Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 3:04 pm
“Be happy in the moment; that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.”
We all waste so much energy fighting against what I would consider and define as “the flow of life”. These are the things we do not like to accept in our life: certain weaknesses and flaws in ourselves, in others and in the world. You can name concrete examples in your life. May it be the body odor of your partner after workouts, the horrible humour of your inlaws, Canadian winters or the fear of death.
Mahatma Gandhi once said,
“A man/woman is a product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”
Science backs this up. According to a recent study by Massachusetts General Hospital, consistent mindfulness literally changes the neurons in your brain.
So if you practice mindfulness in moments of anxiety or depression – and you take positive actions such as listing 5 great things you have going for you – your brain will transform your experience on a chemical level.
I love this Serenity Prayer (which is usually attributed to American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr) is a wonderful touchstone for exactly this purpose:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 10:43 am
More and more people realize that acid/alkaline balance is the key to a healthy and happy life. Our blood, the juice of our human life, must be always in a very narrow alkaline range of 7.35 – 7.45. A lot of people do not know which factors influence our body’s pH.
If you are a health pracitioner this course will provide you with detailled knowledge and expertise on how to support your patients balancing their alkalinity.
If you are simply interested in sustainibly increasing your health and wellness, this course will open your eyes to identify factors in your life which create disease and negativity and you will learn how to substitute them with beneficial activities.You will have 5 modules/parts to study at your own speed.Modules will be available in a private learning FB group and also in a private YouTube channel secured with a special invitation email.
Option 1: You study at your own pace, pass a test and receive your certification whenever you are ready.Cost: $109.
Option 2: You study at your own pace, receive about 45 min personal alkaline life coaching, pass your test and receive your certification whenever you are ready. Cost: $199.
Main topics:
Health and beauty are alkaline
Introduction into the human metabolism and biochemistry
Causes and consequences of acidification
The three groups of civilization diseases
The difference between the male and female metabolism
Introduction into AlkalineLifeStyle
10 effective steps to boost your health and wellness
The Triple Jump to Purification by Dr. h.c. P. Jentschura, Germany
Break-up of deposited impurities
Neutralization of acids and toxins by vital substances
Elimination of harmful substances through alkaline body care
The seminar includes a special Dr. P. Jentschura gift bag, educational material, and your personal „Alkaline Wellness Coach by Dr. h. c. Jentschura“ certificate.
Trainer: Stephan Wilmes. M.A., aka the AlkalineDietGuy, promotes the AlkalineLifeStyle full of healthy organic foods/drinks, lots of physical movement, and a very positive attitude. Stephan is the author of “Gone into God – Your Guide to Happiness”, and distributes Dr. Jentschura’s alkaline generating products from Germany.
“My commitment in this life is to be completely connected with the deepest source of human qualities like health, happiness, fulfillment, and real meaning. As a young man, I loved sports: in team sports, I played soccer and basketball. In martial arts, I became a German Heavyweight Boxing Champion and Second World Military Boxing Champion. After my professional sports career, I finished my Economics Degree in Munich, Germany, and received the Wacker Chemistry Prize for the Best Diploma Thesis.
I am also an Ayurvedic Therapist and used to own the Ayurveda Wellness Center Munich. Because I know the powerful cleansing and healing effects of Ayurvedic Sciences I really value the same beneficial effects of applying the Dr. P. Jentschura cure. I am looking forward to meet and learn with you.”
Please fill out this form and email to and confirm the registration in paying your tuition.
This is what participants say about the workshop:
“Thank you for that excellent training session yesterday, your enthusiasm is contagious.” Melisa Centofanti, Community Natural Foods
“It was a great pleasure to meet you and to have you share your wealth of knowledge with us. It has been life changing for me.” Kelly K.
“Thank you, Stephan! I expect an amazing journey to health over the next few months!! ” Esperanza Gluco
“Thank you for much for the information you shared. We really enjoyed it. They are very helpful and enjoyable. We always enjoy your lectures. They are very helpful. Please keep on doing this. Thank you for all your teachings that help us to improve our lives. We hope that you will be coming back in the future. Your presentations are enjoyable and much needed and very appreciated and we hope that more people will take advantage and learn. Many thanks for what you are doing.” Reg Sikand and Irma Battista
“Thank you very much for the excellent Alkaline Care Presentation, a topic that has been of interest to me for the last couple of years.” Laura W.
“Thank you Stephan for a very informative webinar on alkalinizing the body for health. It was helpful to learn of the diet, supplements, lifestyle and psychological strategies as well. It has certainly motivated me to make some changes to my lifestyle and eating habits. ” Fenella Wong
“Thanks so much for your talk tonight. It was clear, straightforward and interesting. ” Deborah
“Hi Mr. Wilmes, Thank you for the wonderful and very informative seminar tonight.” Sandra Matsuyama
“It was a good wake up. I knew about alkalizing, but have stopped, time to get back to it.” Marl March
“I picked up so much good and interesting information from your lecture – thank you so much for that also!” Jennifer
“Thank you for the webinar on Saturday it was very informative. I got a reset in my health regime right away. In other words it gave me a boost or motivation to get me out of my “stuckness” that I’ve been experiencing this winter.” Karen Wade
Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 5:44 pm
Many of you know Reena. She works with us for 12 years and just turned 73 years.
Here is her statement:
“Hello everyone,
My name is Reena and I am 73 years. I work with Stephan for 12 years promoting the alkaline lifestyle. My residence in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Here are some tips on how to live a healthy and joyful life while aging:
After a good night’s sleep, I start the day with moderate exercise for 20 minutes.
A delicious portion of Morgenstund porridge with an apple and cinnamon and maple syrup, topped with Wurzelkraft, a plant-based supplement, making up a nutritious breakfast for a good start into the day.
In the colder season, for lunch, I will prepare a delicious soup with many different organic vegetables like leek, kale, carrots, parsnip, yams, and many others. In summer, instead, I prefer a colorful salad filled with cucumber, tomato, avocado, nuts, peppers, olive oil, and Balsamic vinegar, topped with Wurzelkraft.
I need to mention that I only buy food of organic quality. I do not mind paying the extra money for my health.
For dinner, I have a dish like baked chicken with green beans, peas, or any other vegetable.
I plan one hour walk in nature daily for the intake of oxygen, sunshine, and exercise. Summer is an outdoor season, and I am out and about camping in Canada’s wilderness with its lakes and parks.
Two days a week I am working with young children to stay active and to share my spirit, love, and connectivity with people around me.
I believe, love is an essential alkaline generating ingredient, it is the inner sun of my day. In my leisure time, I watch a meaningful movie, connect with beloved friends and enjoy my home.
It is a good practice to keep my body hydrated by drinking plenty of water or herbal tea like 7×7 AlkaHerb during the day.
Also, after a busy day to relax my body with an alkaline full bath like AlkaBath twice a week is regenerating and truly anti-aging for the body.
I always believed in nature and its nurture full support for a healthy body and lifestyle, they go hand in hand. That is the way I lived my life so far, and it works.
Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 3:24 pm
“Interview with Naturalist Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura
For more than 40 years Peter Jentschura has been researching the human metabolism and diseases of our modern civilization. In addition to precautionary measures against the spread of Covid-19, he primarily advocates strengthening the immune system – with a healthy diet and a good way of life.
Question: Mr. Jentschura, what happens in the body when viruses enter?
“Mostly nothing at all! How our organism reacts to pathogens and whether your body will let them in at all, is depends on our immune system. With a weak immune system, a virus can invade cells and tissues and affect and damage organs or can even be fatal. The results of the German “Heinsberg Study” by Prof. Dr. Streeck and Prof. Dr. Hartmann calculate a Covid-19 infection-mortality rate of 0.37 percent – taking into account all infected people on-site, because in the cities of Heinsberg and Gangelt were only people tested with symptoms.And according to the Robert Koch Institute, around 80 percent of the Covid19 infected people have mild to moderate symptoms. These people have a strong immune system.”
Question: How can we strengthen the immune system?
“First of all, it is very beneficial to not weaken our own immune system. Today’s ‘normal’, so-called Western diet with a lot of sugar, white flour products with “empty calories”, preservatives, unhealthy fats with too much omega-6 fatty acids, animal products from conventional factory farming, too much coffee, soft and energy drinks and plenty of luxury foods like chocolate, is low in vital substances, acidic, promote inflammatory processes and weakens the power of our immune system. The immune system needs a plant-based diet and real foods with a high nutrient density. High-quality vegetables, fruits, and herbs that are rich in vital substances and excessively alkaline generating diversity and plant power: easily absorbable vitamins, minerals, secondary plant substances, and dietary fiber that we essentially need for a strong immune system. In addition, daily exercise even in stormy cold weather, hot/cold showers and saunas, regular exercise, relaxation, restful sleep, and alkaline full and foot baths help to balance our metabolism and strengthen our natural defenses. Fasting has also been shown to strengthen the immune system and to relieve the intestinal system in which around 80 percent of our immune cells exist. To strengthen the immune defense it is also indicated to have your omega-3 and vitamin D status checked and optimized.We should learn from this crisis that we need to take on more personal responsibility for our health”
Q.: Your do research the human acid-base balance. What role does this play?
“A crucial one! Because essential defense processes of our immune system are depending on acids and alkalines as well as the acid-alkaline balance. Our first protective wall against pathogens are microorganisms, especially good bacteria on our skin and on our mucous membranes. If we offer these important bacteria optimal living conditions providing them with an optimal pH range, they colonize our skins so densely that there is no place for disease-causing germs. Dr. Antoine Béchamp, the intellectual opponent to famous researcher Louis Pasteur declared: “The pathogen is nothing! The milieu is everything!” And everybody can regulate this milieu via an intact acid-base balance! Via your diet and personal hygiene! The so-called phagocytes of the immune system work optimally in a good acid-alkaline balance.”
Questions: There are also foods with antiviral effects?
“Yes, sure! Flora offers us a variety of immune-modulating and cell-protecting substances. For a good immune system, we need e.g. Vitamin C found in peppers, broccoli, cabbage, oranges, sea buckthorn, rose hips, etc. Zinc is found in buckwheat, flaxseed, and legumes. Berries are rich in anti-inflammatory, even anti-carcinogenic, and immune-boosting secondary plant substances. The virus doesn’t stand a chance against our various defense systems when we strengthen the immune system with essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and alkaline-forming minerals. Herbal medicine provides also antiviral treasures such as licorice root, thyme, lemon balm, sage, and elderflower. Spices and herbs such as garlic, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, oregano, and thyme benefit our immune systems. In addition, our body does enjoy clear, pure water. We also know Propolis from Apitherapy. It is the disinfectant of bees in the beehive, which they obtain from flower buds. We humans can gargle with Propolis tincture and enjoy its virucidal powers.
Question: Of course, don’t we have to take precautions against the dangerous Covid19 virus…?
“Precautionary measures aimed at containing the spread of Covid-19 are currently widely discussed and recommended and arranged. But only the virus can penetrate and cause damage where it encounters a weak immune system. Therefore it is particularly important for us to support a strong immune system. This also includes positive thoughts of confidence, gratitude, and love as our mental power sources. Also, we should pay more attention to good digestion. Mindful eating, proper chewing and, if necessary, high-quality probiotics can support our gut microbiome. A healthy bowel is good and enormously important for your functioning immune defense and also for our inner balance and for our psyche, as research on the intestinal-brain axis has shown. We shouldn’t make the conceptual mistake, to generally regard viruses as “pathogens” that must be combated. But we should rather perceive them as symbionts who clean up the organism. And we should perceive the unpleasant consequences of this cleanup as a warning sign delivering this invitation: Keep our cells and organs clean so our organism and immune system will be strong in the future. What are your wishes for the pandemic year 2020? I wish we would listen to our own body signals and learn to see people holistically. This would bring us a new understanding of our diseases which put an enormous strain on our health systems. My deeper heart’s desire would be to make the general public aware of the importance of healthy nutrition, for example as a subject in school, in kindergarten, or in the form of courses for employees, etc. We should stop weakening our organism with the lifelong consumption of ‘so tasty’ luxury foods, which weaken the pH balance of our body fluids, tissues and thereby weaken our immune system. We should also shift out of the exaggerated hyper-hygiene and from combating “pathogens” to skillfully strengthening our powerful immune system. Unfortunately, many people care for their cars and animals better than their own bodies.”
Dr. H. c. Peter Jentschura, born in 1941, is the company founder and managing director ofJentschura International GmbH in Münster. He is a trained chemist, industrial clerk, and bestselling author of health literature. His book “Health by Purification” has been translated into 16 languages. 1993 Peter Jentschura founded Jentschura International GmbH in Münster, Germany. Around 100 experts, scientists, office people, and production workers to provide alkaline generating products to about 30 countries worldwide. 2007 Dr. Jentschura received an honorary doctorate from the Ministry of General and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for his work on human metabolism. Dr. Jentschura lectures on national and international health exhibitions and congresses on the subject of health.
Nutrition tips Vitamins, trace elements, minerals, and secondary plant substances are alkalizing agents that our body needs to maintain the alkalinity of our blood, lymph, and cellular fluid. Healthy, alkaline, free-flowing blood is the basis for our white blood cells’ intact defenses.
1. Every day, drink 1 – 2 liters of non-carbonated water, herbal teas, vegetable juice spritzers.
2. Start off the morning with a big glass of non-carbonated water.
3. Enjoy plenty of high-quality vegetables (peppers, cabbage, broccoli, red beets, etc.), salad greens, herbs and fruits (such as berries).
4. Put bright colors on your plate: Yellow, orange, red, and dark green vegetables, and fruit are rich in proven vitamins (vitamin C), minerals (zinc), and secondary plant substances (beta carotene, among others).
5. Bee pollen, the power food for young bees, for example, contained in the 100-plant fine granules of WurzelKraft /AlkaLife. 3 – 6 teaspoons every day provide us with a unique, alkaline excessive spectrum of effects of vital substances with optimum bioavailability.
6. Use spices such as garlic, ginger, and turmeric.
7. Fatty, high-quality fish (herring, salmon, mackerel) and natural fish or vegan algae oil: The omega-3 fatty acids they contain – EPA* and DHA** – have an immune-strengthening, anti-inflammatory effect.
8. Essential amino acids from gluten-free plants, such as amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, and legumes such as peas, beans, lentils, as well as hemp and lupines: High-quality plant protein minimizes the acid load which is caused in particular by animal-based foods, such as pork.
9. Probiotics to strengthen bowel function. Various special probiotic bacteria is proven to have a positive influence on the intestinal microbiota and is particularly important during and after antibiotic therapy.
10. Dietary fiber (at least 30 g per day) supports our digestion and nourishes the helpful intestinal bacteria of our microbiota.
11. Fasting strengthens the immune defenses and relieves the strain on the intestines. A good start is the proven intermittent fasting method.
Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:45 pm
Autumn is coming and we like to take care of your immune system in offering you the Healthy Package Special 2020
Contains: 1x MyGreenSupreme
Lectin-free, gluten-free, organic superfood with 36 ingredients
MyGreenSupreme is 6 supplements in 1: Digestive, probiotic, metabolic,
greens, reds and cell/immune support
rich in Polyphenol(antioxidants) to help you to neutralize harmful free radicals that would otherwise damage your cells and increase your risk of conditions like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease
Helps boost skin, heart health, and digestion
Soy-Free/Sugar-Free/No Artificial sweeteners
Value $59.95
PLUS 1x MyImmuneWarrior
Powerful support for your metabolism, immune system, energy levels & your resistance to stress.
Contains absorbable 72 trace elements, calcium and magnesium in a biologically perfect 2:1 ratio, and numerous vital substances and anti-oxidants support your immune system, digestive system, and restore our cellular mineral levels.
Vitamin C
Coral (Mineral Powder)
Canadian Ginseng Root Powder
Punctured vine (Fruit) Extract
Grappe (Seed) Extract
Gingko Biloba (Root) Powder
Seabuck Thorne (Fruit) Powder
Aloe vera (Leaf) powder
Dong Qui (Root extract)
Value $39.95
PLUS 1x TischleinDeckDich (Best before date 1.Nov.2020) For Free!
The tasty organic and gluten-free meal made from quinoa, millet, rice, potatoes, carrots, onions, peas, red bell pepper, leek, herbs, and spices. just add some spices and you have yourself a tasty organic and gluten-free dish.
Value $14.56
Total value $114.46
Our Autumn Special for you is $89.45 CAD with free shipping.
Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 10:49 am
Alkaline Showers are great for people like me. I am pretty busy all day and since my wife does not let me join her anymore in her bathtub when she enjoys her daily AlkaBath. “I am too big” – she feels squeezed
Anyways, I love my daily AlkaBath showers very much.
First I am having a warm and cold shower (10 seconds hot and 20 seconds cold) which is very healthy for our body. Why? Many health benefits are associated with taking cold showers, the most popular ones being improved blood circulation and resilience. Coldwater hitting the body causes blood to move closer to the inner organs to keep them warm. This act increases the overall blood circulation in your body.
So first I have my warm/cold shower. Then I turn off the shower and I rub my body with AlkaBath and let it sit and work on my skin until I feel it stayed long enough on my skin. Then let’s say after 5 min I do shower the bath salts and released toxins off. And normally I have hot/cold showers afterward.
As we all know Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaBath chemically draws out toxins/acids via the principle of Osmosis. I love it. I feel so clean afterward. Enjoy.
Dental Tips
If you like to please check out our top quality alkaline dental care products by Living Libations on our website.
Generally, you can use once in a while simply baking soda to deeply cleanse teeth and gums.
Daily flossing is indicated to really take care of gums and teeth.
Are really good tips is “oil pulling with organic coconut oil” by the end of your dental love/care process. I love to do that as often and as long as I can in the evenings. It really helps with gum infections. Just put 1 or 2 tablespoons of oil into your mouth and move it for 10-20 min as long as you can. Then you just spit it out in a garbage bag, not in your sink.
Another good tip is doing the same procedure using Dr. Jentschura AlkaBath or sea salt or Himalayan Salt.
Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 12:17 pm
Lecture with Stephan Wilmes, M.A.
“Eating processed foods and being constantly stressed creates acidity and robs your body of mineral deposits. The process of deterioration then starts. Stephan Wilmes, The AlkalineDietGuy, will tell you how to rebalance the alkaline levels in your body through regeneration, purification, and cleansing.
Stephan is a former professional athlete, an alkaline coach, and the founder of the Ayurveda Wellness Center Munich, Germany. He is an internationally renowned speaker on re-alkalizing the body and his company, YouInFocus Products is the North-American distributor of Dr. Jentschura’s alkalizing program from Germany.
Participants enjoy Stephan’s holistic, enthusiastic, and inspirational approach to health and wellness.
Stephan will introduce the basics of our human metabolism as well explains the consequences of a calorie-rich, acidic diet and gives you an overview on toxic and harmful substances. You will enjoy fundamentally improving your health and wellness when you learn how easily you can implement an alkaline lifestyle.
Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 10:23 am
What steps can you take to really improve your health and wellness? What foods/drinks do you need to avoid? What foods/drinks you need to eat in order to increase your health and wellness? Why do you need to work out? Learn about the Pillars of love? Create a new brain to heal your body.
We like to introduce our newest supplement to you: My Immune Warrior.
For all those who are open to supplementing their diet in order to increase their immune system, energy levels, and stress resistance. Lots of people need bioavailable calcium and magnesium in stressful situations and most supplements offering calcium/magnesium are chemically generated and not absorbable.
What’s in it?
Coral Calcium Supreme is of the highest grade “Marine Coral” available. The Calcium to Magnesium ratio (24% Calcium and 12% Magnesium is a biologically perfect 2:1 and contains 75 trace minerals. It truly is an amazing natural element and is prescribed by many doctors in many countries.
Canadian Ginseng: Potent Antioxidant that may reduce inflammation, improves brain function, erectile dysfunction, boosts the immune system, and can fight tiredness and increase energy levels.
Puncture Vine Powder: Fights glucose intolerance and water retention, Reduces urinary problems, Helpful in Polycystic ovarian disease, Erectile dysfunction, Anti-aging, Treats low libido
Vitamin C: necessary for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues. It’s involved in many body functions, including the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.
Dong Quai: is used for menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and menopausal symptoms. It is also used as a “blood purifier”; to manage hypertension, infertility, joint pain, ulcers, “tired blood” (anemia), and constipation; and in the prevention and treatment of allergic attacks.
Aloe Vera Leaf: It’s rich in antioxidants such as and vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, and it contains seven of the eight essential amino acids. It also helps with heartburn and lowers your blood sugar.
Seabuck Thorne: good a source of vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, and minerals. improves blood pressure and lowers cholesterol. Seabuck Thorne is boosting immunity.
Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo contains potent antioxidants, which fight the damaging effects of free radicals, Ginkgo has the ability to reduce inflammation caused by various conditions, Ginkgo can increase blood flow by promoting the dilation of blood vessels, ginkgo improves mental performance and reduces Anxiety
Grape seed extract contains lots of antioxidants and can help with poor circulation (chronic venous insufficiency) and high cholesterol. Grape seed extract also reduces swelling caused by injury and helps with eye disease related to diabetes.
Dr. Jentschura's Alkaline Diet Starter Kit is our most popular package and it now comes with superior life food WurzelKraft. Check it out today:
Ask The Alkaline Diet Guy Show on Blog Talk Radio
Stephan explains exactly how our Western diet and acid-generating stress is literally killing us. More important - he tells us how to reverse the effects by simply choosing to live "The Alkaline Life" in mind, body & spirit.