Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

November 30, 2018

New design and Christmas Promotion

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 3:44 pm

Our website got a new design and I love the deep ocean blue. It is a very deep and relaxing color. Just looking at it, I am reminded of a deeper reality inside.

Perhaps you did not know that besides Dr. Jentschura products we also offer these great products as well:

Alkaline water filters. These filters create the same quality of water mother nature provides for us: clean, pure, slightly alkaline and delicious.

Alkaline skin care by pH-Cosmetics. To my knowledge, this skin care line is the only real alkaline skincare line available in North America. The high pH-level opens your skin so the body can detox and your skin is cared for. The cleansers are very popular and the Anti-Aging regeneration creme is our best-seller.

Living Libations Skin Care and Oral Care bestsellers: Living Libations offers top quality natural products our family enjoys using and fully recommends.

Best of Genestra
I personally love these 3 products to boost your immune system, energy levels, and liver detox.

Ultimate Alkaline Christmas presents deal

Since the Dr. Jentschura 3-step program is such an effective and life-changing set of products I like to make you an offer you cannot resist 🙂

Until Christmas, we will upgrade your AlkalineStarterKit.

It normally contains:

165g WurzelKraft with over 50.000 vital substances,

500g MorgenStund healthy breakfast porridge,

750g detox bath #1 AlkaBath and 1x 75g AlkaBath

50 tea bags of AlkaBath with 49 mild cleansing herbs.

This package by itself is already a very good deal: $99.40 instead of $120.

In order to make this irresistible for you, we will ship you 100 tea bags instead of the 50 tea bags of AlkaHerb, which gives you an extra value of $18.

Also, we will add 5 free single serving sizes of all main products with an additional retail value of $10.

And you will receive a free booklet “Guide to Health and Wellness” which gives you all the knowledge to change your life from an acidic to an alkaline lifestyle.…/vitality-starter-kit/

November 28, 2018

Touching Story: Elmar Sprinkler is “Biker of the Year – 2018”

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 3:56 pm


Biker EN

A fan and follower of the Jentschura alkaline philosophy, Elmar’s successful sports career with triathlon, mountain climbing and skiing is a testimony of the effectiveness of the P. Jentschura alkaline training and recovery regime. And can you believe it – Elmar had a heart transplant in 2012. “Elmar continues to inspire everyone who ever saw or met him with his incredible spirit and energy”, says Roland Jentschura who has been an advisor to Elmar for many years. Congratulations from all of us at P. Jentschura!

November 2, 2018

If you don’t use it you will loose it

Filed under: alkaline diet,Alkaline Diet and improving your well-being,Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 5:03 pm

Very few people know that deep breathing does help to eliminate acids/toxins via the respiratory system.


I cannot overemphasize the benefits of working out enough. About 50 years ago our life was structured completely different. People “enjoyed” much more physical work. We come from a historical background of being hunters and gatherers with lots of physical activities.

Nowadays some people’s exercise is equivalent to pumping the gas pedal and pushing the buttons on the elevator.

Also you can also recognize the opposite behavior: Some people recognize the need to work out desperately after sitting all day all week and basically overdue it by running a marathon on the weekend. Not very healthy either.

We invite you to exercise on a regular base. Try to be active/work out as much as possible:


Walking in Mother Nature


Jumping the Trampoline



Skip the rope




Life is soo easy: just open YouTube and punch in your favourite workout: Let’s “Beginner Yoga workout 10 min” or “HIIT workout 20 min with weights” and you get hundreds of suggestions and then just do it 🙂



Besides getting rid of toxins and acids enjoy a much more relaxed state of mind after your work out.


My tip for you: Try to work out in the morning and enjoy an increased metabolism with more fat burning and increased happiness hormones all day 🙂


Ready, set, go – energize with Dr. Jentschura!


Whether you are a professional athlete or an amateur runner – P. Jentschura is your reliable partner for achieving your personal goals in sport easily! Your performance is naturally improved by the alkaline diet and care.


MorgenStund‘, WurzelKraft and TischleinDeckDich give you the power boost for top performance.

AlkaBath and BasenSchauer can be used perfectly for recuperation – so say goodbye to tired legs, lactic acid and aching muscles!


Get started today!


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