Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

March 29, 2012

The Scam around Dietary Supplements

App. 95% of all dietary supplements is chemically/synthetically generated and the “beneficial ingredients” are not absorbable because they are too big. Non-organic, synthetic minerals are 100-10.000 times bigger than organic, plant derived minerals. These non-organic minerals do cloak our system because the body cannot resorb them.

Chemically and synthetically generated dietary supplements provide incredible large amounts of daily value of minerals and vitamins but in a non-organic, non-ionic and non absorbable form. They cannot be absorbed by our body and are deposited in various parts of our body. These minerals are about 10.000 time larger that organic, ionic, water-soluble minerals which can be absorbed by your body. Now you understand why e.g. the British Medical Journal stated that non-organic calcium supplements were associated with a 30 per cent increased risk of having a heart attack.
Famous German magazine “Der Spiegel” reported in January about a scientific study with 230, 000 subjects:”They also came to the conclusion that the increased intake of (chemically/synthetically generated) vitamin supplements significantly increased mortality, namely, vitamin A, beta carotene and vitamin E”

Dietary supplements are evaluated by their quantity of daily value: e.g. 200% of magnesium, 300% of vitamin C and so on. In nature these values are not existent because for instance a super healthy organic green salad contains only fractions of these amounts but its minerals/vitamins are completely re-sorbable. Why is that so? Because only plants have the magical power to transform non-organic stone minerals into organic therefore bio-available minerals.

Mother Nature is simply unbeatable. And trusting any company who sells chemical/synthetically generated minerals/vitamins with a big marketing budget could be pretty short-sighted because most of these products are on the market just since 1-15 years. Any customer who ingests these products is a “voluntary test person” who even pays lots of money for their test. And sometime unfortunately the test results are negative as the British Medical Journal reported in case of the people who wanted to prevent Osteoporosis but end up with an increased risk of heart attack.

By the way: I found that even some products claim a natural source of vitamins and minerals in Organic Health Food Stores. They contain e.g. wheat grass or spirulina but also the producer added chemical/synthetically substances to “show off with daily values”.

Having a great green organic diet and adding a completely natural and omni-molecular life-food like Dr. Jentschura’s WurzelKraft is a safe and smart choice.

It is omni-molecular life food (it contains all elements of the periodic table) with its 100 (aromatic) and 106 (fruity) natural ingredients which are mostly organic and wild-crafted herbs and plants.

The name WurzelKraft means “the power of roots”.

All elements our body is made of and does need are in it. So people can save money because usually they pay for lots of different products (vitamin C, Magnesium, Calcium, etc.)

It helps your kidneys excrete toxins/acids via urine.

The best thing about WK is that all minerals and vitamins are bio available and re-sorbable.

Choosing a completely natural dietary life food like WurzelKraft is a great choice.

We have some ND’s who even create the miracle to help dialyse patients with kidney problems: These patients eat large amounts of Dr. Jentschura’s WurzelKraft and bathe 3 times a week for 1.5 hours in Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaBath.

March 8, 2012

How To Combat The Symptoms Of Menopause Naturally

Although part of the normal human aging process, the cessation of female hormone production can be very unpleasant. Women often experience hot flashes, irritability, a dramatic loss of libido, and sometimes even a greater incidence of osteoporosis. While not technically a disease, the symptoms of menopause may feel like one.

When hormone replacement therapy was introduced, it initially produced remarkable results. Long term testing, however, showed that women undergoing replacement experienced a greater incidence of serious complications, including heart problems and even cancer. These findings prompted the search for a safer and more effective way to control the worst symptoms.

Today, there is growing interest in restoring internal balances of acid and alkaline properties, rather than simply treating the worst outward menopausal symptoms. Imbalances are primarily a result of the unhealthy excesses of modern diet and lifestyle, which regularly expose the body to acidic toxins. Unhealthy acid levels encourage many signs of premature aging.

Restoring optimal alkaline and acidic balance can be accomplished through a specific process of physical cleansing and purification. This type of toxic elimination is designed to remove deposited substances not only from the skin and mucous membranes, but also from most cells, joints, membranes, tissues, and other organs where they cause inflammation.

The cleansing process begins with some major changes in lifestyle and diet. Eliminating refined, denatured, and chemically preserved food products immediately reduces internal stresses, especially when accompanied by increased levels of exercise and fluid intake. When coupled with medically supervised fasting, the body soon begins to rid itself of harmful substances.

By reducing acid and restoring proper alkaline levels, the entire organism begins to experience a rejuvenation, and many symptoms of menopause begin to fade, or even disappear altogether. This process has been successful for some individuals, even when others are ineffective. Women who undergo a process of cleansing not only feel better inside, but may also look younger.

alkaline foods to improve your beauty.

February 7, 2012

Daily plan for alkaline foods by Dr. h.c. Jentschura

Filed under: alkaline diet — Tags: , , , , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 2:51 pm

A valuable breakfast rich in vital substances awards you with fitness and liveliness and is the best start for the day. Highly recommended and easily digestible is warm millet-buckwheat porridge. You can either bring it to a boil or dash it with hot water if you lack time. You can refine the pulp according to taste and individual tolerance. When put into a box it can easily be taken to work, school or kindergarten. If you are not hungry enough in the morning try a little fresh fruit.

As a second breakfast or snack we recommend for example a slice of wholemeal bread garnished with vegetables and a piece of fruit.

Of course you can once in a while give yourself a Sunday breakfast treat with fresh rolls and an egg. By the way, studies prove that people who breakfast are less frequently overweight.

Also we highly recommend to start your day with a super green smoothie: organic spinach, broccoli, kale, parsley, celery, 1 or 2 apples and 1 or 2 tablespoons of organic oils (sunflower, flaxseed,..) are awesome ingredients.

Particularly people who spend a lot of time sitting down at work need a light lunch. After pizza, French fries or other high-calorie meals many people feel tired and heavy and lack performance for the rest of the afternoon.

At lunchtime the body can best digest salads and raw food. If you additionally eat a warm meal you should always eat the salad or raw food first. This way the digestion is promoted and important enzymes are activated.

If you have no possibility to cook at work you should bring packed lunch from home like e. g. a crisp mixed salad. Vegetables or legumes with potatoes, rice or gluten-free cereal are recommendable. Risotto, millet risotto and polenta are good alternatives to pizza and can be warmed up easily like vegetable, quinoa and potato casserole or vegetable stir-fry. Vegetable or millet patties or the like can also be enjoyed cold.

Nowadays almost every cafeteria has a salad buffet and a wide choice of other healthy meals. Oftentimes vegetarian dishes are also offered. Keep your hands off of large meat servings and oily sauces. Help yourself to a large serving of a side dish like vegetables, potatoes or millets instead. The slow increase of blood sugar level that is characteristic for these foods that rich in dietary fibres brings about a long-lasting feeling of satiety and prevents you from quickly getting tired after lunch.

Recipes for lunch

4 servings
2 cups quinoa
4 cups vegetable broth
1 small onion
3 teaspoons olive oil
3 tomatoes, cubed
2 carrots, shredded
100 g black or green olives
pepper and seasoned salt

Wash the quinoa seeds with hot water, let them drip off and lightly stew them in 1 teaspoon oil. Stir in the vegetable broth and let simmer for approx. 15 minutes. Let cool down and mix with vegetables and 2 teaspoons olive oil. Season according to taste.

Mixed salad with warm mustard vinaigrette
4 Servings
½ head endive
100 g arugula
1 ripe avocado
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons sesame seeds
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 teaspoons coarse mustard

Tear, wash and dry the salad. Peel the avocado, cut into thin slices and mix with the salad in a bowl. Slightly roast the sesame seeds in 1 tablespoon oil. After the seeds have cooled down stir in the lemon juice, olive oil and mustard. Pour the dressing over the salad immediately. Tasty with potatoes boiled in their skins.

If people regularly have gastrointestinal problems after dinner they should try to eat little or no cereal, fruits, raw vegetables or salad after 18 p.m. Liver and digestive tract are already resting during this time. For this reason abovementioned foods can not be macerated adequately and start to ferment overnight. In this way toxic metabolic waste develops that burdens liver and intestine. Eat vegetable soups or stewed vegetables with potatoes, millets or quinoa for dinner to avoid this.

If the reduction of weight is first priority for you try to avoid foods with a high amount of carbohydrates in the evening. You can really boost the overnight fat burning by following this advice. Eat a large serving of vegetables with maybe a small protein addition like e. g. cheese or a small piece of meat or fish instead of potatoes, bread or rolls, cereal and the like.

Recipe for dinner

Vegetables from the oven
Vegetables like pumpkin, carrots, eggplant, zucchini, bell pepper, potatoes, etc. according to taste
Olive oil
Pepper and seasoned salt

Preheat the oven to 150 °C. Wash and chop the vegetables and dab them with oil. Put the vegetables with the cut surface facing upwards onto a baking plate laid out with baking paper. Bake for approx. 20 minutes in the preheated oven. Season with pepper and seasoned salt. Serve with a dip like e. g. vegetable sunflower spread, guacamole or creamed cheese with linseed oil.

alkaline foods by Dr. Jentschura are delicious.

February 2, 2012

How To Alleviate Symptoms Of Menopause In A Natural Way

How To Alleviate Symptoms Of Menopause In A Natural Way
The symptoms of menopause afflict most women in their mid-forties to fifties. They include factors such as sweating, depression, weight increase, hair loss, osteoporosis, arthritis and heart attack. Finding natural easing for the common menopausal links is described in work by Dr. Jentschura of Germany. He links many diseases and experiences of this life period to acidic toxicity in the blood and body systems.

The term itself means a cessation of menstrual cycles. Because the gradual stopping of monthly cycles is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels, it is expected that the hormone changes will create disruptions in bodily health. An increasing level of acid in your body means the organs must work harder to complete the natural cycle.

During and after the menopausal period, the needs of the body change significantly. One part of the triple jump process is to increase the nutrients and minerals in the body so that the acidic buildup and toxicity of the bloodstream and organs is eliminated. Daily purification of the body is important, since it is no longer cleansed once per month through the menstrual cycle.

A solution of bath salts, also used in the application of alkaline stockings is helpful for treating and energizing the external organ, the skin. The stocking can be worn at night and help to provide a natural and restful sleep. Drinking an alkaline tea is another aspect of healthful living with the removal of toxins from the body.

In addition to the Triple Jump tenets, Dr. Jentschura focuses on three commandments for a better lifestyle. These include avoiding harmful things; eat, drink, and do beneficial things; and eliminate harmful things. The alkaline products available online offer a three-pronged approach.

Although the Triple Jump is identified as a program to relieve the symptoms of menopause naturally, it is also useful for anyone who wants to feel better. Remaining healthy and fit for additional decades is the goal of the program of detoxification. No harsh or chemical substances are employed in detoxifying the body.

August 17, 2009

Alkaline Foods Can Help You Treating Infertility

Speaking from our own experience starting the alkaline diet will help you with your wish to become pregnant.

We explained in “What deteriorates our health and beauty” that all of our vital functions are due to a balance of alkaline and acids.

A radical change of diet and the triple jump of purification (cleansing with 7×7 AlkaHerb, purification with alkaline applications based on AlkaBath, regeneration with Wurzelkraft andMorgenStund´) will completely boost all of your vital forces.

My wife and I tried to become pregnant for about 2 years. Nothing happend. Then we both intensivly started the Dr. Jentschura cure: eating WurzelKraft, taking regularly long full bath and drinking lots of AlkaBath tea. And luckily we become pregnant and shortly after the birth of our first son my wife become pregnant again (although some people told us: while breast feading you cannot get pregnant).

If couples tried to get a baby for years and gone through a lot of hardship, frustration and stress it is also very important to release that stress and start anew. Stress causes large amounts of acids in our bodies. Releasing stress is like a refreshing and relaxing bath with AlkaBath: in the beginning you still feel the stress in your body but then you can let warmly go of the past. And you start to feel the love rising in your body which is not dependent on any circumstance in your life…

Daily Plan to Activate Your Life Forces

Alkaline brushing of hands and feet
Dry brushing in the direction of elimination
2-3 cups of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and non-carbonated water
1 portion of MorgenStund´
3-5 teaspoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)

During the Day
2-3 cups of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and non-carbonated water
2-5 teaspoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)
Bath with MeineBase (AlkaBath) (once or twice a week)
Alkaline shower, peeling with MeineBase (AlkaBath), alkaline wrap
regular aerobic exercise: yoga, swimming, walking
laughing and enjoying life

1 cup of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and non-carbonated water
3-5 teaspoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)
1 footbath with MeineBase (AlkaBath), duration 30-45 minutes

During the Night
AlkalineStockings and/or cuffs as often as possible

August 7, 2009

One addition to Alkaline Foods: Colon Cleansing

To boost your vitality and health you have to see the complete picture: changing your diet towards the alkaline diet is great but it only one brick you need for the renovation of your body.

Using the fact that our skin in the largest organ for cleansing we should help our body to cleanse though daily foot and body baths and brushes (please read more on our website in purification).

Another brick concerns the fact that not only lots of our tissue and most organs are polluted with impurities due to long years of an acidic life style (Dr. Jentschura 7×7 AlkaHerb with 49! herbs helps with that)but also our intestines could use some cleansing!!!!

That sounds a little funny but it is crucial because you can have the best diet in the world but if your testines are polluted even the best nutrition cannot be absorbed by the body!

I have a littel enema device from Germany and since a couple of years I use it once in a while. I create 1-3 liters highly alkaline solution using AlkaBath (Dr. Jentschuras high energy bath salts) and also some of Dr. Jentschura 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea and then I cleanse my colon. It’s good.

A friend shared with me whenever she feels sick she is cleansing her colon and she is good again!!!

The do-it-yourself at home is very good but you can also do a colon hydro therapy. Usulally the therapist will cleanse your colon 3 times in one week. That is usually very intense. Because the more impurities you have accumulated over the years releasing will be very beneficial but also will feel like somebody pulled away the floor under your feet!
So if you do it for the first time after a long period I recommand to have only one session a week.
If you live in the Edmonton area I recommend Solis Wellness: Vey sweet people.

Please take care of yourself!

Toxins, Weight Loss and Alkaline Foods

Toxins and Our Weight

In today’s world, we’re exposed to a myriad of toxins and pollution.

These come from things as diverse as the off-gassing of new carpet, the exhaust of automobiles, and residues of herbicides and pesticides in our food and water. (The list goes on.)

Internally, our bodies are very sensitive and easily recognize the difference between the beneficial nutrients we get in our food and the toxic chemicals we’re exposed to that get into our bodies. The difficult part is getting the toxins out of our system once they’re in.

If our physiology isn’t strong, there may not be the energy and resource to remove the toxins.

Having toxins in our bodies can be like coming home to a dirty house after a long day at work and having guests due to arrive in just a few minutes. In an attempt to tidy things up with the time and energy we have, we may just toss a lot of the mess into a nearby closet, leaving the proper sorting and cleaning for later when we have more time and energy.

When our bodies are faced with more to clean up than there seems time and energy for, the nearby closets they use to “tidy things up” are fatty tissues. Our bodies toss the toxins into our fat to keep them “out of harms way.” Our bodies know there’s much less danger with the toxins stored in the fat than floating through our bloodstream and vital organs.

In this way, fat is our friend. By holding onto our fat stores, even in the midst of dieting, our vital organs and tissues are protected from the damaging effects of the toxins and pollutants.

To ensure our organs are safe from these toxins, our bodies (intelligently) raise the fat thermostat. This means that when we want to lose weight by starting a diet, our bodies fight to keep the fat in place in order to protect us from the toxins. This is the struggle many dieters experience in trying to get that extra weight off.

Cleansing is great but it has to be correct!

So, how can we lower the fat thermostat to drop the extra pounds and do it in a way that’s healthy? It’s a simple matter of cleansing out those toxins at the cellular level.

It is important ot eat a lot of cleansing alkaline whole foods.

These whole foods are highly alkaline and our bodies need to be alkaline to be healthy. By eating more alkaline foods, our tissues are

gradually and gently cleansed of acidic by-products and waste (toxins).

All love and health to you,


August 4, 2009

Book Recommendation : A Guide to Spa Treatments; Their Benefits for Health using Alkaline Foods

Concerning the alkaline life style and an alkaline diet we should really enjoy the cleansing and purifying beneficials of spa treatments. For your information please study this:

A Guide to Treatments & Their Benefits for Health & Healing by
Dr. Reinhard R Bergel & Hannelore Leavy

A Guide to Treatments & Their Benefits for Health & Healing
The Spa Encyclopedia is the first book that explains over 70 spa treatments, their benefits and therapeutic powers for specific conditions. This book examines the different types of spas – destination, resort, and day spas – and explains exactly what visitors should expect from each. The role of physicians and medical specialties in a “medical spa” are included, as well as an ongoing maintenance regimes. This book reveals the spa world and benefits it offers. It also helps spa technicians, owners, managers, and health care professionals as well as physicians determine how best to help their clients, guests, and patients.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Origin of the Spa.
Chapter 2: Spas Today.
Chapter 3: The Spa Treatments.
Chapter 4: You, The Spa Client.
Chapter 5: Water, Mineral, Herbal, and Essential Oil Bath Therapies.
Chapter 6: Massage, Wellness, and Physiotherapy’s.
Chapter 7: Steam Vapor Bath and Sauna.
Chapter 8: Water Affusions.
Chapter 9: Affusions under Pressure.
Chapter 10: Showers and Steam Showers.
Chapter 11: Kneipp Ablution.
Chapter 12: Body Wraps.
Chapter 13: Body Packs.
Chapter 14: Hot Compresses.
Chapter 15: Herbal and Mineral Body Masks and Wrap Therapies. Chapter 16: Exfoliation Treatments.
Chapter 17: Body Hardening and Spa Kur Conditioning Therapies. Glossary.

The only guide to total well being and spa services: it will be the standard reference for decades to come.


ISBN: 1-56253-868-32002, 132 Pages,
8 1⁄2” x 11”, Soft cover, January 2002

H-e-a-t Inc Spa Kur Therapy Development Serving the Health Care Industry since 1980.

By collaborating with hospitality leaders and wellness professionals we provide the tools to enhance their profitability and their client’s welfare.

Dr Reinhard R Bergel PhD


American Society of Lymphology
International Society of Lymphology
German Society of Lymphology
American College of Sports Medicine
Day Spa Association
International Medical Spa Association
International Society of Medical Hydrology

Dr Reinhard Bergel (Founder and President) has developed world-renowned therapy education, consultation, products and services for the med spa industry and offers personal consultation and on site training in Clinical and Health Spa Centers around the world.

Dr Bergel brings his years of experience and unique products from around the world to ensure that H-e-a-t Inc Spa Kur Therapy Development will continue to lead in Spa development and training.

July 29, 2009

Alkaline Foods and Alkaline Diet during Pregnancy

Dear mother-to-be,

It is especially improtant for you to start your alkaline diet and really care about good organic alkaline foods!

Enjoy your pregnancy. Experience this pleasant time in the best of health and soon you will be holding a healthy baby in your arms. But remember, for the next few months you need three times the minerals you needed before you became pregnant.

single need = normal need for maintenance of your body
doubled need because of your missing periods (being a woman your body floods out lot of impurities once a month during the period; while pregnancy this cleansing is not available!!)
tripled need for the growth of your child

Each day take seven teaspoons or more of AlkaLife (Dr. Jentschura omni-molecular dietaty supplement made out of 100 plants), Spirulina or other super-greens spread out over the course of the day to maintain your own health and beauty and for the growth of your child.

You will not have your period for ten to twelve months. This is why you need a “substitute menstruation” for your metabolism. For this you should take alkaline full baths using AlkaBath. Your skin is the largest organ for purification. AlkaBath creates a high energy, high alkaline solution which pull out all acid impurities via the principle of Osmosis out of your body. My customers are soooo happy with AlkaBath. One Lady said with a big smile: It also opens all of my chakras. Please watch our testimonial video at

Take alkaline foot baths often. Put alkaline compresses on your belly. At night wear Alkaline Stockings as often as possible. Your body and your child will thank you for doing so.

Avoid very acidic stuff: too much coffee, pops, etc.
Babies usually bath in 8.1-8.5 ph alkaline solution in their mothers womb. Depending on the mothers purity/acidity the ph-level goes down. Naturopaths see a correlation between the mothers purity and babies born with diseases. So, please mothers: stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol, stopp doing drugs, try to stop medication… give your little one’s the best start possible.

And try to avoid stress!!
Take time to start bonding with you little unborn: Start talking and caressing your baby. This is also so lovely for new daddies….

Daily regimen during pregnancy

Extensive alkaline hand and feet brushing
Dry body brushing in elimination direction
2-3 cups of 7×7 AlkaHerb and non-carbonated water
1 portion of MorgenStund´, Dr. Jentschura alkaline
1-2 tablespoons of WurzelKraft

During the Day
2-3 cups of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and non-carbonated water
2-3 tablespoons of WurzelKraft
Full bath with MeineBase (AlkaBath) (once or twice a week)
Alkaline shower, peeling or alkaline wrap and aerobic exercise as often as possible

1 cup of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and non-carbonated water
1-2 tablespoons of WurzelKraft
Alkaline foot bath with MeineBase

Alkaline enema once or twice a month

AlkalineStockings as often as possible

July 20, 2009

How Can I Stay Beautiful And Healthy with Alkaline Foods in my Alkaline Diet?

What is real beauty and health and what are the benefits of eating alkaline foods in an alkaline diet?

Physical health means that the cells, tissues and organs are free of acids, toxins and impurity deposits while at the same time having full vitamin and mineral reserves. Allowing these reserves to remain untouched for as long as possible is the best prerequisite for permanently staying healthy and beautiful.

If all cells, tissues and organs have a sufficient reserve of nutrient potential, they are then able to continuously regenerate themselves, defend against and eliminate toxic substances.

How can I stay beautiful and healthy?

Avoid all harmful things!

The primary prerequisite for long-lasting health and beauty is to reduce or, even better, avoid the acid-generating lifestyle habits previously mentioned (e.g. too much stress, excess exercise, acidic and acid-generating eating habits that include too much protein, animals fats, sugar and sweets, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, fast food and additive-enriched, pre-processed foods) and replace them with an alkaline-generating, primarily wholesome vegetarian diet. For millions of years we have needed the nutrients of plants for our health and beauty.

Eat, drink and do beneficial things!

Through a primarily wholesome vegetarian and therefore mineral-enriched, alkaline-generating diet with lots of vegetables, some fruit and omni-molecular (complete) plant-derived foods, we can make sure that our bodies’ own mineral reserves remain well filled. This in turn ensures that our beauty and heath will be maintained for the long-term. Alen, Spirulina, Dr. Jentschura WurzelKraft and similar products are such kinds of omni-molecular foods derived from numerous plants. The great number of nutrients contained in these food products gave them their name: Latin omnes = all; all molecules = omnimolecular.

Drinking approximately 1 litre of non-carbonated water and ½ – 1 litre or more of herbal tea does a good job of thoroughly cleansing the human body and its elimination organs.

Stress can be balanced out for example through meditation, autogenic training, reading a good book or a relaxing walk. Excessive exercise can be replaced by yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates and stretching.

Discover the healthy balance between acids and bases for yourself, for “pleasure is in taking everything in moderation”. Low amounts of acids can be enjoyed if compensated with excess alkalinity. But you can and should balance out every excessive acidic pleasure with alkaline-generating foods and alkaline body care!

Eliminate all harmful things!

The diseases in modern society only develop because our naturally foreseen elimination organs are not capable of eliminating large amounts of acids, toxins and the neutral salts generated with the assistance of our body’s own minerals. Our body has no other option but to deposit toxins that cannot be eliminated. To regain or maintain health and beauty, “cleansing treatments” are recommended during which the acids and toxins are effectively eliminated with the help of the skin and mucous membranes, our other elimination organs, and which re-establish the acid-base equilibrium and successfully eliminate the deposited impurities.

Healthy compensating equalisers:

1 cup of coffee : 1 tsp. AlkaLife or a similar product + 1 glass of water

one small meal with meat : one large portion of vegetables or salad

excessive exercise : one alkaline full bath

one piece of cake : one alkaline footbath + 1 tsp. AlkaLife or a similar product

Life is all about balance!
Tip for the daily diet

80% alkaline-generating foods

20% acid-generating foods and beverages

How can I cleanse myself successfully with as little effort as possible?

With the “triple jump to purification” for successful regeration: Purification means removing deposited impurities from the skin and mucous membranes, from the cells, tissues, glands, joints and organs of the body. In three steps, purification has the following significance for our metabolism:
impurity deposits are dissolved into their components
loosened acids and toxins are metabolised
elimination occurs through the intestine, kidneys and mucous membranes

By both internally and externally carefully preparing for the “triple jump to purification” you can avoid any possible initial signs of excessively straining the body and the familiar initial worsening or healing crises. Perhaps you have already had a similar experience during fasting or during a cleansing or purification regimen. The “triple jump to purification” must therefore be carefully planned in order to successfully loosen, metabolise and eliminate years of deposited impurities without discomfort. This sensible preparation is all the more necessary the more contaminated, built-up or sensitive the body is. The preparation consists of two important steps:

1. The body’s neutralizing and metabolizing potential is omni-molecularly optimised through a wholesome vegetarian diet and omni-molecular foods.

2. Alkaline body care allows many acids and toxins to be eliminated through the body’s fluids. This occurs with alkaline full baths and footbaths, with alkaline compresses, rinses, etc.

The chief commandment for purification is:

“The more acidic built up and sensitive the body is, the more careful you must prepare for the purification process!”

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