Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

September 20, 2009

The Road Map For The Alkaline Diet with lots of Alkaline Rich Foods….

Conscientiously choosing to live the Alkaline Life Style is the first step into and towards a healthy and deeply fulfilled life.
But if you just say my goal is to loose 20 pounds to look nice in my new pants! This might not carry you very far!
Because loosing the pounds is kind of a shallow thing, you are not carried by a deep power. It will be most likely that you will kind of fight your cravings to loose the weight and perhaps make it but then most likely gain it again. Then try to loose weight and gain it again…. Very stressful!

But to deeply decide to change completely your life towards a better, sweeter and lovelier YOU.

That is just great! It might take some years and eventually get very painful inside because we get to be light in our darkest moments. That’s just awesome.

Then changing your life towards the Alkaline Life Style is simply good and fulfilling. There will be pitfalls and disappointments but that makes us just stronger!

So a deep and good commitment for the good is crucial!

On the physical level there are bricks which we need to build a new body for our new self. Painful aging can and will be stopped and replaced with aging in beauty and dignity without diseases and agony.

Dr. Jentschuras vision is that the human body is created to become 100-120 years old and then we will die in peace. Be responsible for the right choices now for in order to create a good and healthy future.

The choice is now to take care of and to invest in your body in order to be happy in your body for the next decades of your life! Instead of short term “fast food emotional satisfaction” lets go for deep soul fulfilling real food.

Lets start enjoy life, embrace life, breathe life!

Knowing that stress, anger and frustration create acid in our body we have to take care of soul food: meet lovely people, do Yoga, practice meditation, enjoy joyful action in mother nature!

If you do have deep childhood pain lets learn and love to forgive. Most human beings have covered their deep and dark pain in the lower stomach and hips area and are not even aware of it because we all long to be happy and therefore we try to do anything to get away from the pain. But the real way is the opposite: allowing and embracing the pain without indulging in it. A very good Cranio-Sacral Therapist can be of great help with this.

Dr. Jentschura’s triple jump to health and wellness is a great way to help your body to regenerate and heal itself: Alkaline Cleansing, Alkaline Purification and Alkaline Regeneration really works.

Alkaline Regeneration means to flood and therefor nourish the body with nano-size, organic minerals, vitamins and all vital substances. Change your diet: Go Green. Eat vegetables, green salad, fruits and herbs. Also enjoy dietary supplements like Dr. Jentschura’s WurzelKraft with 100 plants, to refill the mineral deposits (bones, skin, scalp, teeth, tissue) in our body which we robbed due to an over acid north american diet.

Alkaline Purification realizes the fact that the skin is our largest organ for cleansing and purification. Dr. Jentschura AlkaBath with 8 precious stones creates a high energy, high alkaline solutions for full and foot bath which pulls out all toxins and impurities via the principle of Osmosis. It is like a long bath in the ocean. Most people don’t know that as babies we bathe in alkaline solution for 10 month – amniotic fluid got a pH-level of 8.0-8.5 in a healthy mother’s womb.

Alkaline Cleansing uses the powerful cleansing abilities of herbal teas. Dr. Jentschuras AlkaHerb is made out of 49 herbs. But in drinking a very good cleansing tea you need to drink at least 1-2 liters of low mineralized water to help your body eliminate all toxins and impurities.

Knowing that most of you already take care of a good healthy nutrition we would like to encourage you to cleanse your colon. If you had a very bad diet over a long period you can eat the best diet. But your body is not able to absorb the nutrition if your colon is very polluted. We recommend hydro colon therapy but not 3 times a week but 1-3 times a month depending on your state of health. If you feel very healthy you can do even 3 cleanses a week but if you are not very healthy just do 1-2 in the first month.

July 29, 2009

Alkaline Foods and Alkaline Diet during Pregnancy

Dear mother-to-be,

It is especially improtant for you to start your alkaline diet and really care about good organic alkaline foods!

Enjoy your pregnancy. Experience this pleasant time in the best of health and soon you will be holding a healthy baby in your arms. But remember, for the next few months you need three times the minerals you needed before you became pregnant.

single need = normal need for maintenance of your body
doubled need because of your missing periods (being a woman your body floods out lot of impurities once a month during the period; while pregnancy this cleansing is not available!!)
tripled need for the growth of your child

Each day take seven teaspoons or more of AlkaLife (Dr. Jentschura omni-molecular dietaty supplement made out of 100 plants), Spirulina or other super-greens spread out over the course of the day to maintain your own health and beauty and for the growth of your child.

You will not have your period for ten to twelve months. This is why you need a “substitute menstruation” for your metabolism. For this you should take alkaline full baths using AlkaBath. Your skin is the largest organ for purification. AlkaBath creates a high energy, high alkaline solution which pull out all acid impurities via the principle of Osmosis out of your body. My customers are soooo happy with AlkaBath. One Lady said with a big smile: It also opens all of my chakras. Please watch our testimonial video at

Take alkaline foot baths often. Put alkaline compresses on your belly. At night wear Alkaline Stockings as often as possible. Your body and your child will thank you for doing so.

Avoid very acidic stuff: too much coffee, pops, etc.
Babies usually bath in 8.1-8.5 ph alkaline solution in their mothers womb. Depending on the mothers purity/acidity the ph-level goes down. Naturopaths see a correlation between the mothers purity and babies born with diseases. So, please mothers: stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol, stopp doing drugs, try to stop medication… give your little one’s the best start possible.

And try to avoid stress!!
Take time to start bonding with you little unborn: Start talking and caressing your baby. This is also so lovely for new daddies….

Daily regimen during pregnancy

Extensive alkaline hand and feet brushing
Dry body brushing in elimination direction
2-3 cups of 7×7 AlkaHerb and non-carbonated water
1 portion of MorgenStund´, Dr. Jentschura alkaline
1-2 tablespoons of WurzelKraft

During the Day
2-3 cups of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and non-carbonated water
2-3 tablespoons of WurzelKraft
Full bath with MeineBase (AlkaBath) (once or twice a week)
Alkaline shower, peeling or alkaline wrap and aerobic exercise as often as possible

1 cup of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and non-carbonated water
1-2 tablespoons of WurzelKraft
Alkaline foot bath with MeineBase

Alkaline enema once or twice a month

AlkalineStockings as often as possible

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