Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

December 29, 2015

A biggie for most of us: “Avoid sugar”

Filed under: alkaline diet,Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 10:45 am
Why? Lots of people who stepped away from sugar consumption report about weight loss, no more joint and back pains, losing insomnia, anxiety, depression and increased short and long term memory.
Step 1: Every craving/addiction in our life comes from an anticipated deficit in our hearts. Open your heart to let love in and let it flow, even if it aches.
Step 2: Keep your blood sugar stable. Have a great breakfast with protein and high quality carbs. Have lots of healthy meals/snacks during the day.
Step 3: The higher the amount of organic vital substances in your foods, the less cravings you will have. If you offer your body lots of organic super foods (e.g. like Wurzelkraft), it will be very grateful! If we go for fast food, after a short period our body reports “I am hungry again (for real food)”.
Step 4: Team up with family and friend. Create your own support group. Sets goals together and support each other.
Step 5: Engage in good activities with happy people. Exercise is always great! Find workout buddies and set appointments.
Step 6: Sugars are in almost everything, whether they’re natural or added. The key to cutting back on yours is to understand labels. Anything that ends in –ose is a sugar. Likewise, things that have the word “syrup” in them, or fruit juice concentrate.
Step 7: Make nuts, full-fat plain yoghurts, cinnamon and fresh vegetables, organic lean meat and fish your friends. Buy a good quality olive oil, coconut oil and prepare to cook “clean” – ie fresh wholesome food that’s not going to be drowned in sauces or marinades.
Step 8: Be kind with yourself. If you fall, get up right away. Set long term goals and focus your mind energy on achieving them. Meditation and prayer do help.

December 9, 2015

Healthy Holidays

Filed under: alkaline diet,Alkaline Diet Health Tips — Tags: , , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 1:07 pm

We have a great special for Dr. Jentschura’s WurzelKraft (“The Power of Roots”) with 100 organic and gluten free healing herbs and plants from Germany.

WurzelKraft is loaded with all minerals/vitamins/vital substances our body needs and helps replenish our mineral deposits (bones, skin, scalp, teeth) and strengthens your immune system.

If you are looking for high quality healthy presents for you and your loved ones, you only pay for 2 x 165g WurzelKraft and get one for free.
For people who understand the value of re-mineralizing your body: The 1650g size is supply for 4-6 month and does normally retail for $299. The special price is $200.


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