Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

June 27, 2017


Filed under: Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 12:56 pm


We cannot overemphasize the need to work out our bodies: “If you do not use you lose it.” If you get your muscles working, your metabolism get activated and your heart pumps oxygen and nutrition all over your body, while at the same time toxins and acids are released via the respiratory system.  You enjoy these benefits with any kind of workout. If you are walking, jogging, dancing, Yoga, swimming, Feldenkreis… Anything works well at your own speed. If you did not work out for quite a while start slowly but steadily.
Most people find understandable excuses in their busy life styles. But what would you say if I tell you that there are free 3 minutes workouts on YouTube which do the job.
Another really good tip is a free app for your smart phone: The Johnson & Johnson free work out app is a 7 min delight. All you need is a chair and a wall. Once you downloaded the free app you will find longer workouts available in their workout library. Very sweet and FREE.
Another good tip is to set up appointments with workout buddies. It is really fun and much easier to get going together 🙂

June 21, 2017


Filed under: Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Tags: — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 11:51 am

Nuclear physicists confirm that the universe is made out of immeasurable small particles which are basically swinging energies and vibrations.

I do not like to sound too spiritual or mystical but there are energies and sounds in this universe which support the healing of emotional and physical stress and imbalances which our bodies have to endure.

I like you try out some free videos on YouTube. Just put your mind aside and see how your body does react to certain frequencies and images. If the reaction is positive just spent some time daily listening and watching these videos. Enjoy 🙂
Powerful brain healing
Beautiful sounds, inspiring pictures and quotes:

March 23, 2017

Causes Of Weight Gain

Filed under: alkaline diet,Alkaline Diet and improving your well-being,Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Tags: , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 5:34 pm

Causes Of Weight Gain

Unintentional weight gain is one of the fastest growing health problems in North America. The list of diseases caused by obesity is long, and is topped by heart failure and its precursors. But what causes weight gain? There are obvious factors like the food you eat, and some less obvious including stress and lack of sleep. But all these factors are part of a larger picture.


Please watch our video at



March 13, 2017

Can I enjoy my coffee and still be alkaline?

Can I enjoy my coffee and still be alkaline?

Isn’t it interesting? Drinking a cup of coffee can make us more feel more awake and aware. These are things that everyone enjoys and appreciates. In a humorous way: All of Northamerica runs on coffee 🙂

And a strong espresso is about 10.000 times more acidic then our blood. So our body needs to work hard to balance/buffer the coffee’s acidity. Lots of minerals from our “beauty pillars” skin, scalp, bones, theeth are used for that chemical reaction.

So it’s not surprising that a question that I get all the time from people is, “Can I still have coffee on the Alkaline Diet?”.

Ok, let’s be very clear on this! Coffee is very acid forming in the body. It does not have an alkalizing effect, and so its not a good idea to drink too much.

As everyone knows, the key to a happy and healthy life is to take “everything in moderation“. The key is the acid-alkaline balance.

“Is It Time For Me To Quit Drinking Coffee?”
Quitting coffee is easy if you’re ripe and ready to do it, and next to impossible if you aren’t! It really comes down to the question that each must answer for themselves… “What are my priorities?”

If you have serious health issues, and you’re committed to recovering your health as soon as possible, then quitting coffee is one of your best moves right now.

If coffee is still a priority for you, and you are not seriously ill, then you are probably not quitting it any time soon.

If that describes you, then here are a couple of tips to help you to keep an alkaline balance in your body while still having your morning coffee.

Tip #1 – Add Whipping Cream
On the alkaline diet, it’s generally accepted that yogurt (esp. goat and/or organic), sour cream made from real cream, cream cheese, butter and unsweetened whipping cream are all ok.

So instead of having your coffee black, or with some homogenized milk or cream, try adding whipping cream.

Dr. Jentschura says that whipping cream has a somewhat alkalizing effect on our bodies. This can partly buffer the acidity of the coffee before you even put it into your body!

Drinking your morning coffee will still contribute acidity to your system, but the net effect will be less damaging with the addition of the whipping cream.

Plus, whipping cream in coffee makes it very rich and deliciously creamy! It might take a bit of getting used to, but many people, myself included, find it really good!

Tip #2 – Take Some Extra of Dr. Jentschura’s WurzelKraft
When we consume acid-forming foods, our body compensates by buffering the acids with alkalizing minerals. These minerals are coming from your body’s mineral stores (your blood, skin, teeth, hair, bones, joints etc).

Before you have your cup of coffee, eat a few teaspoons or tablespoons of WurzelKraft. This provides your body with an abundance of alkalizing minerals and about 50.000 vital substances which it can use to buffer acids and build up its mineral stores.

Aim For A 80/20 Alkaline-Acid Balanced Diet
Its all about balance. Ideally, aim for 80% alkalizing foods and beverages in your daily diet. We are talking about fruits and vegetables (including grains, nuts and seeds). You don’t have to be perfect! Trying to be perfect, and thinking you need to be perfect is just setting yourself up for failure!

We all know when we are eating healthy, or unhealthy things. We all know when we are eating in unhealthy ways. Choose foods, and ways with foods, that you know are nourishing and nurturing to your body. And its ok not to be perfect.

If you enjoy this article, or if you need more info, please visit our website Also please post your comments in the form below. I would love to hear from you!

Have a great healthy day!


Here is the link to our video

February 16, 2017

Benefits of a New Year Detox

For thousands of years, human beings lived as hunter-gatherers; a few hours of work each day devoted to gathering and preparing food, and the rest spent socializing with their family. As a result, they got plenty of fresh air, exercise, and a real sense of community.

In contrast, our acidic North American lifestyle prevents the possibility of enjoying the benefits of an alkaline body. Too much acid-generating food and drink, too much stress, and not enough fresh air and exercise – these factors create an acidic versus an alkaline body, and are the main factors which throw off our natural balance.

On a physical level, we are just like the animals. But do animals in their natural environment eat junk food, drive cars, and get really stressed out at day jobs? No way! They are out in the fresh air running and jumping, eating fresh food, and relaxing. Everything they do contributes to an alkaline body and vibran

Three Step Program to Alkalize the Body

By making a commitment to change, we can make different choices that will bring balance to our lives; it is not that hard once you’re ready. Changing your diet to consist of 80% alkalizing foods and beverages can make a huge difference to your health.

Dr. Jentschura, MSc, from Germany has developed a very powerful and easy 3-step program to purify and alkalize the body: 1) Cleansing; 2) Neutralization and regeneration; 3) Elimination.

Step 1: Break-up of deposited impurities with AlkaHerb Tea – The three-step program begins with using AlkaHerb 7×7 cell cleansing tea. It helps dissolve the toxic material stored in tissues. Dr. Jentschura based his recipe on the lifelong research of a family of naturopathic doctors in Germany over a hundred years ago. Made from 49 organic and wildcrafted herbs, the AlkaHerb tea is effective in breaking down toxins and acids stored in tissues. As the accumulated impurities are dissolved, they can be metabolized and flushed out. As these stored toxins and acids are released, so is the water and fat which was bound by these acids. Weight loss is a positive side effect of the Triple Jump to Purification. Simply drink two cups of AlkaHerb daily, and for each cup consumed, be sure to drink a glass of water.

Step 2: Neutralization and re-mineralization with WurzelKraft – The second step means eating WurzelKraft alkaline food granules to neurtralize the reactivated acids and to refill the mineral stores in the blood, skin, teeth, hair, bones, and tissues. As the acids and toxins released by the 7 x 7 AlkaHerb tea need to be neutralized for safe removal, it is important to take huge amounts of WurzelKraft to avoid any problems like a gout attack.

WurzelKraft means literally ‘The Power Of Roots’, and is made from the roots, seeds, flowers, and leaves of more than 100 different healing plants; each of these organic and wildcrafted plants is carefully chosen to support optimum cell health. WurzelKraft contains hundreds of thousands of vital substances like minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes needed by the body’s cells. It tastes delicious and comes in a bioavailable form that makes for quick assimilation of vital minerals. Eating 6 teaspoons daily will flood the body with all the minerals, vitamins, and trace elements it needs.

Step 3: Expel Toxins and Acids with AlkaBath – The third step involves bathing with AlkaBath alkaline mineral bath salts to enable quick and comfortable elimination of acids and toxins through the skin. Besides the kidneys, lungs, and intestines, your skin is a very large and effective organ of elimination. Dr. Jentschura’s simple yet ingenious approach to efficient elimination takes advantage of the large surface area of the skin. This is easily achieved by bathing in an alkaline solution (pH 8.5). Simply add 3 tablespoons of AlkaBath to the full bath (use a smaller amount for foot baths), and soak as long as you can. The results of this powerful detox include better sleep, healthier skin, and more.

Dr. Jentschura’s alkaline products are available in health food stores across Canada. To purchase online, visit: http://www.youinfocusproducts .com. For more information call toll-free 1-866-722-9812

WIN 3 AlkalineStarter Kits, each with the value of $116. All you have to do is read Dr. Jentschura’s text about ‘Three Steps to Alkaline Purification’ and answer this question: How many tablespoons of AlkaBath do you need to enjoy a detox full bath? Email your answer to


If you like to study the process of toxificaton and detoxification in depth please open this file.


November 24, 2016


Filed under: alkaline diet,Alkaline Expert Interview,Alkaline Foods and Alkaline Body Care — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 3:58 pm



This is priceless super important information on how to become 100 years old and enjoy health and happiness. This video should be played in each school on this planet in my opinion.

October 28, 2016

Still Going Strong at 103-Years-Old

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 10:55 am
This is a beautiful authentic success story (printed in Vitality Magazine) loaded with great infomation for us on how to stay healthy and happy!!!
“Still Going Strong at 103-Years-Old
What is Margarete Jentschura’s Secret?
Editor’s note: We were amazed when we heard that Margarete Jentschura still visits her family owned health food store in Muenster, Germany every day – at 103 years old! So we asked her grandson, Roland Jentschura (MSc), how she manages this.
Vitality magazine: Hello Roland Jentschura; by now your grandmother is 103.5 old. Yet she still visits her health food store even at this advanced age. What is her story?
Roland Jentschura: My grandmother worked at our family-owned health food store until the age of 100, and then retired at 101. But she still goes there almost every day to talk with customers. As to the reasons for her remarkable longevity, one of her secrets is that she walks a lot! During her career as the store manager, she walked about one kilometer to the store, and one kilometer back, twice a day. She also walked a lot in the store. And she even enjoyed walking in her spare time. She walked every day and all day long! Walking ensures good blood circulation, which in turn supplies cells and tissues with oxygen and nutrients while removing acidic metabolic waste products. Regular movement considerably promotes lifelong regeneration. Today, many people tend to stand or sit on their way to and from work. But grandmother’s philosophy is: “The longer you sit, the sooner you quit – life!” Regular movement is important for a long life. My grandmother also did daily weight-bearing exercises.

September 23, 2016

Important Minerals for Your Body

Filed under: Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 9:39 am



How to simply alkalize your water and your body?

Main focus of a alkaline generating diet should be enjoying lots of organic vegetables and salads, but also juices and smoothies. Super life foods like Dr. Jentschura’s Wurzelkraft with 100 healing herbs also help you to mineralize and alkalize your body.


I like to introduce to you some simple economic changes to upgrade some of your drinking water with a good alkalizing effect. 


Himalayan salts do contain at least 84 naturally occurring trace elements in their natural mineral form.

The benefits of natural Himalayan Crystal Salt include:

  1. Regulating the water content throughout your body
  2. Promoting healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells
  3. Promoting blood sugar health and helping to reduce the signs of aging
  4. Assisting in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body
  5. Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract
  6. Supporting respiratory health
  7. Promoting sinus health
  8. Prevention of muscle cramps
  9. Promoting bone strength
  10. Regulating your sleep
  11. Promoting vascular health
  12. In conjunction with water, it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure

I recommend to upgrade one large glass of filtered alkaline water in the morning with a pinch of Himalayan Crystal Salt. Also please use the salts for preparing your foods.

August 23, 2016

Your Real Centre of Health

Filed under: Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:35 pm

An alkaline generating and nutrition rich approach is the starting point for your well being. However, the replacement of acidic foods with alkaline foods as well as the change from cooked food to raw food is not necessarily sufficient. Because over the years many impurities, toxins and other debris have deposited in the gut. This we will only slowly dissolve with a pure diet. A big belly is a sign that the colon is overloaded and overflowing with waste. A colon cleansing is indicated. If in doubt, always consult your doctor and ask for advice. Generally, however, you can facilitate a colon cleansing at home. Using a enema device it is possible to perform a gentle and particularly simple type of colon cleansing. Old impurities are flushed out of the body quickly and effectively. Also Markus Rothkranz, raw food star from the US, recommends and practices the performing regular colon cleanses using an inlet device. He promotes in detail how easy the custom colon cleansing with the help of an inlet device at home is feasible.


To create the enema fluid Dr. Jentschura recommends using his cleansing tea 7×7 AlkaHerb with 49 herbs and a pinch of AlkaBath. This creates a nice high pH-level.

Coffee enemas with a very acidic pH-level are also popular and they have a detox effect as well. But we believe that a high pH-level does pull out even more toxins/acids due to the principle of Osmosis since toxins and acids do have a low pH-level.

Also we recommend a high quality probiotic supplement to support your gut flora, not only if you had to take antibiotics, but also if your stool is too soft. You can get a high quality product which needs to be stored in the fridge. (e.g. AcidophilusUltra by New Roots)


If you suffer from constipation this may help:


Morning Lemon Juice: drink on empty stomach: You need 1 fresh lemon and 1 cup of warm water


High fiber foods in vegetable such as sprouts, carrots, and asparagus


Fresh organic fruits, or dried fruits such as apples, raisins, apricots, and prunes


To detoxify and cleanse try dandelions tea. You need 1-2 teaspoons of dried dandelion leaves and 1 cup of hot water


Morning Organic Olive Oil: drink on empty stomach. You need 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice


Flax seed Oil Drink: You will need a glass of orange juice with pulp (8 oz.) and 1 tablespoon of flax seed oil


Baking Soda Drink: (only on empty stomach and for a maximum of 10 days) You will need 1 teaspoon baking soda and  1/4 cup warm water. Drink quickly!


Morning  Lemon Juice: drink on empty stomach: You need 1 fresh lemon and 1 cup of warm water



Empty out with Epsom salts emergency drink: You will need 2 teaspoons of Epsom salt (for adults) OR ½ teaspoon (for children)* and 1 cup of water or fruit juice


Concerning your (gut) health please notice that it took us quite some time (10, 20, 30 years plus) to imbalance our health. Now give it some time and effort to rebalance 🙂

July 4, 2016

The Need to Exercise

Filed under: alkaline diet,Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 12:17 pm
The Need to Exercise

Spring time means outdoors time. Very few people know that deep breathing does help eliminating acids/toxins via the respiratory system.


I cannot overemphasize the benefits of working out enough. About 50 years ago our life was structured completely different. People “enjoyed” much more physical work. We come from a historical background of being hunters and gatherers with lots of physical activities.


Nowadays some people’s exercise is equivalent to pumping the gas pedal and pushing the buttons on the elevator.



Also you can also recognize the opposite behavior: Some people recognize the need to work out desperately after sitting all day all week and basically overdue it by running a marathon on the weekend. Not very healthy either.


We invite you to exercise on a regular base. Try twice a day for at least 20 min:


Walking in Mother Nature


Jumping the Trampoline



Skip the rope




Besides getting rid of toxins and acids enjoy a much more relaxed state of mind after your work out.


My tip for you: Try to work out in the morning and enjoy a increased metabolism with more fat burning and increased happiness hormones all day 🙂


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