Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

February 2, 2012

How To Alleviate Symptoms Of Menopause In A Natural Way

How To Alleviate Symptoms Of Menopause In A Natural Way
The symptoms of menopause afflict most women in their mid-forties to fifties. They include factors such as sweating, depression, weight increase, hair loss, osteoporosis, arthritis and heart attack. Finding natural easing for the common menopausal links is described in work by Dr. Jentschura of Germany. He links many diseases and experiences of this life period to acidic toxicity in the blood and body systems.

The term itself means a cessation of menstrual cycles. Because the gradual stopping of monthly cycles is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels, it is expected that the hormone changes will create disruptions in bodily health. An increasing level of acid in your body means the organs must work harder to complete the natural cycle.

During and after the menopausal period, the needs of the body change significantly. One part of the triple jump process is to increase the nutrients and minerals in the body so that the acidic buildup and toxicity of the bloodstream and organs is eliminated. Daily purification of the body is important, since it is no longer cleansed once per month through the menstrual cycle.

A solution of bath salts, also used in the application of alkaline stockings is helpful for treating and energizing the external organ, the skin. The stocking can be worn at night and help to provide a natural and restful sleep. Drinking an alkaline tea is another aspect of healthful living with the removal of toxins from the body.

In addition to the Triple Jump tenets, Dr. Jentschura focuses on three commandments for a better lifestyle. These include avoiding harmful things; eat, drink, and do beneficial things; and eliminate harmful things. The alkaline products available online offer a three-pronged approach.

Although the Triple Jump is identified as a program to relieve the symptoms of menopause naturally, it is also useful for anyone who wants to feel better. Remaining healthy and fit for additional decades is the goal of the program of detoxification. No harsh or chemical substances are employed in detoxifying the body.

August 29, 2011

Dr. Jentschura’s 1 Day Seminars on Alkaline Foods And Anti-Aging In Vancouver And Toronto

22nd of September in Toronto
24th of September in Vancouver
Reserve your seat at the Dr. h.c. Jentschura 1 day seminar on complete cleansing and anti aging.

Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura will talk about the cause and the treatment of modern diseases. These diseases are manifesting as toxic residues, eczemas, structural deficits, allergies and deficiencies. Dr. h.c. Jentschura developed the 3 steps to health and wellness.
We will inform about alkaline body care and regeneration, how you can cleanse successfully and eliminate toxic deposits. Through these steps it is possible to maintain and regain health and beauty up until old ages.

The definition of health, disease, healing and aging
The 3 groups of modern diseases caused by civilisation
The significance of minerals
The 3 steps of purification: break up of impurities, neutralisation of acids and elimination of impurities
The metabolism difference between a man and a woman
Alkaline body care

Times: 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. with coffee/tea brakes and a healthy lunch.
You are warmly welcome!

11.30-12.00 Coffee/Tee Break
1.00-2.00 Lunch Break
3.30-4.00 Coffee/Tee Break

$49.95 early registration before August 31th
and $59.95 after.
Please email:

July 18, 2011

How do I nourish properly with Alkaline Foods? by Dr. h.c. Jentschura

How do I nourish properly?

Alkalinity providing foods

Vegetables and fruits

Microwave – no, thanks!

Protective cooking – yes, please!

Herbs, germ buds and sprouts




Chufa sedges

Bitter constituents


Neutral foods

Fats and oils

Acid-forming foods

Meat, lunchmeat and sausages



Milk and dairy products

Cereal products

Cereal-similar plants

Semiluxury food and tobacco

Low-calorie products = poor pleasure products

Ready-to-serve meals and additives

How to supplement nutrition?

Provide a daily plan for an alkalinity providing diet

The intestine – the root of the “human plant”

Drinking keeps you fit: People who drink alkaline water double their daily drinking amount.

Overview of alkalinity and acidity providing foods

You are what you eat!

This well-known proverb illustrates a serious problem that affects a lot of people in our prosperous society since our nutritional habits have radically changed during the last centuries.

For more than two million years human beings have fed on vegetable and plant based foods like wild uncultivated vegetables, nuts, roots, seeds, berries and fruits. Additionally they moderately consumed animal protein in the form of mostly raw meat or fish. Our ancestors often moved for up to thirty kilometres per day on their search for something edible. On the basis of this nutrition and exercise the metabolism, cardiovascular system, physique and digestive tract of the human being were developed.

With the help of vital substances from foods that we eat and drink on a daily basis our organism forms its cells, organic system and physical structures and keeps up regeneration itself.

Nutrition today

Today we eat large quantities of animal protein, salt and fat, sweets and treats as well as white flour products. Acidity providing foodstuffs like sausage rolls, Pizza Salami with extra cheese, soft drinks and chocolate bars are to be found daily in the diet of many people. The oversupply with foodstuffs that contain many “empty calories”[1] does in the long run not only lead to overweight and nutrition- or overacidity-related diseases of civilisation. It also brings about a lack of health-promoting and essential vital substances. In a way it is as if we starve having a full stomach.

Particularly overweight is a serious problem in all age groups today. In Germany 1.9 million children and teenagers between 3 and 17 years are overweight. That is 15 % of this age group. In the age group of grown-ups 55 % of females and 65 % males are overweight. People oftentimes turn to ready-to-serve meals or got to fast food restaurants because they lack time and cooking experience or fall victim to the clever strategies of the advertisement industry. Another important factor that promotes overweight is lack of exercise.

Dietary lessons for parents-to-be and for children and teenagers are not held. Thus a healthy alkalinity providing diet remains a secret for many people.

When is enough enough for the human being?

In addition to the unhealthy eating habits oftentimes lack of exercise or extreme exercise can be observed. Exercise is an important part of a good acid alkaline balance as long as it is pursued in a healthy degree. During exercise acids are eliminated due to increased breathing. Also the enhanced intake of oxygen supports all metabolic processes.

Emotional and physical stress, noise, harmful substances and pollution, emission from mobile phones and other energetic burdens oftentimes are this “enough” for the human being. All these influences promote the development of overacidification of the organism and civilisation diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, gout and rheumatism that result from it.

We can counteract many of these factors that endanger our health. We have to get active and inform ourselves on healthy nutrition. This brochure wants to make an informative and important contribution to this and throw light on alkalinity and acidity generating foods. It wants to show you how you can create a simple, healthy and alkalinity providing diet. What do you want to change? What are you able to change? Even small changes can make a difference. Take over the reins of health. The decision what you eat and drink every day is yours alone.

How do I nourish properly?

You should select foods that are as natural and unprocessed as possible. With a diet that is predominantly full-value and vegetarian you supply your body with all necessary nutrients and encourage the self-regulation of your acid alkaline balance. Too much acidity providing food disturbs this equilibrium of your organism.

Particularly in old age the organism can no longer compensate dietary sins like it did in younger years. The danger of overacidification rises with progressing age because the performance of liver and kidneys declines. Simultaneously the alkaline reserves in the body decrease. It is also of importance that older people are less physically active.

[1] Foodstuffs that are rich in calories but contain few or no vital substances.

February 11, 2011

Enjoy Alkaline Foods And Beautiful Epidermis

In recent years, many people have found that they or their children are intolerant to gluten. This is actually a protein and it exists in food in a variety of ways because it’s found in wheat, rye, and others. Sometimes, even if it doesn’t create a great intolerance, it can affect the skin. So, you can enjoy a gluten free diet and beautiful skin combined.

That means that if you are suffering from rashes, acne, or other skin problems it would be in your favor to cut out this protein that could be affecting you. Certainly, it causes inflammation in the abdomen. If your digestive system is not working properly, it will affect the rest of your organs and body.

Everyone should understand that the digestive system is much like the sewer system in the city. If it’s not functioning properly, diseases will ensue for those who live there. The same is true in humans and their digestive system.

Having said all that, it’s important to understand also that the level of acidity and alkalinity are very important in the body. All must be well-balanced to have great skin, not to mention better health. Therefore, it is important to increase the amount of alkalinity as most people have way too much acidity in their blood.

Therefore, it’s important to consume more vegetables. A variety of different colors are extremely important. Greens like broccoli, celery and such will help to oxygenate your cells. Sprouts are also highly recommended. Beans and other legumes, as well as low sugar fruits like lemon, tomato, avocado and lime are too.

To be healthy and have great skin, you need 10 times the amount of alkalinity to neutralize one part acidity! If your levels of acidity are higher than the recommended amount you could be feeling off, irritated, fatigued, and even suffer from headaches.

March 2, 2010

“Healthy Living with Alkaline Foods” by Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura

For more than 25 years, Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura has led scientific researching the areas of body chemistry, internal cleansing, and purification. The Founder and CEO of the Jentschura International GmbH  in Muenster, Germany, Dr Jentschura is trained as a Chemist, is a Entrepreneur, Health-Pioneer, successful author as well as the creator of a cutting-edge, highly effective purification program. In the following interview, Dr Jentschura shares the keys to purifying our bodies and boosting our overall health and vitality.

1.     Is it correct to say that many illnesses caused by civilization have their roots in an insufficient diet?

Dr. Jentschura: Yes, definitely. An imbalanced diet can further many illnesses caused by civilization or can be the root of the illness. Paired with alcohol, nicotine, lack of activity, stress, and anxiety, a dangerous cocktail of poison can build in the body, resulting in chronic acidity of the organism, the consumption of essence, damage of structure, and incrustations. Other possible consequences include: high blood pressure, excess weight, arterioscleroses, osteoporoses, gout, cellulites, hair loss, allergies, diabetes, and other skin diseases.


2.     What are the biggest diet mistakes?

Dr. Jentschura:  The greatest diet mistake is that many people don’t take into careful consideration what they choose to eat, so a balanced and vital, substance- rich diet falls short. One eats–or better described–one quickly consumes a kebab during a break, a bar of chocolate on the side, and a pizza in front of TV in the evening.  That’s why acid-producing foods, such as meat, sweets, white flour, cakes and soft drinks are on the daily menu. Also the over intake of animal protein and sugar are factors contributing to acidification and waste products. Foods with a high source of vital substances and complex carbohydrates in the form of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and seeds mainly fall short.

3.     What does “healthy diet” mean to you?

Dr. Jentschura: Healthy diet means a balanced and vital substance-rich diet, in conjunction with my rules: “Stay away from what harms you! Eat, drink and do what is useful! Eliminate what is harmful!” A vital rich and therefore  an alkaline whole foods diet with an abundance of raw foods and vegetables leads significantly to more life energy and well being. A diet mainly consisting of fresh and unrefined ingredients not processed and   manipulated by genetic technology, increases lasting activity of spirit and body. An alkaline diet with vital substances and minerals decisively supports the elimination function of the kidneys and contributes to the positive fact that our blood is alkaline. To secure the course of important physiological activities in the human body, such as breathing, circulation, digestion, excretion, the body’s defence function and balance of hormones, a light alkaline environment with a ph level between 7.35 and 7.45 is needed.


4.     For most people the daily meals should not be very time consuming. Is a healthy diet compatible with eating in a hurry?

Dr. Jentschura:  “When you eat in a hurry in the end you fall short. Good chewing is half way digested” is an old saying. The chewing process is very important in breaking down food and allowing the saliva to do its work. The saliva provides important digestive enzymes, so a kind of pre- digestion occurs in the mouth. When food is swallowed in a hurry, the stomach is prevented from doing its “work preparation”. The consequences are: the digestive organs have to do more work, and nutrients are poorly distributed. If one has less time to eat, then it is more favourable to eat less and, instead, chew slower.

5.     Which advice would you give: Slowly change to an alkaline diet or make a complete change overnight?

Dr. Jentschura:  A guiding principle is “Hurry with patience!” The longer a mal nutritious diet  has been “enjoyed” with lots of animal proteins, fast foods, white flour, sugar, alcohol, and sweets, the more time one should give to make the change in dietary habits. With a moderate start, the organism is able to adjust slowly to the new natural diet. The daily food should contain 80% of vegetables, herbs, salads, fruits, potatoes, nuts, and seeds like millet, buckwheat, and quinoa. To start the day powerfully, one should value an alkaline breakfast.

6.     Science has now become interested in the advantages of an alkaline diet. Despite this fact, this discussion has not yet reached the orthodox working medical doctors. What is the reason for this?

Dr. Jentschura:  The classical medicine takes care mainly of symptoms rather than the cause of a problem. However, this is not the way out of the labyrinth of illnesses caused by civilization. Many medical doctors don’t treat symptoms as a way of healing. The symptom – one can look at it as an attempt of the body to heal itself- demonstrates the process of healing. This natural and dynamic healing and rescue plan has to be recognized and supported. That should be done for most with an alkaline diet and an alkaline body cleansing.


7.     Alkaline diet is one vital component. What other factors would you say a healthy life should include?

Dr. Jentschura: If one wants to live healthy and long, one should take care of a balanced acid/alkaline diet, and also bring spirit and body in balance. Stress in jobs and in leisure time, anxieties, less sleep, too much or not enough physical activities are also indicators that our bodies are literally being turned into acidity. Health also means that we live in balance, enjoy life, enjoy being a human being, and to show that. Of course, once in a while one can enjoy something not healthy. One should enjoy compensatively. That means for example: the next day after a long party night, “sins” should be met with a vital substances rich diet and with an alkaline cleansing of the body.


<a href=”” title=”alkaline diet”>alkaline diet</a> will enrich your wellness.


German Dr. h.c. P. Jenschura’s book and complete alkalizing program is a bestseller in Europe.

Book and products are now available in Canada and the USA. Please visit for more info 

YouInFocusProducts is a Canadian distribution company based in Edmonton, AB. The company is owned by Stephan Wilmes, the AlkalineDietGuy.  Stephan created the AlkalineLifeStyle and holds his alkaline lectures all over Canada.

Lecture All about the alkaline life style…


Everybody speaks about the miracles that happen when you alkalize your body. What the truth of this? What is the difference between an alkaline or acidic life style and how does it affect our health?

We will speak about the different aspects and consequences of living the alkaline life style and discuss the following topics:

What deteriorates our health and wellbeing?

How to stay healthy, energetic and beautiful?

Organic vs. inorganic dietary supplements

Responsible pregnancy

Toxins and weight loss




This lecture is crucial: People don’t realize what they do to their bodies in eating processed food and spending their lives being continuously stressed. Both create acidity. To deal with the large amounts of acidity we rob our bodies’ mineral deposits. This starts the process of deterioration. 

Instead of dying at the age of 100-120 in a healthy body after a fulfilled life most of us die at 70-80 years old after 10-20 years of suffering from diseases and longing for deep fulfillment.



The lecture will be held by Stephan Wilmes aka AlkalineDietGuy. Stephan is an Ayurvedic therapist.



As a young man I loved sports: in team sports I played soccer and basketball. In martial arts, I became German Heavyweight Boxing Champion and Second World Military Boxing Champion. After my professional sports career I finished my Business Degree at the University in Munich, Germany and received the Wacker Chemistry Price for the Best Diploma Thesis.

I am also a Ayurvedic Therapist and used to own the Ayurveda Wellness Center Munich. Knowing the powerful cleansing and healing effects of Ayurvedic Sciences, I really acknowledge the same beneficial value of applying the Dr. P. Jentschura Cure from Germany. The Dr. Jentschura cure seems to me more appropriate for our western civilization. That’s why we promote the cure in North America.

October 10, 2009

Invitation to open lectures about Alkaline Foods at Planet Organic

We like to invite you to our open lecture at Planet Organic Edmonton South. Time: 15.October from 6.30 to 8.00 pm.

Second lecture will be in Planet Organic Calgary on the 29.October at 6.30 to 8.00 pm.

All about the alkaline life style…

Everybody speaks about the miracles that happen when you alkalize your body. What the truth about it? What is the difference between an alkaline or acidic life style and how does it affect our health?
We will speak about the different aspects and consequences of living the alkaline life style and discuss the following topics:
What deteriorates our health and wellbeing?
How to stay healthy and beautiful?
Organic vs. inorganic dietary supplements
Responsible pregnancy
Toxins and weight loss

The lecture will be held by Stephan Wilmes aka AlkalineDietGuy. Stephan is an Ayurvedic therapist.
As a young man I loved sports: in team sports I played soccer and basketball. In martial arts, I became German Heavyweight Boxing Champion and Second World Military Boxing Champion. After my professional sports career I finished my Business Degree at the University in Munich, Germany and received the Wacker Chemistry Price for the Best Diploma Thesis.
I am also a Ayurvedic Therapist and used to own the Ayurveda Wellness Center Munich. Knowing the powerful cleansing and healing effects of Ayurvedic Sciences, I really acknowledge the same beneficial value of applying the Dr. P. Jentschura Cure from Germany. The Jentschura cure seems to me more appropriate for our western civilization. That’s why we promote the cure in NorthAmerica.

My biggest hobby is my sweet family: Alice and my kids Linus, Finn and Lilly. In my spare time I am interested in fitness, books, movies and the mystery of life…

September 20, 2009

The Road Map For The Alkaline Diet with lots of Alkaline Rich Foods….

Conscientiously choosing to live the Alkaline Life Style is the first step into and towards a healthy and deeply fulfilled life.
But if you just say my goal is to loose 20 pounds to look nice in my new pants! This might not carry you very far!
Because loosing the pounds is kind of a shallow thing, you are not carried by a deep power. It will be most likely that you will kind of fight your cravings to loose the weight and perhaps make it but then most likely gain it again. Then try to loose weight and gain it again…. Very stressful!

But to deeply decide to change completely your life towards a better, sweeter and lovelier YOU.

That is just great! It might take some years and eventually get very painful inside because we get to be light in our darkest moments. That’s just awesome.

Then changing your life towards the Alkaline Life Style is simply good and fulfilling. There will be pitfalls and disappointments but that makes us just stronger!

So a deep and good commitment for the good is crucial!

On the physical level there are bricks which we need to build a new body for our new self. Painful aging can and will be stopped and replaced with aging in beauty and dignity without diseases and agony.

Dr. Jentschuras vision is that the human body is created to become 100-120 years old and then we will die in peace. Be responsible for the right choices now for in order to create a good and healthy future.

The choice is now to take care of and to invest in your body in order to be happy in your body for the next decades of your life! Instead of short term “fast food emotional satisfaction” lets go for deep soul fulfilling real food.

Lets start enjoy life, embrace life, breathe life!

Knowing that stress, anger and frustration create acid in our body we have to take care of soul food: meet lovely people, do Yoga, practice meditation, enjoy joyful action in mother nature!

If you do have deep childhood pain lets learn and love to forgive. Most human beings have covered their deep and dark pain in the lower stomach and hips area and are not even aware of it because we all long to be happy and therefore we try to do anything to get away from the pain. But the real way is the opposite: allowing and embracing the pain without indulging in it. A very good Cranio-Sacral Therapist can be of great help with this.

Dr. Jentschura’s triple jump to health and wellness is a great way to help your body to regenerate and heal itself: Alkaline Cleansing, Alkaline Purification and Alkaline Regeneration really works.

Alkaline Regeneration means to flood and therefor nourish the body with nano-size, organic minerals, vitamins and all vital substances. Change your diet: Go Green. Eat vegetables, green salad, fruits and herbs. Also enjoy dietary supplements like Dr. Jentschura’s WurzelKraft with 100 plants, to refill the mineral deposits (bones, skin, scalp, teeth, tissue) in our body which we robbed due to an over acid north american diet.

Alkaline Purification realizes the fact that the skin is our largest organ for cleansing and purification. Dr. Jentschura AlkaBath with 8 precious stones creates a high energy, high alkaline solutions for full and foot bath which pulls out all toxins and impurities via the principle of Osmosis. It is like a long bath in the ocean. Most people don’t know that as babies we bathe in alkaline solution for 10 month – amniotic fluid got a pH-level of 8.0-8.5 in a healthy mother’s womb.

Alkaline Cleansing uses the powerful cleansing abilities of herbal teas. Dr. Jentschuras AlkaHerb is made out of 49 herbs. But in drinking a very good cleansing tea you need to drink at least 1-2 liters of low mineralized water to help your body eliminate all toxins and impurities.

Knowing that most of you already take care of a good healthy nutrition we would like to encourage you to cleanse your colon. If you had a very bad diet over a long period you can eat the best diet. But your body is not able to absorb the nutrition if your colon is very polluted. We recommend hydro colon therapy but not 3 times a week but 1-3 times a month depending on your state of health. If you feel very healthy you can do even 3 cleanses a week but if you are not very healthy just do 1-2 in the first month.

September 9, 2009

In addition to Alkaline Foods and the Alkaline Diet: Schuessler Salts and Collodial Silver

Did you ever hear about the miraculous effects of Schuessler Salts and Collodial Silver??

I just love to share this with you:
Our little guys do catch a lot of colds in winter time. But as soon as their temperature rises we give them Schuessler Salts (minerals in homeopathic dosis) and about one hour later the temperature significantly goes down again…
You can buy them in most Health Foods Stores and you need a booklet to explain in which combination they work. My wife and I like them a lot too! Highly recommandable!!!

Talking about miracles: My son Finn had a bad cold the other day. I just sprayed 10 times Collodial Silver in his mouth and 10 min(!) later he stopped coughing. This is no coincidence or good luck! Silver is known since centuries as a natural antibiotic. Very good stuff. You get Collodial Silver pretty much in each Health Food Store but a friend a mine (Erwin) produces great Collodial Silver and sells it for about 50% of the normal retail price. His email is
He is one of the people I know who healed his Cancer with the Alkaline Life Style.

August 19, 2009

Ask The Alkaline Foods Guy: Why do I need "Organic" Supplements? What Kind?

1. Why is it so important to take organic supplements? What is WurzelKraft?

The product WurzelKraft consists of one hundred plants, which means it contains countless vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other vital substances. Our own body is an organism and needs these for its development, maintenance or regeneration.

We therefore work on the assumption that the body will seek precisely the substances it needs at the moment from this rich offering. And with the enormous variety of vital substances on offer, our organism can also create all the enzymes it needs for its metabolism. The same applies to all the structures of the cells, tissues, ligaments, sinews and bones that it can build using the substances supplied by WurzelKraft. This rich range of vital substances, trace elements and minerals enables the organism to regenerate itself. This applies not only to its structures, but also to its functions. Today for instance a number of young diabetics can suffer a reduction in their potency, even when they are as young as 30. For this sexual function too WurzelKraft, if seven to twelve tablespoons are taken daily, or more for some people, is a valuable and valued ally for many people, whether they are diabetics or older men.

2. Is WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) an addition to our diet, a food supplement or a food?

According to our intellectual understanding and the relevant legal situation, the product WurzelKraft is a food. WurzelKraft is an omni-molecular food, because this product and the one hundred plants it consists of certainly contain all the vital substances, trace elements, minerals and vitamins that nature can offer us.

WurzelKraft does not contain any artificially manufactured vitamins or minerals, has no synthetic aromas, and contains no preservatives, colorings etc.

The product has not undergone any chemical, heat treatment or any other physical treatment or production processes.

3. Can you overdose on the product WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) and do yourself harm?

By the laws of healthy common sense, you can not overdose on taking WurzelKraft. Unless you were to eat an entire bucket full in a single day.

WurzelKraft is an omni-molecular food and above all it is unadulterated. The product contains minerals, vitamins and countless vital substances from one hundred unadulterated plants. The higher the quantity of WurzelKraft consumed daily, the better for the organism, its organs and their functions, for the metabolism, regeneration and vitality.

4. How many calories does WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) contain?

WurzelKraft contains 386 kcal per 100 g.

A teaspoon containing 3 g of WurzelKraft contains around 12 kcal, a tablespoon with around 12 g of WurzelKraft contains between 45 and 50 kcal.

5. Can you also use WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) in cooking and baking?

WurzelKraft should not be any hotter than 45° Celsius. Above this temperature the quality of vitamins and enzymes, amino acids and the complex and very delicate vegetable substances deteriorates.

You should therefore neither cook nor bake using WurzelKraft. But you can sprinkle the granulate onto pizzas or Mexican dishes, and also over salads or into soups.

WurzelKraft should also not be used in baking. But when cookies or pastry are still hot you can brush a mixture of WurzelKraft and honey onto them and leave to dry. To ensure your metabolism is at its best from breakfast to lunch, you can also stir WurzelKraft into your MorgenStund breakfast porridge, but only once your porridge has cooled down to eating temperature.

6. Why can you not buy WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) in capsule form?

Our company produces only natural products. The gelatin that is usually used in capsules generally comes from the bones of cattle. Especially since the time of BSE this is not a substance that we want to introduce into the human organism.

Administering the product in capsule form would also make it substantially more expensive. Ultimately the consumer would get half of the weight they had bought in WurzelKraft, and the other half as cheap capsule gelatin, yet due to the cost WurzelKraft would have to become more expensive. This is not the way we work, or our philosophy!

7. Is it better to eat WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) on its own, or mixed with juices or other foods?

Eating WurzelKraft on its own with just your saliva offers a great advantage for your metabolism. When the dry granulate is mixed with saliva the first stage of digestion takes place and this is improved through your chewing at the same time.

However, a lot of people have only a small saliva flow and are also not used to the natural vegetable taste of WurzelKraft, so they tend to prefer mixing it with water, juices or soups.

It is important that you sprinkle WurzelKraft onto foods once they have cooled down. They should not be any warmer than body temperature, as above around 50o C the fine structures of the vitamins and the very delicate plant components such as flavonoids, alkaloids etc. are damaged.

8. Is it possible to suffer from flatulence after taking WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)?

For people with a lot of waste material in their intestines it is certainly possible that gas may form. But the body isn’t doing anything wrong in this case; in fact it is doing something right!

With the metabolism activated by the WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) and the immune system of the intestine reinforced by taking WurzelKraft, your body is splitting the waste material in the intestine into gas and water, with the help of the bacteria which colonize the intestine. It is rather like room service coming to clean your room in a hotel.

If you have flatulence after taking WurzelKraft, then you are well on the way to cleansing your intestines. Eat more WurzelKraft, drink more 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb), drink more water and do stomach massages. Jump on the trampoline and do regular knee bends!

The flatulence will soon diminish. Your intestines will cleanse themselves. And it is possible that as the waste materials disappear from your intestine, not only will the flatulence disappear as well, but also many other ailments which have afflicted you.

Taking WurzelKraft has also been shown to have another advantage. The mixture contains a number of herbs which have the effect of repelling parasites. Many people who have a buildup of waste products have all sorts of smaller or larger parasites in their body, which will soon flee from these herbs.

We have also heard about this phenomenon of repelling parasites from animal breeders, and especially from dog breeders. When WurzelKraft is mixed into their food, dachshunds and other breeds not only lose their worms, but they also get a wonderful glossy coat and clear, shining eyes. It is possible that they also had wind before the parasites went, but we have not had any reports of this.

9. Which minerals and vitamins does P. Jentschura WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) contain?

According to laboratory analysis, WurzelKraft contains the minerals zinc, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, chromium and iodine. It can however be assumed that the one hundred plants in this product contain all the trace elements which occur naturally, in other words substance such as lithium, lanthanum, indium, hafnium, molybdenum, manganese etc.

In terms of vitamins, WurzelKraft contains the vitamins A, B1, B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and B17, vitamins C, D2, D3, vitamin E, K1 and the vitamins niacin, pantothenic acid and folic acid.

10. What are the effects of the product P. Jentschura WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)?

Through the targeted combination of one hundred unadulterated plants from our heavenly planet, WurzelKraft is a comprehensive, omni-molecular food and thus a general provider for our entire organism and metabolism.

The unique variety of vital substances the product contains is suitable for building our cells and organs, our blood vessels and joints in childhood, looking after them throughout our adult years and regenerating them in our old age or whenever needed.

By means of these substances, not only are the structures of our organism maintained, but also regeneration and convalescence are supported. In this way WurzelKraft is able to make an important contribution to our beauty and health. With the help of this product, the mineral deposits in our body, hair and scalp, our nails and teeth, skin and blood, our veins, bones, capsules and tendons can be topped up and maintained.

These mineral deposits are like the treasure stored of our organism. If we consider the body to be the temple of our soul, then these mineral deposits are the pillars of this beautiful temple.

Unfortunately nowadays our bodies not only contain buildups of waste products, but also are often infested with parasites. These are very successfully repelled by the herbs contained in the product WurzelKraft.

Sometimes WurzelKraft can also cause flatulence. This happens because the countless vital substances in WurzelKraft regenerate the immune system of the intestine and the bacteria which colonize it. These are then capable of separating out the waste products that were previously stored in the intestine, which are separated into acids and minerals.

The acids in turn are separated into gases and water. This is the entirely logical consequence of the “metabolism”. The waste products represent the solid state. This is transferred into the liquid state of the acids, and this in turn is transferred into the gaseous state of the flatulence. This is your metabolism in action!

11. Can WurzelKraft also be used with allergies?

Theoretically WurzelKraft can be regarded generally as an allergen, in other words as an unavoidable trigger of allergies. However in practice it is an excellent anti-allergic agent, and this has been shown in medical practice. As an example, read the first hand report of the German doctor Dr. med. Hansgünter Englisch, which we have reproduced in the glossary of this website under “Allergies”.

In theory his patient was allergic to approximately twelve substances, but the doctor relied on the effect of WurzelKraft in strengthening the defensive mechanism and regenerating the entire organism and metabolism. And eating WurzelKraft did not trigger any allergic reaction.

It is certainly sensible for anyone suffering from allergies not to take their WurzelKraft on its own, but to mix it in water, vegetable juice or fruit juice and then consume it.

It is also possible to start by taking small quantities at mealtimes, such as a knife tip three times a day, and then to increase this after one or two weeks to one teaspoon three times a day.

August 17, 2009

Alkaline Foods Helps With Constipation

Many people suffer now and again, or even for many years, from chronic constipation. More women than men are affected by this ailment. This problem often starts gradually and leads to a feeling of fullness, a distended stomach and a general feeling of being unwell, right through to cramp-like pains when passing a stool and the development of hemorrhoids, especially with hard stools. People who are affected usually go to the toilet less than three times a week.

If serious organic reasons for constipation have been ruled out, then not drinking enough, a lack of minerals such as magnesium, lack of exercise, mental problems and also some drugs could play a role in the causes. Insufficient time or going to the toilet in the wrong place can also often prevent the bowels being emptied healthily.

A major cause of constipation is a diet which is heavy in acids, due to excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol, candy, crisps, fast food, meat, fish, cooked meats etc. This can result in a lack of the important fiber we obtain from vegetables, raw foods, fruit and wholegrain products such as amaranth, quinoa, millet etc. which on the one hand increases our feeling of fullness and on the other hand retains water in the intestines, increases the volume of the stools and through the increased pressure stimulates digestive activity.

Alongside the kidneys, the lungs and the skin, the intestine is a primary elimination organ. With lasting constipation, the elimination function of this major organ more or less ceases. The resultant back pressure of acids and toxins also leads to decomposition and fermentation in the intestine, with negative consequences on our health. Inflammation of the intestines, overweight, cellulite, fungal infestations, back pain, menstruation problems etc. can develop as a result.

What can be done against constipation?

Acid generating substances should be reduced or avoided. You should also stop smoking and reduce your stress level.

An adequate and alkaline-generating diet including plenty of vegetables, salad, raw foods, fruit and seeds encourages our digestive processes in a natural way due to the fiber content. When eating you should ensure you chew thoroughly, because as the saying goes, “chewing well is half way to digesting”.

Taking four tablespoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) during the day has proved to be helpful. The powder from the one hundred plants it contains encourages digestive activity in a fully natural way. Taking at least two teaspoons of flax seeds in a glass of water in the evening has also been shown to help the digestion by the next morning. The mixture should be drunk down as quickly as possible.

To help the digestion first thing in the morning, we highly recommend MorgenStund´ millet and buckwheat porridge, with the addition of several teaspoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife), fruit, nuts and perhaps a dash of cream, soya milk or rice milk.

At midday raw foods and salad can best be digested, and in the evening you are recommended to eat steamed vegetables with potatoes, millet etc., a hotpot or vegetable soup. The evening meal should not be too generous and should not be eaten later than 19.00 so that the intestine is not unnecessarily overloaded and intestinal fermentation overnight is avoided.

Flax seeds, semen plantaginis, can also be used for constipation, but are only effective when taken with plenty of non-carbonated water. Ribwort seeds can also be taken – mix one heaped teaspoon of these seeds in a glass of water, stir well and drink it down immediately.

Dried prunes which have been soaked in water are also a proven domestic remedy for constipation.

In general it is important to drink 1.5-2 litres of non-carbonated water during the day, and in addition 0.5-1.5 litres of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) is recommended to loosen any intestinal waste. If necessary an occasional alkaline drink can also be helpful.

Alkaline foot baths and full baths support the elimination of acids and harmful substances via the skin. Two to three foot baths a week are recommended, or the alkaline stockings and 1 full bath a week. Brushing the body in the elimination direction during the alkaline baths has also proved to be useful. The abdomen should be brushed downwards.

Alkaline enemas are a gentle and natural way of cleansing the large intestine. 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) with a pinch of MeineBase (AlkaBath) is recommended as an enema fluid.

Regular exercise in the fresh air also encourages digestion and counteracts constipation. A very helpful form of exercise is regular jumping on the trampoline. Have a jump before breakfast, before lunch and before your evening meal for two to three minutes as far as possible. This works wonders, either for constipation or for shifting flatulence.

On a deeper level constipation could also be a sign for a deep holding, a deep fear of letting go of control over ones life. If we are constantly trying to forcefully control every aspect of our life we soon loose deep joy and love. Instead of spontanious we become controlling and fearful.
Since we believe that body, mind and soul are very connected only we as honesty and love can heal us completely…

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