Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

February 7, 2013

Love, Scientific Proof and What to do about an alkaline diet?

I got a critical email from a MD concerning some statements I made about the connection of body-mind-soul, the importance of being a happy heart and the power of belief. The doctor wanted to see clinical evidence which I understand completely. If you study app. 15 years in a mental system/structure that is based on scientific evidence then you need proof.

Beside the fact that scientists have a very hard time proofing/defining love, most people realize “some importance” of love in their lives.
Modern medicine is based on the statement that all disease is caused by external viruses and bacteria. These are our enemies and we need to fight viruses/bacteria and the symptoms of disease they cause. This approach is founded by Louis Pasteur in the late 19th century.

At the same time Antoine Bechamp founded a completely different approach: all micro organisms exist already in our body and mute into fungi which create toxic waste but only in an acidic environment!
Stay alkaline, stay healthy. Dr. Jentschura wrote a very good book “Health by Purification”.

Also I like to share a general thought concerning any clinical trials and studies: Famous physicist Werner Heisenberg stated that the outcome of every scientific experiment is determined by the consciousness of the one who is creating the experiment. In my words: As humans we are powerful beings which have the power to influence the result of an experiment via mind power. In Germany there is a saying concerning surveys: “Never belief a survey you did not fake yourself.”
That is why there are 50 scientific books on the market telling you to eat meat and 50 books warning you to eat meat.

So what to belief and how to act?
The good news is: The longer you really take care of you heart, mind and body the clearer you can hear your inner voice giving you perfect guidance in all challenges of life.

Try to have an alkaline diet to stay healthy.

December 7, 2011

The Scientific Proof That The Alkaline Foods are Critical To Your Health

Recent scientific research into human health, sickness & disease has shown with increasing evidence that living an acid-lifestyle is extremely detrimental to health & that by living alkaline you can increase your health, energy, vitality, immune system, youthfulness and protect yourself from disease.

As recently as October 2009, a Cambridge University study published in the highly respected British Journal of Nutrition stated:
The concept of diet-induced ‘acidosis’ as a cause of disease has been a subject of interest for more than a century. The present article reviews the history of our evolving understanding of physiological pH, the physiological support for the concept of ‘acidosis’, the causes of acidosis, how it is recognised, its short-term effects as well as the long-term clinical relevance of preventative measures, and the research support for normalisation of pH.
The available research makes a compelling case that diet-induced acidosis…is a real phenomenon, and has a significant, clinical, long-term pathophysiological effect that should be recognised and potentially counterbalanced by dietary means.1
The researchers, Pizzornoa, Frassettoa and Katzinger have clearly identified that acidosis (increased acidity in the blood – pH below 7.365) is a very real threat to our health.
Furthermore, my research has shown that the effects of acidosis can directly contribute to various cancers2, 3, 12, arthritis4, osteoporosis5, cardiovascular disease6, diabetes7, depression/psychological disfunctions8, Crohn’s disease9, kidney disease10. Yes, all of the top five killers in Western society and a whole heap more. Furthermore, my experience and the experience of those who have used my twelve week Alkaline Diet Course have given me significant proof that living alkaline also leads to weight/fat loss, muscle gain (also scientifically proven11), energy increases, libido increases, skin improvements and more.

Alkaline Diet & Cancer
Alkaline Minerals Prevent Cancer Growth
In March 2009, Robey, Baggett, Kirkpatrick et al published a paper in the American Association for Cancer Research Journal proving that alkaline minerals (in this case NaHCO3 – sodium bicarbonate) that raise the extracellular pH of cancer tumor cells and prevent metastasis. Their research shows that the pH of the tumors are always acidic and by using highly alkaline minerals to raise the pH – the growth of the cancer (and involvement of lymph nodes) is prevented.
Source: Cancer Research 69, 2260, March 15, 2009
Cancer Thrives in an Acidic Environment
Also in Cancer Research Journal, in 2006, Gatenby, Gawlinski et al researched and discovered that “chronic exposure of normal tissue to an acidic microenvironment produces toxicity by: (a) normal cell death… and (b) extracellular matrix degradation”. They proffer that glucose imbalance (an acid lifestlye) leads to a chronically acidic microenvironment (the normal cells and molecules that surround a tumor cell) which provides the perfect base for cancer.
Source: Cancer Research 66, 5216-5223, May 15, 2006

Acidosis & Osteoporosis
Alkaline Minerals Prevent Osteoporosis
A recently published study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Vol 94, No 1 96-102, 2009) has provided further evidence that the consumption of and supplementation with alkaline minerals is essential for good health. The objective of the study was to understand the effect of alkaline organic minerals (potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate and potassium chloride) on bone health – specifically, the ability of these alkaline minerals to slow the bone resorption rate and calcium excretion.
The participants who were taking the bicarbonate supplements had significant reductions in urinary N-telopeptide and calcium excretion when compared to the control group. This means that when taking the alkaline organic minerals, bones remained stronger and healthier.
Source: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Vol 94, No 1 96-102, 2009)

Cardiovascular Disease & the Alkaline Diet
Alkaline Minerals Critical to Prevention of CVD
In the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Joseph Campbell provides a thorough review of the scientific literature surrounding minerals and disease and highlights that the alkaline minerals, magnesium and calcium, are critical to the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). He also highlights that “Excessive consumption of acid producing foods, results in metabolic acidosis. When this occurs, the parathyroid hormone stimulates the removal of calcium from the bones and teeth (osteolysis), to buffer or neutralize the excess acidity. After many years, such calcium loss results in depleted bone, bone weakness and structure.”
Source: Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 10, No. 3 & 4, 1995

Arthritis & Alkalinity
Alkaline Mineral Supplementation Decreases Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
This incredible study from Institute for Prevention and Nutrition (Germany) provided clear and unquestionable evidence that using an alkaline mineral supplement (30g daily) reduced pain and increased movement in patients with moderately active Rheumatoid Arthritis over a 12-week period.
Source: The Open Nutrition Journal, 2008, 2, 100-105
Do you want to safeguard yourself from degenerative diseases while living with more energy, a lean, fit body, great skin, youthfulness and vitality?
How You Can Guarantee Your Health With Alkaline Minerals
The above studies prove, without question, that having sufficient alkaline mineral buffers to neutralise dietary, lifestyle and metabolic acids is critical to maintaining excellent health, energy and vitality and to the prevention of degenerative disease.
It is also highlighted in several of these studies that using an alkaline mineral supplement is an effective way of guaranteeing your daily intake of alkaline minerals is sufficient.
The efficacy of using a organic mineral supplement (and these supplements providing a usable form of these minerals) is further supported by this June 2009 study published in the Nutrition Journal, “Effect of a supplement rich in alkaline minerals on acid-base balance in humans”. The study concluded “that the ingestion of a organic multimineral supplement is associated with both a significant increase in blood and urinary pH”.
If you want to guarantee you have sufficient alkaline minerals then supplementation with a omni-molecular life food life foods like WurzelKraft is a smart choice

Sources & References:
1 Diet-induced acidosis: is it real and clinically relevant? British Journal of Nutrition Cambridge University Press; Joseph Pizzornoa, Lynda A. Frassettoa and Joseph Katzingera
2Acid-Mediated Tumor Invasion: a Multidisciplinary Study; Cancer Research 66, 5216-5223, May 15, 2006; Robert A. Gatenby, Edward T. Gawlinski, Arthur F. Gmitro, Brant Kaylor and Robert J. Gillies
3The Potential Role of Systemic Buffers in Reducing Intratumoral Extracellular pH and Acid-Mediated Invasion; Cancer Research 69, 2677, March 15, 2009; Ariosto S. Silva, Jose A. Yunes, Robert J. Gillies and Robert A. Gatenby
4Alkaline Mineral Supplementation Decreases Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients; The Open Nutrition Journal, 2008, 2, 100-105; Regina Maria Cseuz, Istvan Barna, Tamas Bender and Ju?rgen Vormann
5Treatment with Potassium Bicarbonate Lowers Calcium Excretion and Bone Resorption in Older Men and Women; The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 94, No. 1 96-102; Bess Dawson-Hughes, Susan S. Harris, Nancy J. Palermo, Carmen Castaneda-Sceppa, Helen M. Rasmussen and Gerard E. Dallal
6Minerals and Disease; Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 10, No. 3 & 4, 1995; Joseph D. Campbell
7Preservative Effect of Electrolyzed Reduced Water on Pancreatic b -Cell Mass in Diabetic db/db Mice; Biol. Pharm. Bull. 30(2) 234—236 (2007); Mi-Ja KIM, Kyung Hee JUNG, Yoon Kyung UHM, Kang-Hyun LEEM, and Hye Kyung KIM
8The Effect of Acid/Alkaline Nutrition on Psychophysiological Function; Int J Biosocial Res. Vol. 9(2); 182-202, 1987; Rudolf A. Wiley
9Severe Osteomalacia Associated with Renal Tubular Acidosis in Crohn’s Disease; Digestive Diseases & Sciences, Vol 31, No 3, March 1986; Rui MM Victorino, Margarida B Lucas, Miguel Carneiro de Moura
10Metabolic acidosis of CKD: diagnosis, clinical characteristics, and treatment; American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Volume 45, Issue 6, Pages 978-993 J. Kraut, I. Kurtz
11Lean Tissue: Alkaline diets favor lean tissue mass in older adults; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 87, No. 3, 662-665, March 2008; Bess Dawson-Hughes, Susan S Harris and Lisa Ceglia

November 1, 2009

Oil of Oregano and the (swine) flu/H1N1 season!

Speaking about the flue season.
Oil of Oregano does do miracles with my body. Everybody around me is getting sick and I am good – Thanks God!
Although I have to admit I am taking drugs: Dr. Jentschura products.

Good luck to everybody!!! And don’t loose contact to your inner wisdom facing all this media hype about the Swine Flue.

A friend of mine is a doctor in Germany and her non-official insight is that so far 3 people died because of the Swine Flue and 30 people died because of the vaccination in Germany.

I also read that somebody died in Sweden because of the vaccination.

We believe that diseases can only exist in an acidic body.

So stay alkaline.

With means let’s not get caught by fear. Because besides acidic generating food also fear, stress and anger do create acidity!

July 19, 2009

List of Acid vs. Alkaline Foods

Alkaline generating foods should be 80 % of our daily diet and acid-generating foods should be about 20 %.

Today most North American citizens DO have an 80 % ACIDIC diet.

Your change to a healthy diet should be also healthy!

Please do not create more stress in your life in trying to forcefully avoid all the “unhealthy” acidic stuff!
Do not create a war in yourself. A good change is for the good and it should come from a deep fundament inside. I should be for love not for putting pressure on yourself. So slowly, slowly change you for the better.

20% of your diet is still supposed to be acidic. If you would eat just alkaline you would be soon getting very tired of life. And I mean it: we need acid foods. Otherwise, we will be soon very unhealthy too. And it will start with getting physically tired.

As I often say: Life is all about balance! Enjoy it!

So, here is the list of alkaline and acidic generating foods:

– As a rule of thumb, in one day, balance with 80% Alkaline-generating food and 20% Acid-generating food

Alkaline Generating Foods



Chard-Collard-Greens-Cucumbers-Dulce-Eggplant-Fermented (Vegetables)-Garlic-Kale-Kohlrabi

Lettuce – (All)-Mustard-Greens-Onion- Parsnips-Peppers-Pumpkin-Rutabaga/Turnip-Sea Vegetables

Snap-Peas-Spinach-Sprouts-Squashes-Sweet Potatoes-Watercress-Wild Greens


Apples-Apricots-Avocadoes-Bananas-Berries – (All) Cantaloupe-Cherries-Currants-Dates/Figs/Raisins

Grapefruit-Grapes-Kiwi-Lemons-Limes-Mango-Melons – (All) Nectarines-Oranges-Papaya-Peaches



Almonds-Chestnuts-Flax Seeds-Hemp Seed-Millet-Pumpkin Seeds-Sprouted Seeds-Squash Seeds

Sunflower Seeds-Tempeh – (Fermented) Whey-Protein Powder -Yogurt


Alfalfa- Alkaline-Water -Apple Cider Vinegar- Banchi Tea-Barley Grass-Bee Pollen-Chlorella

Coconut Oil-Dandelion Tea-Dandelions-Fresh Fruit Juices-Ginseng Tea-Green Juices-Green Tea

Herbal Tea-Kombucha-Lecithin Granules-Mineral Water-Probiotic Cultures-Vegetable Juices

Wheat Grass




Chilli Peppers-Cinnamon-Curry-Ginger-Herbs (All)


-Miso-Mustard-Sea Salt-Tamari-


Daikon-Dandelion Root-Kombu-Maitake-Nori-Reishi-Sea Vegetables-Shitake-Umeboshi-Wakame


Acid Generating Foods


Avocado Oil-Canola Oil-Corn Oil-Flax Oil-Hemp Seed Oil-Lard-Margarine-Olive Oil-Peanut Oil-Safflower Oil

Sesame Oil-Shortening-Sunflower Oil




Amaranth-Barley-Bran-Oats All-Quinoa-Rice (All)-Rice Cakes-Wheat/White Flour


Butter-Cheese Cottage-Cheese Cow-Cheese Goat-Cheese Processed-Ice Cream-Milk


Brazil Nuts-Cashews-Peanut Butter-Peanuts-Pecans-Rice Milk-Soy Milk-Tahini Paste-Walnuts


Bacon-Beef-Chicken-Corned Beef-Cottage Cheese-Eggs-Fish-Lamb-Pork-Rabbit-Sausage-Shell Fish (Scallops,Mussels, Lobster,Shrimp, Clams &Oysters)-Turkey-Veal-Venison


Corn Pasta-Egg Noodles-Rice Pasta-White Pasta-Whole Wheat Pasta


White Flour Bread-Coffee-Condiments-Corn Syrup-Crackers-Distilled Vinegar-Dry Coconut-Potatoes

Soft Drinks-Sugar (All)-Wheat Germ



Chemicals-Drugs (All)-Herbicides-Pesticides




Black Beans-Chick Peas-Green Peas-Kidney Beans-Lentils-Lima Beans-Pinto Beans-Red Beans-Soy Beans

White Beans

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