Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

January 29, 2013

Alkaline Food and Health Tips

Alkalising Health Tips

Avoid Stress, Anger and Frustration

Breathe with all of your heart

You see, when your body is under a lot of stress, you experience the emotions typically associated with stress: anger, fear, anxiety, worry, frustration, hostility, etc. Each of these emotions produces acidic chemical reactions in your body that usually have adverse effects. Here
are a few examples:
• Anger, fear, and anxiety typically cause a complete shut-down of your digestive
system. That means the elimination of toxic waste is stopping and we acidify our body.
• Worry, hostility, and anger cause your stomach to excrete extra acids. The end
results in more toxins and half-digested foods to deal with.

Letting go of stress, anger and frustration is the key! In 10 years from now on or even better when we die the reason for our stress will be obsolete. In this perspective there is actually no legitimate reason to worry or fight.

Discover the place in your heart where there is stillness and love and try to stay there all day. If you left it relate and resonate with it and surrender to it.

Deep Breathing helps!

The more oxygen you get into your body, the better you body will function, the more energy your body will have, the easier it can get rid of the acids in your body.

Allow you body to relax and fall into the point in your heart where peace and love is. In this point breathing happens:

How do you breathe to alkalise?
You take kindly deep breaths, filling the lower parts of your lungs to their fullest extent before filling the upper lungs (chest area). Hold the breath for a brief moment, and exhale slowly in reverse order. You’ll need to use your diaphragm to make this happen, sticking out your stomach with each breath.
What we’re after is keeping the lower parts of your lungs (the most blood-rich part) filled with air for as long as possible with each breath.
Take 10 breaths like this, 3-5 times a day

alkaline foods help you staying healthy.

July 18, 2011

How do I nourish properly with Alkaline Foods? by Dr. h.c. Jentschura

How do I nourish properly?

Alkalinity providing foods

Vegetables and fruits

Microwave – no, thanks!

Protective cooking – yes, please!

Herbs, germ buds and sprouts




Chufa sedges

Bitter constituents


Neutral foods

Fats and oils

Acid-forming foods

Meat, lunchmeat and sausages



Milk and dairy products

Cereal products

Cereal-similar plants

Semiluxury food and tobacco

Low-calorie products = poor pleasure products

Ready-to-serve meals and additives

How to supplement nutrition?

Provide a daily plan for an alkalinity providing diet

The intestine – the root of the “human plant”

Drinking keeps you fit: People who drink alkaline water double their daily drinking amount.

Overview of alkalinity and acidity providing foods

You are what you eat!

This well-known proverb illustrates a serious problem that affects a lot of people in our prosperous society since our nutritional habits have radically changed during the last centuries.

For more than two million years human beings have fed on vegetable and plant based foods like wild uncultivated vegetables, nuts, roots, seeds, berries and fruits. Additionally they moderately consumed animal protein in the form of mostly raw meat or fish. Our ancestors often moved for up to thirty kilometres per day on their search for something edible. On the basis of this nutrition and exercise the metabolism, cardiovascular system, physique and digestive tract of the human being were developed.

With the help of vital substances from foods that we eat and drink on a daily basis our organism forms its cells, organic system and physical structures and keeps up regeneration itself.

Nutrition today

Today we eat large quantities of animal protein, salt and fat, sweets and treats as well as white flour products. Acidity providing foodstuffs like sausage rolls, Pizza Salami with extra cheese, soft drinks and chocolate bars are to be found daily in the diet of many people. The oversupply with foodstuffs that contain many “empty calories”[1] does in the long run not only lead to overweight and nutrition- or overacidity-related diseases of civilisation. It also brings about a lack of health-promoting and essential vital substances. In a way it is as if we starve having a full stomach.

Particularly overweight is a serious problem in all age groups today. In Germany 1.9 million children and teenagers between 3 and 17 years are overweight. That is 15 % of this age group. In the age group of grown-ups 55 % of females and 65 % males are overweight. People oftentimes turn to ready-to-serve meals or got to fast food restaurants because they lack time and cooking experience or fall victim to the clever strategies of the advertisement industry. Another important factor that promotes overweight is lack of exercise.

Dietary lessons for parents-to-be and for children and teenagers are not held. Thus a healthy alkalinity providing diet remains a secret for many people.

When is enough enough for the human being?

In addition to the unhealthy eating habits oftentimes lack of exercise or extreme exercise can be observed. Exercise is an important part of a good acid alkaline balance as long as it is pursued in a healthy degree. During exercise acids are eliminated due to increased breathing. Also the enhanced intake of oxygen supports all metabolic processes.

Emotional and physical stress, noise, harmful substances and pollution, emission from mobile phones and other energetic burdens oftentimes are this “enough” for the human being. All these influences promote the development of overacidification of the organism and civilisation diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, gout and rheumatism that result from it.

We can counteract many of these factors that endanger our health. We have to get active and inform ourselves on healthy nutrition. This brochure wants to make an informative and important contribution to this and throw light on alkalinity and acidity generating foods. It wants to show you how you can create a simple, healthy and alkalinity providing diet. What do you want to change? What are you able to change? Even small changes can make a difference. Take over the reins of health. The decision what you eat and drink every day is yours alone.

How do I nourish properly?

You should select foods that are as natural and unprocessed as possible. With a diet that is predominantly full-value and vegetarian you supply your body with all necessary nutrients and encourage the self-regulation of your acid alkaline balance. Too much acidity providing food disturbs this equilibrium of your organism.

Particularly in old age the organism can no longer compensate dietary sins like it did in younger years. The danger of overacidification rises with progressing age because the performance of liver and kidneys declines. Simultaneously the alkaline reserves in the body decrease. It is also of importance that older people are less physically active.

[1] Foodstuffs that are rich in calories but contain few or no vital substances.

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