Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

May 24, 2011

The Return To The Principle Of Alkaline Body Care

Filed under: Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Tags: , , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 12:35 pm

The return to the principle of alkaline body care
Human skin is a true multi-function organ. It serves as a sense organ, a means of contact with each other, as well as a presentation of inner health. It marks the physical boundaries between inside and outside. The skin has important functions in the field of metabolism and immunology. It is instrumental in the regulation of heat balance and protection of homeostasis. Also the skin protects us daily from adverse environmental influences. Here the so-called acid mantle of the skin is given great importance. To support this protective layer, using soap with a low pH value, should be reconsidered: the application of acid cosmetics can promote acidification of the organism. The return to alkaline skin care is especially important today and is highly recommended.
Man is around the clock in contact with acids, both body’s natural acids (such as lemon acid, or lactic acid, or hylauronic acid) and acids foreign to the body (such as maleic, fumaric, and salicylic acid). The acids not only penetrate considerably damaged outer layers of the skin, but also reach to the epidermal cells, where they usually produce irritation. An experience of the direct effects of acid on the skin has been experienced by anyone who has come into contact with nettles.
The legend from the protective acid mantle
The physical pH-value of healthy skin is currently listed with averages in the range between 5.2 to 5.7. This raises the question how the normal pH-value of the skin is determined, and who is actually responsible for the definition. The answer is simple: Since the end of the fifties selected army soldiers are tested, young people age 18-25, as exemplary examples to determine the values defined as healthy. Concerning any current standard, whether it is the blood fat level, the uric acid level, or the pH-value of the skin, is identified in this population and the average value is transferred to the general population. It is striking that the average pH-value of the skin was still 6.0 to 6.2 in the sixties, while the current value is in the range 5.0 to 5.5.
PH-value and wealth
With the industrialization of food a number of lifestyle diseases like rheumatism, gout, diabetes, eczema, psoriasis and cellulite have arisen too. The increasing consumption of fast food, sugar, coffee, meat and alcohol, and an explosion of environmental toxins have also damaged our skin, because it has to withstand a hitherto unprecedented number of acids from outside and from inside the body. The body’s buffering systems are overworked and when this happens the body begins to deposit excess acids into the subcutaneous tissues. Sebum and sweat, both acidic in nature, leave deposits under the skin, triggering blemishes, eczema, and itching.

Discovery of the acid mantle of the skin
Many of the acidic ingredients on the skin surface come from waste matter deposits in the connective tissues and subcutaneous tissues, and have nothing to do with the normal skin texture. When skin analysis started in the 1930 thies these acidic ingredients were thought to be “normal”.
After the introduction of the first acidic body care products, some short success could be observed in problematic skin, such as with atopic diseases. The so-called “pH-neutral” products have pH levels between 5.0 and 5.5 and are therefore acidic in nature causing acids transported to the skin surface to be transported back into the subcutaneous tissue. Here, only the symptoms of the disease are suppressed, the underlying cause remains.
Function of the acid mantle of the skin
For many decades the function of the acidic protective layer of the skin has been discussed. First the indirect microbiological defence and the direct effect of protection against alkaline pollutants and toxins was in the foreground. The classic findings and insights about the significance of the acidic pH-value of the skin, however, were refuted by more recent biochemical and molecular biological investigations. The thought that in the acidic milieu pathogenic germs are prevented from spreading and eczema formation is avoided, is proven again and again to be false. The number of atopic diseases and bacterial skin infections was never as high as in the last decade (and growing). This, in a period in which the acidic body care in industrialized countries has become widely popular!
Possible symptoms caused by over acidity
Headache, heartburn, gum bleeding, hair loss, fungus, flatulence, haemorrhoids, tendency for allergies, skin diseases, rheumatism, arthritis or gout, osteoporoses, irritability, psychological disorders, fatigue.

Acid from the bathroom cabinet
Many acid body care products are not suitable for continuous, daily use. Some contain a whole range of toxic materials which can be absorbed through the skin pores and deposited in the body.
Often medicated soaps are used, containing very aggressive substances such as sulphur or tar and damaging healthy skin. The use of medicated soap with certain skin diseases, such as psoriasis is therefore questionable. Also perfume soaps contain acidic perfume oil. In the nursing area, these soaps are not used because perfume oils can lead to allergies. “Syndets”, so-called “synthetic detergents” derived from synthetics, and detergents are also in the acidic range concerning the pH-value. Synthetic detergents and soaps containing surfactants (detergent-active substances) lead to an increase in transepidermal water loss. With frequent washing the skin can dry out and become sensitive to fungi, viruses and bacteria.
Oil applications in form of bath oils are often used for dissolving waste deposits like dandruff and scabs as well as used for moisturizing dry skin. Their impact can be harmful: skin pores can be clogged by oil, reducing perspiration and waste transport from the subcutaneous tissues to the skin surface. Oil-containing products should never be applied to irritated skin.
Ointment with high fat, (Vaseline, Bag Balm), coat the skin surface with an insulating and waterproof film. This film prevents evaporation of secretions and creates swelling on the top layer with a sustained hydration; also the release of heat is blocked. It is obvious that their moisturizing effect is very questionable.
The majority of cosmetics contain ethanol or isopropanol (monohydric alcohol), which serves as carrier solution for additives. They dry out the skin and block the natural moisturizing mechanism. Frequent applications of alcoholic body care products can be a starting point for dermatoses, eczema and allergies. Same applies to disinfectants with antibacterial ingredients.

The return to alkaline body care

The history of body care is a history of alkaline body care. The Romans, Ancient Greeks, Persians, Assyrians, Egyptians, all used basic fundamental components that were derived from wood ash and plant ash. The Romans used the fine-grained ash left behind from iron production, as a popular detergent. They noted the beneficial effects on the skin. Cleopatra enjoyed her beauty baths of donkey milk, which has an alkaline effect on the skin. Until 70 years ago body care was alkaline. The well-known example for this is the alkaline washing soap (pH value 8.5-9.0). People with skin problems may recollect the use of washing soap and appreciate its mild, itch-relieving effect. Alkaline body care means better cleansing, better regeneration of the skin by thoroughly clearing away old skin layers. Unfortunately, this knowledge increasingly faded into oblivion over the past decades. The modern acidic body care has a pH value of 5.0-5.5. In the light of modern knowledge one has to ask whether acidic cosmetics should enjoy popular usage, in particular, because the preservation of the acid protective mantle is not dependent on acidic skin care.
A return to alkaline body care is evident. For a few years alkaline body care products with a pH-value of 7.5 to 9.0 for all care needs have been available. Individuals taking regular alkaline baths also change their entire skin care products to alkaline products, and take alkaline body supplements. Individuals made the following observations:
• The hitherto excess or inadequate secretion process of the sebaceous glands, which leads to extremely oily or dry skin, can normalize.
• Under the skin surface deposits (such as cellulite) can be removed permanently. Atopic dermatitis patients may benefit from a reduction in itching and development of eczema.
• Blemishes such as black heads and comedones are rare.
• Skin can become resistant and feel supple.
• For individuals who tend to skin mycoses or bacterial eczema, a significant decrease in infections is observed.

Principles of alkaline body care
The principle of alkaline body care is subject to the basic idea of rejection of acids, such as fat acids from tallow and from callus layer lipids. Basic skin care is meant to aid the opening and regenerative ability of the skin and to accelerate the natural process of homeostasis, i.e. the decomposition of cells and excretion of metabolic waste products. Such a self initiated regulation leads to excretion of acids and wastes forming a protective film. Under the influence of alkaline applications the pores of the skin surface become more permeable, the emerging acids buffered and the natural detoxification and expansion process of the skin layers accelerated. With alkaline body care the skin is gently stimulated to preserve its natural moisture and fat content or rebuild it. For this no supply of external fat carriers like oil or artificial moisturizers necessary. The skin care should take into account the following points for understanding:
• Departure from the so-called “detergent” cleaning (soaps, synthetic detergents)
• Prevention of desiccation and leaching of the barrier layer in the callus skin zone by alcohol treatments (often the starting point of dermatoses).
• Avoiding emulsifiers such as stearyl alcohol, stearate, cetearyl alcohol, etc.
• Prevention of occlusive effects (e.g. crude oil layers on the skin surface)
• Skin repair with skin-identical or up-close skin ingredients
• Moisturize with natural ingredients such as urea, allantoin, mineral salts
• Use of natural biochemical and physical principles such as osmosis, to relieve the skin in addition of deposited waste/impurities.
As an appropriate medium for excretion of waste products and acids from the body alkaline bath salts have proven successful. They are suitable for full, foot, arm, and hand baths, skin liniments, as well as full body compresses and partial body compresses. Regular alkaline water applications can be an effective adjuvant treatment option for cellulite, uric acid diathesis (gout), rheumatism, skin blemishes, psoriasis, eczema and other diseases of civilization. However, not every bath salt is alkaline; The salt from the dead sea is, despite its attributed healing properties, not alkaline and should be used cautiously as a bath additive, because allergic reactions cannot be excluded with extended applications taken by sensitive individuals.
The alkaline full bath
The effectiveness of alkaline skin care can be most clearly demonstrated with alkaline full baths. A few spoonfuls of alkaline bath salts are added to the tub water to achieve a pH-value of 8.0 to 9.0. During bathing, the skin pores open and the deposited acidic impurities are released from the subcutaneous tissue via the principle of osmosis and are brought to the skin surface, where they are neutralized in the alkaline milieu. First the free fat acids become dissolved and then the wax and fat layers, finally the outer callus skin particles being softened and removed. After taking a bath and depending on the individual’s level of acidity, the water pH-value can fall below 7.0. Interestingly there is no skin irritation. The observational evidence is that people using alkaline skin care products regularly, rarely suffer from skin irritation associated with eczema, dry skin and itching.
Alkaline full bath:
Indications: Cellulite, Blemish skin, Acne, Dry skin, Dandruffs, Neurodermitis, Psoriasis, Pityriasis Versicolor, Diaper dermatitis, Contact eczema, Limited set of detoxification function of liver and kidney, Gout, Rheumatic discomforts, Hair loss, Decontamination of intoxication, Detoxification during fasting and diets

Alkaline Foot and Hand bath
One tablespoon of alkaline bath salts should be given in a large bowl of warm water. Bathe both feet or hands 45 min. to 2 hours. It is recommended to regularly add warm water.
Alkaline foot and hand bath:
Fatigue of legs, Corns, Cold hands and feet, Circulatory disorder, Calf cramp, Gout, Diabetic foot, Warts, Fungus, Spider veins, Sleep disorder, Dry and stressed hands
Degradation of acids against civilisation diseases
A functional dismantling of acids is important for the prevention of lifestyle diseases. In addition to alkaline body care, cosmetic and medical treatments can be significantly enhanced by various measures: Here first and foremost a conscious diet is recommended: food rich in fiber, vitamin- and mineral helps to reduce the acid supply. Herbal teas and mineral water make the blood thin and support the kidneys during acid flushing. Avoidance of stress may be helpful. Through regular exercise or relaxation waste deposits and stress mediators in the body decompose quickly. Where it is possible, the addition of nicotine, alcohol or drugs should be avoided.
Author: Stephan Wilmes is an Ayurvedic therapist and the AlkalineDietGuy. He is promoting the alkaline life style to prevent diseases in rebalancing the alkaline levels in your body through regeneration, purification and cleansing.
M. Steiner “The return to the principle of alkaline body care” in Die Naturheilkunde. M. Steiner is the founder of pH-Cosmetics skin care line. To purchase it visit

May 11, 2011

The History of Medicine, Meditation and Pain

I got a critical email from a MD concerning some statements I made about the connection of body-mind-soul, the importance of being a happy heart and the power of belief. The doctor wanted to see clinical evidence which I understand completely. If you study app. 15 years in a mental system/structure that is based on scientific evidence then you need proof.

Beside the fact that scientists have a hard time proofing/defining love, most people realize “some importance” of love in their lives.

Modern medicine is based on the statement that all disease is caused by external viruses and bacteria. These are our enemies and we need to fight viruses/bacteria and the symptoms of disease they cause. This approach is founded by Louis Pasteur in the late 19th century.

At the same time Antoine Bechamp founded a completely different approach: all micro organisms exist already in our body and mute into fungi which create toxic waste but only in an acidic environment!

Please read more about this in Robert Young’s book “The pH-Miracle”
“pH-Miracle” Amazon

Also I like to share a general thought concerning any clinical trials and studies: Famous physicist Werner Heisenberg stated that the outcome of every scientific experiment is determined by the consciousness of the one who is creating the experiment. In my words: As humans we are powerful beings which have the power to influence the result of an experiment via mind power. In Germany there is a saying concerning surveys: “Never belief a survey you did not fake yourself.”
That is why there are 50 scientific books on the market telling you to eat meat and 50 books warning you to eat meat.

Nevertheless it is always interesting to listen to good arguments, try things out and then take decisions in your life based on your experiences.

And now I am happy to let you know about this study:
A US study found out that meditation (Being aware of one’s breathing) reduces the perception of pain by 40%. People had these results only after a 4 day introduction to meditation.
Meditation and Pain

Book recommendation: “Eat To Live” by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Filed under: Alkaline Expert Interview — Tags: , , , , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:34 pm

Great book! The book is loaded with motivating and encouraging examples of people who not only lost lots of weight but also recovered from life-threatening diseases.

Dr. Fuhrman’s approach is his insight that health is determinate by the ratio of nutrients to calories. The more nutrient-dense your food is, the less you crave for fat, sweets, and high-calorie foods and the healthier you are.

Besides lots of info on how to stay healthy he gives plenty of recipes for fresh healthy cooking. His book on Amazon.

The Sentational Liver Cleanse By Andreas Moritz is part of your alkaline diet

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:27 pm

This is something everybody over the age of 20 years has to do: The sensational liver cleanse by Andreas Moritz. It is truly life changing to get rid of 20-300 liver and gallstones in one weekend cleanse. The liver is the most important organ for blood cleansing. Just imagine what boost your system will experience if you get rid of such a large quantity of calcified stones. All diseases are related to acidification of organs and your liver cleanse will show you the consequences of acidification, but also is a quick remedy for the liver/gallbladder.

The procedere is very simple and improved version of Hulda Clark: You start drinking app. 1 liter of apple juice per day for 1 week to soften up the stones. This is very important to avoid any risk!!
Cleansing day should be Saturday: You stop eating after 1.30 p.m. and flush/cleanse your digestive system with 2 Epsom salt drinks (1 table spoon on small glass of water) at 6.00 and at 8.00 p.m.

At 10.00 you drink a glass mixed with organic olive oil and freshly pressed grapefruit juice (without pulp). Lay down immediately.

At 6.00 and 8 a.m. you drink another 2 Epsom salt drinks to flush out the softened liver and gall stones. You will see results.

At 10.00 a.m. you can start drinking some freshly pressed juice and at 12.00 you enjoy your first light meal again.

Please read Andreas’s book with lots of great information:


February 11, 2011

Enjoy Alkaline Foods And Beautiful Epidermis

In recent years, many people have found that they or their children are intolerant to gluten. This is actually a protein and it exists in food in a variety of ways because it’s found in wheat, rye, and others. Sometimes, even if it doesn’t create a great intolerance, it can affect the skin. So, you can enjoy a gluten free diet and beautiful skin combined.

That means that if you are suffering from rashes, acne, or other skin problems it would be in your favor to cut out this protein that could be affecting you. Certainly, it causes inflammation in the abdomen. If your digestive system is not working properly, it will affect the rest of your organs and body.

Everyone should understand that the digestive system is much like the sewer system in the city. If it’s not functioning properly, diseases will ensue for those who live there. The same is true in humans and their digestive system.

Having said all that, it’s important to understand also that the level of acidity and alkalinity are very important in the body. All must be well-balanced to have great skin, not to mention better health. Therefore, it is important to increase the amount of alkalinity as most people have way too much acidity in their blood.

Therefore, it’s important to consume more vegetables. A variety of different colors are extremely important. Greens like broccoli, celery and such will help to oxygenate your cells. Sprouts are also highly recommended. Beans and other legumes, as well as low sugar fruits like lemon, tomato, avocado and lime are too.

To be healthy and have great skin, you need 10 times the amount of alkalinity to neutralize one part acidity! If your levels of acidity are higher than the recommended amount you could be feeling off, irritated, fatigued, and even suffer from headaches.

February 1, 2011

Natural Skin Care Should Include A Healthy Alkaline Diet with lots of Alkaline Foods

People, particularly women, spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on products each year. Even when they opt for natural skin care, they don’t realize one extremely important fact. One of the most important things to do to look great is to be concerned with what you put inside your body, as well as on it.

It’s easy to forget this. Just because it is on the outside, the skin is treated like something exterior. However, everything you put into your body can provide nutrients for your epidermis, like the rest of your body, to be healthy.

The wrong foods and drinks, however, can also have a very negative effect on the inside as well as the outside of your body. A lot of people experienced this in their teenage years when eating certain foods seemed to make acne worse. However, this correlation between what you eat and the health of your epidermis continues your entire life.

One of the best ways to keep the epidermis healthy is with a diet that is alkaline in nature. Diets that are acidic can have a very negative effect on the body. In fact, many people believe that they contribute greatly to many different internal diseases. The effect on the outside can be just as bad. Gluten-free diets can also contribute greatly to increased health.

When a healthy, gluten-free and alkaline diet is combined with alkaline natural products, you get the best of both worlds. This allows you to give your skin exactly what it needs from both the inside and on the outside. The result will be a healthy glowing complexion that is sure to be noticed.

Whether you’ve always had problem skin or you just want to ensure that it is as healthy as possible, natural skin care can help. The health of your exterior is a direct reflection of the health of your interior. When it is looking its best, you’ll know you’re healthier overall.

January 20, 2011

Alkaline Natural Skin Care Can Aid In Cellulite Reduction

According to leading nutritionists, the ultimate cause of cellulite is too much dietary acid. In order to maintain the correct pH balance, the body metabolises excess acids and turns them into neutral salts. When these salts build up in the body, they are deposited in the storage tissue in the thighs, hips or bottom along with water and fat. Over time these deposits can harden, resulting in cellulite. Here are some ways you can reduce cellulite with natural skin care.

Drink more liquids

Neutral salts created as a result of excess dietary acid can be released in the sweat or urine. It is only when the body builds up too many of these salts that they are stored as one of the components of cellulite. Drinking plenty of non-acidic liquids such as water and herbal tea will help to flush excess salts from the body and prevent cellulite formation.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are alkaline foods which will help to balance your intake of acidic foods. If your kidneys don’t have to deal with a net acid-overload, your body will make fewer cellulite producing compounds. In addition, these natural foods can aid weight loss, resulting in less fat stored as cellulite deposits.

Go gluten-free

Wheat flour is one of the main sources of acid in the modern diet. Bread, pasta, cakes and breakfast cereals made from wheat tend to contribute to an acid imbalance. By switching to a gluten-free diet you can help your body restore its optimum pH levels and abolish the main cause of cellulite.

Engage in regular aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise encourages the body to use the fat contained in cellulite deposits as fuel. Your body will continue to burn fat for hours after exercising. In addition, when you engage in strenuous exercise, excess neutral salts are released in you sweat, rather than stored on your thighs.

Soak in an alkaline bath

Alkaline bath salts with a pH value of 7.5 or higher are available for purchase from specialist suppliers. A leisurely alkaline bath could encourage your body to release excess acids through your skin. Use a bath brush to stimulate the tissues and promote the elimination of waste products.

Enjoy lots of alkaline foods to improve your vitality.
An alkaline diet can improve your life.

January 14, 2011

Bring Back The Body’s Normal Chemical Balance By Means Of Alkaline Foods

The food you eat does more than nourish and energize you. It also affects the chemical composition of your body. If it goes out of balance, particularly turning predominantly acidic, a host of health problems can ensue. When this happens, there are a lot of approaches to restore the balance. And one of them is through the consumption of alkaline foods.

Such chemical imbalance can be identified by certain signs and symptoms. Some include headaches, listlessness and fatigue. You will also experience recurring allergies and sicknesses such as fever and colds. There are many other problems linked to excessive acidity of the body, from minor to fatal ones.

As mentioned earlier, one way of restoring this chemical balance within you is through consumption of food high in alkalinity. Doing so will neutralize the unwanted amounts of acid trapped inside the body. As a general rule of thumb, three-fourths of what you eat should be composed of those that are high in alkalinity.

But before we discuss what you need to eat plenty of, let’s go through some of the things you have to avoid. Some of them include meat, meat products, seafood, coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and all instant and processed items. The problem is many people find it hard to completely shun away from all these as they’re simply hard to resist.

Now let’s go to the good stuff – those which you should have plenty of. Some recommendable vegetables include cabbage, radish, carrots, spinach, garlic, turnip, asparagus, onions, celery, cucumber and leeks. Fruits you should consume include lemon, avocado, watermelon, apples, banana, grapes, peach and grapefruit.

Some other things you can add to the list of alkaline foods include seeds, nuts and grains. There are also healthy types of oils you can have, including coconut, flax and olive oil. If you research for a similar list online, slight variations may be observed. Your best bet is to stick to dark, green, leafy vegetables and fresh fruits that are organically grown.

December 23, 2010

Why pH Drops Could Be Dangerous In Your Alkaline Diet…

I like to share some thoughts concerning Alkaline Drops in your alkaline diet.

Most are actually just made from sea water (mostly Utah) and they contain mineral salts.

Not to scare you but shipwrecked people die quickly of kidney failure when they drink sea water in trying to survive. Why? Mineral salts just push up the bloods pH-value short-term. Having a heart attack it is life saving to drink the Alkaline Drink (made with 1/2 tea spoon of baking soda or some alkaline drops and water). But drinking too much of it is dangerous.
Our bodies only do actually desperately need nano-size, plant derived minerals to deal with acids/toxins.

December 10, 2010

Relax Far Infrared Sauna is a great addition to your alkaline diet

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 1:15 pm

I like to really recommend the Relax Far Infrared Sauna. We got one a couple of weeks ago and it is priceless in these cold winter times. The far infrared rays deeply penetrate the skin/ tissue and have excellent health benefits besides really warming up the body:

– Heavy metal detox through out the whole body system.

– Extreme weight loss results in a short time, naturally.

– FDA certified pain relief and injury recovery.


For more info please read

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