Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

November 21, 2009

Interview about the H1N1/Swine Flu: Stay healthy with the Alkaline Diet and lots of Alkaline Foods

Please listen to our latest interview on the Swine Flu/H1N1 Virus – an how you can use an Alkaline Diet and Alkaline Foods to stay vital, healthy and happy!

(I am a little biased by it is one of the best shows on BlogTalkRadio we ever did. Thanks Michelle!)

H1N1 Swine Flu and Staying Healthy with an Alkaline Food Diet

November 13, 2009

Interview with Dr. Jentschura -Alkaline Food & Alkaline Diet Expert

Since we had technical problems in the first 10 min of our radio interview, here we go….

Welcome to BlogTalkRadio, Welcome to the AlkalineDietGuy aka StephanWilmes. Our mission is to raise your body’s alkaline level to avoid painful diseases and to boost your vitality.

Our guest today is Dr. Peter Jentschura!

He is a international best-selling author (“Health by Purification) and founder of Jentschura International GmbH. He has dedicated his life to research the effect of acids and alkalines in the human body on a biochemical level.

The Jentschura International GmbH is the global leading company in alkaline foods and body care products and is successfully helping people in 25 different countries worldwide.

Dr. Jentschura, besides to your activity as industrial business manager you are also a successful editor.

Indeed. My two books “Health by Purification” and “zivilisatoselos leben” are international bestsellers, translated into several worldwide spoken languages. The topics I wrote about are health, aging and the modern civilisation diseases.

Together with my co-author Josef Lohkämper, we demonstrate how the present living and nutrition habits negatively influence the acid-alkaline balance in the human biochemistry. We also point out that long-lasting health and beauty are definitely based on an alkaline-generating nutrition and alkaline body care.

Dr. Jentschura, the Moscow University of Natural Science honoured your lifelong research and granted you the title of Doctor honoris causa in biomedicine on 1st June 2007. What significance does this title have for you personally?

It was a very special moment indeed. It was the appreciation and valuing of my comprehensive and permanent research work and an acknowledgment of my theories and discoveries. It was a marvellous and divine moment which encouraged me to go on. ******

Jentschura International GmbH is an international developer and manufacturer of alkaline body care products and alkaline-generating food products. The Executive Board and Management team are based in Münster, Germany. The family business, founded in 1993, employs a staff of about 100 people working in administration and production. The company not only supplies its products to the German domestic market but also primarily to its European neighbours as well as to Russia, Canada, the US, Korea and Taiwan. The international market leader with own branches in Switzerland and Mexico exports its health, beauty, performance and regeneration products and concepts to a total of 26 countries.

Dr. Jentschura, your company Jentschura International GmbH has its roots in the old German drugstore business. Can you give us some more details about this?

In 1935 my parents Margarete and Helmut Jentschura were already running a drugstore in Breslau. They were researching the composition, application and effects of natural body care products and healthy food stuff, especially that of their own tea selections.

How did you continue this research work?

First I was trained as industrial manager. Then I continued with promoting as a druggist. In 1966 I thus followed up the family tradition. Whilst running a regular drugstore business I started with naturopathic research on the human biochemistry with focus on toxin built-up, purification and regeneration processes. This research work set the basis for the present core products of the P. Jentschura product range.

ALKALINEDIETGUY An old German proverb says „In the morning eat like an emperor, at midday like a nobleman and in the evening like a beggar”. Dr. Jentschura, you are considered to be an expert to all issues related to the human metabolism. Therefore you can certainly answer the question why one should eat this way.

This question could already have been answered decades ago by the famous Professor Friedrich Sander of the University of Braunschweig. He postulated that between 5am and 7am a big acid flood runs through our body. He noticed this with his urine measurements.
The acid floods during the day are generated by the parietal cells of the stomach – one in the morning at 7am and one at 1pm, at 7pm and again at 1am at night. The morning acid flood is the strongest.

My colleague Josef Lohkämper and I have done further research. A strong acid flood of the stomach means that precisely at that time the largest plenitude of digestive juices is available. At that time the stomach is able to digest at a high rate. The digestive ability decreases from acid flood to acid flood. This is why you should eat less at lunchtime and even lesser in the evening.

How do you start your day in an “imperial way”?

For me “morning” has a lot of different meanings. On the one hand there is the big acid flood Professor Friedrich Sander spoke about, which invites you to have an ample breakfast. On the other hand there is the red sky in the morning when nature switches on the light of the day and encourages the plant realm to release oxygen so that all human beings firstly awake and start living.

For me one perception bears a meaning which I think I have taken from the Book Daniel. In my understanding it says that the hour of the red sky in the morning is the time when gold arises in our bodies by means of cold and warm nuclear fusion from the elements of the air we breathe. It might be the origin of the old German proverb “MorgenStund’ hat Gold im Mund”.

That sounds very esoteric, even if you refer to the Book Daniel from the Old Testament.

Well you know, terms and claims are esoteric for us only as long as we do not understand their meaning or as long as we have not gained enough information about. Once the degree of knowledge is sufficiently high the previously “esoteric” things become quite clear.
I have for example created a breakfast porridge and sincerely tried to select as many ingredients as possible containing the element gold, according to the research of the German naturopaths family Leisen and my friend Josef Lohkämper. Some of the ingredients are millet, apple, pineapple, amaranth, sunflower seed and sweet almonds.

In your opinion, what is the mission of the element gold in our human metabolism?


November 12, 2009

Interview with alkaline food expert Dr. Jentschura from Germany

I like to invite you to listen to our radio show AlkalineDietGuy on the 12th of November at 9.00 am MST.
We will interview bestselling author (Health by Purification) and company founder Dr. Jentschura about the ideal alkaline breakfast, the ideal times of eating and the function of antihistamines in our metabolism.

If you don’t have time tomorrow morning you will always be able to listen to the recorded show.

November 10, 2009

No more (swine) flu/H1N1 for you! Of course using alkaline foods and living the alkaline life style!

First of all don’t panic when you hear about the Swine Flu!


The swine flue is pushed big time by media, politicians and companies earning big dollars.

To put everything into perspective:

Every year ten thousands of people die because of the flue. I am speaking not about the swine flue! Just the normal flue!!

A normal flue takes around a week and is never pleasant: The body hurts and you don’t feel well.

Generally speaking there is always a danger for people with chronic diseases, such as heart problems etc. to die because of the flu. If your body and immune system is weak, it might take just the flu to kill you.

So what can we do to strengthen our body?

1. East the right food! Avoid coffee, black tea, pops, energy drinks, sugar, white flour products and too much meat.

Eat lots of veggies raw and cooked. Enjoy fish and lot of fruits.

Eat lots of Dr. Jentschura WurzelKraft made out of 100 herbs and plants. It floods your body with all vital substances it needs.  In Germany there is a saying: “Against each disease there is a herb”

If you like to start eating raw foods, do that in spring or summer, not now at the beginning of winter.

2. Outdoor activities: Enjoy aerobic exercise without getting stressed!

3. Try to get some sun. Even winter sun helps your body produce Vitamin D which strengthens your immune system.

4. Very important tip: Create enough humidity in your house. Dry air weakens your mucous membrane and only they catch infections.

5. Have long full bath in Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaBath salts: the high alkalinity of the bath salts pulls out toxins and acids via the principle of Osmosis! Great relaxing stuff…

6. Another good thing to help your body detox are enemas. I have a friend: as soon she falls sick she does an enema. She creates the enema solution using Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaBath and Dr. Jentschura AlkaHerb tea. The solution has a high alkalinity that really cleanses the colon. (Take 1 teaspoon of the Salts and 1 teabag for one liter enema solution)

Your Alkaline Diet Guy,

November 2, 2009

News Concerning the Swine Flu from Sweden


You got to read this…

In Sweden there is already the 5th dead!! But not from Swine Flue…


November 1, 2009

Oil of Oregano and the (swine) flu/H1N1 season!

Speaking about the flue season.
Oil of Oregano does do miracles with my body. Everybody around me is getting sick and I am good – Thanks God!
Although I have to admit I am taking drugs: Dr. Jentschura products.

Good luck to everybody!!! And don’t loose contact to your inner wisdom facing all this media hype about the Swine Flue.

A friend of mine is a doctor in Germany and her non-official insight is that so far 3 people died because of the Swine Flue and 30 people died because of the vaccination in Germany.

I also read that somebody died in Sweden because of the vaccination.

We believe that diseases can only exist in an acidic body.

So stay alkaline.

With means let’s not get caught by fear. Because besides acidic generating food also fear, stress and anger do create acidity!

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