Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

July 20, 2009

How Can I Stay Beautiful And Healthy with Alkaline Foods in my Alkaline Diet?

What is real beauty and health and what are the benefits of eating alkaline foods in an alkaline diet?

Physical health means that the cells, tissues and organs are free of acids, toxins and impurity deposits while at the same time having full vitamin and mineral reserves. Allowing these reserves to remain untouched for as long as possible is the best prerequisite for permanently staying healthy and beautiful.

If all cells, tissues and organs have a sufficient reserve of nutrient potential, they are then able to continuously regenerate themselves, defend against and eliminate toxic substances.

How can I stay beautiful and healthy?

Avoid all harmful things!

The primary prerequisite for long-lasting health and beauty is to reduce or, even better, avoid the acid-generating lifestyle habits previously mentioned (e.g. too much stress, excess exercise, acidic and acid-generating eating habits that include too much protein, animals fats, sugar and sweets, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, fast food and additive-enriched, pre-processed foods) and replace them with an alkaline-generating, primarily wholesome vegetarian diet. For millions of years we have needed the nutrients of plants for our health and beauty.

Eat, drink and do beneficial things!

Through a primarily wholesome vegetarian and therefore mineral-enriched, alkaline-generating diet with lots of vegetables, some fruit and omni-molecular (complete) plant-derived foods, we can make sure that our bodies’ own mineral reserves remain well filled. This in turn ensures that our beauty and heath will be maintained for the long-term. Alen, Spirulina, Dr. Jentschura WurzelKraft and similar products are such kinds of omni-molecular foods derived from numerous plants. The great number of nutrients contained in these food products gave them their name: Latin omnes = all; all molecules = omnimolecular.

Drinking approximately 1 litre of non-carbonated water and ½ – 1 litre or more of herbal tea does a good job of thoroughly cleansing the human body and its elimination organs.

Stress can be balanced out for example through meditation, autogenic training, reading a good book or a relaxing walk. Excessive exercise can be replaced by yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates and stretching.

Discover the healthy balance between acids and bases for yourself, for “pleasure is in taking everything in moderation”. Low amounts of acids can be enjoyed if compensated with excess alkalinity. But you can and should balance out every excessive acidic pleasure with alkaline-generating foods and alkaline body care!

Eliminate all harmful things!

The diseases in modern society only develop because our naturally foreseen elimination organs are not capable of eliminating large amounts of acids, toxins and the neutral salts generated with the assistance of our body’s own minerals. Our body has no other option but to deposit toxins that cannot be eliminated. To regain or maintain health and beauty, “cleansing treatments” are recommended during which the acids and toxins are effectively eliminated with the help of the skin and mucous membranes, our other elimination organs, and which re-establish the acid-base equilibrium and successfully eliminate the deposited impurities.

Healthy compensating equalisers:

1 cup of coffee : 1 tsp. AlkaLife or a similar product + 1 glass of water

one small meal with meat : one large portion of vegetables or salad

excessive exercise : one alkaline full bath

one piece of cake : one alkaline footbath + 1 tsp. AlkaLife or a similar product

Life is all about balance!
Tip for the daily diet

80% alkaline-generating foods

20% acid-generating foods and beverages

How can I cleanse myself successfully with as little effort as possible?

With the “triple jump to purification” for successful regeration: Purification means removing deposited impurities from the skin and mucous membranes, from the cells, tissues, glands, joints and organs of the body. In three steps, purification has the following significance for our metabolism:
impurity deposits are dissolved into their components
loosened acids and toxins are metabolised
elimination occurs through the intestine, kidneys and mucous membranes

By both internally and externally carefully preparing for the “triple jump to purification” you can avoid any possible initial signs of excessively straining the body and the familiar initial worsening or healing crises. Perhaps you have already had a similar experience during fasting or during a cleansing or purification regimen. The “triple jump to purification” must therefore be carefully planned in order to successfully loosen, metabolise and eliminate years of deposited impurities without discomfort. This sensible preparation is all the more necessary the more contaminated, built-up or sensitive the body is. The preparation consists of two important steps:

1. The body’s neutralizing and metabolizing potential is omni-molecularly optimised through a wholesome vegetarian diet and omni-molecular foods.

2. Alkaline body care allows many acids and toxins to be eliminated through the body’s fluids. This occurs with alkaline full baths and footbaths, with alkaline compresses, rinses, etc.

The chief commandment for purification is:

“The more acidic built up and sensitive the body is, the more careful you must prepare for the purification process!”

What Deteriorates Our Health And Beauty – the Lack Of Alkaline Foods

We want to take a close look what happens in our body if we don’t eat alkaline foods:

Our blood needs to keep its alkalinity…

Our blood connects the 100 million cells in our body to make up a meaningful whole. For its many diverse functions, blood requires an alkaline pH value between 7.35 and 7.45. Only within this alkaline range blood flows optimally, nourishes cells and keeps the body cleansed.

All of our foods and drinks have either alkaline or acid generating effects in our bodies.

Due to our modern fast food and living civilisation most of the food we eat barely deserves to be called “nourishing”. It is often mass-produced, pre-cooked, frozen or pre-processed in one or another way. The ingredients in these products often originate from monocultures grown in impoverished soil. These types of foods lack essential nutrients and do not provide us with the vital energy that we need. This lack of nutrients especially minerals causes the fact that most of our food is acid generating…

What deteriorates our health and beauty?

Harmful amounts of acids and toxins are accumulated in our bodies. Alkaline neutralizing nutrients in the form of natural, energy-rich minerals and trace elements are barely even contained in processed, concentrated foods, and are instead replaced by horrendous amounts of “empty” calories. The following overview shows just a few typical acid-inflated, nutrient destroying foods, drinks and energy-consuming behaviour:

Meat and meat products Uric acid
Pork Sulphuric and nitric acid
Sweets,Sugar, White flour products Acetic acid
Artificial sweeteners Formic acid
Soft drinks Phosphoric acid
Coffee, black tea, red wine Tannic acid
Pain relievers Acetylsalicylic acid
Physical overexertion Lactic acid
Stress, anger Hydrochloric acid

One of the chief principles of metabolism is keeping the pH value of blood and the balance between acids and bases stable.

If the pH-value of blood drops by the slightest amount, then the blood will become thicker and clotted (the coin rolling phenomenon of red blood cells). The functions of providing the cells with oxygen and nutrients as well as of removing and eliminating toxins are impaired. Acids, toxins and other harmful substances then build up in the body.

The acid-base regulation risks losing its balance. It is the basis for all metabolic processes and functions in the body, as e.g. hormones, enzymes and our immune systems cannot function in an overly acidic environment. The human body reacts to decreases in pHvalues with the following symptoms:

1. Structural damage

An excess of acids and toxins deteriorates our cells, tissues and organs, as well as our joints and bones. The observed deterioration is often accompanied by inflammatory processes, such as e.g. tonsillitis, gastritis or diabetes. Acids and toxins threaten to bring our vital acid-base equilibrium out of balance. In order not to be deteriorated and destroyed by acids and toxins, our bodies neutralize them with the help of energy-rich, alkaline-generating vitamins and minerals. Due to an excess of acids and toxins and the lack of nutrients in foods today, the body must often consume or depend on its own mineral reserves. Acids and toxins consume the mineral reserves in our skin, hair, teeth, joints and bones and, with results such as hair loss and osteoporosis, also have negative effects on our health and beauty.

2. Elimination

Neutral salts result from neutralizing acids and toxins with the help of alkaline-generating minerals. However our usual elimination organs (kidneys, intestine and lungs) cannot simply eliminate large amounts of acids and toxins or the resulting neutral salts as they please. Each of these organs has a very specific elimination function as well as capacity which cannot be exceeded due to an existing protective mechanism, as it would then lead to the deterioration, contamination and salinisation of these organs.

Skin problems – in order to prevent that from happening, the human body increasingly takes care of elimination through the skin. However the skin does not have a natural protective mechanism. Depending on the sensitivity or concentration and aggressiveness of the acids and toxins, the skin becomes excessively stressed and irritated. Signs of this include body odour, sweat, pimples, acne, eczema, furuncles, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, allergies and stasis ulcers.

Fungi and yeasts – The acidic or even toxic environment on the skin and mucous membranes resulting from elimination creates ideal conditions for the growth of skin and nail fungi as well as intestinal and vaginal yeasts. They start to grown in areas with acidity levels between pH 3.5 and pH 5.5. The growth of yeasts and fungi are both the results and symptoms of an overly acidic and contaminated body. In natural medicine, fungi and yeasts are referred to as so-called “acid and toxin eaters”. They will disappear once the acidic environment of the skin, their ideal feeding grounds, is corrected by alkaline-generating nutrients on the inside and alkaline-cleansing on the outside.

3. Deposition of impurities

Our bodies neutralize acids and toxins that cannot be eliminated through the kidneys, intestine, lungs or through the skin and mucous membranes with minerals, turning them into neutral salts. Since they can only be eliminated to a certain extent, the body must store them as residue bound to water and fat. For many women these residue deposits come in the form of cellulite, e.g. on the upper thighs, bottom and hips. “Gout” is a result of uric acid calcium deposits after years of consuming too much animal protein. Other deposits can manifest themselves as rheumatism, gallstones, kidney stones or bladder stones, lipoma, fibroma, etc. Not drinking enough fluids, lack of exercise, poor circulation and low body temperature promote the depositing of impurities. Over-acidity can manifest itself in different ways. Look for yourself: Many signs of over-acidity or contamination can be seen externally, i.e. on the face and head, on our skin and mucous membranes. Hair loss, pimples, sweating, itching, fungi and yeast infections, liver spots, etc. are unmistakable signs of contamination, acidification or residue deposit build-up.

The desposition of impurities takes place according to the “Hierarchy of Vitality”, which has been studied by Dr. Peter Jentschura and Josef Lohkämper. It first occurs in fat tissue, then in connective tissue, then in the muscles.

If these “depositories” are full, then additional build-up can occur in the joints, fibrous capsules and in the kidneys, bladder and gallbladder, and subsequently in other organs, finishing in the heart and brain. Because the hands, feet, knees, ankles and knuckles as well as the neck and shoulder area have lower temperatures than the mid-region of the body, residue is deposited in these peripheral spots first. The least water-soluble salts, such as uric acid, oxalic acid and tannic acid salts are deposited first.

Alkaline Real Fast Foods – Good for Us and our Kids!!!

Who knows about the problem to get a refreshing and nurturing meal if we don’t have enough time to prepare it? How can we take care of our alkaline diet if we do have a time problem?

Who’s got kids and has real problems in feeding them healthy green stuff like veggies and green salats?

Well, we do but we know the answer to both problems:

Preparing a tasty and healthy juice!
The secret for tasty is putting some sweet fruits in it and the obvious for healthy is getting the greens in it so that our bodies get flooded with minerals, vitamins and all vital substances.

Especially kids do need all vital substances desperatly since most school cafeterias like to serve acidic foods like burgers, fries, pasta, pops, sweets and white flour products. And kids (at least ours) don’t really prefer eating green salat or veggies.

So here is our recipe ( and we are happy to find out about yours!)

4-5 leaves of dark greens, such as Kale, Collards, Romaine, or Spring Mix
2-3 pieces of fresh sweet fruit, such as banana, pear, apple, mango
2” piece of raw ginger
1/3 cucumber
1/3 Red Pepper
1 stalk Celery
1/8 (or less) Onion
(Any other raw veggie that strikes your fancy!)
1 Tablespoon of WurzelKraft, Dr. Jentschura dietary supplement made out of 100 plants
½ cup Organic Apple Cider (or other organic fruit juice)
Also please add some Stevia if like. Celery and onion have a strong taste so you also could take lots of green salad.
Fill the blender to the top with purified Water
Mix until smooth.
(This is a big smoothie for me and my 2 boys. If it’s too much for the size of your blender, scale it all down to where it fits.)

Enjoy your life!

Toxins, Our Weight And The Effects of Alkaline Foods

In today’s world, we’re exposed to a myriad of toxins and pollution.
These come from things as diverse as the off-gassing of new carpet, the exhaust of automobiles, and residues of herbicides and pesticides in our food and water. (The list goes on.)

Internally, our bodies are very sensitive and easily recognize the difference between the beneficial nutrients we get in our food and the toxic chemicals we’re exposed to that get into our bodies. The difficult part is getting the toxins out of our system once they’re in.
If our physiology isn’t strong, there may not be the energy and resource to remove the toxins.

Having toxins in our bodies can be like coming home to a dirty house after a long day at work and having guests due to arrive in just a few minutes. In an attempt to tidy things up with the time and energy we have, we may just toss a lot of the mess into a nearby closet, leaving the proper sorting and cleaning for later when we have more time and energy. When our bodies are faced with more to clean up than there seems time and energy for, the nearby closets they use to “tidy things up” are fatty tissues. Our bodies toss the toxins into our fat to keep them “out of harms way.” Our bodies know there’s much less danger with the toxins stored in the fat than floating through our bloodstream and vital organs.

In this way, fat is our friend. By holding onto our fat stores, even in the midst of dieting, our vital organs and tissues are protected from the damaging effects of the toxins and pollutants.
To ensure our organs are safe from these toxins, our bodies
(intelligently) raise the fat thermostat. This means that when
we want to lose weight by starting a diet, our bodies fight to keep the fat in place in order to protect us from the toxins. This is the struggle many dieters experience in trying to get that extra weight off.

Cleanse at a Cellular Level

So, how can we lower the fat thermostat to drop the extra
pounds and do it in a way that’s healthy?
It’s a simple matter of cleansing out those toxins at the
cellular level.
We highly recommand eating cleansing whole foods.
Here’s how it works:
Cleansing whole foods are highly alkaline and our bodies need to be alkaline to be healthy. By eating more alkaline foods, our tissues are
gradually and gently cleansed of acidic by-products and waste.

Make sure to drink lots of low mineralised water. That helps a lot!!!

July 19, 2009

Hair Loss? Try Alkalizing Your Body with an Alkaline Foods

Our hair is a traditional symbol of youth, health and energy for life.

Hair loss occurs mainly in older men. This could be due to genetic predisposition, but how can we explain the fact that this problem is happening increasingly frequently to younger men?

The consequences are not only aesthetic in nature but many men also suffer psychologically when they lose their hair, and this can even extend to depression.

The scalp is a mineral store that feeds millions of hairs. The minerals and trace elements which are stored in it are drawn on as a reserve when the body needs to neutralize acids and toxins.

The body is permanently overloaded with acids due to excessively acid food, stress, overexertion in sport and excessive consumption of indulgence foods and unsuitable drinks. The result is that the valuable minerals in the scalp become depleted, and hair loss occurs.

In order to avoid hair loss, our body needs minerals, vitamins and trace elements which come from natural foods and are rich in energy. If the body is not sufficiently supplied with these nutrients, it takes what it needs from its reserves, including the mineral stores in our scalp.

The omni-molecular food WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) contains all these vital substances. It is a natural, purely vegetable food. Take five to seven tablespoons of this granulate every day. You can take it on its own, or mixed with fruit or vegetable juice or soup.

In comparison with men, women are at a certain advantage because once a month they can rid themselves of their “bad juices” through their period. This is the reason why they face the threat of hair loss during the menopause. However if a woman has a generally undisciplined lifestyle or eats badly, then she can suffer from loss of strength in her hair or from hair loss.

The basis for a successful programme for maintaining and regenerating the capillary vessels consists in changing your eating habits and behaviour, so that the acids and harmful substances which damage the body are avoided. So with a sufficient supply of vital substances, not only the metabolism but also the scalp can recover.

In addition, 1.5 to 2 litres of water should be drunk daily. You are recommended to drink non-carbonated water which is low in minerals, our 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and fruit and vegetable juices.

To support the elimination of acids and toxins, we recommend alkaline full baths or foot baths, AlkalineStockings, alkaline compresses and in particular wearing an alkaline neck wrap overnight. With a pH value of around 8.5, the alkaline applications use the principle of an equalization of concentration to stimulate the elimination of acids and toxins via the skin.

The most important features of the P. Jentschura concept for maintaining and regenerating the capillary vessels are as follows:

Avoidance of acids and toxins from indulgence foods, excessive muscle activity, stress, incorrect nutrition etc.

Changing to a vegetarian diet that is rich in vital substances

Consuming vegetable foods that are rich in energy such as WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)

Daily consumption of 1.5-2 litres of non-carbonated water which is low in minerals, to support the elimination of harmful substances

Elimination of acids and toxins via the skin and mucous membranes with the help of alkaline body care in the affected areas

Improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients by means of head massages

Drinking herbal tea, which has long been known to cleanse the organism

Regular aerobic exercise without overexertion

Daily Plan for Healthy Hair

  • 1 portion of MorgenStund´
  • 2-3 cups of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 ALkaHerb)
  • 2 glasses of non-carbonated water
  • 2-3 tablespoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)
  • Alkaline shower
  • Brushing the scalp with the P. Jentschura hairbrush

During the Day
  • 1-2 cups of 7×7 KräuterTee
  • 2-3 glasses of non-carbonated water
  • 2-3 tablespoons of WurzelKraft
  • Alkaline steam bath

  • 1 cup of 7×7 KräuterTee
  • 1 glass of still water
  • 1-2 tablespoons of WurzelKraft
  • 1 full bath or foot bath with MeineBase (AlkaBath) lasting 30-45 minutes
  • Alkaline inhalation
  • Brushing the scalp with the P. Jentschura hairbrush using one teaspoon of MeineBase
  • AlkalineStockings and/or Sleeves as often as possible
  • Alkaline neck wrap as often as possible

Ask The Alkaline Diet Guy: Alkalizing Your Body with Alkaline Foods (Part 1 of 3)

The Alkaline Diet Guy, talks about living an alkaline diet and body lifestyle. He also shares little-known information from the best-selling book Health By Purification, by Dr. P. Jentschura.

Why Do Only Women Get Cellulite? My 10-Week Cellulite Alkaline Foods Cure

Cellulite = deposited impurities bound to fat and water!

The body must metabolize excess acids and toxins with minerals, which results in the creation of neutral salts. If there are more salts in the body than can be eliminated through the kidneys or intestine, they are then deposited as impurities bound to fat and water.

Since the subcutaneous fat tissue and other fat tissue are naturally intended as storage tissue, even young women are subject to deposited impurities on their thighs, bottom, stomach, hips and upper arms.

Cellulite is deposited impurities!
What can help? Purification!
A Daily Regimen for Cellulite

The deposited impurities are released by drinking 7×7 AlkaHerb and an additional one to two litres of water over the course of the day. Then they are metabolized with AlkaLife and eliminated through alkaline body care applications.

My 10-week cellulite cure
During the Day
  • 2-3 tablespoons of WurzelKraft
  • 1 portion of MorgenStund´
  • 2-3 cups of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb)
  • Full bath with MeineBase with regular body brushing (once to twice a week for 30-90 minutes)
  • Alkaline shower, alkaline wrap and aerobic exercise as often as possible
  • 1-2 tablespoons of WurzelKraft
  • 1 foot bath with MeineBase
  • Alkaline peel
  • Aerobic exercise, e.g. a walk in the park
  • Alkaline Stockings and alkaline sleeves as often as possible

List of Acid vs. Alkaline Foods

Alkaline generating foods should be 80 % of our daily diet and acid-generating foods should be about 20 %.

Today most North American citizens DO have an 80 % ACIDIC diet.

Your change to a healthy diet should be also healthy!

Please do not create more stress in your life in trying to forcefully avoid all the “unhealthy” acidic stuff!
Do not create a war in yourself. A good change is for the good and it should come from a deep fundament inside. I should be for love not for putting pressure on yourself. So slowly, slowly change you for the better.

20% of your diet is still supposed to be acidic. If you would eat just alkaline you would be soon getting very tired of life. And I mean it: we need acid foods. Otherwise, we will be soon very unhealthy too. And it will start with getting physically tired.

As I often say: Life is all about balance! Enjoy it!

So, here is the list of alkaline and acidic generating foods:

– As a rule of thumb, in one day, balance with 80% Alkaline-generating food and 20% Acid-generating food

Alkaline Generating Foods



Chard-Collard-Greens-Cucumbers-Dulce-Eggplant-Fermented (Vegetables)-Garlic-Kale-Kohlrabi

Lettuce – (All)-Mustard-Greens-Onion- Parsnips-Peppers-Pumpkin-Rutabaga/Turnip-Sea Vegetables

Snap-Peas-Spinach-Sprouts-Squashes-Sweet Potatoes-Watercress-Wild Greens


Apples-Apricots-Avocadoes-Bananas-Berries – (All) Cantaloupe-Cherries-Currants-Dates/Figs/Raisins

Grapefruit-Grapes-Kiwi-Lemons-Limes-Mango-Melons – (All) Nectarines-Oranges-Papaya-Peaches



Almonds-Chestnuts-Flax Seeds-Hemp Seed-Millet-Pumpkin Seeds-Sprouted Seeds-Squash Seeds

Sunflower Seeds-Tempeh – (Fermented) Whey-Protein Powder -Yogurt


Alfalfa- Alkaline-Water -Apple Cider Vinegar- Banchi Tea-Barley Grass-Bee Pollen-Chlorella

Coconut Oil-Dandelion Tea-Dandelions-Fresh Fruit Juices-Ginseng Tea-Green Juices-Green Tea

Herbal Tea-Kombucha-Lecithin Granules-Mineral Water-Probiotic Cultures-Vegetable Juices

Wheat Grass




Chilli Peppers-Cinnamon-Curry-Ginger-Herbs (All)


-Miso-Mustard-Sea Salt-Tamari-


Daikon-Dandelion Root-Kombu-Maitake-Nori-Reishi-Sea Vegetables-Shitake-Umeboshi-Wakame


Acid Generating Foods


Avocado Oil-Canola Oil-Corn Oil-Flax Oil-Hemp Seed Oil-Lard-Margarine-Olive Oil-Peanut Oil-Safflower Oil

Sesame Oil-Shortening-Sunflower Oil




Amaranth-Barley-Bran-Oats All-Quinoa-Rice (All)-Rice Cakes-Wheat/White Flour


Butter-Cheese Cottage-Cheese Cow-Cheese Goat-Cheese Processed-Ice Cream-Milk


Brazil Nuts-Cashews-Peanut Butter-Peanuts-Pecans-Rice Milk-Soy Milk-Tahini Paste-Walnuts


Bacon-Beef-Chicken-Corned Beef-Cottage Cheese-Eggs-Fish-Lamb-Pork-Rabbit-Sausage-Shell Fish (Scallops,Mussels, Lobster,Shrimp, Clams &Oysters)-Turkey-Veal-Venison


Corn Pasta-Egg Noodles-Rice Pasta-White Pasta-Whole Wheat Pasta


White Flour Bread-Coffee-Condiments-Corn Syrup-Crackers-Distilled Vinegar-Dry Coconut-Potatoes

Soft Drinks-Sugar (All)-Wheat Germ



Chemicals-Drugs (All)-Herbicides-Pesticides




Black Beans-Chick Peas-Green Peas-Kidney Beans-Lentils-Lima Beans-Pinto Beans-Red Beans-Soy Beans

White Beans

Alkalizing Your Body with Alkaline Foods: Part 2 of 3

Listen up as the The Alkaline Diet Guy explains why so very few of us feel vibrant, healthy and well. Hint: It’s the ACID in our diets.

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