Autumn is coming and we like to take care of your immune system in offering you the Healthy Package Special 2020
Contains: 1x MyGreenSupreme
Lectin-free, gluten-free, organic superfood with 36 ingredients
MyGreenSupreme is 6 supplements in 1: Digestive, probiotic, metabolic,
greens, reds and cell/immune support
rich in Polyphenol(antioxidants) to help you to neutralize harmful free radicals that would otherwise damage your cells and increase your risk of conditions like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease
Helps boost skin, heart health, and digestion
Soy-Free/Sugar-Free/No Artificial sweeteners
Value $59.95
PLUS 1x MyImmuneWarrior
Powerful support for your metabolism, immune system, energy levels & your resistance to stress.
Contains absorbable 72 trace elements, calcium and magnesium in a biologically perfect 2:1 ratio, and numerous vital substances and anti-oxidants support your immune system, digestive system, and restore our cellular mineral levels.
Vitamin C
Coral (Mineral Powder)
Canadian Ginseng Root Powder
Punctured vine (Fruit) Extract
Grappe (Seed) Extract
Gingko Biloba (Root) Powder
Seabuck Thorne (Fruit) Powder
Aloe vera (Leaf) powder
Dong Qui (Root extract)
Value $39.95
PLUS 1x TischleinDeckDich (Best before date 1.Nov.2020) For Free!
The tasty organic and gluten-free meal made from quinoa, millet, rice, potatoes, carrots, onions, peas, red bell pepper, leek, herbs, and spices. just add some spices and you have yourself a tasty organic and gluten-free dish.
Value $14.56
Total value $114.46
Our Autumn Special for you is $89.45 CAD with free shipping.
Learn about MyGreenSupreme here
Learn about MyImmuneWarrior here
To get your Healthy Package please click here