We cannot overemphasize the need to work out our bodies: “If you do not use you lose it.” If you get your muscles working, your metabolism get activated and your heart pumps oxygen and nutrition all over your body, while at the same time toxins and acids are released via the respiratory system. You enjoy these benefits with any kind of workout. If you are walking, jogging, dancing, Yoga, swimming, Feldenkreis… Anything works well at your own speed. If you did not work out for quite a while start slowly but steadily.
Most people find understandable excuses in their busy life styles. But what would you say if I tell you that there are free 3 minutes workouts on YouTube which do the job.
Another really good tip is a free app for your smart phone: The Johnson & Johnson free work out app is a 7 min delight. All you need is a chair and a wall. Once you downloaded the free app you will find longer workouts available in their workout library. Very sweet and FREE.
Another good tip is to set up appointments with workout buddies. It is really fun and much easier to get going together 🙂