Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

March 14, 2013

Alkaline Foods Being Promoted in Vitality Magazine


Please take the time to read this article about Dr. Jentschura’s world famous 3 steps to alkalinity:

Vitality Magazine

Read here about Dr Jentschura

Enjoy lots of alkaline rich foods to improve your vitality.
Some MDs say that it does not matter what kind of foods you eat because everything will be changed by the acidity of your stomack. So it does not matter what you eat because your health does not depend on your diet. But if doctors prescribe you pills and they are ingested they will heal you. If do not find that very logical.

March 6, 2013

Alkaline Foods and The Protein Marketing Myth

“You must buy our protein powder! Otherwise your body will deteriorate” is the message we hear very often. I am always very astonished on the messages we are supposed to believe created by smart marketing managers in cooperation with persuading scientific studies to sell us products we do not really need.

A little side note concerning scientific studies: There is no scientific study that ever proved any benefits of ingesting chemically generated dietary supplements. In the contrary it is more that people increase risk of mortality and heart attack when they ingest artificial generated supplements: e.g. 30% risk of heart attack for women who take calcium supplementation or increased mortality with Vitamin E and A. Please contact me if you like to know more about this.

Anyways, 1- 3 times a week some quality meats (organic, no growth hormones, no antibiotics chicken, or fish) is a very good and sufficient natural source of protein. To learn more about great sources of natural protein and how vegetarians can be successful athletes read this article about 7 veggie sources of protein.

Everything in moderation – this saying hits the point in regards to protein consumption.

Too much animal protein is hard on your liver and produces gall and liver stones.

Too much animal protein in form of red meat increases your risk of heart attack.

Our blog promotes to you an
alkaline diet

February 14, 2013

Tips for a pH balance diet

The four worst foods to eat are:
1. Sugar
2. White flour
3. Processed oils
4. Milk and dairy products

Try to always eat organic, fresh, unprocessed food

Stay away from sugar—
If you only make one change, let it be to eliminate sugar. Two teaspoons of sugar daily throw the body out of balance and into biochemical chaos. Eat sugar morning, noon and night, which most people do, and your body is in chaos all day,
It contributes to osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease and immune dysfunction. We get sugar in almost any processed food.

White Flour
Almost all bread, pasta and baked goods are made of white flour. It is so nutrient poor due to processing; it robs the body of nutrients needed to metabolize the flour. Processed foods of any kind deplete the body rather than build it.

The more we change a food from how it appears in nature, the more it drains the body rather than supplies nutrients

Fats and Oils
Essential fatty acids are the right kinds of oils. The best oils for healthy cell membranes are high quality olive oils (organic ghee, organic butter and high quality flaxseed oil

4. Milk
2/3 of human mankind lack enzyme to digest milk. Milk is acid and does not supply calcium as promised but is rather a calcium robber. In countries (e.g. Korea) where people do not consume cow milk, people do not suffer from Osteoporosis.

When milk is pasteurized, and almost all is, it uses up essential fatty acids in the body. Calves fed pasteurized milk often die within 8 weeks.
We should not dring cow milk. Why? In nature, no animal drinks milk after weaning from mother milk, nor does any species drink the milk of another species.

5. Coffee
One other food worth mentioning is coffee. It is acidic and robs the body of calcium. It contributes to osteoporosis, hip fractures and death. Coffee drinking in one study showed it was the cause of 50% of all pancreatic cancer.

6. What about Meat?
You must buy organic quality. Try to get at least meat without growth hormones and antibiotics.
90% of commercial chickens have cancer at the time of their death.
If you eat meat, choose organic for sure and better yet is wild, organic.

Nutritious foods feed our cells and keep us young and healthy. The best foods for health are:
• Organic, whole foods produced with no chemicals, herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers.
• Fresh foods picked ripe and consumed immediately.
• Eat 50% or more raw to get more nutrients.

Try to have an pH balanced diet to stay healthy.

January 29, 2013

Alkaline Food and Health Tips

Alkalising Health Tips

Avoid Stress, Anger and Frustration

Breathe with all of your heart

You see, when your body is under a lot of stress, you experience the emotions typically associated with stress: anger, fear, anxiety, worry, frustration, hostility, etc. Each of these emotions produces acidic chemical reactions in your body that usually have adverse effects. Here
are a few examples:
• Anger, fear, and anxiety typically cause a complete shut-down of your digestive
system. That means the elimination of toxic waste is stopping and we acidify our body.
• Worry, hostility, and anger cause your stomach to excrete extra acids. The end
results in more toxins and half-digested foods to deal with.

Letting go of stress, anger and frustration is the key! In 10 years from now on or even better when we die the reason for our stress will be obsolete. In this perspective there is actually no legitimate reason to worry or fight.

Discover the place in your heart where there is stillness and love and try to stay there all day. If you left it relate and resonate with it and surrender to it.

Deep Breathing helps!

The more oxygen you get into your body, the better you body will function, the more energy your body will have, the easier it can get rid of the acids in your body.

Allow you body to relax and fall into the point in your heart where peace and love is. In this point breathing happens:

How do you breathe to alkalise?
You take kindly deep breaths, filling the lower parts of your lungs to their fullest extent before filling the upper lungs (chest area). Hold the breath for a brief moment, and exhale slowly in reverse order. You’ll need to use your diaphragm to make this happen, sticking out your stomach with each breath.
What we’re after is keeping the lower parts of your lungs (the most blood-rich part) filled with air for as long as possible with each breath.
Take 10 breaths like this, 3-5 times a day

alkaline foods help you staying healthy.

January 15, 2013

Why do we need a good alkaline breakfast (parents must read this)

By Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura
In our time, burdened with illnesses caused by modern-day civilization, many people have the course of their physical and psychological health predetermined upon waking in the morning. Does the day begin with instant psychological stress for the soul followed by a “Greek breakfast” for our physicality? For many men and women in the generation under fifty, the Greek breakfast is “cool” and “in”.
Maybe you belong to the older generation and aren’t familiar with this “Greek breakfast”. It consists of a cup of strong black coffee and a cigarette. That makes one feel alive after a short night and ready for another stressful day. That’s why one cleverly begins with immediate physical and psychological stress, and insists on continuing this familiar rhythm.
Fortunately, this Greek breakfast is more likely the exception than the norm on most breakfast tables. Yet, unfortunately, the other four breakfast types are not more “healthy”. In fact, they give way to metabolic problems, rather than strengthening our metabolism, immune system, and overall physical health. We differentiate between the four breakfast types as follows:
The Gluten Breakfast
The gluten breakfast is the most common white flour breakfast with bread and buns, and it is also the crunchy-muesli-breakfast. People who are allergic to gluten should avoid this kind of breakfast, and many people who suffer from digestive problems should reduce their intake of grains. After being consumed over years and decades, gluten has the tendency to congeal, and become lodged in our organs. These constrictions are the reason for the rise of high blood pressure, which reveals itself over the decades of our lives. This rise in physical pressure can have many effects such as inflammations or physical stress, and also the constrictions and congestions of our blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, and other conductors such as the fallopian tube, ureter, or seminal duct.

The Milk Breakfast
The daily milk breakfast equally contributes to constrictions and congestions of our vessels. Milk does not only contain a high degree of congestive components, but also many elements of phosphate and the enzyme catalase. The high amount of phosphate is the reason that milk and milk product are not calcium providers, but actually calcium robbers.

The catalase in cows’ milk is an oxygen robber and sets in motion all kinds of deficiency diseases. Catalase reduces the intake of oxygen into our blood, and therefore into our whole organism. However, oxygen is the great receptor for all substances reaching into our organism.

Our body as a whole consists of 80% oxygen. This element is the main axis of our entire metabolism. Even our bones chemically consist mainly of oxygen.

The element oxygen is a so called “negative element.” It doesn’t mean it is a bad element, it means it is an “absorbing” one. Diseases like iron deficiency anaemia are solved in no time; if one eliminates milk and milk products while introducing oxygen therapies, such as the haematoma oxygen therapy or a pointed supply of ionic oxygen.

The Sugar Breakfast
The ingredients of a sugar breakfast rapidly ferment within our bodies, causing many negative consequences. Bread and buns themselves are derived from a fermentation process. The huge consumption of sugar in jams, nut spreads, chocolate drinks and other drinks introduces constant alcohol fermentation in the intestines. Over the years this hidden inebriation of our youth may be the less observed reason our young people tap into an over-consumption of alcohol.

The constant overload of bad alcohol derived from the fermentation in the small intestines in the organism of the child has already lowered the IQ level and the whole spirit and body performance levels.

Children like the typical toast or white flour bread with chocolate spread, which contains much sugar and fat. The result is our children become overweight and weak, while the acidity of the body increases, leading to diabetes and excess weight. The vessels become burdened with sticky gluten, and fungal diseases will also rise.
Due to the sugar portion and the missing fibre in the diet, the blood sugar level will rise. After that, the insulin level will rise to transfer the sugar and fat into the cells. The blood sugar level then rapidly drops and the brain again signals food cravings. New energy has to be activated to overcome the low level of energy. If again sweets, coke, energy drinks are consumed, the whole dangerous cycle is repeated, and the blood sugar levels again play roller-coaster. Boredom and lack of motivation rotates with aggressiveness and hyper activity. Soon there is the need for “helpful” psychological drugs.

The Salty Breakfast
Business people know this breakfast as the “New York breakfast.” It consists of a plate of scrambled eggs, white bread with fried sausages and fried ham. The ‘normal’ salty breakfast consists of ham and sausage, egg with salt and pepper, and tasty cheeses.

The salt lovers normally aren’t aware that the two kidneys generally are only able to eliminate daily 5-6 grams common salt. Notice, this is in reference to both kidneys! This so called “salt barrier” causes a salt congestion, which manifests itself as lard fat in the kidneys and then as lard fat in the intestines. With a continuous excessive consumption of salt and subsequent accumulation of waste products, cellulite, back tension, causes damaged intervertebral discs; in the end these so called “new hips” are further steps of a career ladder, which all began with an overload of the kidneys. There are two recommendations for salt lovers in restoring internal balance. The first is to reduce the salt intake. The second well-meaning advice is to strengthen the two kidneys in their ability to release acidity and sodium chloride. This strengthening takes place through an extensive provision of omni molecular vital substances. For example: zinc is a great support to the kidneys in eliminating acids and poisoning salts. Now we come to the fifth type of breakfast.

The Gluten Free and Lactose Free Vital Substances Breakfast

This fifth breakfast is a kind of “quinta essentia” for our health. Greece in the old days knew four elements–water, earth, fire, and air–while searching for thousands of years for the fifth element, the “quinta essentia”.

How does the best possible “quinta essentia” breakfast look like? It is a salt free, dairy free, sugar free, and gluten free breakfast. It is also not a raw breakfast, it will be cooked for a short time, and therefore digestible and absorbable for all constitution types, as well for babies, seniors and people with allergies. This breakfast is mineral rich and filled with vital substances. It is an ideal metabolism starter. It is composed of non-allergenic gluten free seeds such as millet, buckwheat, amaranth, sweet almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds, which are providers of high quality fatty acids.

Such a breakfast is an integral part of an omni molecular supply of vital substances for our organism providing a health start in the early morning. With such a nutrient-rich supply we strengthen our immune system and support our organism in overcoming the many allergies in our time. It is also the ideal breakfast for an anti fungus diet, and for weight loss. It is a breakfast with a high density of nutritional value, but without empty calories.

Read more on alkaline foods on

December 4, 2012

Really Good Christmas Gifts: Of course Alkaline Foods

Everybody is always looking for enriching Christmas gifts. This year we like to make it easy for you to express your love and care to dear ones. We created 3 different packages with very attractive prices:

1. Dr. Jentschura’s Alkaline Diet Vitality Starter Kit
165 g Aromatic WurzelKraft, 2,5 weeks of all minerals + vitamins + vital substances
50 bags 7×7 AlkaHerb, Cleansing Tea
750g AlkaBath, 15 full or 100 footbath/AlkalineStockings
500 g MorgenStund’ , Alkaline Breakfast Porridge, 14 portions
Energy Brush, finest bronze bristles made of a sensible alloy of copper and zinc
Plus 1 free 75 g AlkaBath
Regular $132.45
Christmas Special $99.95 Click here

2. Dr. Jentschura’s Vitality Kit “Uplift Health and Beauty”
“Health By Purification” by Dr.P.Jentschura: Best-selling book
330g Aromatic WurzelKraft , 5 weeks of all minerals + vitamins + vital substances
500g MorgenStund’, Alkaline Breakfast porridge, 14 portions
50 bags 7×7 AlkaHerb, Cleansing Tea
750g AlkaBath, 15 full or 100 footbath/AlkalineStockings
AlkaStockings , Detoxification overnight
BathBrush , Premium natural brush with light colored Chungking bristles
Plus 3 free AlkaBath 75g
Regular $242.65 Christmas Special $199.95 Click here

3. For all those whe like to make sure that you or your loved ones gets their monthly supply of Dr. Jentschura’s powerful products we created

Dr. Jentschura’s Alkaline Power Package “Ease of Mind”
Get your monthly alkaline balancing package with:
330g WurzelKraft, omni-molecular life food, made out of 100 plants, aromatic blend
750g AlkaBath for 15 alkaline full bath
50 bags AlkaHerb, blood cleansing tea with 49 herbs
1000g MorgenStund, Alkaline generating porridge with buckwheat, millet, fruit, nuts and amaranth (Organic, Gluten Free)
800g Tischlein, Quinoa, millet and 8 vegetable (Organic, Gluten Free)
Regular $141.95 CAD
Special $119

November 30, 2012

What deteriorates our health and beauty and how how alkaline foods can help?

What deteriorates our health and beauty?
Harmful amounts of acids and toxins are accumulated in our bodies. Alkaline neutralizing nutrients in the form of natural, energy-rich minerals and trace elements are barely even contained in processed, concentrated foods, and are instead replaced by horrendous amounts of “empty” calories. The overview shows just a few typical acid-inflated, nutrient destroying foods, drinks and energy-consuming behavior:

Meat and meat products
Uric acid
Sulphuric and nitric acid
Sweets,Sugar, White flour products
Acetic acid
Artificial sweeteners
Formic acid
Soft drinks
Phosphoric acid
Coffee, black tea, red wine
Tannic acid
Pain relievers
Acetylsalicylic acid
Physical overexertion
Lactic acid
Stress, anger
Hydrochloric acid

These acids….

Create overweight and obesity! As Dr. h.c. Jentschura states the body creates fat cells in order to protect our organs from excess acids. The fat is designed to carry these acid wastes away to other, less critical areas of the body and it clings to these organs to provide protection. Once the body is rid of acid wastes (through a healthier diet and exercise) it no longer needs to hang onto these fats for protection and it lets them go.
Weight problems are also compounded by the result of yeast and fungus overgrowths wreaking havoc on our digestive systems. Yeast and fungus thrive in an acidic environment. Because your body is now not able to properly process foods and extract the full nutrition from the foods that you eat. That is why people with a poor diet are always hungry. Also yeasts and fungus crave for more sugar, which further fuels the yeast growth.

Following a diet of mostly alkaline foods (fresh and raw vegetables, salads, fresh alkaline fruits, seeds, nuts and pure alkaline water) will clean your system of the yeast and fungus overgrowth and will flush your body of the excess survival fat.

Acidification or acidosis (Dr. Jentschura’s term) will cause our body to leach alkaline minerals from our bones, muscles and other tissues to ensure that the blood maintains its delicate alkaline balance. This removal of alkaline minerals inhibits efficient and effective cellular and body metabolism – making us weak. Put most simply – over acidification drains our bodies of energy and inhibits the body’s ability to use stored energy reserves. And as if that was not enough – with the leaching of calcium from our bones, osteoporosis very often follows.

Causes Allergies: Mycotoxins thrive in an acidic environment and severly stress the immune system leading to it being constantly overworked and stimulated into response mode. The result of this is absurdly heightened sensitivity to nutrition and chemicals is what is more commonly known as an allergy. Excess mucus, soreness, swelling, eczema etc are all ways for the body to eliminate toxins.

Causes Free-Radical Damage and Premature Aging!: Acidosis is a symptom of – and a cause of – oxidative stress and lipid breakdown. The effect of this is that free radical damage is then promoted, attacking cell walls and membranes before killing the cells themselves. The outcome of this? Wrinkles, age spots, dysfunctional hormonal systems, poor eyesight, bad memory and foggy thinking – at the very least. Premature aging could become the least of your concerns!

Causes Excess Mucus: Mucus is normal. It is just another mechanism by which the body eliminates toxins – it coats everything we ingest and engulfs the toxins. When toxins are engulfed the mucus becomes sticky, thick and cloudy in order to trap the toxins in. Acidic foods and drinks always contain toxins which cause so much mucus that we seem to be constantly blowing our noses! The worst offenders are dairy products, animal protein, white flour and pastas, chocolate, coffee and alcohol

Acid is corrosive – and overly acidic blood and bodily fluids almost immediately begins to erode and destroy cell walls of the heart, veins and arteries – leading to a much weakened cardiovascular system.

Fatty acids are absolutely essential to the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system – without them any number of neurological problems can arise (including depression, bipolar and other mental health problems, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, brain development and learning in children, mood swings, ADHD and many more).

With the acid problems above, including increased LDL Cholesterol and compromised cell health – the heart has to work increasingly harder to move blood around the body. Acidosis is also to blame for venous vasoconstriction (meaning a decrease in diameter of the blood vessels) – which further adds to the workload of the heart and raises blood pressure!

For healthy cell regeneration and DNA-RNA synthesis – a cell pH CANNOT BE ACIDIC. On the flip side of this – for a cancer cell to grow, the cell pH HAS TO BE ACIDIC! An acid pH dramatically accelerates the possibility of the formation of mutated cells – otherwise known as cancer. Cancerous cells cannot contain hydrogen atoms – and healthy (alkaline balanced) cells contain plenty of hydrogen. In fact, the addition of hydrogen to cancerous cells actually heals them!

When our bodies are suffering from over-acidification the problem becomes compounded by the fact that an acid pH decreases the amount of oxygen than can reach our cells. Without oxygen our cells die!

November 26, 2012

These Alkaline Foods Must Be At Your Home :-)

Our blood connects the 100 million cells in our body to make up a
meaningful whole. For its many diverse functions, blood requires an alkaline pH value between 7.35 and 7.45. Only within this alkaline range blood flows optimally, nourishes cells and keeps the body cleansed.

All of our foods and drinks have either alkaline or acid generating effects in
our bodies.

Due to our modern fast food
and living civilization most of the food we eat barely deserves to be called “nourishing”. It is often mass-produced, pre-cooked, frozen or pre-processed in one or another way. The ingredients in these products often originate from mono cultures grown in impoverished soil. These types of foods lack essential nutrients and do not provide us with the vital energy that we need. This lack of nutrients especially minerals causes the fact that most of our food is acid generating.

To prevent our body from acidification we should offer it lots of fresh and organic produce (if possible) each and every day.

These alkaline generating foods & vegetables should be on your shopping list:

1 bunch Celery
Sweet Potatos
2 bunch Cale (my favourite)
3 Grapefruits
Brussels Sprouts
1 bunch of Coriander
1 bunch of Basil
1 bunch of Spring Onions/Shallots
1 packet of Beansprouts

Black Beans
Bragg Liquid Aminos
Soba Noodles (Buckwheat)
Brown Rice
Sprouted Wraps/Tortillas
Organic Silken Tofu
Organic Firm Tofu
Unsweetend, Organic Soy Milk/Almond Milk
Almond Paste
Organic Olive Oil
Avocado Oil
Sesame Oil
Kidney Beans
Chick Peas/Garbanzo
Sprouted Bread
Flax Crackers
Herbal Teas: Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaHerb, peppermint, nettle, redbush/Rooibos, Lavender etc
Dried Herbs & Spices: A. Vogel herb mix, cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon ginger, cumin, chilli, coriander seeds, nutmeg

If you are suffering from
symptoms you need to have a healthy, alkaline diet.

October 25, 2012

Dr. h.c. Jentschura’s lecture tour about alkaline foods in Canada!

dr. jentschura at the big carrot

Dr. Jentschura is the German biochemist and natural doctor known for his 30 years of clinical work using the “alkaline” approach to achieve health and healing. The creator of the “Triple Jump to Purifiction” as well as author of the best-selling book “Health By Purification” was in Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary and Edmonton.

Dr. Jentschura’s lecture tour in Canada was such a success.

People loved his knowledge about our body’s biochemistry and achieving great health using his alkaline triple jump products. By the way the gentleman is 72 years old and got the looks and vitality of a young man.

Try to have Dr. Jentschura’s alkaline foods to stay healthy.

September 27, 2012

Kale, My Absolute pH Balance Diet Super Alkaline Foods

Kale is my favourite super food! Awesome in a smoothie or steams. Loaded with health!

Kale is the best leafy green beauty that is widely known for its
cancer-fighting, cholesterol-lowering, antioxidant-rich, detoxifying goodness.

Less popular than spinach, but only because it has a history of being cooked poorly (like cabbage) –
when done right it is absolutely delicious. If you eat kale 2-3 times per week you’ll know it. Like spinach it is massively high in vitamin k,
vitamin a and vitamin c and being leafy green it also has a huge chlorophyll content.

The reason it is so powerful against the cancer fight is that kale contains at least four glucosinolates.
I don’t want to lose you here by using words like glucosinolates – all you need to know is that as
soon as you eat and digest kale, these glucosinolates are really easily converted by the body into
cancer fighting compounds.

Also quite amazing for lowering cholesterol, it should be noted that steamed kale is more effective
for cholesterol lowering than raw.

Nutrients Per 1 Cup:
Vitamin K: 1327% RDA
Vitamin A: 354% RDA
Vitamin C: 88.8% RDA
Manganese: 27% RDA
Fiber: 12% RDA
Calcium: 11% RDA
Magnesium: 11% RDA
Iron: 9% RDA
Omgega 3: 7% RDA

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