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The Easiest Way to Cleanse your Body Using Alkaline... Having a long alkaline foot or full bath is the easiest way to deeply relax and help your body release toxins and acids in a very natural way.     Why? The high PH-level of the water is pulling out...


Your Breakfast Determines the Course of Metabolism... by Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura   In our time, burdened with illnesses caused by modern-day civilization, many people have the course of their physical and psychological health predetermined upon waking...


Alkaline Foods and the Alkaline Diet The alkaline lifestyle diet is one of the most revolutionary diets to grow in popularity in the past few years! The eating principles of the diet (vegetarian, organic foods) are not new, but the addition...


Getting More Alkaline Foods into your Diet Getting More Alkaline Food into Your Diet! The alkaline diet is a very new way to look at how you eat. The essentials of the diet are to keep the ph balance of food intake at 80% alkaline with 20% acidity....


No more (swine) flu/H1N1 for you! Of course using... First of all don't panic when you hear about the Swine Flu! Why? The swine flue is pushed big time by media, politicians and companies earning big dollars. To put everything into perspective: Every...


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Natural Skin Care Should Include A Healthy Alkaline Diet with lots of Alkaline Foods

Posted on : 01-02-2011 | By : Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy | In : Uncategorized


People, particularly women, spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on products each year. Even when they opt for natural skin care, they don’t realize one extremely important fact. One of the most important things to do to look great is to be concerned with what you put inside your body, as well as on it.

It’s easy to forget this. Just because it is on the outside, the skin is treated like something exterior. However, everything you put into your body can provide nutrients for your epidermis, like the rest of your body, to be healthy.

The wrong foods and drinks, however, can also have a very negative effect on the inside as well as the outside of your body. A lot of people experienced this in their teenage years when eating certain foods seemed to make acne worse. However, this correlation between what you eat and the health of your epidermis continues your entire life.

One of the best ways to keep the epidermis healthy is with a diet that is alkaline in nature. Diets that are acidic can have a very negative effect on the body. In fact, many people believe that they contribute greatly to many different internal diseases. The effect on the outside can be just as bad. Gluten-free diets can also contribute greatly to increased health.

When a healthy, gluten-free and alkaline diet is combined with alkaline natural products, you get the best of both worlds. This allows you to give your skin exactly what it needs from both the inside and on the outside. The result will be a healthy glowing complexion that is sure to be noticed.

Whether you’ve always had problem skin or you just want to ensure that it is as healthy as possible, natural skin care can help. The health of your exterior is a direct reflection of the health of your interior. When it is looking its best, you’ll know you’re healthier overall.

Alkaline Natural Skin Care Can Aid In Cellulite Reduction

Posted on : 20-01-2011 | By : Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy | In : Uncategorized


According to leading nutritionists, the ultimate cause of cellulite is too much dietary acid. In order to maintain the correct pH balance, the body metabolises excess acids and turns them into neutral salts. When these salts build up in the body, they are deposited in the storage tissue in the thighs, hips or bottom along with water and fat. Over time these deposits can harden, resulting in cellulite. Here are some ways you can reduce cellulite with natural skin care.

Drink more liquids

Neutral salts created as a result of excess dietary acid can be released in the sweat or urine. It is only when the body builds up too many of these salts that they are stored as one of the components of cellulite. Drinking plenty of non-acidic liquids such as water and herbal tea will help to flush excess salts from the body and prevent cellulite formation.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are alkaline foods which will help to balance your intake of acidic foods. If your kidneys don’t have to deal with a net acid-overload, your body will make fewer cellulite producing compounds. In addition, these natural foods can aid weight loss, resulting in less fat stored as cellulite deposits.

Go gluten-free

Wheat flour is one of the main sources of acid in the modern diet. Bread, pasta, cakes and breakfast cereals made from wheat tend to contribute to an acid imbalance. By switching to a gluten-free diet you can help your body restore its optimum pH levels and abolish the main cause of cellulite.

Engage in regular aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise encourages the body to use the fat contained in cellulite deposits as fuel. Your body will continue to burn fat for hours after exercising. In addition, when you engage in strenuous exercise, excess neutral salts are released in you sweat, rather than stored on your thighs.

Soak in an alkaline bath

Alkaline bath salts with a pH value of 7.5 or higher are available for purchase from specialist suppliers. A leisurely alkaline bath could encourage your body to release excess acids through your skin. Use a bath brush to stimulate the tissues and promote the elimination of waste products.

Enjoy lots of alkaline foods to improve your vitality.
An alkaline diet can improve your life.

Interview about the H1N1/Swine Flu: Stay healthy with the Alkaline Diet and lots of Alkaline Foods

Posted on : 21-11-2009 | By : Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy | In : Alkaline Diet Health Tips, Alkaline Expert Interview, Alkaline Foods and Alkaline Purification, Alkaline Foods: Alkalizing Your Body, Alkaline Life Style, Featured


Please listen to our latest interview on the Swine Flu/H1N1 Virus – an how you can use an Alkaline Diet and Alkaline Foods to stay vital, healthy and happy!

(I am a little biased by it is one of the best shows on BlogTalkRadio we ever did. Thanks Michelle!)

H1N1 Swine Flu and Staying Healthy with an Alkaline Food Diet

News Concerning the Swine Flu from Sweden

Posted on : 02-11-2009 | By : Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy | In : Uncategorized Alkaline Foods



You got to read this…

In Sweden there is already the 5th dead!! But not from Swine Flue…


Oil of Oregano and the (swine) flu/H1N1 season!

Posted on : 01-11-2009 | By : Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy | In : Alkaline Diet Health Tips, Flu Season


Speaking about the flue season.
Oil of Oregano does do miracles with my body. Everybody around me is getting sick and I am good – Thanks God!
Although I have to admit I am taking drugs: Dr. Jentschura products.

Good luck to everybody!!! And don’t loose contact to your inner wisdom facing all this media hype about the Swine Flue.

A friend of mine is a doctor in Germany and her non-official insight is that so far 3 people died because of the Swine Flue and 30 people died because of the vaccination in Germany.

I also read that somebody died in Sweden because of the vaccination.

We believe that diseases can only exist in an acidic body.

So stay alkaline.

With means let’s not get caught by fear. Because besides acidic generating food also fear, stress and anger do create acidity!

Alkaline Lifestyle Radio: Interview with Alkaline Foods Guru Dr. Bergel

Posted on : 23-10-2009 | By : Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy | In : Alkaline Foods and Alkaline Body Care


You are invited to listen to our radio show on www.blogtalkradio.com… Also feel free to ask questions…
Upcoming Episode:
Stephan Wilmes, Alkaline Life Style Interview with alkaline health guru Dr. Bergel

Date / Time: 10/23/2009 10:00 AM MST or 09.00 PST
Category: Health
Call-in Number: (347) 994-3292

The Road Map For The Alkaline Diet with lots of Alkaline Rich Foods….

Posted on : 20-09-2009 | By : Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy | In : Alkaline Life Style, Uncategorized Alkaline Foods


Conscientiously choosing to live the Alkaline Life Style is the first step into and towards a healthy and deeply fulfilled life.
But if you just say my goal is to loose 20 pounds to look nice in my new pants! This might not carry you very far!
Because loosing the pounds is kind of a shallow thing, you are not carried by a deep power. It will be most likely that you will kind of fight your cravings to loose the weight and perhaps make it but then most likely gain it again. Then try to loose weight and gain it again…. Very stressful!

But to deeply decide to change completely your life towards a better, sweeter and lovelier YOU.

That is just great! It might take some years and eventually get very painful inside because we get to be light in our darkest moments. That’s just awesome.

Then changing your life towards the Alkaline Life Style is simply good and fulfilling. There will be pitfalls and disappointments but that makes us just stronger!

So a deep and good commitment for the good is crucial!

On the physical level there are bricks which we need to build a new body for our new self. Painful aging can and will be stopped and replaced with aging in beauty and dignity without diseases and agony.

Dr. Jentschuras vision is that the human body is created to become 100-120 years old and then we will die in peace. Be responsible for the right choices now for in order to create a good and healthy future.

The choice is now to take care of and to invest in your body in order to be happy in your body for the next decades of your life! Instead of short term “fast food emotional satisfaction” lets go for deep soul fulfilling real food.

Lets start enjoy life, embrace life, breathe life!

Knowing that stress, anger and frustration create acid in our body we have to take care of soul food: meet lovely people, do Yoga, practice meditation, enjoy joyful action in mother nature!

If you do have deep childhood pain lets learn and love to forgive. Most human beings have covered their deep and dark pain in the lower stomach and hips area and are not even aware of it because we all long to be happy and therefore we try to do anything to get away from the pain. But the real way is the opposite: allowing and embracing the pain without indulging in it. A very good Cranio-Sacral Therapist can be of great help with this.

Dr. Jentschura’s triple jump to health and wellness is a great way to help your body to regenerate and heal itself: Alkaline Cleansing, Alkaline Purification and Alkaline Regeneration really works.

Alkaline Regeneration means to flood and therefor nourish the body with nano-size, organic minerals, vitamins and all vital substances. Change your diet: Go Green. Eat vegetables, green salad, fruits and herbs. Also enjoy dietary supplements like Dr. Jentschura’s WurzelKraft with 100 plants, to refill the mineral deposits (bones, skin, scalp, teeth, tissue) in our body which we robbed due to an over acid north american diet.

Alkaline Purification realizes the fact that the skin is our largest organ for cleansing and purification. Dr. Jentschura AlkaBath with 8 precious stones creates a high energy, high alkaline solutions for full and foot bath which pulls out all toxins and impurities via the principle of Osmosis. It is like a long bath in the ocean. Most people don’t know that as babies we bathe in alkaline solution for 10 month – amniotic fluid got a pH-level of 8.0-8.5 in a healthy mother’s womb.

Alkaline Cleansing uses the powerful cleansing abilities of herbal teas. Dr. Jentschuras AlkaHerb is made out of 49 herbs. But in drinking a very good cleansing tea you need to drink at least 1-2 liters of low mineralized water to help your body eliminate all toxins and impurities.

Knowing that most of you already take care of a good healthy nutrition we would like to encourage you to cleanse your colon. If you had a very bad diet over a long period you can eat the best diet. But your body is not able to absorb the nutrition if your colon is very polluted. We recommend hydro colon therapy but not 3 times a week but 1-3 times a month depending on your state of health. If you feel very healthy you can do even 3 cleanses a week but if you are not very healthy just do 1-2 in the first month.

In addition to Alkaline Foods and the Alkaline Diet: Schuessler Salts and Collodial Silver

Posted on : 09-09-2009 | By : Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy | In : Uncategorized Alkaline Foods


Did you ever hear about the miraculous effects of Schuessler Salts and Collodial Silver??

I just love to share this with you:
Our little guys do catch a lot of colds in winter time. But as soon as their temperature rises we give them Schuessler Salts (minerals in homeopathic dosis) and about one hour later the temperature significantly goes down again…
You can buy them in most Health Foods Stores and you need a booklet to explain in which combination they work. My wife and I like them a lot too! Highly recommandable!!!

Talking about miracles: My son Finn had a bad cold the other day. I just sprayed 10 times Collodial Silver in his mouth and 10 min(!) later he stopped coughing. This is no coincidence or good luck! Silver is known since centuries as a natural antibiotic. Very good stuff. You get Collodial Silver pretty much in each Health Food Store but a friend a mine (Erwin) produces great Collodial Silver and sells it for about 50% of the normal retail price. His email is ESIMON434@msn.com
He is one of the people I know who healed his Cancer with the Alkaline Life Style.

Are You Open to Healing Cancer with an Alkaline Foods

Posted on : 24-08-2009 | By : Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy | In : alkaline diet, Healing Cancer with Alkaline Foods


I personally meet some people who healed their cancer with the alkaline diet!!

Similar to the Ayurvedic Treatment you have to complete change your life style and eating habbits to cure such life treatening disease!

Green vegetarian alkaline diet, colon cleansing, daily hours of alkaline full bath with Dr. Jentschura AlkaBath, moderate excercise in mother nature, releasing deep emotional pain from the past through a cranio-sacral therapy are some of the pillars for the alternative treatment.

Alkaline Drinks also may help a lot to lift the bloods Ph-level. A Alkaline Drink is a glass of water with about 1 tea spoon of Baking Soda and some maple syrup. As a result to the Alkaline Drink the blood is able to transport oxygen and nutrition much better. The drink should be taken at 10.00 am, at 4.00 pm and at 10.00 pm but you should not eat about 1 hour before and after the drink.

This drink is also very good against any pain and headache.

But also notice that the Alkaline Drink is not forever. Crucial is that you fill up your mineral deposits in your body with all organic minerals generated by plants!!! The abundance of minerals, vitamins and all vital substances to your body is essential. But also a colon cleansing (eg. colon-hydro therapy) is very important!

Please consult your ND or MD.

Getting Serious About Alkaline Foods: How to Measure Your Ph-level??

Posted on : 24-08-2009 | By : Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy | In : Being serious with Alkaline Foods: How to measure your PH-level?, Uncategorized Alkaline Foods


We received a very good question:

Is testing urine a good way to determine my Ph? If not, what is a good way to test it at home? If it is, and I am eating more alkaline foods this week than last week and my urine Ph has gone further into acidity, could it be because my body it excreting more acid through the urine? I am a little confused by this issue. The same question if testing the skin or saliva for Ph.

Thanks for your insite. Could you email an answer or send a link to this page? thanks. Zutt5


If you like to measure your ph-level the best way is to measure your urine in the morning.
It should be between 6.4 and 6.7.

If you are under this value you should/could take care of that: shifting your diet and life style towards alkaline. Go green: lots of vegetables, green salads, green smoothies, very good herbal teas….

Your diet should be 80% alkaline generating and 20% acidic generating.
And now here comes the important part: The change should be for a longer period of time until you will see a change.

Because we usually suffer from decades of acidic life style: unhealthy food, too much or too little body exercise, strong negative emotions (which do create acidity also)

If your urine ph-level is always over 6.7 you should see a doctor because it could be that your kidneys (responsible for absorbing and filtering minerals out of the urine) are not working properly.

Also your ph-level will explode if you drink the alkaline drink (made out of baking soda, water and maple syrup).But: This is only a fire made out of straw. To clean up all the toxins stored in the fatty tissue and our organs we need lots of organic minerals and also a very good cleansing tea. And we need to do this over a long time!

I often tell my clients: People invest tens of thousands in their cars and houses but ignore their bodies.

Dr. Jentschura always says that we could and should become 100-120 years old and then die peacefully instead of dying after long years of disease and agony in a hospital.

In your question you asked that although you had a alkaline diet your ph-level went down.

That may have been caused by different reasons:
Anger, frustration, lack of exercise, physical overexertion.
But also perhaps you had cleansing tea which released a lot of acids, toxins and impurities.
And also drinking very green juices made from cleansing herbs really causes your body to release acidity.

In any way,  keep on doing what you started. Most of us suffer from long years in ignorance that we are living an acidic life style. To start a change is immediate, but to regenerate takes time.

Kindest regards