Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

May 15, 2013

Alkaline Living Recommendations

1. Avoid Coffee, Black Tea, Pops and Alcohol: Your body is suffering from mineral depletion if you ingest them because of their acidity. Your body is a bank and you get what you pay in
2. Avoid Foods with Preservatives, Sugar, Food Coloring, and Additives
3. Green Powders or Dr. Jentschura’s life food WurzelKraft will support your kidneys
4. Always Have Fresh Organic Veggies in Your Fridge
5. Have a great green organic juice/smoothie and a large salad each and every day
6. Breathe deeply! Our body cleanses also via the respiratory system
7. Avoid Stress and Learn To Handle It Better
8. No artificial sweeteners
9. Enjoy live and bring oxygen into your body: dance, walk, jog, swims and laugh!
10. Make love, not war: Anger and Frustration are are very acidic generating

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