Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

September 10, 2015

Become an Certified Alkaline Wellness Coach

Filed under: Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Tags: — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:53 pm

Alkaline Wellness Coach Certification Seminar
by Dr. h.c. Jentschura
Date: 29th of November, Toronto
Times: 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Location: InterContinental Toronto Centre
225 Front Street West · Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Toronto · ON M5V 2X3 · Canada

Cost: $99 plus HST

Speaker: Roland Jentschura MSc (Germany)
Main topics:
• Health and beauty are alkaline
• Causes and consequences of acidification
• The three groups of civilization diseases
• The difference between the male and female metabolism
• The Triple Jump to Purification
1. Break-up of deposited impurities
2. Neutralization of acids and toxins by vital substances
3. Elimination of harmful substances through alkaline body care

Seminar includes alkaline generating, healthy snacks, seminar material, gift bag and your “Alkaline Wellness Coach by Dr. Jentschura” certification.

Roland Jentschura has researched and studied human metabolism and nutrition for 20 years, with a focus on disease recovery through Alkaline-Acid balance and purification. Roland is an energetic individual who has been speaking in 22 countries worldwide for more than 7 years. When Roland is not giving lectures, he is a consultant to the Austrian Olympic team. He is also the author of numerous publications on health and human biochemistry.

Book your spot early – Capacity is limited! Register until November 10, 2015 and pay only $89.00. Bring a friend – get a free face brush (value $19.00).

Healthy alkaline snacks and drinks are included.
To register visit our website or contact Deborah: 1.866.722.9812, or fax to 780.444.9463

Please email or call
1 (866) 722-9812 (Toll Free) to book your seat.

Please watch Roland’s video on Alkaline Disease Recovery


Roland der Schicke

Roland Jentschura

December 8, 2014

Educate yourself with bio chemist Roland Jentschura’s video on “Alkaline Health and Beauty”

Please watch alkaline expert Roland Jentschura (MSc) how he lectures on “Your personal way to alkaline health and beauty”. This video is a must for all of you who like to educate themselves and it has truly life changing and life saving power.
Topics are
Alkaline disease recovery
Get rid of impurities
Toxic and harmful substances
Where acids and toxins come from
How to heal your body

Your Alkaline Health Lecture

If you are interested in ordering Dr. Jentschura’s 3 step program please visit

November 26, 2014

Would you like to increase your knowledge about acid/alkaline health and wellness?

Filed under: Alkaline Expert Interview — Tags: , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 12:30 pm

Please make sure to attend Roland Jentschura’s lectures about ANTI-AGING AND DISEASE RECOVERY THROUGH THE ALKALINE-ACID BALANCE

Roland Jentschura (MSc) has researched and studied human metabolism and nutrition for 15 years, with a focus on disease recovery through Alkaline-Acid balance and purification. Roland is an energetic individual who has been speaking in 22 countries worldwide for more than 7 years. When Roland is not giving lectures, he is a consultant to the Austrian Olympic team. He is also the author of numerous publications on health and human biochemistry.

He will be lecturing at the Whole Life Expo this Saturday in Toronto
at 11.30 a.m.

Also do not miss chances to learn from him speaking at these locations:

1st of Dec: Nature’s Emporium Newmarket Lecture with Roland Jentschura

2nd of Dec: Healthy Planet Saint Irene’s at Danforth and Pape Lecture with Roland Jentschura
TEL (416) 465-9998

3rd: Nature’s Emporium Maple Lecture with Roland Jentschura

February 11, 2014

Plant nutrients and a balanced acid alkaline balance are crucial for your success

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 3:46 pm

Plant nutrients and a balanced acid alkaline balance are crucial for your success

By Roland Jentschura, master of oecotrophology

For athletes, both training and the required training success depend largely on a proper diet. Many athletes rapidly increase their intake of simple, “empty” carbohydrates for fast energy consumption and hope for fast muscle growth by protein. The body needs herbal nutrients for the metabolic process to function at its best. These vitamins and bioactive substances, minerals and trace elements determine the metabolic performance and the reaction rate e.g.of protein into muscle mass and tight tissues.

Better workout – alkaline
For a good workout with optimal provision of energy the metabolism needs antioxidants, vitamin B1, 2, 6,12, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, and many other micro nutrients. At the same time plant nutrients ensure that the lactate formed at high stress, doesn’t make the muscle too acidic. Muscle soreness, in the worst case blocks energy performance and leads to termination. In addition, the regeneration and construction process is unnecessary delayed and prolonged. Low pH values ​​affect the structure and thus the stability of the muscle fibres, so that the risk of micro injuries (stiff muscles), fibre tears, tendon tears, and ligament tears rise. Herbal nutrients prevent that by buffering the formed acids, by carrying them away and in particular to support the kidneys in their excretion function.

Better regeneration – alkaline
Plant nutrients are essential components of the enzymatic regeneration process. Training provides the stimulus to increase performance, diet provides the “building blocks “, and supports the “master builder “, the enzymes of regeneration! Thus, to form muscles and tight tissues from protein, it needs always herbal nutrients. They also provide strong tendons, ligaments, bones and joints.

Recommendation: Increase of herbal nutrients supply

We can cover well with an 80% vegetable, herbal alkaline diet, the increased need for nutrients. These include foods like vegetables, salads, herbs, ripe fruit, and gluten free plants such as millet, quinoa, buckwheat, and amaranth. Since each plant has typical ingredients, the diet should be varied. It should be assured an increased demand of natural supplement with optimal bio availability. The other 20 % may be happy to consist of acidic, but important foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and cheese.

September 13, 2013

Please feel warmly invited to our upcoming Canadian AlkalineLifeStyle Lectures

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 6:10 pm

Please feel warmly invited to our upcoming Canadian AlkalineLifeStyle Lectures

Knowledge and education sets us free!

19th of September: Stephan Wilmes @ Planet Organic Edmonton on “10 steps to health and wellness”. 6.30-8.00 pm

8th of October: Stephan Wilmes @ Rainbow Natural Foods, Ottawa on “Complete Cleansing and Alkaline Aging”: 6.00-7.30 pm

9th of November: Seminar on the AlkalineLifeStyle with Stephan Wilmes and Mike Crowley at the Hilton Hotel West: 3.00-7.00 pm. Fee $10, Reservation required at

22th-24th of November: WholeLifeExpo Toronto with Roland Jentschura. German Health Expert Roland Jentschura in Toronto will lecture on “Alkaline Health” on Saturday at the show.

25th of November: Evening lecture at “TheBigCarrot” Toronto with Roland Jentschura

27th of November: Evening lecture at Nature’s Emporium Newmarket with Roland Jentschura


Info on Roland Jentschura

– Roland got over 15 years of research and study of human metabolism and healthy diet
– Seven years seminar leader and speaker at national and international trade fairs, congresses. Lectures on the topic of “health through purification” and “metabolism of the athlete”
-Since 2007 offical nutrition and health consultant of the Austrian Olympic Ski Team
– From 2012 official advisor of the Bundesliga soccer club Preußen Münster
– Author of numerous books/brochures on the human biochemistry like “Guide to Health and Wellness”
– Managing Director Jentschura International GmbH, world market leader in alkalizing products
– Master degree in Nutritional Science (Oecotrophologie) Roland Jentschura

Info on Stephan Wilmes lectures:
Complete Cleansing and Alkaline Anti Aging
Eating processed foods and being constantly stressed creates acidity and robs your body of mineral deposits. The process of deterioration then starts. Stephan Wilmes, The AlkalineDietGuy, will tell you how to rebalance the alkaline levels in your body through regeneration, purification and cleansing.
Stephan is a former professional athlete, an alkaline coach and the founder of the Ayurveda Wellness Center Munich, Germany. He is an internationally renowned speaker on re-alkalizing the body and his company, YouInFocus Products is the north-American distributor of Dr. Jentschura’s alkalizing program from Germany.

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