Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

August 24, 2009

Getting Serious About Alkaline Foods: How to Measure Your Ph-level??

We received a very good question:

Is testing urine a good way to determine my Ph? If not, what is a good way to test it at home? If it is, and I am eating more alkaline foods this week than last week and my urine Ph has gone further into acidity, could it be because my body it excreting more acid through the urine? I am a little confused by this issue. The same question if testing the skin or saliva for Ph.

Thanks for your insite. Could you email an answer or send a link to this page? thanks. Zutt5


If you like to measure your ph-level the best way is to measure your urine in the morning.
It should be between 6.4 and 6.7.

If you are under this value you should/could take care of that: shifting your diet and life style towards alkaline. Go green: lots of vegetables, green salads, green smoothies, very good herbal teas….

Your diet should be 80% alkaline generating and 20% acidic generating.
And now here comes the important part: The change should be for a longer period of time until you will see a change.

Because we usually suffer from decades of acidic life style: unhealthy food, too much or too little body exercise, strong negative emotions (which do create acidity also)

If your urine ph-level is always over 6.7 you should see a doctor because it could be that your kidneys (responsible for absorbing and filtering minerals out of the urine) are not working properly.

Also your ph-level will explode if you drink the alkaline drink (made out of baking soda, water and maple syrup).But: This is only a fire made out of straw. To clean up all the toxins stored in the fatty tissue and our organs we need lots of organic minerals and also a very good cleansing tea. And we need to do this over a long time!

I often tell my clients: People invest tens of thousands in their cars and houses but ignore their bodies.

Dr. Jentschura always says that we could and should become 100-120 years old and then die peacefully instead of dying after long years of disease and agony in a hospital.

In your question you asked that although you had a alkaline diet your ph-level went down.

That may have been caused by different reasons:
Anger, frustration, lack of exercise, physical overexertion.
But also perhaps you had cleansing tea which released a lot of acids, toxins and impurities.
And also drinking very green juices made from cleansing herbs really causes your body to release acidity.

In any way,  keep on doing what you started. Most of us suffer from long years in ignorance that we are living an acidic life style. To start a change is immediate, but to regenerate takes time.

Kindest regards

August 19, 2009

Ask The Alkaline Foods Guy: Why do I need "Organic" Supplements? What Kind?

1. Why is it so important to take organic supplements? What is WurzelKraft?

The product WurzelKraft consists of one hundred plants, which means it contains countless vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other vital substances. Our own body is an organism and needs these for its development, maintenance or regeneration.

We therefore work on the assumption that the body will seek precisely the substances it needs at the moment from this rich offering. And with the enormous variety of vital substances on offer, our organism can also create all the enzymes it needs for its metabolism. The same applies to all the structures of the cells, tissues, ligaments, sinews and bones that it can build using the substances supplied by WurzelKraft. This rich range of vital substances, trace elements and minerals enables the organism to regenerate itself. This applies not only to its structures, but also to its functions. Today for instance a number of young diabetics can suffer a reduction in their potency, even when they are as young as 30. For this sexual function too WurzelKraft, if seven to twelve tablespoons are taken daily, or more for some people, is a valuable and valued ally for many people, whether they are diabetics or older men.

2. Is WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) an addition to our diet, a food supplement or a food?

According to our intellectual understanding and the relevant legal situation, the product WurzelKraft is a food. WurzelKraft is an omni-molecular food, because this product and the one hundred plants it consists of certainly contain all the vital substances, trace elements, minerals and vitamins that nature can offer us.

WurzelKraft does not contain any artificially manufactured vitamins or minerals, has no synthetic aromas, and contains no preservatives, colorings etc.

The product has not undergone any chemical, heat treatment or any other physical treatment or production processes.

3. Can you overdose on the product WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) and do yourself harm?

By the laws of healthy common sense, you can not overdose on taking WurzelKraft. Unless you were to eat an entire bucket full in a single day.

WurzelKraft is an omni-molecular food and above all it is unadulterated. The product contains minerals, vitamins and countless vital substances from one hundred unadulterated plants. The higher the quantity of WurzelKraft consumed daily, the better for the organism, its organs and their functions, for the metabolism, regeneration and vitality.

4. How many calories does WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) contain?

WurzelKraft contains 386 kcal per 100 g.

A teaspoon containing 3 g of WurzelKraft contains around 12 kcal, a tablespoon with around 12 g of WurzelKraft contains between 45 and 50 kcal.

5. Can you also use WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) in cooking and baking?

WurzelKraft should not be any hotter than 45° Celsius. Above this temperature the quality of vitamins and enzymes, amino acids and the complex and very delicate vegetable substances deteriorates.

You should therefore neither cook nor bake using WurzelKraft. But you can sprinkle the granulate onto pizzas or Mexican dishes, and also over salads or into soups.

WurzelKraft should also not be used in baking. But when cookies or pastry are still hot you can brush a mixture of WurzelKraft and honey onto them and leave to dry. To ensure your metabolism is at its best from breakfast to lunch, you can also stir WurzelKraft into your MorgenStund breakfast porridge, but only once your porridge has cooled down to eating temperature.

6. Why can you not buy WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) in capsule form?

Our company produces only natural products. The gelatin that is usually used in capsules generally comes from the bones of cattle. Especially since the time of BSE this is not a substance that we want to introduce into the human organism.

Administering the product in capsule form would also make it substantially more expensive. Ultimately the consumer would get half of the weight they had bought in WurzelKraft, and the other half as cheap capsule gelatin, yet due to the cost WurzelKraft would have to become more expensive. This is not the way we work, or our philosophy!

7. Is it better to eat WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) on its own, or mixed with juices or other foods?

Eating WurzelKraft on its own with just your saliva offers a great advantage for your metabolism. When the dry granulate is mixed with saliva the first stage of digestion takes place and this is improved through your chewing at the same time.

However, a lot of people have only a small saliva flow and are also not used to the natural vegetable taste of WurzelKraft, so they tend to prefer mixing it with water, juices or soups.

It is important that you sprinkle WurzelKraft onto foods once they have cooled down. They should not be any warmer than body temperature, as above around 50o C the fine structures of the vitamins and the very delicate plant components such as flavonoids, alkaloids etc. are damaged.

8. Is it possible to suffer from flatulence after taking WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)?

For people with a lot of waste material in their intestines it is certainly possible that gas may form. But the body isn’t doing anything wrong in this case; in fact it is doing something right!

With the metabolism activated by the WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) and the immune system of the intestine reinforced by taking WurzelKraft, your body is splitting the waste material in the intestine into gas and water, with the help of the bacteria which colonize the intestine. It is rather like room service coming to clean your room in a hotel.

If you have flatulence after taking WurzelKraft, then you are well on the way to cleansing your intestines. Eat more WurzelKraft, drink more 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb), drink more water and do stomach massages. Jump on the trampoline and do regular knee bends!

The flatulence will soon diminish. Your intestines will cleanse themselves. And it is possible that as the waste materials disappear from your intestine, not only will the flatulence disappear as well, but also many other ailments which have afflicted you.

Taking WurzelKraft has also been shown to have another advantage. The mixture contains a number of herbs which have the effect of repelling parasites. Many people who have a buildup of waste products have all sorts of smaller or larger parasites in their body, which will soon flee from these herbs.

We have also heard about this phenomenon of repelling parasites from animal breeders, and especially from dog breeders. When WurzelKraft is mixed into their food, dachshunds and other breeds not only lose their worms, but they also get a wonderful glossy coat and clear, shining eyes. It is possible that they also had wind before the parasites went, but we have not had any reports of this.

9. Which minerals and vitamins does P. Jentschura WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) contain?

According to laboratory analysis, WurzelKraft contains the minerals zinc, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, chromium and iodine. It can however be assumed that the one hundred plants in this product contain all the trace elements which occur naturally, in other words substance such as lithium, lanthanum, indium, hafnium, molybdenum, manganese etc.

In terms of vitamins, WurzelKraft contains the vitamins A, B1, B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and B17, vitamins C, D2, D3, vitamin E, K1 and the vitamins niacin, pantothenic acid and folic acid.

10. What are the effects of the product P. Jentschura WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)?

Through the targeted combination of one hundred unadulterated plants from our heavenly planet, WurzelKraft is a comprehensive, omni-molecular food and thus a general provider for our entire organism and metabolism.

The unique variety of vital substances the product contains is suitable for building our cells and organs, our blood vessels and joints in childhood, looking after them throughout our adult years and regenerating them in our old age or whenever needed.

By means of these substances, not only are the structures of our organism maintained, but also regeneration and convalescence are supported. In this way WurzelKraft is able to make an important contribution to our beauty and health. With the help of this product, the mineral deposits in our body, hair and scalp, our nails and teeth, skin and blood, our veins, bones, capsules and tendons can be topped up and maintained.

These mineral deposits are like the treasure stored of our organism. If we consider the body to be the temple of our soul, then these mineral deposits are the pillars of this beautiful temple.

Unfortunately nowadays our bodies not only contain buildups of waste products, but also are often infested with parasites. These are very successfully repelled by the herbs contained in the product WurzelKraft.

Sometimes WurzelKraft can also cause flatulence. This happens because the countless vital substances in WurzelKraft regenerate the immune system of the intestine and the bacteria which colonize it. These are then capable of separating out the waste products that were previously stored in the intestine, which are separated into acids and minerals.

The acids in turn are separated into gases and water. This is the entirely logical consequence of the “metabolism”. The waste products represent the solid state. This is transferred into the liquid state of the acids, and this in turn is transferred into the gaseous state of the flatulence. This is your metabolism in action!

11. Can WurzelKraft also be used with allergies?

Theoretically WurzelKraft can be regarded generally as an allergen, in other words as an unavoidable trigger of allergies. However in practice it is an excellent anti-allergic agent, and this has been shown in medical practice. As an example, read the first hand report of the German doctor Dr. med. Hansgünter Englisch, which we have reproduced in the glossary of this website under “Allergies”.

In theory his patient was allergic to approximately twelve substances, but the doctor relied on the effect of WurzelKraft in strengthening the defensive mechanism and regenerating the entire organism and metabolism. And eating WurzelKraft did not trigger any allergic reaction.

It is certainly sensible for anyone suffering from allergies not to take their WurzelKraft on its own, but to mix it in water, vegetable juice or fruit juice and then consume it.

It is also possible to start by taking small quantities at mealtimes, such as a knife tip three times a day, and then to increase this after one or two weeks to one teaspoon three times a day.

August 18, 2009

Why Alkaline Foods are great for professional athletes and for you!

so now I adress this topic to you speaking from my experience as a ex pro athlete:
Sports and physical movement are great but should be balanced. A lack of exercise leads to a lack of oxygen and to the build-up of acidity through carbonic acid. Excessive exercise also leads to a lack of oxygen and to acidity in the body; this is the caused by lactic acid. My dad always says: do everything in moderation!
Moderate exercise after work or in your free time removes the built-up carbonic acid and protects the muscles, including the heart.

Aerobic exercise ensures that the body is sufficiently supplied with oxygen, maintains the elasticity of our tendons and joints, and strengthens our muscles.

Nutrition is of particular importance to professional athletes. Unfortunately, today’s nutritional and lifestyle habits are mainly composed of acid-forming foods and activities, with excessive consumption of meat, convenience foods, sugar, soft drinks and cooking salt.

There are also the harmful effects of nicotine, alcohol and environmental pollutants. As a result of these acids and toxins, and the acids created through intensive sport, many athletes reach the state of over-acidity too early and therefore the limit of their performance.

This limit can be successfully exceeded with preventative mineralisation, alkaline purification and continuous regeneration, with regard to both health and an increase in performance.

I highly recommand all Dr. Jentschura alkaline generating products to all professional athletes. And I speak out of my experience.
But also we have lots of top athletes in Europe using Dr. Jentschuras products, eg. the Austrian and Swiss National Ski Teams.

Nutrition should consist of 80 % alkaline-generating food and 20 % acid-forming food. Alkaline-generating foods include vegetables, potatoes, fruit, seeds, shoots, nuts, herbal teas, WurzelKraft (AlkaLife), MorgenStund´, vegetable juices, etc. Acid-forming foods include meat, coffee, alcohol, milk and dairy products, confectionery, products made from wheat flour, etc.

Mineralize your body 2-3 hours before exercising with Wurzelkraft and MorgenStund´ (mixed with fruit) and never get sore muscles again if you have a relaxing 30-60 min bath with AlkaBath or using AlkaStockings.

Also try to rub your body with AlkaBath Salts in the shower, let it pull out acids for 5 min and then shower again. Look forward to the results: better performance, quicker regeneration, greater overall wellbeing. We have excellent proof from professionals all over the world.

Before Training
Breakfast with MorgenStund´ plus WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)
Approx. 2 hours before training: 3-5 tablespoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) and extra Alkaline body treatment with: Alkaline salt shower

During Training
Wear AlkalineCuffs

After Training (as soon as possible)
2 tablespoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)
Extra Alkaline body treatment with:
A long alkaline bath
Alkaline footbath
AlkalineStockings during the night

MorgenStund´ for breakfast, as a desert or snack
4-6 tablespoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)
Alkaline body treatment with:
Alkaline baths
Alkaline footbaths
Alkaline inhalations
Alkaline wraps
Alkaline steam bath

Another tip I like to give you is meditation and mental training.
Deep relaxation during meditation (focussing on your heart and deep breathing) really helps with your regeneration. You only can achieve if your are ready to completly letting go of your goals. That sounds mystical but it isn’t. Everybody knows how tightening it is if you just focus and want and want and focus… Life is no fun. And you need fun to be happy and to be successful with your calling.
As life is all about the right balance for other people learning how to focus is crucial. Only if your will, body, mind and soul is aligned we will be completly happy and successful.

August 17, 2009

Alkaline Foods Can Help You Treating Infertility

Speaking from our own experience starting the alkaline diet will help you with your wish to become pregnant.

We explained in “What deteriorates our health and beauty” that all of our vital functions are due to a balance of alkaline and acids.

A radical change of diet and the triple jump of purification (cleansing with 7×7 AlkaHerb, purification with alkaline applications based on AlkaBath, regeneration with Wurzelkraft andMorgenStund´) will completely boost all of your vital forces.

My wife and I tried to become pregnant for about 2 years. Nothing happend. Then we both intensivly started the Dr. Jentschura cure: eating WurzelKraft, taking regularly long full bath and drinking lots of AlkaBath tea. And luckily we become pregnant and shortly after the birth of our first son my wife become pregnant again (although some people told us: while breast feading you cannot get pregnant).

If couples tried to get a baby for years and gone through a lot of hardship, frustration and stress it is also very important to release that stress and start anew. Stress causes large amounts of acids in our bodies. Releasing stress is like a refreshing and relaxing bath with AlkaBath: in the beginning you still feel the stress in your body but then you can let warmly go of the past. And you start to feel the love rising in your body which is not dependent on any circumstance in your life…

Daily Plan to Activate Your Life Forces

Alkaline brushing of hands and feet
Dry brushing in the direction of elimination
2-3 cups of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and non-carbonated water
1 portion of MorgenStund´
3-5 teaspoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)

During the Day
2-3 cups of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and non-carbonated water
2-5 teaspoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)
Bath with MeineBase (AlkaBath) (once or twice a week)
Alkaline shower, peeling with MeineBase (AlkaBath), alkaline wrap
regular aerobic exercise: yoga, swimming, walking
laughing and enjoying life

1 cup of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and non-carbonated water
3-5 teaspoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)
1 footbath with MeineBase (AlkaBath), duration 30-45 minutes

During the Night
AlkalineStockings and/or cuffs as often as possible

August 7, 2009

Toxins, Weight Loss and Alkaline Foods

Toxins and Our Weight

In today’s world, we’re exposed to a myriad of toxins and pollution.

These come from things as diverse as the off-gassing of new carpet, the exhaust of automobiles, and residues of herbicides and pesticides in our food and water. (The list goes on.)

Internally, our bodies are very sensitive and easily recognize the difference between the beneficial nutrients we get in our food and the toxic chemicals we’re exposed to that get into our bodies. The difficult part is getting the toxins out of our system once they’re in.

If our physiology isn’t strong, there may not be the energy and resource to remove the toxins.

Having toxins in our bodies can be like coming home to a dirty house after a long day at work and having guests due to arrive in just a few minutes. In an attempt to tidy things up with the time and energy we have, we may just toss a lot of the mess into a nearby closet, leaving the proper sorting and cleaning for later when we have more time and energy.

When our bodies are faced with more to clean up than there seems time and energy for, the nearby closets they use to “tidy things up” are fatty tissues. Our bodies toss the toxins into our fat to keep them “out of harms way.” Our bodies know there’s much less danger with the toxins stored in the fat than floating through our bloodstream and vital organs.

In this way, fat is our friend. By holding onto our fat stores, even in the midst of dieting, our vital organs and tissues are protected from the damaging effects of the toxins and pollutants.

To ensure our organs are safe from these toxins, our bodies (intelligently) raise the fat thermostat. This means that when we want to lose weight by starting a diet, our bodies fight to keep the fat in place in order to protect us from the toxins. This is the struggle many dieters experience in trying to get that extra weight off.

Cleansing is great but it has to be correct!

So, how can we lower the fat thermostat to drop the extra pounds and do it in a way that’s healthy? It’s a simple matter of cleansing out those toxins at the cellular level.

It is important ot eat a lot of cleansing alkaline whole foods.

These whole foods are highly alkaline and our bodies need to be alkaline to be healthy. By eating more alkaline foods, our tissues are

gradually and gently cleansed of acidic by-products and waste (toxins).

All love and health to you,


July 20, 2009

How Can I Stay Beautiful And Healthy with Alkaline Foods in my Alkaline Diet?

What is real beauty and health and what are the benefits of eating alkaline foods in an alkaline diet?

Physical health means that the cells, tissues and organs are free of acids, toxins and impurity deposits while at the same time having full vitamin and mineral reserves. Allowing these reserves to remain untouched for as long as possible is the best prerequisite for permanently staying healthy and beautiful.

If all cells, tissues and organs have a sufficient reserve of nutrient potential, they are then able to continuously regenerate themselves, defend against and eliminate toxic substances.

How can I stay beautiful and healthy?

Avoid all harmful things!

The primary prerequisite for long-lasting health and beauty is to reduce or, even better, avoid the acid-generating lifestyle habits previously mentioned (e.g. too much stress, excess exercise, acidic and acid-generating eating habits that include too much protein, animals fats, sugar and sweets, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, fast food and additive-enriched, pre-processed foods) and replace them with an alkaline-generating, primarily wholesome vegetarian diet. For millions of years we have needed the nutrients of plants for our health and beauty.

Eat, drink and do beneficial things!

Through a primarily wholesome vegetarian and therefore mineral-enriched, alkaline-generating diet with lots of vegetables, some fruit and omni-molecular (complete) plant-derived foods, we can make sure that our bodies’ own mineral reserves remain well filled. This in turn ensures that our beauty and heath will be maintained for the long-term. Alen, Spirulina, Dr. Jentschura WurzelKraft and similar products are such kinds of omni-molecular foods derived from numerous plants. The great number of nutrients contained in these food products gave them their name: Latin omnes = all; all molecules = omnimolecular.

Drinking approximately 1 litre of non-carbonated water and ½ – 1 litre or more of herbal tea does a good job of thoroughly cleansing the human body and its elimination organs.

Stress can be balanced out for example through meditation, autogenic training, reading a good book or a relaxing walk. Excessive exercise can be replaced by yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates and stretching.

Discover the healthy balance between acids and bases for yourself, for “pleasure is in taking everything in moderation”. Low amounts of acids can be enjoyed if compensated with excess alkalinity. But you can and should balance out every excessive acidic pleasure with alkaline-generating foods and alkaline body care!

Eliminate all harmful things!

The diseases in modern society only develop because our naturally foreseen elimination organs are not capable of eliminating large amounts of acids, toxins and the neutral salts generated with the assistance of our body’s own minerals. Our body has no other option but to deposit toxins that cannot be eliminated. To regain or maintain health and beauty, “cleansing treatments” are recommended during which the acids and toxins are effectively eliminated with the help of the skin and mucous membranes, our other elimination organs, and which re-establish the acid-base equilibrium and successfully eliminate the deposited impurities.

Healthy compensating equalisers:

1 cup of coffee : 1 tsp. AlkaLife or a similar product + 1 glass of water

one small meal with meat : one large portion of vegetables or salad

excessive exercise : one alkaline full bath

one piece of cake : one alkaline footbath + 1 tsp. AlkaLife or a similar product

Life is all about balance!
Tip for the daily diet

80% alkaline-generating foods

20% acid-generating foods and beverages

How can I cleanse myself successfully with as little effort as possible?

With the “triple jump to purification” for successful regeration: Purification means removing deposited impurities from the skin and mucous membranes, from the cells, tissues, glands, joints and organs of the body. In three steps, purification has the following significance for our metabolism:
impurity deposits are dissolved into their components
loosened acids and toxins are metabolised
elimination occurs through the intestine, kidneys and mucous membranes

By both internally and externally carefully preparing for the “triple jump to purification” you can avoid any possible initial signs of excessively straining the body and the familiar initial worsening or healing crises. Perhaps you have already had a similar experience during fasting or during a cleansing or purification regimen. The “triple jump to purification” must therefore be carefully planned in order to successfully loosen, metabolise and eliminate years of deposited impurities without discomfort. This sensible preparation is all the more necessary the more contaminated, built-up or sensitive the body is. The preparation consists of two important steps:

1. The body’s neutralizing and metabolizing potential is omni-molecularly optimised through a wholesome vegetarian diet and omni-molecular foods.

2. Alkaline body care allows many acids and toxins to be eliminated through the body’s fluids. This occurs with alkaline full baths and footbaths, with alkaline compresses, rinses, etc.

The chief commandment for purification is:

“The more acidic built up and sensitive the body is, the more careful you must prepare for the purification process!”

What Deteriorates Our Health And Beauty – the Lack Of Alkaline Foods

We want to take a close look what happens in our body if we don’t eat alkaline foods:

Our blood needs to keep its alkalinity…

Our blood connects the 100 million cells in our body to make up a meaningful whole. For its many diverse functions, blood requires an alkaline pH value between 7.35 and 7.45. Only within this alkaline range blood flows optimally, nourishes cells and keeps the body cleansed.

All of our foods and drinks have either alkaline or acid generating effects in our bodies.

Due to our modern fast food and living civilisation most of the food we eat barely deserves to be called “nourishing”. It is often mass-produced, pre-cooked, frozen or pre-processed in one or another way. The ingredients in these products often originate from monocultures grown in impoverished soil. These types of foods lack essential nutrients and do not provide us with the vital energy that we need. This lack of nutrients especially minerals causes the fact that most of our food is acid generating…

What deteriorates our health and beauty?

Harmful amounts of acids and toxins are accumulated in our bodies. Alkaline neutralizing nutrients in the form of natural, energy-rich minerals and trace elements are barely even contained in processed, concentrated foods, and are instead replaced by horrendous amounts of “empty” calories. The following overview shows just a few typical acid-inflated, nutrient destroying foods, drinks and energy-consuming behaviour:

Meat and meat products Uric acid
Pork Sulphuric and nitric acid
Sweets,Sugar, White flour products Acetic acid
Artificial sweeteners Formic acid
Soft drinks Phosphoric acid
Coffee, black tea, red wine Tannic acid
Pain relievers Acetylsalicylic acid
Physical overexertion Lactic acid
Stress, anger Hydrochloric acid

One of the chief principles of metabolism is keeping the pH value of blood and the balance between acids and bases stable.

If the pH-value of blood drops by the slightest amount, then the blood will become thicker and clotted (the coin rolling phenomenon of red blood cells). The functions of providing the cells with oxygen and nutrients as well as of removing and eliminating toxins are impaired. Acids, toxins and other harmful substances then build up in the body.

The acid-base regulation risks losing its balance. It is the basis for all metabolic processes and functions in the body, as e.g. hormones, enzymes and our immune systems cannot function in an overly acidic environment. The human body reacts to decreases in pHvalues with the following symptoms:

1. Structural damage

An excess of acids and toxins deteriorates our cells, tissues and organs, as well as our joints and bones. The observed deterioration is often accompanied by inflammatory processes, such as e.g. tonsillitis, gastritis or diabetes. Acids and toxins threaten to bring our vital acid-base equilibrium out of balance. In order not to be deteriorated and destroyed by acids and toxins, our bodies neutralize them with the help of energy-rich, alkaline-generating vitamins and minerals. Due to an excess of acids and toxins and the lack of nutrients in foods today, the body must often consume or depend on its own mineral reserves. Acids and toxins consume the mineral reserves in our skin, hair, teeth, joints and bones and, with results such as hair loss and osteoporosis, also have negative effects on our health and beauty.

2. Elimination

Neutral salts result from neutralizing acids and toxins with the help of alkaline-generating minerals. However our usual elimination organs (kidneys, intestine and lungs) cannot simply eliminate large amounts of acids and toxins or the resulting neutral salts as they please. Each of these organs has a very specific elimination function as well as capacity which cannot be exceeded due to an existing protective mechanism, as it would then lead to the deterioration, contamination and salinisation of these organs.

Skin problems – in order to prevent that from happening, the human body increasingly takes care of elimination through the skin. However the skin does not have a natural protective mechanism. Depending on the sensitivity or concentration and aggressiveness of the acids and toxins, the skin becomes excessively stressed and irritated. Signs of this include body odour, sweat, pimples, acne, eczema, furuncles, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, allergies and stasis ulcers.

Fungi and yeasts – The acidic or even toxic environment on the skin and mucous membranes resulting from elimination creates ideal conditions for the growth of skin and nail fungi as well as intestinal and vaginal yeasts. They start to grown in areas with acidity levels between pH 3.5 and pH 5.5. The growth of yeasts and fungi are both the results and symptoms of an overly acidic and contaminated body. In natural medicine, fungi and yeasts are referred to as so-called “acid and toxin eaters”. They will disappear once the acidic environment of the skin, their ideal feeding grounds, is corrected by alkaline-generating nutrients on the inside and alkaline-cleansing on the outside.

3. Deposition of impurities

Our bodies neutralize acids and toxins that cannot be eliminated through the kidneys, intestine, lungs or through the skin and mucous membranes with minerals, turning them into neutral salts. Since they can only be eliminated to a certain extent, the body must store them as residue bound to water and fat. For many women these residue deposits come in the form of cellulite, e.g. on the upper thighs, bottom and hips. “Gout” is a result of uric acid calcium deposits after years of consuming too much animal protein. Other deposits can manifest themselves as rheumatism, gallstones, kidney stones or bladder stones, lipoma, fibroma, etc. Not drinking enough fluids, lack of exercise, poor circulation and low body temperature promote the depositing of impurities. Over-acidity can manifest itself in different ways. Look for yourself: Many signs of over-acidity or contamination can be seen externally, i.e. on the face and head, on our skin and mucous membranes. Hair loss, pimples, sweating, itching, fungi and yeast infections, liver spots, etc. are unmistakable signs of contamination, acidification or residue deposit build-up.

The desposition of impurities takes place according to the “Hierarchy of Vitality”, which has been studied by Dr. Peter Jentschura and Josef Lohkämper. It first occurs in fat tissue, then in connective tissue, then in the muscles.

If these “depositories” are full, then additional build-up can occur in the joints, fibrous capsules and in the kidneys, bladder and gallbladder, and subsequently in other organs, finishing in the heart and brain. Because the hands, feet, knees, ankles and knuckles as well as the neck and shoulder area have lower temperatures than the mid-region of the body, residue is deposited in these peripheral spots first. The least water-soluble salts, such as uric acid, oxalic acid and tannic acid salts are deposited first.

July 19, 2009

Ask The Alkaline Diet Guy: Alkalizing Your Body with Alkaline Foods (Part 1 of 3)

The Alkaline Diet Guy, talks about living an alkaline diet and body lifestyle. He also shares little-known information from the best-selling book Health By Purification, by Dr. P. Jentschura.

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