Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

August 17, 2015

Summer Time – Juicing Time

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:43 pm

With the warmer temperatures it is good to integrate juicing and smoothies to your diet. Today we want to focus on juicing.

If you do not own a juicer, a “middle class” juicer for $100 will do the trick.

Juicing allows vitamins, minerals, vital substances and nutrients to go straight into the bloodstream, without the body having to expend energy to break down food.

There are many health benefits of drinking freshly juiced fruits and vegetables, and it’s a great way to add nutrients from the fruits or vegetables that you normally wouldn’t eat. Fruit and vegetable juices retain most of of the vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals (phytonutrients) that would be found in the whole versions of those foods. These nutrients can help protect against cardiovascular disease, cancer and various inflammatory diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis. Valuable compounds called flavonoids and anthocyanins are abundant in a variety of fruits and vegetables and protect against cellular oxidation, which comes from everyday cellular maintenance and is exacerbated by exposure to acids and toxins.

Experts say that juicing can lead to clearer skin, better sleep and a stronger immune system

Here is our favorite detox juice:
4 large kale leaves (any variety)
3 sticks of celery (including leaves)
1 cucumber
1 handful of watercress or rocket (arugula)
½ inch of fresh root ginger
Squeeze of 1/2 fresh lemon
300ml of filtered, preferably ionized water

1. Thoroughly wash all ingredients and then chop the celery into small pieces
2. Juice everything
3. Enjoy!

Please enjoy our little video about juicing

July 14, 2015

Quick recovery after antibiotics

Filed under: alkaline diet,Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 1:20 pm
We all try to live as naturally and healthily as possible, but sometimes we can be urged to use antibiotics, known for lots of negative side effects, to help our body to heal.
These are some quick facts about antibiotics:
Antibiotics are a group of medicines that are used to treat infections caused by bacteria and certain parasites.
Negative side effects are that antibiotics can kill off also normal healthy, defense bacteria which live in the bowel and vagina. This may then allow thrush or other bad infections to grow.
Roland Jentschura, MSc, shared during his “Alkaline Coach Certification Seminar” that lots of people get sick shortly after they had to take antibiotics. The reason for this is that antibiotics kill defense bacteria (up to 1.5 kg of good bacteria) in the digestive system which regulates the body’s immune system.  This allows Fungi to grow immensely in our intestines which weakens our immune system further. Then our body tends to be very vulnerable to any disease.
 What can you do?
In this case we recommend using lots of Probiotics:
There are lots of good products out there. This is one recommendation:

Kyolic Kyo-Dophilus® Digestion and Immune Health — 1.5 billion cells – 180 Capsules

May 26, 2015

Why having a great breakfast?

Filed under: alkaline foods tips,recipes — Tags: , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:05 pm



When you get up in the morning your glucose or blood sugar level is at its lowest point in the day. Glucose is the basic fuel for the brain and central nervous system and that’s why a good breakfast will keep you from being tired and irritable by mid-morning. Skipping breakfast is a common strategy by people who are trying to lose weight, but that definitely mostly isn’t a successful strategy. When you skip breakfast you might feel so hungry by lunch time that you eat more foods than you normally would, which cancels out the calories which you cut by skipping breakfast. You also tend to choose foods that are not the healthiest when you feel like you’re starving. Research studies tell us, that people who eat breakfast are more likely to maintain a healthy weight. So, surely breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Please click here for a recipe for a super great power breakfast…

May 19, 2015

New study says calcium supplements are bad for your heart

Filed under: Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Tags: , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:12 pm

Lots of mineral or vitamin supplements are synthetically produced and contain an overabundance of suggested daily intake.

We do not recommend to ingest them. Why?

More and more studies are published that reveal negative side effects.


If you are interested in completely natural super foods please visit our website www. YouInFocusProducts . com On the page alkaline foods we have WurzelKraft with 100 healthy healing plants, made in Germany. GREAT stuff.

May 14, 2015

Refill you mineral deposits

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 3:49 pm
I like to inform you that our popular “SuperLifeFood” Wurzelkraft by Dr. Jentschura with 100 healthy healing herbs from Germany is on sale now.
For all of you who like to refill their mineral deposits (bone, skin, scalp and teeth) with completely bio available vital nutrients or for those who would like to increase their physical energy levels, we have Dr. Jentschura’s organic and gluten free WurzelKraft with 100 healthy healing plants and herbs on sale
The regular price for 1650g WurzelKraft (Supply for 6 month) is $300
In our special (due date October,2015) the price is only $200. Please let me know if you like to get one since we only have limited stock.
For more info on WurzelKraft please check out our website
If you are interested please email me at or call 780 994 2612
I can also provide you with samples.
All love, Stephan

Making a Quick recovery after antibiotics

Filed under: Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Tags: — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 2:57 pm

We all try to live as naturally and healthily as possible, but sometimes we can be urged to use antibiotics, known for lots of negative side effects, to help our body to heal.

These are some quick facts about antibiotics:

Antibiotics are a group of medicines that are used to treat infections caused by bacteria and certain parasites.

Negative side effects are that antibiotics can kill off also normal healthy, defense bacteria which live in the bowel and vagina. This may then allow thrush or other bad infections to grow.

Roland Jentschura, MSc, shared during his “Alkaline Coach Certification Seminar” that lots of people get sick shortly after they had to take antibiotics. The reason for this is that antibiotics kill defense bacteria (up to 1.5 kg of good bacteria) in the digestive system which regulates the body’s immune system. This allows Fungi to grow immensely in our intestines which weakens our immune system further. Then our body tends to be very vulnerable to any disease.

What can you do?

In this case we recommend using lots of Probiotics:
There are lots of good products out there. This is one recommendation:
Kyolic Kyo-Dophilus® Digestion and Immune Health — 1.5 billion cells – 180 Capsules



March 13, 2015

Knowledge sets you free

You are warmly invited to our
Alkaline Wellness Coach Certification Seminar
by Dr. h.c. Jentschura
Date: 20th of April, Toronto
Location: Toronto
Cost: $129 plus HST

Speaker: Roland Jentschura MSc (Germany)
Main topics:
• Health and beauty are alkaline
• Causes and consequences of acidification
• The three groups of civilization diseases
• The difference between the male and female metabolism
• The Triple Jump to Purification
1. Break-up of deposited impurities
2. Neutralization of acids and toxins by vital substances
3. Elimination of harmful substances through alkaline body care

Seminar includes alkaline generating, healthy lunch, seminar material, gift bag and your “Alkaline Wellness Coach by Dr. Jentschura” certification.

Roland Jentschura has researched and studied human metabolism and nutrition for 20 years, with a focus on disease recovery through Alkaline-Acid balance and purification. Roland is an energetic individual who has been speaking in 22 countries worldwide for more than 7 years. When Roland is not giving lectures, he is a consultant to the Austrian Olympic team. He is also the author of numerous publications on health and human biochemistry.

Location: Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale 3450 Dufferin St., Toronto, On, M6A 2V1 • 416.789.5161

Book your spot early – Capacity is limited!
Register until April 1, 2015 and pay only $99.00. Bring a friend – get a credit for $10.00 plus a free skin brush.
(value $19.00). Alkaline lunch, tea and coffee breaks are included..

Please email or call
1 (866) 722-9812 (Toll Free) to book your seat.

Please watch Roland’s video on Alkaline Disease Recovery
Visit and search for Roland Jentschura

February 25, 2015

Fasting – Cleansing and Regeneration by Dr. h.d. Peter Jentschura

Filed under: alkaline diet,Alkaline Diet and improving your well-being — Tags: , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 5:21 pm

The month of February promises it all: In Latin Februare means clean. That may explain why lots of people become interested in fasting and perceive the wish for inner cleansing.
When we fast, we clean the organism and allow the body to regenerate for a period of time. The cells shut down their energy production. We notice this after defecation and the first cleansing days. In these days we are a bit tired and feel that the whole organism is working on detoxification.
These processes take place in nature. In winter walks we pass “bare” trees. These trees do nothing than a kind of fasting. The leaves have dropped in the fall. In winter, minerals and precious energy from the ground are collected and trees concentrate new powers for the creation of new branches, leaves and flowers in spring. When fasting we purify our body not only, but also collect new life forces.
Because we do not need to prepare any meals during fasting and do not need to go shopping, we automatically have more time to care for our bodies and our minds. If you join a fasting group you can enjoy together walks in nature, and/or alkaline foot baths or pursue various relaxation techniques such as Yoga.
When we walk in the period of fasting, we breathe deeper and are more conscious because we perceive the fresh air and nature more intensely. Afterwards, we feel refreshed and invigorated.
During a foot bath we can brush our feet in the direction of elimination and massage the muscles. We can stimulate our foot reflexology with light pressure to help our body in the cleaning process. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, yoga or gymnastic exercises bring our minds to rest and free us from the many thoughts about our daily activities.
In the early days some people experience complaints during fasting such as headaches and joint pains, bad breath and increased sweating. Such side effects are called healing crisis, but not everybody necessarily has them. If you use the Dr. Jentschura 3-step method, these crises can be greatly reduced or even avoided. See also “Health by purification” by Dr. hc Peter Jentschura and Joseph Lohkämper.
What happens after fasting?
After fasting, the first days are very important, and we should take plenty of time. The organism must get used again to a normal diet. We should start with “easily to digest” foods and increase the amount slowly.
A juice fast is also the ideal introduction to a fundamental change in our eating habits. Cook in a different way. Try to eat mainly alkaline-forming food. Start step by step, and change little by little your meals!
Bring a change in your office or work life: instead of chocolate bar you snack walnuts, cashews, almonds and cranberries. Nibble a carrot, white radish or a fresh cucumber. Eat dinner with no opulent servings, but steamed vegetables, baked potatoes, soup or stew.
People who do not want to fast still can do something good: Try to renounce one day a week on cereal and animal protein and eat only fruits and vegetables. Drink more water or herbal teas than normal. This already achieves a lot.
We wish you much success on your (fasting) path to wellness!

Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura pic

January 8, 2015

Why do we need to be alkaline??

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 12:55 pm

For millions of years, human beings lived as hunter-gatherers; a few hours of work each day devoted to gathering and preparing food, and the rest playing with our children. As a result, we got plenty of fresh air, exercise, and a real sense of community. We can learn from the way indigenous people live with respect for, and in harmony with, nature.

In contrast, our acidic North American lifestyle, rather than creating balance in our lives and our health, prevents the possibility of an alkaline body. Too much acid-generating food and drink, too much stress, and not enough fresh air and exercise – these factors create an acidic versus an alkaline body, and are the main factors which throw off the natural balance in our bodies.

On a purely physical level, we are just like the animals. Do animals in their natural environment eat junk food, drive cars everywhere, and get really stressed out at day jobs? No way! They are out in the fresh air running and jumping, eating fresh food, and otherwise relaxing. Everything they do contributes to an alkaline body and vibrant health.

We humans, on the other hand, eat and drink many acid-forming processed foods like coffee, pop, and white flour products. Instead of walking or biking to work, we drive, and many of us spend hours in our cars each day. We ride the elevator instead of taking the stairs, and our jobs are often sedentary and stressful. Watching TV in the evenings can be intense, and also very stimulating. This kind of living creates an acidic body.

Three Step Program to Alkalize the Body

By making a commitment to change, we can make different choices that will bring balance to our lives; it is not that hard once you’re ready. Changing your diet to consist of 70% alkalizing foods and beverages can make a huge difference to your health.

Dr. Jentschura from Germany has developed a very powerful and easy 3-step program to alkalize the body: 1) alkaline purification, 2) cleansing, 3) generation.

Step 1: Break Up Stored Deposits with AlkaHerb Tea

The three step program begins with using AlkaHerb 7×7 blood cleansing tea. It helps dissolve the toxic material stored in tissues. Dr. Jentschura based his recipe on the lifelong research of a family of naturopathic doctors in Germany over a hundred years ago.

Made from 49 organic and wild crafted herbs, the AlkaHerb tea is effective in breaking down toxins and acids stored in tissues. As the accumulated impurities are dissolved, they can move freely in the body fluids again, preparing them to be released and flushed out via the intestines, kidneys, lungs, and skin. As these stored toxins and acids are released, so is the water and fat which bound them together. Weight loss is a side effect of the detoxification process, since most fat is really just stored impurities in the body. Simply drink two cups of AlkaHerb daily, and for each cup consumed, be sure to drink a glass of water.

Step 2: Re-Mineralize with WurzelKraft

The second step involves eating WurzelKraft alkaline food granules to refill the mineral stores in the blood, skin, teeth, hair, bones, and tissues. Our bodies buffer acidity with minerals, leading to mineral deficiency. This condition leads to tissue damage, and ultimately to all symptoms of disease. As the acids and toxins released by the AlkaHerb tea move freely in the body fluids, minerals are also needed to neutralize them for safe removal.

WurzelKraft means literally ‘The Power Of Roots’, and is made from the roots, seeds, flowers, and leaves of 100 different healing plants; each of these organic and wildcrafted plants is carefully chosen to support optimum cell health. WurzelKraft contains every mineral needed by the body’s cells. It tastes delicious and comes in a bio-available form that makes for quick assimilation of vital minerals. Eating 6 teaspoons daily will flood the body with all the minerals, vitamins, and trace elements it needs.

Step 3: Expel Toxins and Acids with AlkaBath

The 3rd step involves bathing with AlkaBath alkaline mineral bath salts to enable quick and comfortable elimination of acids and toxins through the skin. Besides the kidneys, lungs, and intestines, your skin is a very large and effective organ of elimination. Dr. Jentschura’s simple yet ingenious approach to efficient elimination takes advantage of the large surface area of the skin. This is easily achieved by bathing in an alkaline solution (pH 8.5).

Simply add 3 tablespoons of AlkaBath to the full bath (use a smaller amount for foot baths), and soak as long as you can. The results of this powerful detox include better sleep, healthier skin, and more.

In addition to the three steps mentioned previously, you can also further increase the alkalinity of your diet. Below are some recipes from Dr. Jentschura.


Quinoa-Olive Salad
(Makes 4 servings)

2 cups quinoa
4 cups vegetable broth
1 small onion
3 teaspoons olive oil
3 tomatoes, cubed
2 carrots, shredded
100 g black or green olives
pepper and seasoned salt

Wash the quinoa seeds with hot water, let them drip off, then lightly stew them in 1 teaspoon oil. Stir in the vegetable broth and let simmer for about 15 minutes. Let cool down and mix with vegetables and 2 teaspoons olive oil. Season according to taste.

Mixed Salad with Warm Mustard Vinaigrette
(Makes 4 servings)

½ head endive
100 grams arugula
1 ripe avocado
2 Tbsp olive oil
2 teaspoons sesame seeds
1 Tbsp lemon juice
2 teaspoons coarse mustard

Tear, wash and dry the salad. Peel the avocado, cut into thin slices and mix with the salad in a bowl. Slightly roast the sesame seeds in 1 tablespoon oil. After the seeds have cooled down, stir in the lemon juice, olive oil and mustard. Pour the dressing over the salad immediately.

This is tasty with potatoes boiled in their skins.


Those who suffer gastrointestinal problems after dinner could try eating little or no cereal, fruits, raw vegetables, or salad after 8 pm. The liver and digestive tract are already resting during this time; for this reason, the above mentioned foods cannot be macerated adequately and they start to ferment overnight. As a result, toxic metabolic waste develops, which burdens the liver and intestines. To avoid this, eat instead vegetable soups or stewed vegetables with potatoes, millets, or quinoa.

If weight reduction is a priority, try to avoid foods high in carbohydrates in the evening; this can really boost the burning of fat overnight. Also helpful is eating a large serving of vegetables and a small amount of protein – cheese, fish, or meat instead of potatoes, bread, and the like.


Preheat oven to 350.

Choose seasonal vegetables like pumpkin, carrots, eggplant, zucchini, bell pepper, potatoes, and mix them according your taste.

Use some organic olive oil, pepper, and seasoned sea salt or A.Vogel salt.

Bake for 5-10 minutes and enjoy!

December 8, 2014

Educate yourself with bio chemist Roland Jentschura’s video on “Alkaline Health and Beauty”

Please watch alkaline expert Roland Jentschura (MSc) how he lectures on “Your personal way to alkaline health and beauty”. This video is a must for all of you who like to educate themselves and it has truly life changing and life saving power.
Topics are
Alkaline disease recovery
Get rid of impurities
Toxic and harmful substances
Where acids and toxins come from
How to heal your body

Your Alkaline Health Lecture

If you are interested in ordering Dr. Jentschura’s 3 step program please visit

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