Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

June 11, 2020

Reverse the process of Aging

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 12:17 pm

Lecture with Stephan Wilmes, M.A.
“Eating processed foods and being constantly stressed creates acidity and robs your body of mineral deposits. The process of deterioration then starts. Stephan Wilmes, The AlkalineDietGuy, will tell you how to rebalance the alkaline levels in your body through regeneration, purification, and cleansing.

Stephan is a former professional athlete, an alkaline coach, and the founder of the Ayurveda Wellness Center Munich, Germany. He is an internationally renowned speaker on re-alkalizing the body and his company, YouInFocus Products is the North-American distributor of Dr. Jentschura’s alkalizing program from Germany.

Participants enjoy Stephan’s holistic, enthusiastic, and inspirational approach to health and wellness.

Stephan will introduce the basics of our human metabolism as well explains the consequences of a calorie-rich, acidic diet and gives you an overview on toxic and harmful substances. You will enjoy fundamentally improving your health and wellness when you learn how easily you can implement an alkaline lifestyle.

For more info please feel free to check out our website

Thanks and have a really healthy happy life 


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