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Corona Virus and Fearing the fear

Posted on : 28-02-2020 | By : Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy | In : Uncategorized


Beat the Corona Virus

Of course, we like to support every measure to prevent the Corona Virus from spreading out and killing older people with a weak immune system.

On a very personal level I like to address the Corona Virus and Fearing the fear

Media lives from selling mostly bad news and the newest biggest threat to human mankind is the Corona Virus.

And of course, any diseases and deaths of our fellow mankind are touching on one level of our human existence since we are all connected. And I believe it is especially touching us since it reminds us of our own mortality and the transience of our human existence.

Fear does strongly disturbs and interrupts the flow of love in our energy centers in our body. On an emotional level, it translates into angst and fear which weakens our immune system which then leads to disease.

Talking about Corona and finding a perspective.

Media does not tell us that in our western countries 290,000 to 650,000 people are dying each year because of the flu virus. Just in Germany between 20.000 to 25.000 people die each during flu season: Mostly older people with a weaker immune system.

For people how are interested in statistics and numbers: About 0.5-1% of flu-infected people do die because of the flu.

The mortality rate of the coronavirus is between 0.7 – 3% depending on your statistical approach.

The mortality rate of human beings is 100%.

To give you another perspective: the number of stress-related heart disease in North America is about 1 Mio per year.

Also, a very interesting fact is that lots of people who are infected with Coronavirus, do not suffer from any symptoms at all.

These numbers just lead us back to the question of how can we strengthen the immune system?

Stay positive and in love: Gratefulness always opens our heart so love flows. We can be always grateful for any moment of our human existence. On a very simple level, for instance, we can enjoy breathing, our heartbeat and the ability to see.

Lots of movement/exercise/enjoyment

Lots of regenerating sleep: Go to bed between 9-10 pm and enjoy resting

Good organic foods

Drink lots of water

Deep breathing/Yoga

Awareness work: Integrating our own death. Opening up our small life perspective to the cosmos and eternity.

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