Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

August 26, 2020

Alkaline Shower and Dental Tips

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 10:49 am
Alkaline Showers are great for people like me. I am pretty busy all day and since my wife does not let me join her anymore in her bathtub when she enjoys her daily AlkaBath. “I am too big” – she feels squeezed ?
Anyways, I love my daily AlkaBath showers very much.
First I am having a warm and cold shower (10 seconds hot and 20 seconds cold) which is very healthy for our body. Why? Many health benefits are associated with taking cold showers, the most popular ones being improved blood circulation and resilience. Coldwater hitting the body causes blood to move closer to the inner organs to keep them warm. This act increases the overall blood circulation in your body.
So first I have my warm/cold shower. Then I turn off the shower and I rub my body with AlkaBath and let it sit and work on my skin until I feel it stayed long enough on my skin. Then let’s say after 5 min I do shower the bath salts and released toxins off. And normally I have hot/cold showers afterward.
As we all know Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaBath chemically draws out toxins/acids via the principle of Osmosis. I love it. I feel so clean afterward. Enjoy.
Dental Tips
If you like to please check out our top quality alkaline dental care products by Living Libations on our website.
Generally, you can use once in a while simply baking soda to deeply cleanse teeth and gums.
Daily flossing is indicated to really take care of gums and teeth.
Are really good tips is “oil pulling with organic coconut oil” by the end of your dental love/care process. I love to do that as often and as long as I can in the evenings. It really helps with gum infections. Just put 1 or 2 tablespoons of oil into your mouth and move it for 10-20 min as long as you can. Then you just spit it out in a garbage bag, not in your sink.
Another good tip is doing the same procedure using Dr. Jentschura AlkaBath or sea salt or Himalayan Salt.
To a dentist-free life ?

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