0-8.5 in a healthy mother’s womb.

Alkaline Cleansing uses the powerful cleansing abilities of herbal teas. Dr. Jentschuras AlkaHerb is made out of 49 herbs. But in drinking a very good cleansing tea you need to drink at least 1-2 liters of low mineralized water to help your body eliminate all toxins and impurities.

Knowing that most of you already take care of a good healthy nutrition we would like to encourage you to cleanse your colon. If you had a very bad diet over a long period you can eat the best diet. But your body is not able to absorb the nutrition if your colon is very polluted. We recommend hydro colon therapy but not 3 times a week but 1-3 times a month depending on your state of health. If you feel very healthy you can do even 3 cleanses a week but if you are not very healthy just do 1-2 in the first month.

April 22, 2010

Great Sales for Alkaline Foods

Today I like to let you know about a real good deal: Dr. Jentschuras Whole Food Dietary Supplement WurzelKraft 1650g Fruity is reduced from 232.00 CAD to 189.00 CAD!!


That means 25 weeks full of  all natural and completely absorbable vitamins, minerals and vital substances our body needs.


Have lot of different alkaline foods to improve your vitality.

April 10, 2010

Your Breakfast Determines the Course of Metabolism – We need Alkaline Foods

by Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura


In our time, burdened with illnesses caused by modern-day civilization, many people have the course of their physical and psychological health predetermined upon waking in the morning. Does the day begin with instant psychological stress for the soul followed by a “Greek breakfast” for our physicality? For many men and women in the generation under fifty, the Greek breakfast is “cool” and “in”. Maybe you belong to the older generation and aren’t familiar with this “Greek breakfast”. It consists of a cup of strong black coffee and a cigarette. That makes one feel alive after a short night and ready for another stressful day. That’s why one cleverly begins with immediate physical and psychological stress, and insists on continuing this familiar rhythm. Fortunately, this Greek breakfast is more likely the exception than the norm on most breakfast tables. Yet, unfortunately, the other four breakfast types are not more “healthy”. In fact, they give way to metabolic problems, rather than strengthening our metabolism, immune system, and overall physical health. We differentiate between the four breakfast types as follows:


The Gluten Breakfast The gluten breakfast is the most common white flour breakfast with bread and buns, and it is also the crunchy-muesli-breakfast. People who are allergic to gluten should avoid this kind of breakfast, and many people who suffer from digestive problems should reduce their intake of grains. After being consumed over years and decades, gluten has the tendency to congeal, and become lodged in our organs. These constrictions are the reason for the rise of high blood pressure, which reveals itself over the decades of our lives. This rise in physical pressure can have many effects such as inflammations or physical stress, and also the constrictions and congestions of our blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, and other conductors such as the fallopian tube, ureter, or seminal duct.


The Milk Breakfast The daily milk breakfast equally contributes to constrictions and congestions of our vessels. Milk does not only contain a high degree of congestive components, but also many elements of phosphate and the enzyme catalase. The high amount of phosphate is the reason that milk and milk product are not calcium providers, but actually calcium robbers. The catalase in cows’ milk is an oxygen robber and sets in motion all kinds of deficiency diseases. Catalase reduces the intake of oxygen into our blood, and therefore into our whole organism. However, oxygen is the great receptor for all substances reaching into our organism. Our body as a whole consists of 80% oxygen. This element is the main axis of our entire metabolism. Even our bones chemically consist mainly of oxygen. The element oxygen is a so called “negative element.” It doesn’t mean it is a bad element, it means it is an “absorbing” one. Diseases like iron deficiency anaemia are solved in no time; if one eliminates milk and milk products while introducing oxygen therapies, such as the haematoma oxygen therapy or a pointed supply of ionic oxygen.


The Sugar Breakfast The ingredients of a sugar breakfast rapidly ferment within our bodies, causing many negative consequences. Bread and buns themselves are derived from a fermentation process. The huge consumption of sugar in jams, nut spreads, chocolate drinks and other drinks introduces constant alcohol fermentation in the intestines. Over the years this hidden inebriation of our youth may be the less observed reason our young people tap into an over-consumption of alcohol. The constant overload of bad alcohol derived from the fermentation in the small intestines in the organism of the child has already lowered the IQ level and the whole spirit and body performance levels. Children like the typical toast or white flour bread with chocolate spread, which contains much sugar and fat. The result is our children become overweight and weak, while the acidity of the body increases, leading to diabetes and excess weight. The vessels become burdened with sticky gluten, and fungal diseases will also rise. Due to the sugar portion and the missing fibre in the diet, the blood sugar level will rise. After that, the insulin level will rise to transfer the sugar and fat into the cells. The blood sugar level then rapidly drops and the brain again signals food cravings. New energy has to be activated to overcome the low level of energy. If again sweets, coke, energy drinks are consumed, the whole dangerous cycle is repeated, and the blood sugar levels again play roller-coaster. Boredom and lack of motivation rotates with aggressiveness and hyper activity. Soon there is the need for “helpful” psychological drugs.


The Salty Breakfast Business people know this breakfast as the “New York breakfast.” It consists of a plate of scrambled eggs, white bread with fried sausages and fried ham. The ‘normal’ salty breakfast consists of ham and sausage, egg with salt and pepper, and tasty cheeses. The salt lovers normally aren’t aware that the two kidneys generally are only able to eliminate daily 5-6 grams common salt. Notice, this is in reference to both kidneys! This so called “salt barrier” causes a salt congestion, which manifests itself as lard fat in the kidneys and then as lard fat in the intestines. With a continuous excessive consumption of salt and subsequent accumulation of waste products, cellulite, back tension, causes damaged intervertebral discs; in the end these so called “new hips” are further steps of a career ladder, which all began with an overload of the kidneys. There are two recommendations for salt lovers in restoring internal balance. The first is to reduce the salt intake. The second well-meaning advice is to strengthen the two kidneys in their ability to release acidity and sodium chloride. This strengthening takes place through an extensive provision of omni molecular vital substances. For example: zinc is a great support to the kidneys in eliminating acids and poisoning salts.


Now we come to the fifth type of breakfast. The Gluten Free and Lactose Free Vital Substances Breakfast This fifth breakfast is a kind of “quinta essentia” for our health. Greece in the old days knew four elements–water, earth, fire, and air–while searching for thousands of years for the fifth element, the “quinta essentia”. How does the best possible “quinta essentia” breakfast look like? It is a salt free, dairy free, sugar free, and gluten free breakfast. It is also not a raw breakfast, it will be cooked for a short time, and therefore digestible and absorbable for all constitution types, as well for babies, seniors and people with allergies. This breakfast is mineral rich and filled with vital substances. It is an ideal metabolism starter. It is composed of non-allergenic gluten free seeds such as millet, buckwheat, amaranth, sweet almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds, which are providers of high quality fatty acids. Such a breakfast is an integral part of an omni molecular supply of vital substances for our organism providing a health start in the early morning. With such a nutrient-rich supply we strengthen our immune system and support our organism in overcoming the many allergies in our time. It is also the ideal breakfast for an anti fungus diet, and for weight loss. It is a breakfast with a high density of nutritional value, but without empty calories. Of course, such a breakfast is a helpful tool for regeneration, in any convalescence, and for any high performance sportsman, for any person who suffers digestive weaknesses, and of course, for our children and babies from months 10 until months 12 years old. It is a breakfast without any additives and of course, without any refined sugar. ((I have called this fifth breakfast “MorgenStund”. In doing so I followed a German proverb “The early bird catches the worm”. In the early morning, one sets the course of metabolism for a day of stress and sluggishness, or for a day of radiant happiness and vibrant health, where we have an abundance of creative energy to accomplish our day’s work.


I am the intellectual father of this breakfast. The ingredients were created by my brilliant team of dieticians and my beloved friend and Co-author of my books, Josef Lohkaemper. To find out more about the ingenious breakfast “quinta essentia” please visit

Morgenstud is teeming with a rich array of vital substances and nutrients… Your entire physical and mental health will greatly benefit from this powerful morning start.))

<a href=”” title=”alkaline foods”>alkaline foods</a> for breakfast will increase your vitality.

German Dr. h.c. P. Jenschura’s book and complete alkalizing program is a bestseller in Europe. Book and products are now available in Canada and the USA. Please visit for more info

(For more than 25 years, Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura has led scientific researching the areas of body chemistry, internal cleansing, and purification. The Founder and CEO of the Jentschura International GmbH in Muenster, Germany, Dr Jentschura is trained as a Chemist, is a Entrepreneur, Health-Pioneer, successful author as well as the creator of a cutting-edge, highly effective purification program. In the following interview, Dr Jentschura shares the keys to purifying our bodies and boosting our overall health and vitality.

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