Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

September 11, 2019

Let’s meet in autumn

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 5:04 pm


We will be able to meet and share informative lectures about a lectin + gluten-free alkaline lifestyle and healthy alkaline snacks in autumn. Please click on links for more info about lectures and booth numbers. Thanks so much.



Nov 5 Natures Emporium Newmarket, 7-8.00 evening lecture

Nov 6 Natures Emporium Woodbridge  7-8.00 evening lecture

Nov 7 The Big Carrot, Toronto

Nov 8 – 10. Whole Life Expo Toronto 


Eating processed foods and being constantly stressed creates acidity and robs your body of mineral
deposits. The process of deterioration then starts. Stephan Wilmes, The AlkalineDietGuy, will tell
you how to rebalance the alkaline levels in your body through regeneration, purification, and cleansing.
Stephan will introduce the basics of our human metabolism as well explains the consequences of
a calorie-rich, acidic diet and gives you an overview of toxic and harmful substances. You will enjoy fundamentally improving your health and wellness when you learn how easily you can implement an alkaline lifestyle.
Stephan Wilmes, M.A. is a former professional athlete, an alkaline coach and the founder of the Ayurveda Wellness Center Munich, Germany. He is an internationally renowned speaker on re-alkalizing the body and his company, YouInFocusProducts Corp. is the North-American distributor of Dr. Jentschura’s alkalizing program from Germany.
Participants enjoy Stephan’s holistic, enthusiastic and inspirational approach to health and wellness.


alkaline diet guy new

September 4, 2019

Really Healthy Alkaline Snacks Recipes

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 5:20 pm

It is always really good to bring healthy snacks to work or when you travel.

This is normally the time when the small or bigger hunger kicks in and people tend to go for unhealthy fast food. Be prepared with some delicious snacks wherever you go 🙂

1. Really Healthy Alkaline Snacks Recipes
It is always really good to bring healthy snacks to work or when you travel.

This is normally the time when the small or bigger hunger kicks in and people tend to go for unhealthy fast food. Be prepared with some delicious snacks wherever you go 🙂

Gluten-Free, Organic & Alkaline-Forming, ‘Cranberry Bliss Bars’

2 ½ Cups Dr. Jentschura organic and gluten-free Morgenstund’ with buckwheat, millet, fruits, nuts, and amaranth

¾ Cup Butter

1 Cup Ground Almonds (aka Almond Meal) or Ground Hazelnuts

½ Cup Pure Natural Honey

1 Cup Cranberries

2 Organic Eggs

3 Tbsp Apricot Jam

1 Pinch Sea Salt (or Himalayan Salt)

TIP: Try to only use organic ingredients to create ‘Cranberry Bliss Bars’

Pre-heat oven to 350°F. Melt the butter slowly, at a low temperature. In a medium-sized bowl mix together the MorgenStund’, almonds (or hazelnuts) and melted butter. Stir gently and leave to rest for about 10 minutes.

Whisk honey and eggs together and then add some salt. Add the mixture to the bowl of cooled down MorgenStund’ mix and then add the cranberries and the apricot jam.

Knead the dough with the hands until it gently binds together. Press dough evenly into the bottom of a greased 9×13 inch pan.

Place the baking tray on the middle rack for about 25 to 30 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Let it cool down one hour before cutting into squares

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