Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

May 11, 2011

The History of Medicine, Meditation and Pain

I got a critical email from a MD concerning some statements I made about the connection of body-mind-soul, the importance of being a happy heart and the power of belief. The doctor wanted to see clinical evidence which I understand completely. If you study app. 15 years in a mental system/structure that is based on scientific evidence then you need proof.

Beside the fact that scientists have a hard time proofing/defining love, most people realize “some importance” of love in their lives.

Modern medicine is based on the statement that all disease is caused by external viruses and bacteria. These are our enemies and we need to fight viruses/bacteria and the symptoms of disease they cause. This approach is founded by Louis Pasteur in the late 19th century.

At the same time Antoine Bechamp founded a completely different approach: all micro organisms exist already in our body and mute into fungi which create toxic waste but only in an acidic environment!

Please read more about this in Robert Young’s book “The pH-Miracle”
“pH-Miracle” Amazon

Also I like to share a general thought concerning any clinical trials and studies: Famous physicist Werner Heisenberg stated that the outcome of every scientific experiment is determined by the consciousness of the one who is creating the experiment. In my words: As humans we are powerful beings which have the power to influence the result of an experiment via mind power. In Germany there is a saying concerning surveys: “Never belief a survey you did not fake yourself.”
That is why there are 50 scientific books on the market telling you to eat meat and 50 books warning you to eat meat.

Nevertheless it is always interesting to listen to good arguments, try things out and then take decisions in your life based on your experiences.

And now I am happy to let you know about this study:
A US study found out that meditation (Being aware of one’s breathing) reduces the perception of pain by 40%. People had these results only after a 4 day introduction to meditation.
Meditation and Pain

October 13, 2010

How to Boost your Vitality using Alkaline Foods

by Dr. h.c. Jentschura

Remain active! Remain agile! Remain vital!

For us humans, vitality is the efficient interplay of our agility, intellectuality and sexuality. In order to be able to maintain this vitality for many decades, we should continuously exercise our agility, intellectuality and sexuality, but also provide our body with a continuous supply of energy-rich vital substances and also continuously cleanse our body. For this reason, the body should be cleansed by drinking lots of high quality herbal tea. We recommend our 7×7 AlkaHerb, herbal tea and carrying out procedures using the alkaline mineral AlkaBath.

Provide your body with a comprehensive supply of vital substances with our products MorgenStund’ and WurzelKraft aromatic or fruity). Providing the body with an ample supply of WurzelKraft is extremely important for vitality and increasing your sexual capacity. Eight to fifteen teaspoons per day will lead to an impressive regeneration of your sexual functions.

Vitality is based on happiness, emotional, mental and spiritual strength. Vitality signifies health, cleanliness, strength and agility of the joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. We humans maintain the vitality of our mind and body by continuously exercising our mind and also our bodily functions. We need to keep our body free from harmful substances throughout our life and provide our body with an ample supply of vital substances throughout our life.

However, vitality does not just apply to older people, but also to our children. Their vitality can be defined in terms of intelligence and happiness. Their vitality can be defined in terms of their ability to concentrate and their ability to learn. Vitality can often be impaired through obesity and allergies, asthma, neurodermititis or psoriasis. It is therefore important to provide our children with all the vital nutrients they require. This is known as an omnimolecular approach and for this reason we have WurzelKraft, a powder from one hundred plants.

A child’s body should be cleansed daily of all harmful substances. This occurs in the mother’s womb through the alkalinity of the amniotic fluid. This process of cleansing should be continued throughout our life using alkaline baths and foot baths, alkaline inhalations, wraps and rinses. In this way, you can maintain mental and physical agility, your skin will receive a good supply of blood and will be radiant, your body will be cleansed, tissues will have a good blood supply and will be firm without deposits within the body and without unpleasant excretions out of the body.

For the internal cleansing of the body we have a tea made from 49 herbs, which has for decades been used to effectively cleanse the body, the cells and the organs. The alkaline-mineral bath salt AlkaBath is recommended for external use. This works like a magnet drawing acids and toxins out of the skin so that it can once again look radiant and be self-oiled. The alkalinity removes toxins from the body through the sebaceous glands and the sweat glands and the sebaceous glands are reactivated. This cleansing of the body from the inside to the outside maintains the agility of the joints, ligaments and tendons. An unrestricted flow of fluids is maintained and organs function correctly.

And this brings us back to the subject of sexuality and the functioning of our entire urogenital area. In humans all fertility begins in both our kidneys. These remove alkaline substances from the blood to form the egg in the ovaries which is to be fertilised, and in the kidneys hydrogen compounds are removed from the blood to produce sperm.

The kidneys will only function correctly throughout life if they are supplied daily with minerals. WurzelKraft  is used here as an omnimolecular supplement.

Both the male and the female sex organs require an extensive range of vital substances, such as those currently offered by the product WurzelKraft, which is made from one hundred plants which are grated, ground and mixed in our German factory.

This dual approach conceived by Dr. h. c. Peter Jentschura of continuous cleansing and daily omnimolecular nourishment, will aid the functioning of our organs throughout life and provide vitality, which lasts for several decades longer than is the case with many people these days.

Try a daily routine of drinking one to two litres of 7×7 AlkaHerb, herbal tea and having eight to fifteen teaspoons of WurzelKraft aromatic or fruity  for several months to cleanse and nourish the body at the same time. You’ll be impressed with the results.

Before beginning this routine you should make a note of your emotional mood and your physical condition, so that after three weeks you will be able to see the difference.

If you want to improve your skin at the same time, rub your entire body with AlkaBath after a shower. Then all you need is a quick rinse and the result is radiant looking skin which is as smooth as a baby’s. You have to experience it to believe it. If you like to take baths, then why not take regular alkaline baths with AlkaBath. Bathe for 60 to 90 minutes and regularly brush your arms, hands, legs and feet, up to the nails. Also brush your toe and finger nails. Why not try a consistent rejuvenation routine for your entire body over a period of several months consisting of alkaline cleansing and alkaline-generating vital substances.

July 31, 2010

The fatal process of “acidification” using the example of High Blood Pressure


In these modern times, it is an entirely natural process for both our cholesterol level and our blood pressure to rise during the course of our lives due to both our living conditions and our behaviour and eating habits.          

Over the course of decades, gluten from cereal production gums up our blood vessels, and above all the capillaries, the finest veins of all. These are so narrow that precisely one blood cell can pass through them. It has to deform itself to do this, because in its original disc shape it is already too large to pass through. But if the surrounding tissue is acidified and toxified, then even with mild acidification the erythrocyte becomes stiffer and stiffer until with marked acidification it is really rigid.
But our organism wants to live, and all the different areas, organs and functions want the blood to supply them with the oxygen and vital substances that are necessary for life. This task of continuous supply is carried out by the red corpuscles. They are the real transport vessels of our metabolism.

But when your blood is no longer able to supply ever larger areas of your increasingly acidified organism, due to the stiffening or solidification of the erythrocytes, then the organism will increase the blood pressure year on year in order to force the red corpuscles through the capillary vessels of the acidified areas at full force. This is one reason for the rise in blood pressure.  

The second reason is the fact that during the course of our lives, the blood vessels get narrower and narrower. The actual cause of this narrowing is the gluten from excessive consumption of cereals, and secondly the mucus and protein from the consumption of milk and milk products, and meat and meat products.

The third reason is the toxification and acidification we suffer due to all sorts of foods and incorrect behaviour, such as excessive sport, with the lactic acid this generates, or overindulgence in cola drinks, with the phosphoric acid this incurs, etc.

These acidifications, and also the buildup of toxins in pregnant women, or in women whose periods have stopped after the menopause, lead to minerals being consumed from the blood vessels. The body’s response to this is sharply increased production of cholesterol, as happens for instance after chemotherapy. The cholesterol which has been formed to protect the blood vessels is deposited along the walls of the blood vessels together with acids, toxins and waste products.

This process, the accumulation of waste products, is the third reason for the continuing narrowing of our blood vessels. The body responds to all three types of narrowing by increasing the blood pressure. Everyone has their ideal blood pressure. The body does not do anything wrong.

An alkaline diet and lots of alkaline foods will help your body!

<a href=”” title=”alkaline foods”>alkaline foods</a>


What can be done to normalize raised blood pressure?

The body must be cleansed, and we have to give up the things which cause the narrowing of the blood vessels. This needs to be described now. So for six months, just follow the purification treatment developed by Dr. Jentschura, which he calls the “triple jump to purification”. Start by drinking two to three cups of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) every day for one or two weeks. Increase this quantity to two to three litres over a few weeks, and right from the beginning drink one to one and a half litres of non-carbonated water as well.

Right from the beginning take five to seven tablespoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife), so as to strengthen your kidneys in their elimination function. And right from the beginning take alkaline foot baths every day. Go to the steam bath and scrub yourself with the honey and salt paste which Dr. Jentschura invented. And go to bed every evening, or as often as possible, wearing AlkalineStockings.

For six months reduce your consumption of cooking salt and strong spices, coffee and cola drinks, milk and milk products, meat and meat products, and confectionery. Then your body will cleanse itself along with all its structures, tissues and blood vessels, and your blood pressure will go back to normal as if by magic.

May 30, 2010

The Easiest Way to Cleanse your Body Using Alkaline Foods

Having a long alkaline foot or full bath is the easiest way to deeply relax and help your body release toxins and acids in a very natural way.



Why? The high PH-level of the water is pulling out acids and toxins via the principle of Osmosis. The skin is semi permeable which means that liquids e.g. skin lotions go into the skin but also toxins and acids move out.

Why bathing although chlorine water is toxic? Here we recommend either to use a water filter for the complete house. If that is not an option we use a little trick: Fill your bath tub with extremely hot water and let is cool down for 30-40 min until it has nice warm temperature. The poisoning Chlorine will gradually evaporate.  Then you put in the bath salt and yourself.

Which bath salt should I use? Epsom salts are very popular but do only create a PH-level of 6.5. Baking soda will only create a PH-level of 6.2. Dead Sea salt will also create a Ph-level around 6.5 – I also felt a little “dead” and tired after using Dead Sea salt for a full bath. Of course we highly recommend Dr. h.c. Jentschura AlkaBath: it created a PH-level of 8.0-8.5!! And the 8 precious stones so add an awesome energy to the bath.

Our skin starts to feel silky like baby skin. Why? As babies we swim in Amniotic Fluid with the same high PH-level.


We also recommend brushing your body every 5 min in bath tub. This is really addictive since you really feel your body/skin energy flowing after each brushing.

We promote a special very effective way of brushing to quickly release toxins. Please visit our website

Download our alkaline cure leaflet.  On page 13 we show you in a display the most effective cleansing brushing technique. It is not energy or lymphatic but impurity brushing. Knowing that the largest amount of glands is under the armpits and the genitals we brush towards these body regions.

 Enjoy your life and health!

April 22, 2010

Great Sales for Alkaline Foods

Today I like to let you know about a real good deal: Dr. Jentschuras Whole Food Dietary Supplement WurzelKraft 1650g Fruity is reduced from 232.00 CAD to 189.00 CAD!!


That means 25 weeks full of  all natural and completely absorbable vitamins, minerals and vital substances our body needs.


Have lot of different alkaline foods to improve your vitality.

April 10, 2010

Your Breakfast Determines the Course of Metabolism – We need Alkaline Foods

by Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura


In our time, burdened with illnesses caused by modern-day civilization, many people have the course of their physical and psychological health predetermined upon waking in the morning. Does the day begin with instant psychological stress for the soul followed by a “Greek breakfast” for our physicality? For many men and women in the generation under fifty, the Greek breakfast is “cool” and “in”. Maybe you belong to the older generation and aren’t familiar with this “Greek breakfast”. It consists of a cup of strong black coffee and a cigarette. That makes one feel alive after a short night and ready for another stressful day. That’s why one cleverly begins with immediate physical and psychological stress, and insists on continuing this familiar rhythm. Fortunately, this Greek breakfast is more likely the exception than the norm on most breakfast tables. Yet, unfortunately, the other four breakfast types are not more “healthy”. In fact, they give way to metabolic problems, rather than strengthening our metabolism, immune system, and overall physical health. We differentiate between the four breakfast types as follows:


The Gluten Breakfast The gluten breakfast is the most common white flour breakfast with bread and buns, and it is also the crunchy-muesli-breakfast. People who are allergic to gluten should avoid this kind of breakfast, and many people who suffer from digestive problems should reduce their intake of grains. After being consumed over years and decades, gluten has the tendency to congeal, and become lodged in our organs. These constrictions are the reason for the rise of high blood pressure, which reveals itself over the decades of our lives. This rise in physical pressure can have many effects such as inflammations or physical stress, and also the constrictions and congestions of our blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, and other conductors such as the fallopian tube, ureter, or seminal duct.


The Milk Breakfast The daily milk breakfast equally contributes to constrictions and congestions of our vessels. Milk does not only contain a high degree of congestive components, but also many elements of phosphate and the enzyme catalase. The high amount of phosphate is the reason that milk and milk product are not calcium providers, but actually calcium robbers. The catalase in cows’ milk is an oxygen robber and sets in motion all kinds of deficiency diseases. Catalase reduces the intake of oxygen into our blood, and therefore into our whole organism. However, oxygen is the great receptor for all substances reaching into our organism. Our body as a whole consists of 80% oxygen. This element is the main axis of our entire metabolism. Even our bones chemically consist mainly of oxygen. The element oxygen is a so called “negative element.” It doesn’t mean it is a bad element, it means it is an “absorbing” one. Diseases like iron deficiency anaemia are solved in no time; if one eliminates milk and milk products while introducing oxygen therapies, such as the haematoma oxygen therapy or a pointed supply of ionic oxygen.


The Sugar Breakfast The ingredients of a sugar breakfast rapidly ferment within our bodies, causing many negative consequences. Bread and buns themselves are derived from a fermentation process. The huge consumption of sugar in jams, nut spreads, chocolate drinks and other drinks introduces constant alcohol fermentation in the intestines. Over the years this hidden inebriation of our youth may be the less observed reason our young people tap into an over-consumption of alcohol. The constant overload of bad alcohol derived from the fermentation in the small intestines in the organism of the child has already lowered the IQ level and the whole spirit and body performance levels. Children like the typical toast or white flour bread with chocolate spread, which contains much sugar and fat. The result is our children become overweight and weak, while the acidity of the body increases, leading to diabetes and excess weight. The vessels become burdened with sticky gluten, and fungal diseases will also rise. Due to the sugar portion and the missing fibre in the diet, the blood sugar level will rise. After that, the insulin level will rise to transfer the sugar and fat into the cells. The blood sugar level then rapidly drops and the brain again signals food cravings. New energy has to be activated to overcome the low level of energy. If again sweets, coke, energy drinks are consumed, the whole dangerous cycle is repeated, and the blood sugar levels again play roller-coaster. Boredom and lack of motivation rotates with aggressiveness and hyper activity. Soon there is the need for “helpful” psychological drugs.


The Salty Breakfast Business people know this breakfast as the “New York breakfast.” It consists of a plate of scrambled eggs, white bread with fried sausages and fried ham. The ‘normal’ salty breakfast consists of ham and sausage, egg with salt and pepper, and tasty cheeses. The salt lovers normally aren’t aware that the two kidneys generally are only able to eliminate daily 5-6 grams common salt. Notice, this is in reference to both kidneys! This so called “salt barrier” causes a salt congestion, which manifests itself as lard fat in the kidneys and then as lard fat in the intestines. With a continuous excessive consumption of salt and subsequent accumulation of waste products, cellulite, back tension, causes damaged intervertebral discs; in the end these so called “new hips” are further steps of a career ladder, which all began with an overload of the kidneys. There are two recommendations for salt lovers in restoring internal balance. The first is to reduce the salt intake. The second well-meaning advice is to strengthen the two kidneys in their ability to release acidity and sodium chloride. This strengthening takes place through an extensive provision of omni molecular vital substances. For example: zinc is a great support to the kidneys in eliminating acids and poisoning salts.


Now we come to the fifth type of breakfast. The Gluten Free and Lactose Free Vital Substances Breakfast This fifth breakfast is a kind of “quinta essentia” for our health. Greece in the old days knew four elements–water, earth, fire, and air–while searching for thousands of years for the fifth element, the “quinta essentia”. How does the best possible “quinta essentia” breakfast look like? It is a salt free, dairy free, sugar free, and gluten free breakfast. It is also not a raw breakfast, it will be cooked for a short time, and therefore digestible and absorbable for all constitution types, as well for babies, seniors and people with allergies. This breakfast is mineral rich and filled with vital substances. It is an ideal metabolism starter. It is composed of non-allergenic gluten free seeds such as millet, buckwheat, amaranth, sweet almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds, which are providers of high quality fatty acids. Such a breakfast is an integral part of an omni molecular supply of vital substances for our organism providing a health start in the early morning. With such a nutrient-rich supply we strengthen our immune system and support our organism in overcoming the many allergies in our time. It is also the ideal breakfast for an anti fungus diet, and for weight loss. It is a breakfast with a high density of nutritional value, but without empty calories. Of course, such a breakfast is a helpful tool for regeneration, in any convalescence, and for any high performance sportsman, for any person who suffers digestive weaknesses, and of course, for our children and babies from months 10 until months 12 years old. It is a breakfast without any additives and of course, without any refined sugar. ((I have called this fifth breakfast “MorgenStund”. In doing so I followed a German proverb “The early bird catches the worm”. In the early morning, one sets the course of metabolism for a day of stress and sluggishness, or for a day of radiant happiness and vibrant health, where we have an abundance of creative energy to accomplish our day’s work.


I am the intellectual father of this breakfast. The ingredients were created by my brilliant team of dieticians and my beloved friend and Co-author of my books, Josef Lohkaemper. To find out more about the ingenious breakfast “quinta essentia” please visit

Morgenstud is teeming with a rich array of vital substances and nutrients… Your entire physical and mental health will greatly benefit from this powerful morning start.))

<a href=”” title=”alkaline foods”>alkaline foods</a> for breakfast will increase your vitality.

German Dr. h.c. P. Jenschura’s book and complete alkalizing program is a bestseller in Europe. Book and products are now available in Canada and the USA. Please visit for more info

(For more than 25 years, Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura has led scientific researching the areas of body chemistry, internal cleansing, and purification. The Founder and CEO of the Jentschura International GmbH in Muenster, Germany, Dr Jentschura is trained as a Chemist, is a Entrepreneur, Health-Pioneer, successful author as well as the creator of a cutting-edge, highly effective purification program. In the following interview, Dr Jentschura shares the keys to purifying our bodies and boosting our overall health and vitality.

March 9, 2010

The “Oil Change” for your body -Alkaline Foods Cleanse your Body

The “Oil Change” for your body

by Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura


Just as every car needs oil change, our body also requires purification. Especially for high-stamina sportsmen, it is important to get “the sand” out of the system and to refuel after tough conditions. For athletes there is often an over-accumulation of carbonic acids, lactic acids, acetic acids, and uric acids; coupled with an acidic diet consisting of much sugar, sweets, white flour products, soft drinks, coffee, fast foods and animal products. This results in hyperacidity, which decreases overall health and well-being.

Acids slow down our power and our capacity to regenerate, as they consume vital substances like minerals, which are essential in the regeneration process. Our metabolism has to neutralize the excess acids and waste products with our own vital alkaline substances. If these vital alkaline substances are not abundant in our diet, our body’s’ own reserves– such as skin, hair, teeth, bones, joints, and tendons– will be “targeted”. This quickens the wear out process. Additionally formed neutral salts will be deposited as waste products, which create a bottleneck in our excretory organs. Performance declines and increased risks of injuries are inevitable.


Oil Change

The key to maximum regeneration and permanent productivity is through internal cleansing and purification. For the body, detoxification always occurs in 3 steps, which we will refer to as a “triple jump of purification”:

  1. Removing  waste products

Herbal teas, especially those designed specifically for removing waste products, reactivate deposited acids. Start with a small amount of tea in the beginning, and then increase step by step. Everything that is soluble by tea has to be metabolized in the end.

  1. Neutralization and Removal of Acidity

Our body needs the whole spectrum of vital nutrients derived from plant foods like vegetables, salads, sprouts, and seeds in order to remove the freed acids. These plant foods optimize the natural systems and enzymes for de-acidification and are essential for energy production, regeneration, and increased efficiency. They take care of strong muscles, stable tendons and joints as well as strong bones.


  1. Elimination of acidity

Finally the soluble acids have to be eliminated. In this process the skin plays a central role with its countless sweat glands and sebaceous glands. The substances that our kidneys, intestines, and lungs are not able to eliminate can be eliminated through the skin with alkaline body care. Alkaline baths and foot baths, peelings, and massages have all proven to be extremely effective in the purification process. They also have the added benefit of making the skin velvety soft and smooth, and able to eliminate effectively.

The result of the “oil change” is a revitalized, taut and beautiful body—both internally and externally.

<a href=”” title=”alkaline foods”>alkaline foods</a> increase your vitality!




German Dr. h.c. P. Jenschura’s book and complete alkalizing program is a bestseller in Europe.

Book and products are now available in Canada and the USA. Please visit for more info

YouInFocusProducts is a Canadian distribution company based in Edmonton, AB. The company is owned by Stephan Wilmes, the AlkalineDietGuy.  Stephan created the AlkalineLifeStyle and holds his alkaline lectures all over Canada.

Lecture All about the alkaline life style…


Everybody speaks about the miracles that happen when you alkalize your body. What the truth of this? What is the difference between an alkaline or acidic life style and how does it affect our health?

We will speak about the different aspects and consequences of living the alkaline life style and discuss the following topics:

What deteriorates our health and wellbeing?

How to stay healthy, energetic and beautiful?

Organic vs. inorganic dietary supplements

Responsible pregnancy

Toxins and weight loss




This lecture is crucial: People don’t realize what they do to their bodies in eating processed food and spending their lives being continuously stressed. Both create acidity. To deal with the large amounts of acidity we rob our bodies’ mineral deposits. This starts the process of deterioration. 

Instead of dying at the age of 100-120 in a healthy body after a fulfilled life most of us die at 70-80 years old after 10-20 years of suffering from diseases and longing for deep fulfillment.



The lecture will be held by Stephan Wilmes aka AlkalineDietGuy. Stephan is an Ayurvedic therapist.



As a young man I loved sports: in team sports I played soccer and basketball. In martial arts, I became German Heavyweight Boxing Champion and Second World Military Boxing Champion. After my professional sports career I finished my Business Degree at the University in Munich, Germany and received the Wacker Chemistry Price for the Best Diploma Thesis.

I am also a Ayurvedic Therapist and used to own the Ayurveda Wellness Center Munich. Knowing the powerful cleansing and healing effects of Ayurvedic Sciences, I really acknowledge the same beneficial value of applying the Dr. P. Jentschura Cure from Germany. The Dr. Jentschura cure seems to me more appropriate for our western civilization. That’s why we promote the cure in North America.

March 2, 2010

“Healthy Living with Alkaline Foods” by Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura

For more than 25 years, Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura has led scientific researching the areas of body chemistry, internal cleansing, and purification. The Founder and CEO of the Jentschura International GmbH  in Muenster, Germany, Dr Jentschura is trained as a Chemist, is a Entrepreneur, Health-Pioneer, successful author as well as the creator of a cutting-edge, highly effective purification program. In the following interview, Dr Jentschura shares the keys to purifying our bodies and boosting our overall health and vitality.

1.     Is it correct to say that many illnesses caused by civilization have their roots in an insufficient diet?

Dr. Jentschura: Yes, definitely. An imbalanced diet can further many illnesses caused by civilization or can be the root of the illness. Paired with alcohol, nicotine, lack of activity, stress, and anxiety, a dangerous cocktail of poison can build in the body, resulting in chronic acidity of the organism, the consumption of essence, damage of structure, and incrustations. Other possible consequences include: high blood pressure, excess weight, arterioscleroses, osteoporoses, gout, cellulites, hair loss, allergies, diabetes, and other skin diseases.


2.     What are the biggest diet mistakes?

Dr. Jentschura:  The greatest diet mistake is that many people don’t take into careful consideration what they choose to eat, so a balanced and vital, substance- rich diet falls short. One eats–or better described–one quickly consumes a kebab during a break, a bar of chocolate on the side, and a pizza in front of TV in the evening.  That’s why acid-producing foods, such as meat, sweets, white flour, cakes and soft drinks are on the daily menu. Also the over intake of animal protein and sugar are factors contributing to acidification and waste products. Foods with a high source of vital substances and complex carbohydrates in the form of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and seeds mainly fall short.

3.     What does “healthy diet” mean to you?

Dr. Jentschura: Healthy diet means a balanced and vital substance-rich diet, in conjunction with my rules: “Stay away from what harms you! Eat, drink and do what is useful! Eliminate what is harmful!” A vital rich and therefore  an alkaline whole foods diet with an abundance of raw foods and vegetables leads significantly to more life energy and well being. A diet mainly consisting of fresh and unrefined ingredients not processed and   manipulated by genetic technology, increases lasting activity of spirit and body. An alkaline diet with vital substances and minerals decisively supports the elimination function of the kidneys and contributes to the positive fact that our blood is alkaline. To secure the course of important physiological activities in the human body, such as breathing, circulation, digestion, excretion, the body’s defence function and balance of hormones, a light alkaline environment with a ph level between 7.35 and 7.45 is needed.


4.     For most people the daily meals should not be very time consuming. Is a healthy diet compatible with eating in a hurry?

Dr. Jentschura:  “When you eat in a hurry in the end you fall short. Good chewing is half way digested” is an old saying. The chewing process is very important in breaking down food and allowing the saliva to do its work. The saliva provides important digestive enzymes, so a kind of pre- digestion occurs in the mouth. When food is swallowed in a hurry, the stomach is prevented from doing its “work preparation”. The consequences are: the digestive organs have to do more work, and nutrients are poorly distributed. If one has less time to eat, then it is more favourable to eat less and, instead, chew slower.

5.     Which advice would you give: Slowly change to an alkaline diet or make a complete change overnight?

Dr. Jentschura:  A guiding principle is “Hurry with patience!” The longer a mal nutritious diet  has been “enjoyed” with lots of animal proteins, fast foods, white flour, sugar, alcohol, and sweets, the more time one should give to make the change in dietary habits. With a moderate start, the organism is able to adjust slowly to the new natural diet. The daily food should contain 80% of vegetables, herbs, salads, fruits, potatoes, nuts, and seeds like millet, buckwheat, and quinoa. To start the day powerfully, one should value an alkaline breakfast.

6.     Science has now become interested in the advantages of an alkaline diet. Despite this fact, this discussion has not yet reached the orthodox working medical doctors. What is the reason for this?

Dr. Jentschura:  The classical medicine takes care mainly of symptoms rather than the cause of a problem. However, this is not the way out of the labyrinth of illnesses caused by civilization. Many medical doctors don’t treat symptoms as a way of healing. The symptom – one can look at it as an attempt of the body to heal itself- demonstrates the process of healing. This natural and dynamic healing and rescue plan has to be recognized and supported. That should be done for most with an alkaline diet and an alkaline body cleansing.


7.     Alkaline diet is one vital component. What other factors would you say a healthy life should include?

Dr. Jentschura: If one wants to live healthy and long, one should take care of a balanced acid/alkaline diet, and also bring spirit and body in balance. Stress in jobs and in leisure time, anxieties, less sleep, too much or not enough physical activities are also indicators that our bodies are literally being turned into acidity. Health also means that we live in balance, enjoy life, enjoy being a human being, and to show that. Of course, once in a while one can enjoy something not healthy. One should enjoy compensatively. That means for example: the next day after a long party night, “sins” should be met with a vital substances rich diet and with an alkaline cleansing of the body.


<a href=”” title=”alkaline diet”>alkaline diet</a> will enrich your wellness.


German Dr. h.c. P. Jenschura’s book and complete alkalizing program is a bestseller in Europe.

Book and products are now available in Canada and the USA. Please visit for more info 

YouInFocusProducts is a Canadian distribution company based in Edmonton, AB. The company is owned by Stephan Wilmes, the AlkalineDietGuy.  Stephan created the AlkalineLifeStyle and holds his alkaline lectures all over Canada.

Lecture All about the alkaline life style…


Everybody speaks about the miracles that happen when you alkalize your body. What the truth of this? What is the difference between an alkaline or acidic life style and how does it affect our health?

We will speak about the different aspects and consequences of living the alkaline life style and discuss the following topics:

What deteriorates our health and wellbeing?

How to stay healthy, energetic and beautiful?

Organic vs. inorganic dietary supplements

Responsible pregnancy

Toxins and weight loss




This lecture is crucial: People don’t realize what they do to their bodies in eating processed food and spending their lives being continuously stressed. Both create acidity. To deal with the large amounts of acidity we rob our bodies’ mineral deposits. This starts the process of deterioration. 

Instead of dying at the age of 100-120 in a healthy body after a fulfilled life most of us die at 70-80 years old after 10-20 years of suffering from diseases and longing for deep fulfillment.



The lecture will be held by Stephan Wilmes aka AlkalineDietGuy. Stephan is an Ayurvedic therapist.



As a young man I loved sports: in team sports I played soccer and basketball. In martial arts, I became German Heavyweight Boxing Champion and Second World Military Boxing Champion. After my professional sports career I finished my Business Degree at the University in Munich, Germany and received the Wacker Chemistry Price for the Best Diploma Thesis.

I am also a Ayurvedic Therapist and used to own the Ayurveda Wellness Center Munich. Knowing the powerful cleansing and healing effects of Ayurvedic Sciences, I really acknowledge the same beneficial value of applying the Dr. P. Jentschura Cure from Germany. The Dr. Jentschura cure seems to me more appropriate for our western civilization. That’s why we promote the cure in North America.

February 10, 2010


Please join in our open lecture at Planet Organic South in Edmonton.

When: 18th of Febuary at 7.00 pm

Together we will discuss the factors which determine a healthy and happy life. 

Also I will introduce you to Dr. h.c. P. Jentschura’s approach to boost vitality and avoid painful diseases in increasing alkalinity.

January 11, 2010

Getting More Alkaline Foods into your Diet

Getting More Alkaline Food into Your Diet!

The alkaline diet is a very new way to look at how you eat. The essentials of the diet are to keep the ph balance of food intake at 80% alkaline with 20% acidity. The goal with this diet is to match the ph level of the bloodstream, which runs on the alkaline side. This task can be daunting for many because foods that most people love to indulge themselves on are considered high in acidity. The goal in adding more alkaline into your diet is to identify good sources of alkaline. Creating a comprehensive list of alkaline producing foods will help you make the most of the alkaline diet.

Alkalizing foods have a tonic effect on the body. By neutralizing the acidity in the bloodstream, alkaline foods act as a “breath of fresh air” to the system regenerating and restoring damaged cells. Diets high in acidic foods cause the body to break down prematurely, the bloodstream carries these “acid bombs” throughout the system wreaking havoc in their wake. By determining what foods have an alkalizing effect on the body, we can incorporate them into our diet in larger amounts, setting the pH levels in the bloodstream to the optimum level. On average, the pH level of human blood is between 7.35 and 7.45; levels 7 and above are considered alkaline.

Vegetables and fruits are the easiest ways to get more alkaline into your diet. Vegetables that are alkalizing are: (more…)

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