Very few people know that deep breathing does help to eliminate acids/toxins via the respiratory system.
I cannot overemphasize the benefits of working out enough. About 50 years ago our life was structured completely different. People “enjoyed” much more physical work. We come from a historical background of being hunters and gatherers with lots of physical activities.
Nowadays some people’s exercise is equivalent to pumping the gas pedal and pushing the buttons on the elevator.
Also you can also recognize the opposite behavior: Some people recognize the need to work out desperately after sitting all day all week and basically overdue it by running a marathon on the weekend. Not very healthy either.
We invite you to exercise on a regular base. Try to be active/work out as much as possible:
Walking in Mother Nature
Jumping the Trampoline
Skip the rope
Life is soo easy: just open YouTube and punch in your favourite workout: Let’s “Beginner Yoga workout 10 min” or “HIIT workout 20 min with weights” and you get hundreds of suggestions and then just do it 🙂
Besides getting rid of toxins and acids enjoy a much more relaxed state of mind after your work out.
My tip for you: Try to work out in the morning and enjoy an increased metabolism with more fat burning and increased happiness hormones all day 🙂
Ready, set, go – energize with Dr. Jentschura!
Whether you are a professional athlete or an amateur runner – P. Jentschura is your reliable partner for achieving your personal goals in sport easily! Your performance is naturally improved by the alkaline diet and care.
MorgenStund‘, WurzelKraft and TischleinDeckDich give you the power boost for top performance.
AlkaBath and BasenSchauer can be used perfectly for recuperation – so say goodbye to tired legs, lactic acid and aching muscles!
Get started today!