Here is a preview of what to expect.
Here is a preview of what to expect.
Accept what is, while working towards what can be
Your body is what it is. This isn’t to say you cannot have goals, but having a desired outcome for the future shouldn’t impede your enjoyment of the present. Good, bad, ugly, beautiful, fat, thin, these words are just subjective perceptions. Accept yourself as you are and love yourself enough to aim for a little more.
Relinquish guilt and find warm joy and acceptance
How often have you taken a rest day, or indulged in a treat only to feel guilty? Taking care of your body with a healthy diet and exercise does improve your quality of life, but obsessing over what you “should do” disrupts the quality of life you’re working for. When making a health-related decision, ask yourself what is best for you at this moment and for the long term. Check in with yourself to honor all your needs. Then you can make the best possible choice for that moment and eliminate future guilt. Sometimes, rest or a treat is the best choice.
Practice gratitude in abundance
Take time every day to acknowledge what your body does. Appreciating your physical body brings your awareness to everything it does for you, which grows self-love. The more you love your body, the better you treat it. In return, your body can do more for you. It is a cycle of good.
Reconnecting with your body
Your body is constantly trying to communicate with you. It tells you when it is hungry or full, what food it wants, how it wants to move and when it needs to rest. Your body is wise and the more you tune into its innate wisdom, the more effortlessly you will achieve health and wellness. Also, any symptoms of dis-ease are messages our body is sending us. Something in our life is out of balance and is asking for rebalance.
Take responsibility
It’s easy to blame bosses, families, finances, the food industry, and the media. While they may create obstacles, they don’t stop you from reaching your health goals. You have the power to choose and to change. You are in control of your thoughts and actions. Take personal responsibility and you will begin to make positive changes.
Get naked and let love flow
Become comfortable in your birthday suit. Challenge yourself to spend at least 30 seconds in front of a mirror and give yourself two genuine compliments. Dance and feel your body move. You will likely feel awkward at first and that’s okay. The more time you spend naked, the more comfortable you will become.
Look around you at all the different bodies in the world without judgment. Notice that no two are alike. Each body is the product of a unique blend of genes and lifestyle. Can you see the absurdity in comparing yourself with another body that has a completely different genetic makeup and purpose?
We experience the world through our body and we owe it much gratitude. When we learn to love our bodies, we are able to create and experience more fulfilling and extraordinary lives. When we love ourselves, we can better love others. When we embrace our bodies, we can better embrace the opportunity. When we appreciate our bodies, we will have more in our lives to appreciate. Learning to love your body may seem a challenge, but the rewards are great.
Traditionally, spring is a classic time for fasting. When nature slowly wakes up from a long winter, we are easily motivated to break away from old habits and releasing unnecessary weight.
However, many people do not have the time to get away from everyday life for a few days, to abstain from solid food and also to calm down internally. For them, “Alkaline Fasting” can be a good option because this method can be well integrated with work and family.
From a naturopathic point of view, a balanced acid-base balance is a prerequisite for health, well-being and efficiency. However, our modern lifestyle often leads to hyperacidity of the organism, especially through an unbalanced diet with many animal products, sugar, white flour, coffee and soft drinks. Often the body cannot neutralize and excrete this excess of acids. The excess is deposited in tissue and undermines the cell metabolism. The consequences can be overweight/obesity, weak connective tissue, but also immunodeficiency and fatigue.
Detox your body
A four-week alkaline fasting breaks this vicious circle. The “fasting” contains an alkaline diet, alkaline body care, moderate exercise and, above all, plenty of water. As a result, acids/toxins should be “flushed” out of your system. Please drink up to 2 litres of alkaline spring water daily, and alkaline tea blends such as Dr P. Jentschura’s 7×7 AlkaHerb detox tea. The tea containing 49 organic herbs will support your cleansing process. During the first week, you drink 250 ml up to one litre per day. In week 2 -4 you enjoy at least one litre of water and tea each per day until the end of the treatment. It is very important to stimulate and support the excretion of toxins and acids via the skin. This is done by daily baths, wraps or showers using alkaline body care salts.
Never feel hungry
Being hungry is not an option during the fasting, on the contrary: delicious dishes made of vegetables and fruits, cereals, nuts, potatoes and high-quality oils taste and really nourish you. Instead of strict rules, the ratio of alkaline to acidic foods should be 80 to 20. However, you should completely avoid eating pork, sausage, white flour products, sugar and sweets during the four-week cure. Please find tasty recipes on our website or call us with questions at 1-866-722-9812 Toll-Free
March, 9.-11. at the Calgary Wellness Show @ Booth #060
Our 3 lectures will be
Friday, March 9 … 7:30 pm
Saturday, March 10 … 1:30 pm
Sunday, March 11 … 2:15 pm
Please download and print your free ticket here
And the main emphasis should be on greens, organic salads, veggies, juices and smoothies. Our body needs the organic, bio available minerals to chemically buffer toxins/acids. That is the real “alkaline” movement. Because of a very acidic life style with poor diet, little exercise and lots of stress people are mineral depleted.
We do not recommend chemically, synthetically generated mineral/vitamins because the body can absorb only little of those. E.g. women who take calcium supplements have a 30% increased risk of heart attack.
Sea water is alkaline and rich in minerals but if you drink only sea water you die in a few days because of kidney failure. Last week a woman contacted me because of her kidney stones. She had been taking lots of a very expensive “alkaline mineral powder” for 1,5 years. Not good.
Again, try to only ingest foods and drinks you fully understand without a chemistry degree 🙂
Here is more info on organic vs inorganic minerals:
Organic and inorganic Minerals – what’s the difference?
by Peita Handel, BSc, Ad. Dip. (Herbal Medicine)
We often think of ‘organic’ in terms of chemical and hormone-free produce. But when we talk about minerals, the term organic relates to the type of molecule it’s bound to.
These ‘extra’ molecules are needed because minerals are not simply absorbed on their own, they need another molecule to help them get into and around the body. The type of molecule bound to your mineral affects how it is absorbed and utilised by your body.
Mineral supplements, why bother in the first place?
Because we often just don’t get enough. For example, many Australian adults consume less than the average recommended dietary intakes (RDIs) for both zinc and magnesium. You are at particular risk of not meeting your mineral needs if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, female over 65, vegetarian, vegan or an athlete.
Key minerals that your body needs:
• Magnesium: nerve and muscle function, bone health, carbohydrate metabolism, energy production, blood glucose regulation, cardiovascular health
• Calcium: bone mineralisation, density and strength, dental health, premenstrual syndrome, nerve and muscle function
• Zinc: healthy immune function, reproductive health, healthy hair, skin and nails, wound healing, digestive function, vision, hearing, sense of taste and smell
• Iron: tissue oxygenation, energy production, immune function, connective tissue health, cardiovascular health
When you consider magnesium is needed for over 500 enzyme reactions in your body, you can see why getting enough of this mineral is so important. Where it gets tricky is knowing what to look for when faced with shelves displaying a range of different compounds for similar sounding products. There might well be a dozen different types of magnesium supplement, but what is the difference?
The main differentiating factor is whether a compound is organic or inorganic. Understanding this is key when choosing a mineral supplement that delivers, because not all are created equal.
So what is an organic mineral?
An organic mineral is a compound containing organic food-based acids, such as amino acids and citric acid. For example, calcium bound to the amino acid glycinate forms the organic compound calcium glycinate.
Mineral supplements often contain inorganic (rock-based) minerals as these are cheaper to produce. Calcium bound to phosphate makes calcium phosphate, which has different properties to its organic counterpart.
Inorganic minerals are difficult to absorb
Put basically, molecules are more stable when holding hands with a buddy. A free unbound mineral will wander looking for something with the opposite charge to grab onto to.
Inorganic compounds are broken down by your body very quickly and dissociate more readily, and this leaves the unbound mineral in a more reactive and less stable state.
It can then interact in your digestive system in the following ways:
• Bind to other compounds – unbound minerals bind with other molecules such as phytates found in nuts, grains and some vegetables. They form a new compound and this traps the mineral from absorption and utilisation by your body.
• Irritate the gut – unbound minerals can also interact and irritate with the lining of your digestive system and this sometimes causes a laxative effect or diarrhoea.
Organic minerals are generally absorbed better
Organic minerals break down more slowly, and this increases their stability. A mineral that remains bound for longer is less reactive and goes where it is meant to, offering two main benefits:
• Higher bioavailability – organic mineral compounds can travel along the gut without getting trapped by other compounds.
• Decreased gut irritation – a bound mineral is less reactive and so less likely to irritate the gut lining like freed minerals can.
by Dr.h.c. P. Jentschura
The term ‘immune system’ refers to the body’s defence system used to protect itself from disease (Latin for “immune” is Immunis = free, unaffected). Most people do not ‘feel’ their immune system, and regard its existence as self evident. For most of our lives, our immune system – whose function is to fight off viruses, bacteria, fungi and other intruders – works smoothly and successfully.
Only when we get sick with an infection or inflammation does it become clear how important the immune system is to our physical health and how important it is to support and maintain this system.
Those who suffer from a weak immune system will benefit from looking at their behavior, diet, stress levels, and even physical activities for the cause. How can the immune system be strengthened and balanced? Taking care of your immune health is a very important cornerstone of maintaining your physical health for as long as possible.
Our physical defence is a very subtle system. It includes cells and proteins that have the function of maintaining the body with its organs and structures. The immune system has various strategies for repelling outside intruders. On the one hand it has mechanical barriers, (the skin or mucous membranes). On the other hand, there are cells (i.e. granulocytes or lymphocytes) which work to render viruses and bacteria harmless. In addition, the body has proteins that act as messengers or as a defence against pathogens.
This sensitive system can be disrupted in its operation by a variety of external influences. These include dietary toxins that enter the body which may include processed foods, sweets, soft drinks, alcohol, and nicotine. Altogether, these items can weaken the organism and result in acidification. This also affects the immune system.
Immune boosting strategies: How can the immune system be boosted? Here are some basic guidelines to consider:
– Sufficient sleep (6 to 8 hours per day);
– Regular exercise (3 to 4 times per week of aerobic exercise, outdoors in nature);
– Stress reduction with yoga, relaxation training, alkaline baths, massages, dry and wet brushing;
– Listen to your heart and soul;
– Good hydration (with 2 to 3 litres per day of water or herbal tea)
– Avoid nicotine, alcohol;
– Alternate hot and cold showers to improve blood circulation on a regular basis;
– Take sauna or steam baths;
– Avoid drugs (especially those that destroy white blood cells such as painkillers, anti-depressants, antibiotics, beta blockers, etc.)
– Avoid fatty or highly processed foods;
– Enjoy an alkalinizing diet, rich in vitamin A, C, and iron. Eat foods that promote the production of white blood cells, including broccoli, kale, carrots, garlic, spinach, wheat germ oil, and ginger.
Recommended immune system supplement: Alkaline foods by Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura are the perfect support for the immune system, since many processes in the organism can only function properly when supplied with all nutrients and vital substances. Dr. Jentschura’s organic and gluten free products, including MorgenStund’, TischleinDeckDich, and WurzelKraft are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre, and plant compounds. These vital substances support the excretory organs, which help the organism to metabolize and excrete harmful acids and pollutants.
WurzelKraft contains omnimolecular plant granules which are the molecules and building blocks of human life. This formula is made of 100 different varieties of fruits, vegetables, spices, seeds, herbs, and pollen. This composition provides all vital substances needed by the human organism. These include, for example, Vitamin C and iron, which are necessary for an efficient immune system. In addition, bee pollen is known as a ‘miracle’ because of its ingredients. Since the individual constituents of the granules are only dried and crushed or ground, they have a very high bioavailability compared to isolated mineral products.
WurzelKraft vegetable granules are a delicious snack between meals or can ‘upgrade’ different dishes such as salads, soups, breads, fruit salads, or vegetable and potato dishes. To ensure that all the important constituents of the product are absorbed by the organism so that the body is properly supplied with all the essentials, WurzelKraft should not be heated above 40°C, and be always properly chewed.
In addition, alkaline body care with Dr. Jentschura’s alkaline-mineral body care salt, AlkaBath, contributes to the maintenance of the immune system. The alkaline pH of 8.5 stimulates the skin to excrete acids and toxins through the skin. Additional dry and wet brushes towards the excretory openings promote the circulation and cleansing of the lymphatic system, thus improving the excretion function of the skin and ensuring a high amount of relieving excretions.
These tips on sufficient body exercise and a health-conscious lifestyle in combination with a alkaline forming, omnimolecular diet plus alkaline body care, can permanently strengthen the immune system and your well-being!
MorgenStund’, TischleinDeckDich, and WurzelKraft are available in health food stores across Canada. For more information visit: or call 1-866-722-9812 toll free.
Exercising moderately but regularly (e.g. walking, Yoga, body weight training, biking, gardening and swimming)
An active lifestyle with lots of walking
Keeping a positive attitude and a sense of humor
Staying mentally active and always learning something new
Strong social network of family and friends
Healthy lifestyle: Organic and alkaline generating diet with not smoking and only little alcohol
Prepare yourself a cup of tea and take time for this free life changing information. The video is about “Disease Recovery and Anti-Aging through the Alkaline-Acid Balance”.
Topics are:
Introduction into human metabolism
Alkaline disease recovery
Toxic and harmful substances
Where acids and toxins come from?
Alkaline Nutrition
Alkaline Body Care
Alkaline Anti-Aging
How to alkalize your body?
Alkaline Therapies by Dr. Jentschura
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