Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

October 24, 2013

Why your breakfast should be alkaline and gluten free

What could be better than a morning full of sunshine? We open our body to fresh air and life energy. We find delight in the intoxicating fragrance of fresh herbal teas or coffees. The process of digestion starts already: our body produces digestive secrets in mouth and stomach in preparation to make use of the breakfast for the complete organism.

The body needs fuel for a day full of many challenges and tasks ahead of us. Using the vital ingredients of breakfast we make ready for these tasks. Eating a healthy breakfast we ensure that we stay the whole morning without fermentation and flatulence, but instead in a good mood, a clear mind and cheerful vitality in muscles and organs.

Especially the gluten is a major health problem for millions of people who suffer from allergies. Gluten rich breakfast is dominated by grain cereal or white or brown bread.
Unfortunately, this breakfast contains too much gluten, which “glues” together the protein of wheat grains. If we consume it over years and decades gluten blocks the finest capillaries and therefore hinders both the supply and the cleaning of our tissues, cells and organs.

Our smart organism likes to survive the increasing constriction of the vessels in increasing the blood pressure in order to supply itself with the necessary amount of blood: high blood pressure is created. This symptom is significant for older consumers of gluten breakfast.

Younger people also suffer from gluten allergy which is called celiac disease. Even in young children, symptoms like bloated stomach, abdominal pain and even growth problems, the so-called short stature, are well known.
The only remedy is the absence of gluten-containing diet. German Dr. Peter Jentschura discovered that the typical gluten breakfast with grain cereal or white or brown bread is also very acidic generating. This means that it does not help to balance the body’s natural need to keep its blood slightly alkaline (pH range of 7.25-7.35).

Also a diet consisting of sugar, red meat, white bread, black coffee, pops and milk has a very acidic generating effect on the body while an alkaline life style full of green organic vegetables, fruits, and anaerobic exercise has an alkaline forming effect in your body.

Dr. Peter Jentschura research found out that gluten free breakfast porridge on the basis of millet, buckwheat, amaranth, fruits, sweet almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds is alkaline generating. The porridge is quickly to prepare and easily digestible. Its numerous rich vital substances are highly absorbable.
Due to an acidic life style with lots of unhealthy gluten foods and stress most people suffer from mineral depletion. Each acid forming food/drink must be neutralized by the body with organic minerals. In order to re mineralize the body Dr. Jentschura developed a life food supplement made out of 100 organic and wild crafted healing herbs and plants.
To learn more about Dr. Jentschura’s approach and his alkaline generating, organic and gluten free products please visit

October 21, 2013

Learn what acidity does in our body and how Dr. Jentschura’s alkaline program works

Take 10 min to find out

What makes our body deteriorate?
How to nourish our body?
Wow the acidic life style ages our body?
Which poison to avoid?
Which alkaline foods to eat?
How German alkaline guru Dr. Jentschura works?

Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura pic

Please visit youtube and watch our video

September 13, 2013

Please feel warmly invited to our upcoming Canadian AlkalineLifeStyle Lectures

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 6:10 pm

Please feel warmly invited to our upcoming Canadian AlkalineLifeStyle Lectures

Knowledge and education sets us free!

19th of September: Stephan Wilmes @ Planet Organic Edmonton on “10 steps to health and wellness”. 6.30-8.00 pm

8th of October: Stephan Wilmes @ Rainbow Natural Foods, Ottawa on “Complete Cleansing and Alkaline Aging”: 6.00-7.30 pm

9th of November: Seminar on the AlkalineLifeStyle with Stephan Wilmes and Mike Crowley at the Hilton Hotel West: 3.00-7.00 pm. Fee $10, Reservation required at

22th-24th of November: WholeLifeExpo Toronto with Roland Jentschura. German Health Expert Roland Jentschura in Toronto will lecture on “Alkaline Health” on Saturday at the show.

25th of November: Evening lecture at “TheBigCarrot” Toronto with Roland Jentschura

27th of November: Evening lecture at Nature’s Emporium Newmarket with Roland Jentschura


Info on Roland Jentschura

– Roland got over 15 years of research and study of human metabolism and healthy diet
– Seven years seminar leader and speaker at national and international trade fairs, congresses. Lectures on the topic of “health through purification” and “metabolism of the athlete”
-Since 2007 offical nutrition and health consultant of the Austrian Olympic Ski Team
– From 2012 official advisor of the Bundesliga soccer club Preußen Münster
– Author of numerous books/brochures on the human biochemistry like “Guide to Health and Wellness”
– Managing Director Jentschura International GmbH, world market leader in alkalizing products
– Master degree in Nutritional Science (Oecotrophologie) Roland Jentschura

Info on Stephan Wilmes lectures:
Complete Cleansing and Alkaline Anti Aging
Eating processed foods and being constantly stressed creates acidity and robs your body of mineral deposits. The process of deterioration then starts. Stephan Wilmes, The AlkalineDietGuy, will tell you how to rebalance the alkaline levels in your body through regeneration, purification and cleansing.
Stephan is a former professional athlete, an alkaline coach and the founder of the Ayurveda Wellness Center Munich, Germany. He is an internationally renowned speaker on re-alkalizing the body and his company, YouInFocus Products is the north-American distributor of Dr. Jentschura’s alkalizing program from Germany.

September 12, 2013

Good News from Alkaline Athletes

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:26 pm

Dr. h.c. P.Jentschura works with many international sport stars and teams e.g. the Austrian Olympic Winter Ski Team. Canadian Olympic athlete Larisa Yurkiw
announced on her Facebook page:

“My coach, Kurt, first introduced the Canadian women’s team to Roland Jentschura last season. I was curious about the information. This summer, I visited Christian Harzenmoser in St. Gallen, Switzerland for a consult and blood test. For most people, this initial test shows quite a bit of fungus, candida, heavy metals, etc. in the blood. Simply said, they’re inhibiting my circulation and ability to fight sickness and stress. The products from P. Jentschura target these abnormalities. So with the help of Roland, Christian and 5 alkaline products, I am proud to say my red blood cells are floating freely and my circulation is kicking ass.

I’m very lucky to have the help of so many from my circles.. but Kurt is also bringing lots of new contacts and opportunities to the table. We are not leaving any stone unturned.

Here’s to having good, basic blood Thank you, P.Jentschura.”Larisa Yurkiw

May 15, 2013

Dr. Jentschura’s successful triple jump from Germany

1. Cleansing
Successful cleansing starts with breaking apart impurities into their original
components. The dissolving or breaking up process reactivates acids and other
toxins that were originally deposited in the body.

For almost two decades now, 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea has proven to be a successful
cleansing agent. As an ideal cell flusher and with its specific combination of
49 herbs, spices, roots and flowers, 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea contains all elements,
which are involved in the process of impurity accumulation. The doctor based
his recipe on the life-long research of a family of naturopaths from the 1920s
in Germany. Due to its amazing formula 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea is able to dissolve all
of the different types of impurities in the human body.

2. Regeneration of the Body’s Functions and Neutralization of Reactivated Acids and Toxins

In the second step, newly released and
reactivated acids and toxins are neutralized
for safe removal from the body
using alkaline-forming vital substances.
WurzelKraft is a purely plant-based food
powder made of 100 plants! These vital
substances neutralize and alkalize; they
also strengthen the elimination function
of the kidneys and detoxification function
of the liver.
Each plant contains specific vital substances. WurzelKraft provides all plant
derived vital substances needed for optimal health, metabolism and all the
body’s important functions.

WurzelKraft also preserves and reconstructs our mineral stores (our body’s
chambers of life) such as skin, hair, nails, vessels, tissue, bones, cartilages and

3. Elimination of Acids and Other Harmful Substances

Finally, the superfluous “ballast” must be expelled from the body! Apart from
our kidneys, intestines and lungs, the human body possesses another quite
large and efficient elimination organ – the skin!
With alkaline body care we can specifically activate the elimination function
of our skin. The underlying principle is simple, but ingenious. Hundreds of
thousands of sweat and sebaceous glands expel acids and other harmful
substances from the body. When submerged in a bath with the optimal
pH value of 8.5, which is alkaline, we are able to drain huge amounts of acids
and toxins via the skin.
The alkalinity of an alkaline bath, foot bath or of another alkaline application
removes the acids and toxins already expelled from the skin. Thus our body
can flush out more. The result of eliminating these harmful substances offers
us substantial relief. The skin is also gently cleaned and its self-oiling function

3 Easy Steps to Follow:

1. Start with 1 – 2 cups of 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea daily, gradually increase
quantity to ½ or 1 litre.
Drink 1 – 1½ l of plain water daily.
2. Eat 5 teaspoons – 12 tablespoons of WurzelKraft distributed throughout the day.
3. Practise intensive alkaline body care, including full baths and
foot baths, alkaline stockings, wraps etc. as often as possible.

And read more about it at

Alkaline Living Recommendations

1. Avoid Coffee, Black Tea, Pops and Alcohol: Your body is suffering from mineral depletion if you ingest them because of their acidity. Your body is a bank and you get what you pay in
2. Avoid Foods with Preservatives, Sugar, Food Coloring, and Additives
3. Green Powders or Dr. Jentschura’s life food WurzelKraft will support your kidneys
4. Always Have Fresh Organic Veggies in Your Fridge
5. Have a great green organic juice/smoothie and a large salad each and every day
6. Breathe deeply! Our body cleanses also via the respiratory system
7. Avoid Stress and Learn To Handle It Better
8. No artificial sweeteners
9. Enjoy live and bring oxygen into your body: dance, walk, jog, swims and laugh!
10. Make love, not war: Anger and Frustration are are very acidic generating

March 18, 2013

Free Alkaline Food Samples At the Yoga Show This Weekend in Toronto

Visit us at the Yoga Shown this weekend!!! We will be at Healthy Planet’s booth #601!!! Ask us for some alkaline food and body care samples created by the German alkaline doctor, Dr. Jentschura

Learn more about alkaline rich foods to improve your overall health.

Alkaline Food Lecture in Edmonton

Menopause Symptoms with Reena Janssen

Reena will discuss how to naturally ease the symptoms of Menopause. Also get the inside information about how to keep your body healthy using Dr. Jentschura’s Alkaline program.

Thursday, March 21

Where: At Planet Organic Southside

Please check out this link

Lots of MDs and NDs know that alkaline foods will improve your health because ingesting them lifts up your body pH.

March 14, 2013

Alkaline Foods Being Promoted in Vitality Magazine


Please take the time to read this article about Dr. Jentschura’s world famous 3 steps to alkalinity:

Vitality Magazine

Read here about Dr Jentschura

Enjoy lots of alkaline rich foods to improve your vitality.
Some MDs say that it does not matter what kind of foods you eat because everything will be changed by the acidity of your stomack. So it does not matter what you eat because your health does not depend on your diet. But if doctors prescribe you pills and they are ingested they will heal you. If do not find that very logical.

March 6, 2013

Alkaline Foods and The Protein Marketing Myth

“You must buy our protein powder! Otherwise your body will deteriorate” is the message we hear very often. I am always very astonished on the messages we are supposed to believe created by smart marketing managers in cooperation with persuading scientific studies to sell us products we do not really need.

A little side note concerning scientific studies: There is no scientific study that ever proved any benefits of ingesting chemically generated dietary supplements. In the contrary it is more that people increase risk of mortality and heart attack when they ingest artificial generated supplements: e.g. 30% risk of heart attack for women who take calcium supplementation or increased mortality with Vitamin E and A. Please contact me if you like to know more about this.

Anyways, 1- 3 times a week some quality meats (organic, no growth hormones, no antibiotics chicken, or fish) is a very good and sufficient natural source of protein. To learn more about great sources of natural protein and how vegetarians can be successful athletes read this article about 7 veggie sources of protein.

Everything in moderation – this saying hits the point in regards to protein consumption.

Too much animal protein is hard on your liver and produces gall and liver stones.

Too much animal protein in form of red meat increases your risk of heart attack.

Our blog promotes to you an
alkaline diet

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