Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

March 27, 2020

You and your immune system are stronger than you think!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:37 pm
Most people think that the mind, body, and soul are separate entities and we are “helpless” when we get sick.
Please watch this short video by “the iceman” Wim Hoff on influencing the Immune System.
I like this video because it opens us up to the possibility of discovering and using more resources to consciously influence our health and wellness.
We strongly believe that the soul, mind, and body are connected completely. Love is the biggest healing force in the universe. Healing needs to happen on all levels and help is available. To share from personal experience: I just recently did a Clinical Hypnosis Therapy and it made a huge difference in my existence. I believe that any kind of therapy is beneficial. Meditation, prayer or Yoga are also great ways to unleash deeper forces of healing.
With more love for us and inside of us, we will make better decisions concerning our diet, exercise, companionship, work, and all areas of our human existence.

March 25, 2020

Immune boosting recipe

Filed under: alkaline diet — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:11 pm
So simple and so good!
Recipe for delicious, very nutritious healthy “rabbit” food. Our main meal each day is something like this:
Steam organic vegetables like kale, broccoli, cauliflower for about 15 min in Ghee. Add lots of your desired spices.
Today we added lots of hemp hearts and milled golden roasted flax and almonds and brazil nuts.
Mmmmmh! Very nourishing.

recipe 1

March 13, 2020

How to get one free 100g of Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaHerb with 49 organic healing herbs?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 6:43 pm

Especially with the frequent use of sanitizers lots of toxic substances enter the body, the bloodstream, and your gut. So it’s crucial especially in those times to give the body the possibility to get rid of those harmful substances via the skin and our 49 herbal detox tea.

We want you to take a long full and foot bath with Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaBath with 8 precious stones. Every full or foot bath is a relaxing and regenerative detox holiday. You soak your body in a healthy alkaline solution between 30 min to 2 hours, perhaps listen to relaxing sounds and light a candle while your body is getting rid of acids and toxins.

MyGreenSupreme with over 30.000 vital substances is 6 products in 1: It contains foods rich in antioxidants like greens, reds, and probiotics. Also, it provides your body with immune, digestive and metabolic support.

Both products will definitely boost your immune system.

To make this decision easy for you we will add a free 100g Dr. Jentschura Alkaherb with your order of these products!

Order 1 x MyGreenSupreme value $60

and 1 x 750g AlkaBath, 750g value of $30

Both products are now $80 and we will ship you  1 x 100g of Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaHerb for free.

This offer comes with free shipping and is valid in March until supplies last.

Order here at the very bottom of this page our Immune Boosting Special

You must boost your immune system in Corona times!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 6:42 pm

Of course, we like to support every measure to prevent the Corona Virus from spreading out and killing people with a weaker immune system. On a personal level, I like to address the Corona Virus and Fearing the fear. Fear does strongly disturbs and interrupts the flow of love in our energy centers in our body. On an emotional level, it translates into angst and fear which weakens our immune system which then leads to disease. Try to limit your exposure to negative news (e.g. about CoronaVirus) which you cannot control or influence. 5 min of news per day is maximum. And stop thinking about what negative things could happen to you. It only feeds our fear instead of us focussing on healing, happy energies inside which you can influence and control.

It is scientifically proven that focussing on negative things will increase fear, stress, and anxiety which will weaken your immune system.

800.000 people die each year in North America from stress-related heart diseases.

So far 5000 people died on planet earth from the CoronaVirus.

Stay positive and in love: Gratefulness always opens our heart so love flows. We can be always grateful for any moment of our human existence. On a very simple level, for instance, we can enjoy breathing, our heartbeat and the ability to see.

Love movement/exercise/enjoyment

Get lots of regenerating sleep: Go to bed between 9-10 pm and enjoy resting

Good high-quality organic foods

Drink lots of water

Enjoy deep breathing/Yoga

Awareness work: Integrating our own death. Let’s try to open our small self-centered perspective to a larger perspective like an opening to the Cosmos or eternity 

yoga lady 3

February 28, 2020

Corona Virus and Fearing the fear

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 12:09 pm

Beat the Corona Virus

Of course, we like to support every measure to prevent the Corona Virus from spreading out and killing older people with a weak immune system.

On a very personal level I like to address the Corona Virus and Fearing the fear

Media lives from selling mostly bad news and the newest biggest threat to human mankind is the Corona Virus.

And of course, any diseases and deaths of our fellow mankind are touching on one level of our human existence since we are all connected. And I believe it is especially touching us since it reminds us of our own mortality and the transience of our human existence.

Fear does strongly disturbs and interrupts the flow of love in our energy centers in our body. On an emotional level, it translates into angst and fear which weakens our immune system which then leads to disease.

Talking about Corona and finding a perspective.

Media does not tell us that in our western countries 290,000 to 650,000 people are dying each year because of the flu virus. Just in Germany between 20.000 to 25.000 people die each during flu season: Mostly older people with a weaker immune system.

For people how are interested in statistics and numbers: About 0.5-1% of flu-infected people do die because of the flu.

The mortality rate of the coronavirus is between 0.7 – 3% depending on your statistical approach.

The mortality rate of human beings is 100%.

To give you another perspective: the number of stress-related heart disease in North America is about 1 Mio per year.

Also, a very interesting fact is that lots of people who are infected with Coronavirus, do not suffer from any symptoms at all.

These numbers just lead us back to the question of how can we strengthen the immune system?

Stay positive and in love: Gratefulness always opens our heart so love flows. We can be always grateful for any moment of our human existence. On a very simple level, for instance, we can enjoy breathing, our heartbeat and the ability to see.

Lots of movement/exercise/enjoyment

Lots of regenerating sleep: Go to bed between 9-10 pm and enjoy resting

Good organic foods

Drink lots of water

Deep breathing/Yoga

Awareness work: Integrating our own death. Opening up our small life perspective to the cosmos and eternity.

January 17, 2020

What can Alkaline Body Care do for you?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 5:09 pm

Are you interested in naturally increasing your health and wellness?

Why would you start enjoying alkaline body care?

What are the benefits of alkaline body care and detox for you?

Learn about the history and benefits of alkaline full and foot baths, dry and wet brushing. Dr. P. Jentschura from Germany developed an easy 3-step program to cleanse, purify and regenerate your body. Please check our website for alkaline products. Thanks and enjoy this great video!!

Click here for Video about Alkaline Body Care


December 12, 2019

Life is movement!

Filed under: Alkaline Diet Health Tips,Alkaline Expert Interview — Tags: , , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 11:24 am

For sure, any movement/exercise is generally a great way to improve your wellness fitness and health. Many of us may not feel at home working out in the gym, but any way of moving our bodies is very beneficial.
For most people, exercise will improve your general health and wellbeing. There are plenty of reasons why you should become involved in sport with reduced body fat, bone strengthening, improved stamina and flexibility being some of the reasons.

The following are just some of the many health and fitness benefits

Any exercise helps reduce body fat or controls your body weight.
Movement of your body can help you fight depression and anxiety.
Sports allow you to challenge yourself and set goals.
Playing sports helps strengthen bones.
Sports help aid coordination, balance, and flexibility.
Many sports can help improves stamina and concentration.
Sports allow you to experience the highs and lows of both winning and losing!
Through sports, you will meet people with similar interests to yourself and are likely to gain many new friends.
Sports are a great way for families to get exercise together.
If you are sporty then you are more likely to have a healthy lifestyle.

Any exercise is soo good.
Be consistent!
Move it every day!

YouTube offered so many great videos to join in. Just open YouTube and search for your entry-level.
e.g. “5 min workout/Yoga/Pilates/weight training for beginners”.
or “30 min HIIT with weights workout”
and you have hundreds of videos to choose from.

I just released a “blow out” video with health tips from my daughter Lilly.


November 26, 2019

Taking care of inflammations

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 5:59 pm

The cause of inflammation

Today and in the next Newsletter, we want to explore causes of inflammation,  one of the major factors in any chronic or autoimmune disease,  any allergy or food intolerance.

The immune system triggers inflammation in reaction to injury or infection. In this regard, it is a healthy part of natural recovery from an illness or injury. But signs of inflammation that do not go away, or develop without a legitimate trigger, signify that the immune system is not working properly. All diseases that we have are caused by inflammation in the body. The causes of chronic inflammation differ from person to person.  But research shows that the environment we live in today and therefore the food we eat is a major driver of chronic inflammation. Because of that, we are seeing reactions to food like never before. Reactions to foods can happen for three primary reasons: allergy, intolerance or sensitivity. Allergies involve the immune system and have the most immediate effect. Food intolerances occur when your body is unable to digest or gets irritated by certain foods. Food sensitivities, as opposed to allergies, have a more delayed reaction and you could tolerate maybe small amounts.
So what to do with chronic inflammation?
77% of inflammatory reactions we can control; through changing our dietour stress levels and our exposure to pollutants. When you cool inflammation it often allows your body to heal itself.
It is also very important to understand that there is always a time lag of months to years between the imbalance in our life and the occurrence of the symptoms: Here, when our body shows symptoms of inflammation.
In the next newsletter, we want to show where inflammation in your body can occur,  what inflammatory foods to avoid and how to help your body in dealing with inflammation.
Understanding and then treating inflammation is one of the most important health steps we can undertake.
Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue, Digestive Problems, Arthritis, hormone issues, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, weight loss resistance…they are all caused by inflammation.
The bad news today is:

By the time a health problem is big enough to be diagnosed, inflammation has already caused significant damage. That means that usually from the starting point to the outbreak of a disease it takes about four to ten years.

Inflammation develops in six primary Systems:

Brain and nervous system( brain fog, anxiety, depression, poor memory)
Digestive System (Leaky gut, diarrhea, stomach pain, bloating, heartburn)
Liver, Kidney and Lymphatic System ( Swelling of arms, legs or belly)
Endocrine System (thinning hair, dry skin, anxiety or mood swings, low sex drive)
Musculoskeletal System ( Joint stiffness/pain, muscle pain, fibromyalgia)
Immunsystem (MS, Arthritis, Celiac disease, Hashimoto)
In which of these systems do you experience symptoms?
As we said in the Newsletter before, cooling inflammation is the main key for any disease. Besides stress, lack of exercise and exposure to environmental toxicity, food is the main factor we need to look at in dealing with inflammation.
Depending on the severity of the symptoms you need to avoid all food that can cause inflammation for at least a month and then slowly reintroduce those foods and see how they react in your system.
On the list of foods to avoid is:
 All grains, dairy products, sweeteners, inflammatory oils (like corn, soybean, grapeseed, sunflower, vegetable), eggs, nightshade vegetables, and legumes.
That being said, not for every human being these foods cause inflammation, but one doesn’t know unless you left them out for a while and then slowly reintroduce them one by one.
If you want to read more about this topic I highly recommend to read the book: “The Inflammation Spectrum” by Dr. Will Cole.

November 18, 2019

The time of the year and really good news for you!

This is the time of the year 🙂

Really good news: For the first time in 10 years we do offer free shipping with orders over $50 on our website!
Are you thinking about a healthy, alkaline promoting Christmas presents for you and your dear ones?
People really thoroughly enjoy our relaxing and regenerating detox full or foot baths with Dr. P. Jentschura’s AlkaBath.
Or how about an alkaline supporting drink with our 6 in 1 supplement “My Green Supreme” with 30 days supply of greens, reds, probiotics, digestive, metabolic and immune support to balance out some delicious but perhaps acidic Christmas dinners?
More and more people enjoy the benefits of dry and wet brushing: Support your metabolism, lymphatic system, blood circulation and exfoliation with our top quality brushes with a lifetime warranty.
Or simply get our “Alkaline Starter Kit” for $99 instead of $120.
Very few people know that we also carry natural room fragrances by OLORI from Germany as well.
Please have a look at our beneficial products at
In any way: let us try to stay relaxed, happy and alkaline even when the world around us gets crazy 🙂

snow games

October 31, 2019

Healthiest bread for you, ready in 1 hour: Lectin + gluten-free celery, carrots, lots of flax seeds

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 3:28 pm

Super healthy organic, lectin- + gluten-free bread ready in 1 hour Make the healthiest bread on earth in my opinion. Enjoy our early morning video – Sorry for the “not so good” quality. Enjoy all the benefits of alkalizing, energizing juice in the morning. Countless vital substances support your body to stay vital and healthy. What happens with the pulp? Most people discard it or use it as compost. My suggestion to you: bake a super healthy flatbread and enjoy it. All you need is the pulp of your juice, some water and lots of milled flax seeds. I love celery, carrots and a cup of flax seeds with some water. Add your favorite spices and salt. Ready in 1 hour. Please check out our early morning video. For alkaline products check out

flax seed

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