Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 5:15 pm
YouInFocusProducts Corp. will be exibiting at the PLANTED Expo in Vancouver, June 1-2 (Booth #313)
Planted Expo is North America’s largest plant-based event, celebrating all things plant-based and sustainable! Come discover all of the innovative products that will benefit you, our planet, and the animals we share it with. Over 200+ plant-based, vegan, and sustainable exhibitors for you to discover, explore, and sample. Bring the whole family!
PLUS come hear and learn from the leading voices and incredible speakers and presenters from the plant-based movement on our main stage.
Link for tickets here:
We will be offering you lots of free samples as ususal. It will be an interesting expo :-0 Please come.
Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 5:13 pm
In our last newsletter we invited you to have a look at P.Jentschura’s organic, gluten-free MorgenStund’ porrige. It offers a wholesome breakfast experience for the entire family. This alkaline generating porridge is packed with valuable nutrients and vitamins, providing high-quality, plant-based protein from buckwheat, and keeping you satisfied with complex carbohydrates despite containing fewer calories.
MorgenStund’ contains carefully selected ingredients, including gluten-free grains like millet, buckwheat, and amaranth, as well as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sweet almonds.
I like to invite you to try out another option to create a healthy and delicious snack for travel and work.
2 ½ Cups Dr. Jentschura organic and gluten-free Morgenstund’ with buckwheat, millet, fruits, nuts, and amaranth
¾ Cup Butter
1 Cup Ground Almonds (aka Almond Meal) or Ground Hazelnuts
½ Cup Pure Natural Honey
1 Cup Cranberries
2 Organic Eggs
3 Tbsp Apricot Jam
1 Pinch Sea Salt (or Himalayan Salt)
TIP: Try to only use organic ingredients to create ‘Cranberry Bliss Bars’
Pre-heat oven to 350°F. Melt the butter slowly, at a low temperature. In a medium-sized bowl mix together the MorgenStund’, almonds (or hazelnuts) and melted butter. Stir gently and leave to rest for about 10 minutes.
Whisk honey and eggs together and then add some salt. Add the mixture to the bowl of cooled down MorgenStund’ mix and then add the cranberries and the apricot jam.
Knead the dough with the hands until it gently binds together. Press dough evenly into the bottom of a greased 9×13 inch pan.
Place the baking tray on the middle rack for about 25 to 30 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Let it cool down one hour before cutting into squares.
Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 5:28 pm
MorgenStund’ contains carefully selected ingredients, including gluten-free grains like millet, buckwheat, and amaranth, as well as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sweet almonds.
Wondering how to prepare MorgenStund’? It’s quick and easy. You can either cook it as a porridge or simply add hot water, stir, let it sit briefly, and then customize it with your favorite toppings like fruit, nuts, cream, or oat, rice, or almond milk. Enjoy your healthy breakfast with MorgenStund’!
Would you like to try some?
Order 3 or more items from our website in May and receive a free 100g package of P. Jentschura’s 7×7 AlkaHerb, an organic and mild detox tea with a blend of 49 herbs and plants, made in Germany. Enjoy the benefits of this soothing tea while taking advantage of our special offer!
Dr. Jentschura's Alkaline Diet Starter Kit is our most popular package and it now comes with superior life food WurzelKraft. Check it out today:
Ask The Alkaline Diet Guy Show on Blog Talk Radio
Stephan explains exactly how our Western diet and acid-generating stress is literally killing us. More important - he tells us how to reverse the effects by simply choosing to live "The Alkaline Life" in mind, body & spirit.