An alkaline generating and nutrition rich approach is the starting point for your well being. However, the replacement of acidic foods with alkaline foods as well as the change from cooked food to raw food is not necessarily sufficient. Because over the years many impurities, toxins and other debris have deposited in the gut. This we will only slowly dissolve with a pure diet. A big belly is a sign that the colon is overloaded and overflowing with waste. A colon cleansing is indicated. If in doubt, always consult your doctor and ask for advice. Generally, however, you can facilitate a colon cleansing at home. Using a enema device it is possible to perform a gentle and particularly simple type of colon cleansing. Old impurities are flushed out of the body quickly and effectively. Also Markus Rothkranz, raw food star from the US, recommends and practices the performing regular colon cleanses using an inlet device. He promotes in detail how easy the custom colon cleansing with the help of an inlet device at home is feasible.
To create the enema fluid Dr. Jentschura recommends using his cleansing tea 7×7 AlkaHerb with 49 herbs and a pinch of AlkaBath. This creates a nice high pH-level.
Coffee enemas with a very acidic pH-level are also popular and they have a detox effect as well. But we believe that a high pH-level does pull out even more toxins/acids due to the principle of Osmosis since toxins and acids do have a low pH-level.
Also we recommend a high quality probiotic supplement to support your gut flora, not only if you had to take antibiotics, but also if your stool is too soft. You can get a high quality product which needs to be stored in the fridge. (e.g. AcidophilusUltra by New Roots)
If you suffer from constipation this may help:
Morning Lemon Juice: drink on empty stomach: You need 1 fresh lemon and 1 cup of warm water
High fiber foods in vegetable such as sprouts, carrots, and asparagus
Fresh organic fruits, or dried fruits such as apples, raisins, apricots, and prunes
To detoxify and cleanse try dandelions tea. You need 1-2 teaspoons of dried dandelion leaves and 1 cup of hot water
Morning Organic Olive Oil: drink on empty stomach. You need 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
Flax seed Oil Drink: You will need a glass of orange juice with pulp (8 oz.) and 1 tablespoon of flax seed oil
Baking Soda Drink: (only on empty stomach and for a maximum of 10 days) You will need 1 teaspoon baking soda and 1/4 cup warm water. Drink quickly!
Morning Lemon Juice: drink on empty stomach: You need 1 fresh lemon and 1 cup of warm water
Empty out with Epsom salts emergency drink: You will need 2 teaspoons of Epsom salt (for adults) OR ½ teaspoon (for children)* and 1 cup of water or fruit juice
Concerning your (gut) health please notice that it took us quite some time (10, 20, 30 years plus) to imbalance our health. Now give it some time and effort to rebalance 🙂