Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

August 27, 2009

Complementing Your Alkaline Foods with Alkaline Full Body/Foot Baths


Did you know that your body is the largest organ for cleansing and purification??

Did you know that babies, famous for their soft skin, bathe in alkaline amniotic fluid in their mothers womb for 10 month??

Did you know that Dr. Jentschura AlkaBath Bath salts with 8 precious stones creates a high energy, high alkaline solution which helps your body to eliminate low ph-level acids and impurities via the chemical principle of Osmosis?

Understand that you really can help your body cleanse and get rid of impurities and toxins with long foot and full bath… The longer the better!!!
The record holds a German fellow who bathed 7 hours (each hour you put in another table spoon of AlkaBath to raise the water’s ph-level). When he started his marathon bathe he suffered from bloody hemorrhoids and after his bathe they were gone!

I am not telling you to quit your job in order to take full bath all day but I am really inviting you to help your body to detox with full/foot bath as much as you can. At least twice a week for 30-60 min.
After each bath you will feel like a baby!! My promise.

Foot bath are very good also. There is a German saying: Feet are the auxiliary kidneys. People who are familiar with foot reflexiology know about the importance of the feet!

Today I also have to promote some extremly valuable products by Dr. Jentschura:
AlkalineStockings, AlkalineCuffs and AlkalineFleeceMask (please visit our website at These products work with the same chemical principle of Osmosis and enable you to cleanse your feet, legs, arms and face whenever and whereever you like, even while sleeping.

Using Dr. Jentschura AlkaBath Salts help you

– Detoxify and cleanse your body by stimulating the skin and the mucous membranes to eliminate acids and
– Activate the self-oiling process of the skin
– Tighten loose tissue
– Calm and care for irritated or overexposed and sunburned skin
– Relax your body after sports by eliminating the lactic acid
– Support regeneration
– Purifies your body by stimulating the skin and the mucous membranes to eliminate acids and toxins
– Calms and cares for irritated skin

Enjoy feeling clean and fresh like a baby again!

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