Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

March 25, 2019

Learn more about your acid-alkaline balance and regeneration in GTA

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 5:32 pm

Learn more about your acid-alkaline balance and regeneration in GTA with Stephan Wilmes, the AlkalineDietGuy.  Please attend the lecture “Eat and live alkaline to be fit”

April 9 at Natures Emporium Maple at 7.00 p.m., call 905.553.5527

April 10 at Natures Emporium Burlington at 7.00 p.m., call 289-427-5075

April 12-14 Total Health Show, with 2 lectures on Sat. and Sun. at 12.00 p.m.



Eating processed foods and being constantly stressed creates acidity and robs your body of mineral
deposits. The process of deterioration then starts. Stephan Wilmes, The AlkalineDietGuy, will tell
you how to rebalance the alkaline levels in your body through regeneration, purification, and cleansing.
Stephan will introduce the basics of our human metabolism as well explains the consequences of
a calorie-rich, acidic diet and gives you an overview of toxic and harmful substances. You will enjoy
fundamentally improving your health and wellness when you learn how easily you can implement an
alkaline lifestyle.
Stephan is a former professional athlete, an alkaline coach and the founder of the Ayurveda Wellness
Center Munich, Germany. He is an internationally renowned speaker on re-alkalizing the body and
his company, YouInFocus Products is the North-American distributor of Dr Jentschura’s alkalizing
program from Germany.
Participants enjoy Stephan’s holistic, enthusiastic and inspirational approach to health and wellness.

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March 14, 2019

Do you feel ill because of toxins and acids?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:40 pm

What can you do?

Learn about the “Triple jump of purification” according to Dr. h. c. Peter Jentschura.
Many of us feel so acidified and toxified that modern medicine and naturopathic methods, e.g. Homeopathy, do not work. Successful detoxification by itself or in combination with other therapies can be effective for every patient and a natural prevention for every human being. Only a clean, purified organism is susceptible to effective body, mind and energy work.

Beauty and health are alkaline because our blood is alkaline. Our blood unites the cells in our body into one. Permanently, blood and trillions of cells need to be supplied with oxygen and nutrients. Our complete organism must be cleansed of carbon dioxide and other, mostly acidic, metabolic end products via the blood. Only in the alkaline, very narrow pH range of 7.35 to 7.45 our blood works optimally. A lower pH-level can lead to vein occlusion, heart attack and stroke and other lifestyle diseases. To keep this life-critical pH within its narrow limits, the blood has developed various buffer systems. These systems do continuously ensure that the blood pH is maintained. In addition, the organism has various excretory organs such as kidneys, intestines and lungs. Also, our body detoxes via skin and mucous membranes to a certain extent.

The danger is acidic! Within just a few decades, we have drifted away from nature. Our original over-abundant nutritional and lifestyle habits have reversed into acid excesses. Today we consume too much animal protein, too many processed fats, too many finished products with additives, too much salt and sugar, too many white flour products, etc. Also, we do not physically move as much as in past centuries. Stress is a permanent burden. Our buffer systems and excretory organs are overwhelmed with a flood of acids and toxins. At the same time, our body lacks an abundance of real vital substances in today’s diet, e.g. with organic vegetables, salads, sprouts and fruits. At the same time, nutrition is the only way to supply regenerative nutrients to our organism.

What are toxic deposits? Acids and toxins, which cannot be excreted via kidneys, intestines, lungs and also not through the skin and mucous membranes, neutralizes our organism using organic minerals to neutral salts. Since the body has limited capacities, acids and toxins, bound to water and fat, are simply deposited. This manifests usually for women the beginning of cellulite and overweight and for men as the classic “beer belly”.

Cleanse your body with the “triple jump of detoxification”. Lots of modern civilization diseases can only exist because our body has no other option than to deposit these non-excretable toxic deposits. Purification means the removal of these toxic deposits from kin and mucous membranes, cells, tissues, glands, joints and other organs of the body. For our metabolism, this purification takes place in three steps: Dissolution of the deposits into its components by a highly efficient herbal tea. Neutralization – metabolism and safe removal of dissolved acids and poisons by means of an omnimolecular food. Excretion – via the skin and mucous membranes through alkaline body care.

The “triple jump of purification” – Jentschura’s AlkalineCure®

In order to sustainably promote health and beauty and to perform supremely mentally as well as physical, it is of central importance to pay attention to a balanced acid-alkaline balance. The traditional brand P. Jentschura has designed a holistic product program to achieve an acid-alkaline balance, which purifies, deacidifies and sustainably regenerates the organism. Jentschura’s AlkalineCure® consists of the soothing, cleansing 7×7®AlkaHerb Tea, the omnimolecular 100-plant organic superfood WurzelKraft® and the natural cosmetic product AlkaBath®, the basic mineral body care salt with a pH value of 8.5, which is a fountain of youth. Jentschura’s AlkalineCure® is a modern, effective and sustainable form of active health prevention.
Learn more on our website

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March 1, 2019

Transcending Food Addictions

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 10:20 am

Lot’s of people feel some sort of a lack in connection to inner deep love and relaxation. Some sort of deep-rooted fear and anxiety which seems to be always there.

In my perception out of this lack, we human beings create unsmart and unhealthy choices: Any imbalance we create in our lives manifests in conscious or unconscious addictions: too many drugs, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, work, sex and so on.

I like to invite you to try out some really interesting and very powerful approaches to health and wellness.

One is by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Please enjoy these 3 videos on YouTube

Also, I find Marisa Peer quite valuable and inspiring


My personal quickest enjoyment is to connect to the core of my heart. The simple sound is mmmmhhhh.

That brings me always to a deeper state of connectedness.


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