Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

February 17, 2010

Questions concerning Alkaline Foods, Gum Care and the Function of Water/Alkaline Drinks

1.  Why does the book say to drink low mineral water?   I like to drink water on the alkaline side (Fiji, Evian, Essential) or artesian well water and I sometimes add an alkaline ph booster to water which is purified such as Danani or Aquafina.  Alkaline water has more minerals which should be good, should it not?  Do we have to get our minerals from food and not water?


You are on the right track….  Dr. h.c. Jentschura recommends to drink low mineralized water (which usually is slightly alkaline) because of the 2 functions of the water: to hydrate our body and to help the body to eliminate toxins and acids.


Usually the ph booster just adds mineral salts to the water – which is just positive on a short term. If I have a heart attack or feel strong pain or suffer from a serious disease I would drink the |Alkaline Drink at 10.00 am, 4.00 pm and 10.00 pm (made with AlkaBath, Baking Soda or any ph booster and water) to boost my bloods ph-level. Then my bloods starts to transport oxygen and nutrition much better again, so my life sustaining functions work again!


The recommended times are the times of alkaline floods in the body – just like the tides of the ocean.


But: the Alkaline Drink is just a fire made with straw. Since mineral salts just boost the ph-level of the blood and the urine they are not able to help us long term.


Because only plant-derived organic minerals are able to chemically bind a toxin/acid and then a mineral salt is created. The body easily is able to eliminate mineral salts if all organs are working fine.


We have to realize that the overflow of acids (due to a stressful lifestyle and acidic generating diet) is creating all body degeneration.


In order to reverse this process we created the Alkaline Life Style:

Offer the body an abundance of organic minerals (with WurzelKraft, MorgenStund, Spirulina and lots of fresh, green foods), 

Help the body cleanse (e.g. with AlkaHerb but also Colon/Kidney Cleansing so all nutrition can be easily absorbed).

Good fresh air and refreshing body movement is very important too.

Also we recommend Cranio-Sacral Healing Sessions to heal old childhood wounds. 

But a deep and nourishing body-mind-soul connection is crucial: Creating love is crucial. Believing in healing and goodness is the base for change.


2.  I have been having trouble loosing metal fillings and crowns in the last couple years.  I use a toothpaste called Claybrite which has clay it in (a detoxer) and of course I have recently been drinking the 7×7 tea. 

Do you think there is any chance that these products are trying to eliminate non-natural elements from my mouth, i.e. metal fillings?


Well, what you mean with metal fillings. I hope not Amalgam. Because that is very toxic and even for bitten in some countries e.g. like Sweden.


Gold or ceramic crones are much better and more natural….


I highly doubt that you loose the fillings because of Claybrite or AlkaHerb!


I found some good tips for gum problems: Clean your gums and teeth with AlkaBath very carefully and let is work for some time in your mouth. The high alkalinity of the bath salt kills all germs. 

Also tea tree oil is very good for gums and tooth care.

Colloidal silver is a medieval antibiotic remedy.

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