Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 7:01 pm
Dr. Jentschura’s Alkaline Fleece Mask Treat yourself with a great spa experience at home!The alkalinity of this face mask causes acids and harmful substances to be eliminated through the sebaceous glands and sweat glands and therefore has a self-oiling and regenerating effect on the skin. Ultra-thin fleece mask is used with AlkaBath alkaline bath salts to create a soothing and relaxing alkaline masks for the face, throat and decolletage. A pinch of AlkaBath is added to 30–40ml of warm water to prepare an alkaline solution with a pH value of approx. 8.5. Please learn more about the Alkaline Fleece Mask Sale
Dr. Jentschura Alkaline Stockings
AlkalineStockings enable you to remove acids and toxins each and every night. We also recommend them highly to aid in removal of cellulite.Alkaline Stockings help combat cellulite, help you fall asleep more easily at night & stay asleep through the night, stops sweating at night and helps the appearance of legs and feet.They work by absorbing the acidity released overnight and can be used during the day is desired for as long as desired.According to the principle of osmosis, they allow the excretion of acids and toxic substances through the skin. The stockings are soaked in an alkaline solution (using AlkaBath) before application.Package contains 1 pair of inner stockings made of 100% cotton & 1 pair of outer stockings made of 100% virgin wool.Please learn more about your Alkaline Stockings Sale
Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 6:58 pm
Great Benefits of Castor Oil
I like to warmly recommend the great benefits of Castor Oil. A couple of weeks ago I did suffer from throat ache and remembered a tip a famous Swiss naturopath provided in dealing with COVID 19. Since our immune system sits in the digestive system he recommended a complete intestinal cleanse with Castor Oil. I ingested 3 table spoons of organic Castor oil and it really does its job. Of course I felt weak on that day like any detox feels. But the day after I already felt a little bit like new born. Throat ache and feeling sick was gone. If you want do really good, try to built up your intestinal flora in eating only really healthy in the days/week after your cleanse: rice and lots of steamed veggies. Detox-flush Here’s how: Do this on an empty stomach (this is very important). Add 1-4 tablespoon of organic castor oil to a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, mix and drink up fast. Wait for half an hour. Have one glass of hot water. Wait for 15 minutes, and drink two glasses of warm water. Wait another 15, and have another two glasses of warm water. Relax till you get the urge to go to the washroom. For two days after the flush, avoid heavy-on-the-stomach, fried and spicy foods. Totally avoid eating anything raw. This flush is very intense, as it eliminates all toxins from the body. So, it might make you feel a little light-headed as it also flushes out parasites such as tapeworms. Take it easy for a day. Besides great benefits for internal cleansing Castor oil is recommended as a skin lotion to help with aging spots, acne treatment, and even with sunburns.Some people recommend Castor oil for hair and eyebrows health. 2. Treat Yourself with Alkaline Applications – 30% off saleDr. Peter Jentschura invented these awesome alkaline applications and we offer a 30% off spring sale on them. Alkaline skin applications work with the alkaline pH-level of our popular AlkaBath which open the pores of our skin and gently detoxes the skin.
Dr. Jentschura's Alkaline Diet Starter Kit is our most popular package and it now comes with superior life food WurzelKraft. Check it out today:
Ask The Alkaline Diet Guy Show on Blog Talk Radio
Stephan explains exactly how our Western diet and acid-generating stress is literally killing us. More important - he tells us how to reverse the effects by simply choosing to live "The Alkaline Life" in mind, body & spirit.