Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

January 25, 2019

The power of dry and wet brushing


To give you some context for the power of brushing let’s talk about cellulite. It is important to understand cellulite before you can start targeting those bumpy areas.

Very simply put, Cellulite is an accumulation of fat, fluid, toxins & waste all trapped by a net of hardened connective tissues under the skin.  The fat in this area is different to fat in other areas of the body, which is why when we try to lose weight, we lose it first from our non-cellulite areas such as our face, bust/chest, back, lower arms etc.   Where the place we really want to lose it is our tummy, hips, and thighs.

You’ll probably notice that the people who have more cellulite tend to be those who tend to sit a lot,  who tend to eat more processed foods, and who use more chemicals in their lives as well.  When toxins from the air we breathe (car fumes, bug sprays, air fresheners), the food we eat (processed, artificial flavors, preservatives), and the substances we use on our skin (like skincare products, cleaning products, deodorants etc) enter our body they are transferred through our lymphatic system for removal.  This system is the waste disposal network of our body that runs alongside our blood network.  Our blood has the heart to pump it around the body and keep it flowing.  The lymphatic system is different: it has a series of one-way valves that allow for lymph movement, but only moves when muscles around the vessels are contracted which effectively pump the lymph through those valves.  So, you can understand that someone who sits all day in a chair would have more collection of stagnant lymph around the buttocks, hips, and thighs because of a lack of movement in the muscles around that area, compared to a person who walks all day in their job.

With the lack of movement of lymph in an area the vessels become blocked and the toxins, wastes and excess fluid (water retention) will seep out into the areas around the lymph vessels.   Which is mainly around the fat cells and skin.  With this accumulation comes other problems as well, such as a lack of blood flow to the skin, which can result in other conditions such as spider veins, stretch marks, dimpling, enlarged pores (orange peel look), hot and cold areas of the skin.  Go ahead, try it now…. where you have cellulite, feel the temperature of your skin compared to an area that doesn’t.  I usually compare the buttocks to a calf or somewhere like that.  The cellulite area is always colder due to that lack of blood flow.

So, exercise and/or another form of lymphatic movement such as dry body brushing is extremely important to assist in the reduction of wastes and toxins in our cellulite areas.  Detoxification is one of the best ways to effectively assist in the reduction of cellulite because the main cause of cellulite is a build up of toxins and waste.  Makes sense right?

When looking for a treatment or product to assist in your quest for less noticeable cellulite look for something that gets your lymphatic system moving.   Will increase blood flow to your skin, and possibly stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in your skin as well.  All of the above-mentioned results are done by Body Brushing

Body Brushing for Cellulite:

Dry or wet skin brushing has so many benefits for cellulite, such as exfoliation which stimulates the production of new skin cells and collagen & elastin to form in the skin.  Excites the blood flow to the skin which helps to nourish the skin with nutrients in the blood from the foods we eat.  It manually manipulates the lymphatic flow when brushing in the correct directions for the lymph which will help move those toxins and waste through the system for elimination by the body.  The firm bristle brushes will manipulate the fat in the area effectively softening and breaking the fat cells up so they can be utilized for energy when needed by the body.

The most important part of this is consistency.  Cellulite takes a long time to build up in the skin.  It can be up to seven years of build up under the surface before any signs of cellulite actually show up on the skin itself.  So, just know that the cellulite can definitely be improved, but it will take time.  Lifestyle changes and loving your body with some TLC will definitely give you the results you are after.

Want to look into getting Dr. Jentschura’s Cellulite Kit?

July 19, 2009

Why Do Only Women Get Cellulite? My 10-Week Cellulite Alkaline Foods Cure

Cellulite = deposited impurities bound to fat and water!

The body must metabolize excess acids and toxins with minerals, which results in the creation of neutral salts. If there are more salts in the body than can be eliminated through the kidneys or intestine, they are then deposited as impurities bound to fat and water.

Since the subcutaneous fat tissue and other fat tissue are naturally intended as storage tissue, even young women are subject to deposited impurities on their thighs, bottom, stomach, hips and upper arms.

Cellulite is deposited impurities!
What can help? Purification!
A Daily Regimen for Cellulite

The deposited impurities are released by drinking 7×7 AlkaHerb and an additional one to two litres of water over the course of the day. Then they are metabolized with AlkaLife and eliminated through alkaline body care applications.

My 10-week cellulite cure
During the Day
  • 2-3 tablespoons of WurzelKraft
  • 1 portion of MorgenStund´
  • 2-3 cups of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb)
  • Full bath with MeineBase with regular body brushing (once to twice a week for 30-90 minutes)
  • Alkaline shower, alkaline wrap and aerobic exercise as often as possible
  • 1-2 tablespoons of WurzelKraft
  • 1 foot bath with MeineBase
  • Alkaline peel
  • Aerobic exercise, e.g. a walk in the park
  • Alkaline Stockings and alkaline sleeves as often as possible

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