Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

September 17, 2015

Tips on how to deal with stress

Filed under: Alkaline Diet and improving your well-being,Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Tags: — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 3:58 pm


Stress: “A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.”

In our fast pace lives it is sometimes very hard to juggle family, hobbies, body care/fitness, finances, career, friends, etc.. It seems to be very easy to get lost in demanding circumstances.


Stress is, with anger and fear, one of the biggest reasons for not being well, which is the beginning of any dis-ease in our busy lives. On a physical level it creates lots of acidity in our body which brings imbalance in our body chemistry.


What to do?

1. Set your priorities right. Find out why you are here on the planet. Dig deep. Get a foundation for your existence which is solid. The deeper you dig the stronger it is. Are you here to become a multi millionaire while working like crazy? What is your life about? How old do you plan to become? Take time for and with yourself and ask you self uncomfortable questions and find out what your priorities in life are. That is crucial for a happy, healthy life!!!

2. Love exercise! Walking, swimming, dancing, jumping, working out, team sports, all bring lots of fun into your life. YouTube is full of aerobic, dance and Zumba videos you can start with. There are great programs like P90X you can buy and enjoy working out at home without going to a gym.

3. Breathing exercises, Yoga and meditation are very recommended. Deep, relaxed, proper breathing is super important for healthy living because, not only acids and toxins are actually released via the respiratory system, but also lots of healthy benefits are connected with breathing:

Steady energy throughout the day,
Great positive mood,
Freedom to breathe deeply and easily,
Waking up clear headed and refreshed,
A Clear mind and good memory,
A strong vocal expression.

yoga lady 3










4. Make good diet choices: Try to eat a green, organic diet with lots of fresh salads, veggies in season, seeds, nuts, buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa. We always love to support you with Dr. Jentschura’s organic and alkaline generating food and drink.

5. Enjoy alkaline full and foot baths together with dry/wet brushing: Taking an alkaline bath is like a little vacation and deeply relaxes and regenerates your complete system. Human life is created in an alkaline solution and our bodies greatly benefit from bathing in it. Dry and wet brushing increases your metabolism and your blood circulation, Both help with detoxifying your body.


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