Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

August 4, 2009

Book Recommendation : A Guide to Spa Treatments; Their Benefits for Health using Alkaline Foods

Concerning the alkaline life style and an alkaline diet we should really enjoy the cleansing and purifying beneficials of spa treatments. For your information please study this:

A Guide to Treatments & Their Benefits for Health & Healing by
Dr. Reinhard R Bergel & Hannelore Leavy

A Guide to Treatments & Their Benefits for Health & Healing
The Spa Encyclopedia is the first book that explains over 70 spa treatments, their benefits and therapeutic powers for specific conditions. This book examines the different types of spas – destination, resort, and day spas – and explains exactly what visitors should expect from each. The role of physicians and medical specialties in a “medical spa” are included, as well as an ongoing maintenance regimes. This book reveals the spa world and benefits it offers. It also helps spa technicians, owners, managers, and health care professionals as well as physicians determine how best to help their clients, guests, and patients.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Origin of the Spa.
Chapter 2: Spas Today.
Chapter 3: The Spa Treatments.
Chapter 4: You, The Spa Client.
Chapter 5: Water, Mineral, Herbal, and Essential Oil Bath Therapies.
Chapter 6: Massage, Wellness, and Physiotherapy’s.
Chapter 7: Steam Vapor Bath and Sauna.
Chapter 8: Water Affusions.
Chapter 9: Affusions under Pressure.
Chapter 10: Showers and Steam Showers.
Chapter 11: Kneipp Ablution.
Chapter 12: Body Wraps.
Chapter 13: Body Packs.
Chapter 14: Hot Compresses.
Chapter 15: Herbal and Mineral Body Masks and Wrap Therapies. Chapter 16: Exfoliation Treatments.
Chapter 17: Body Hardening and Spa Kur Conditioning Therapies. Glossary.

The only guide to total well being and spa services: it will be the standard reference for decades to come.


ISBN: 1-56253-868-32002, 132 Pages,
8 1⁄2” x 11”, Soft cover, January 2002

H-e-a-t Inc Spa Kur Therapy Development Serving the Health Care Industry since 1980.

By collaborating with hospitality leaders and wellness professionals we provide the tools to enhance their profitability and their client’s welfare.

Dr Reinhard R Bergel PhD


American Society of Lymphology
International Society of Lymphology
German Society of Lymphology
American College of Sports Medicine
Day Spa Association
International Medical Spa Association
International Society of Medical Hydrology

Dr Reinhard Bergel (Founder and President) has developed world-renowned therapy education, consultation, products and services for the med spa industry and offers personal consultation and on site training in Clinical and Health Spa Centers around the world.

Dr Bergel brings his years of experience and unique products from around the world to ensure that H-e-a-t Inc Spa Kur Therapy Development will continue to lead in Spa development and training.

July 29, 2009

Alkaline Foods and Alkaline Diet during Pregnancy

Dear mother-to-be,

It is especially improtant for you to start your alkaline diet and really care about good organic alkaline foods!

Enjoy your pregnancy. Experience this pleasant time in the best of health and soon you will be holding a healthy baby in your arms. But remember, for the next few months you need three times the minerals you needed before you became pregnant.

single need = normal need for maintenance of your body
doubled need because of your missing periods (being a woman your body floods out lot of impurities once a month during the period; while pregnancy this cleansing is not available!!)
tripled need for the growth of your child

Each day take seven teaspoons or more of AlkaLife (Dr. Jentschura omni-molecular dietaty supplement made out of 100 plants), Spirulina or other super-greens spread out over the course of the day to maintain your own health and beauty and for the growth of your child.

You will not have your period for ten to twelve months. This is why you need a “substitute menstruation” for your metabolism. For this you should take alkaline full baths using AlkaBath. Your skin is the largest organ for purification. AlkaBath creates a high energy, high alkaline solution which pull out all acid impurities via the principle of Osmosis out of your body. My customers are soooo happy with AlkaBath. One Lady said with a big smile: It also opens all of my chakras. Please watch our testimonial video at

Take alkaline foot baths often. Put alkaline compresses on your belly. At night wear Alkaline Stockings as often as possible. Your body and your child will thank you for doing so.

Avoid very acidic stuff: too much coffee, pops, etc.
Babies usually bath in 8.1-8.5 ph alkaline solution in their mothers womb. Depending on the mothers purity/acidity the ph-level goes down. Naturopaths see a correlation between the mothers purity and babies born with diseases. So, please mothers: stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol, stopp doing drugs, try to stop medication… give your little one’s the best start possible.

And try to avoid stress!!
Take time to start bonding with you little unborn: Start talking and caressing your baby. This is also so lovely for new daddies….

Daily regimen during pregnancy

Extensive alkaline hand and feet brushing
Dry body brushing in elimination direction
2-3 cups of 7×7 AlkaHerb and non-carbonated water
1 portion of MorgenStund´, Dr. Jentschura alkaline
1-2 tablespoons of WurzelKraft

During the Day
2-3 cups of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and non-carbonated water
2-3 tablespoons of WurzelKraft
Full bath with MeineBase (AlkaBath) (once or twice a week)
Alkaline shower, peeling or alkaline wrap and aerobic exercise as often as possible

1 cup of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and non-carbonated water
1-2 tablespoons of WurzelKraft
Alkaline foot bath with MeineBase

Alkaline enema once or twice a month

AlkalineStockings as often as possible

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