Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

March 14, 2013

Alkaline Foods Being Promoted in Vitality Magazine


Please take the time to read this article about Dr. Jentschura’s world famous 3 steps to alkalinity:

Vitality Magazine

Read here about Dr Jentschura

Enjoy lots of alkaline rich foods to improve your vitality.
Some MDs say that it does not matter what kind of foods you eat because everything will be changed by the acidity of your stomack. So it does not matter what you eat because your health does not depend on your diet. But if doctors prescribe you pills and they are ingested they will heal you. If do not find that very logical.

March 1, 2013

Alkaline Diet by Dr. Jentschura

Dr. h.c. Jentschura (PhD), a German biochemist with over 30 years of research, has designed an alkaline purification and regeneration program that purifies the body and boosts overall health and vitality.

Environment, lifestyle, and dietary choices can result in a buildup of acids and toxins that harm our health. Fibrous capsules surrounding joints and organs, as well as organs themselves, can become filled with harmful and corrosive ‘neutral salts,’ also known as ‘impurities.’

That is why Dr. Jentschura created the “Triple Jump to Purification” for successful regeneration. In three simple steps, purification has the following benefits:

Step 1. Impurity deposits are dissolved into their individualized components by consuming a specific herbal tea blend of Dr. Jentschura’s 7×7 AlkaHerb;

Step 2. Loosened acids and toxins are neutralized and metabolized by using Dr. Jentschura’s Wurzel­Kraft, a super food formula with one hundred healing and regenerating herbs and plants; and

Step 3. Elimination of neutralized harmful substances occurs via skin and mucous membranes in alkaline body care applications using Dr. Jentschura’s Alka­Bath.

The “Triple Jump” allows one to successfully loosen, metabolize, and eliminate years of deposited impurities without the usual discomfort and is specifically designed to work gently. If you suffer from illness, to avoid any strain on the body, as well as an initial worsening or healing crises, you simply switch the ranking of the “Triple Jump” by starting the alkalizing program with the second and third steps.

alkaline foods are great for your body.

The body’s healing and regenerative potential is optimized through a wholesome, mostly alkaline diet in assistance with 3-10 Tbsp of Dr. Jentschura’s WurzelKraft. If indicated, the daily dose can be increased to 12 Tbsp. After a period of 1-4 weeks, one may begin to dissolve impurities as outlined in step 1. One begins with small amounts of Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaHerb tea and slowly increases the dose until they reach the desired quantity of 1-1.5 litres/day. One must also make sure to drink an additional 1-2 cups of water per cup of AlkaHerb tea to assist in the removal of harmful substances from the body. Lastly the alkaline body care makes a huge difference in how you feel throughout your purification process. The more alkaline baths and foot baths the better! Regular alkaline body care allows acids and toxins to be eliminated from the body’s fluids therefore providing relief.

People can choose a purification program that best suits them. 10, 20 or 30 days is usually the norm, however, it is perfectly safe and desirable to perform the “Triple Jump” for several months at a time.

Tips for the Daily Diet

Consume 80% alkaline-generating foods. Through a primarily vegetarian mineral-enriched, alkaline-generating, plant-based diet with lots of greens, organic vegetables, salads, smoothies, juices and some fruit. Regeneration is made possible through these types of foods as well as seeds and nuts. These foods fill our precious mineral reserves and maintain health and beauty.

Dr. Jentschura’s regenerating WurzelKraft is considered an ‘omni-molecular’ food, derived from numerous plants which contain high amounts of nutrients. This amount of bio-available nutrients gives the food its name: In Latin “omni” means all and “molecular” means molecules. So WurzelKraft contains all the molecules our body requires for optimal health.

The rest of the diet could be 20% acid-generating foods and beverages.

Dr. Jentschura’s alkalizing program is recommended by hundreds of medical and naturopathic doctors worldwide. His book, Health by Purification is an international bestseller. P. Jentschura Products are available in specialty health food stores throughout Canada. For more information on obtaining an alkaline lifestyle and disease recovery protocol, contact me.

January 14, 2011

Bring Back The Body’s Normal Chemical Balance By Means Of Alkaline Foods

The food you eat does more than nourish and energize you. It also affects the chemical composition of your body. If it goes out of balance, particularly turning predominantly acidic, a host of health problems can ensue. When this happens, there are a lot of approaches to restore the balance. And one of them is through the consumption of alkaline foods.

Such chemical imbalance can be identified by certain signs and symptoms. Some include headaches, listlessness and fatigue. You will also experience recurring allergies and sicknesses such as fever and colds. There are many other problems linked to excessive acidity of the body, from minor to fatal ones.

As mentioned earlier, one way of restoring this chemical balance within you is through consumption of food high in alkalinity. Doing so will neutralize the unwanted amounts of acid trapped inside the body. As a general rule of thumb, three-fourths of what you eat should be composed of those that are high in alkalinity.

But before we discuss what you need to eat plenty of, let’s go through some of the things you have to avoid. Some of them include meat, meat products, seafood, coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and all instant and processed items. The problem is many people find it hard to completely shun away from all these as they’re simply hard to resist.

Now let’s go to the good stuff – those which you should have plenty of. Some recommendable vegetables include cabbage, radish, carrots, spinach, garlic, turnip, asparagus, onions, celery, cucumber and leeks. Fruits you should consume include lemon, avocado, watermelon, apples, banana, grapes, peach and grapefruit.

Some other things you can add to the list of alkaline foods include seeds, nuts and grains. There are also healthy types of oils you can have, including coconut, flax and olive oil. If you research for a similar list online, slight variations may be observed. Your best bet is to stick to dark, green, leafy vegetables and fresh fruits that are organically grown.

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