Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

May 9, 2016

Please learn about Regenerating and Cleansing using Ayurvedic and Alkaline Treatments you can implement at home….

Filed under: Alkaline Diet Health Tips,Alkaline Expert Interview,Alkaline Foods and Alkaline Body Care — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 3:36 pm

Please learn about Regenerating and Cleansing using Ayurvedic and Alkaline Treatments you can implement at home….


Please watch this video.

September 10, 2015

Alkaline Hydrotherapy – Cultivating Health From the Inside Out!

by Dr. Jacqueline Cooper, ND Naturopathic Foundations Clinic, Markham, ON
Hydrotherapyor water therapy, has been used for hundreds of years to effectively treat a wide variety of health conditions from the common cold to cancer. Most people’s recognition of hydrotherapy is limited to using ice packs to quell inflammation and hot applications to decrease muscle tension, alleviate cramps and stimulate healing. However, the reality is hydrotherapy is effective at treating a wide range of symptoms and conditions. 

A common misconception is that the more serious or longstanding a health concern is, the more aggressive the treatment must be. This can lead people to pursue dramatic treatments that can actually hinder their health, while overlooking simple yet powerful practices that promote it. Hydrotherapy is an example of a gentle yet powerful tool that is often overlooked. While water itself is deeply healing, adding alkaline salts further increases the therapeutic value of hydrotherapy treatments.

Benefits to Alkaline Hydrotherapy

Alkaline hydrotherapy has profound effects despite its simplicity. One of the main things to consider with alkaline hydrotherapy is that the longer and more frequent the treatments sessions, the faster and more dramatic the results. You cannot overdo it. 

That being said, some individuals may find initially they experience a worsening of skin symptoms – this is rare, but possible. Individuals who experience this tend to have extreme toxicities or deficiencies that need to be corrected. If you experience a worsening of symptom,s it is important that you consult with a naturopathic doctor to address the underlying factors responsible. 

The physiological benefits derived from alkaline hydrotherapy include:

  • Increases the elimination of chemicals via the skin, thereby preventing the accumulation of toxins and alleviating stress on other organs, particularly the kidneys.
  • Effetively eliminating toxins improves the circulation of blood and lymph. This improves organ function, relieves strains on the musculoskeletal system and improves skin conditions such as eczemapsoriasis,acne and cellulite.
  • Facilitates the elimination of lactic acid, thereby improving muscle relaxation and recovery.
  • Provides relief following a sunburn, as well as healing skin that has been chronically over-exposed to the sun
  • Rehydrates the skin by causing the skin to self-oil, therefore moisturizing the skin from within


Choosing the Right Salts

  • Epsom salts are great for promoting muscle relaxation. However, they do not alkalinize the water and therefore, do not facilitate detoxification the way alkaline salts do. Epsom salts can also leave the skin feeling dry as opposed to alkaline salts which promote self-oiling.
  • Avoid salts that contain fragrances. Fragrance is one of the most toxic ingredients you can find in a product. One of the reasons being that companies do not need to declare what chemicals they put in their fragrances, as it is considered a trade secret. If you want a fragrance add essential oils to the bath or the salts yourself.
  • Alkaline salts assist in preventing muscles from tightening (similar to epsom salts). However, they also promote muscle recovery by helping the muscles to process lactic acid and detoxify the system as a whole.
Here at Naturopathic Foundations Health Clinic we use AlkaBath alkaline salts. When prepared in the proportions described above, an alkalinity of 8-8.5 pH is achieved (depending on the hardness of the tap water). In addition to making the water alkaline, AlkaBath salts also contain small measures of eight precious stones: agate, carneol, citrine, chrysoprase, onyx, rock crystal, sapphire and chalcedony. The presence of these stones amplifies the therapeutic properties of the bath immensely. Lithotherapy is the use of stones to restore optimal physiological balance and realign the body energetically. Lithotherapy has been used in varying degrees for thousands of years by almost every traditional form of medicine – Chinese, Aryuvedic, Ancient Egyptian & Greek physicians, American Shamans, etc. 

Methods of Utilizing Alkaline Hydrotherapy

Full Baths

Benefits: Provides maximal skin exposure to the alkaline water and therefore is the most effective application.


  • Add 3 heaping tablespoons of alkaline salts to your bath tub after filling with water (approximately 36-38 degrees Celsius). The bath does not have to be hot in order to be therapeutic. If the water is too hot, you may have a hard time staying in for long periods, and emerge from the bath feeling weak and exhausted. If this is the case, try starting with the water at a cooler temperature. Because the alkaline salts cause you skin to self-oil, you will discover that you do not feel cold, even as the water cools down. Conversely, if you want the heat you can leave room in the tub to add hot water as time passes.
  • Stay in the bath for at least 30 minutes, 45-60 minutes is ideal. For those with chronic concerns, longer durations are recommended (often 2 hours is the prescribed time allotment).
Acute Uses
  • After exercise to facilitate muscle recovery
  • During a cold or flu, an alkaline bath helps alleviate muscle aches, control fevers and draw out the infection
  • When afflicted with a virus that has skin symptoms such as: chicken pox, shingles, molluscum, measles, etc
  • Following sun exposure to minimize burn & subsequent skin damage and cancer risk
Chronic Uses 
  • Ideally should be incorporated weekly as part of a general wellness regimen
  • Performed regularly by athletes, dancers or those who are generally active (or were heavily active in the past) as a means of preventing arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.
  • For the eradication of ‘liver’ or ‘age’ spots
  • Skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis and fungal infections.

Foot Baths

Benefits: Good for those who do not have a bath tub or cannot use one due to mobility issues. In Traditional Chines Medicine the kidney channel (which is associated with the excretion of impurities) begins in the foot, so the feet are considered elimination ‘hot spots’ – just like the underarms. Excessive sweating can sometimes be associated with an increased toxic burden.
  • Add 1 heaping teaspoon of alkaline salts to a basin of water large enough to submerge both feet. Your feet can tolerate warmer temperatures (38-41 degrees Celsius is typically a soothing temperature for a foot bath).
Acute Uses
  • After a run/long walk or standing on your feet for a long period
  • Following a sprain or strain of a toe or ankle
Chronic Uses 
  • As a general part of an ongoing wellness regimen
  • Arthritis
  • Athletes foot and/or toenail fungus


Benefits: They provide a way for localizing treatment when a particular area of the body requires detoxification and healing.
  • Specifically designed wraps can be purchased or you can improvise at home. A non-dyed cotton is the best material for a therapeutic wrap. The size and length of the wrap depends on what area of the body it’s being applied to (it should be able to wrap around the body part its being applied to 4-6 times)
    • Ankle/Wrist
    • Knees/Elbow
    • Shoulder
    • Neck
    • Upper Torso – you can improvise with a t-shirt. Wring it out, put it on, and then put a dry t-shirt or sweatshirt on over top. It is important to make sure you stay warm.  You do not want to become chilled. If you are prone to being cold, consider bringing a hot water bottle to bed with you.
  • Add 1 heaping teaspoon into a bowl of water and then soak half of the wrap and wring it out slightly. Wrap the wet half around the affected body part and continue wrapping so that the dry half of the wrap is wrapped over top of the wet half. Use safety pins to fasten it.
  • Wraps are ideal to wear to while puttering at home, watching TV, or for maximal length exposure can be worn to bed.

Acute Uses

Chronic Uses
  • Chronic injuries (i.e. frozen shoulder, knee issues, ankle weakness etc.)
  • Chronic headaches or migraines (use a neck wrap – ideally wear to bed)
  • Thyroid issues (neck wrap)


Benefits: Cuffs are worn around wrists & forearms or ankles & lower legs. Similar to wraps, they can be worn around the house or to bed.
  • You can purchase cuffs or improvise at home home by cutting the toe off a sock.
  • Prepare using same salt to water ration as wraps (1 heaping teaspoon of alkaline salts in a small-medium size bowl of water).
  • Dip the cuffs into the water, wring them out to desired level of dampness and then put them on.
  • Like all other forms of alkaline hydrotherapy, ensure at least 30 minutes of length, but aim for longer (overnight even) if possible.
Acute Uses
  • During exercise to assist in processing & eliminating lactic acid, thereby improving muscle endurance & recovery.
Chronic Uses
  • Ankle weakness/instability – this is especially important as we age for preventing falls.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome


Benefits: Provides a quick easy deliver of alkaline hydrotherapy that can be used intermittently between other forms of treatment to expedite and maintain desired outcomes.
  • Find a spray/spritz bottle of any size. Place about 1/2 teaspoon of alkaline salts for approximately ever 100 ml of water. If you find that the spray bottle is not spraying you may need to dilute the solution.
Acute Uses
  • Itch relief from bug bites or eczema
  • Promotes healing and assists with disinfection of wounds.
Chronic Uses
  • Skin conditions such as cellulite, acne, eczema & psoriasis – spritz the affected area daily after showering and again before bed.
  • Alternatively to deodorant or anti-perspirant – it prevents body odor while also detoxifying the area. This is important since conventional anti-perspirants not only suppress the body’s natural detoxification mechanisms, but also contain many toxic substances. Aluminum, in many women’s deodorants, has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
  • Homemade facial toner – You should only use a cleanser at night to clean off make-up and dirt that have accumulated through the day. In the morning simply wash with water and/or use a toner followed by your daily moisturizer.
At Naturopathic Foundations, our aim is to provide patients with tools that they can use at home on an ongoing basis to maintain their health. If you have not tried AlkaBath salts before, drop by our clinic to pick up a free sample and speak with myself or one of the other doctors about the health benefits they provide.

March 13, 2015

Knowledge sets you free

You are warmly invited to our
Alkaline Wellness Coach Certification Seminar
by Dr. h.c. Jentschura
Date: 20th of April, Toronto
Location: Toronto
Cost: $129 plus HST

Speaker: Roland Jentschura MSc (Germany)
Main topics:
• Health and beauty are alkaline
• Causes and consequences of acidification
• The three groups of civilization diseases
• The difference between the male and female metabolism
• The Triple Jump to Purification
1. Break-up of deposited impurities
2. Neutralization of acids and toxins by vital substances
3. Elimination of harmful substances through alkaline body care

Seminar includes alkaline generating, healthy lunch, seminar material, gift bag and your “Alkaline Wellness Coach by Dr. Jentschura” certification.

Roland Jentschura has researched and studied human metabolism and nutrition for 20 years, with a focus on disease recovery through Alkaline-Acid balance and purification. Roland is an energetic individual who has been speaking in 22 countries worldwide for more than 7 years. When Roland is not giving lectures, he is a consultant to the Austrian Olympic team. He is also the author of numerous publications on health and human biochemistry.

Location: Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale 3450 Dufferin St., Toronto, On, M6A 2V1 • 416.789.5161

Book your spot early – Capacity is limited!
Register until April 1, 2015 and pay only $99.00. Bring a friend – get a credit for $10.00 plus a free skin brush.
(value $19.00). Alkaline lunch, tea and coffee breaks are included..

Please email or call
1 (866) 722-9812 (Toll Free) to book your seat.

Please watch Roland’s video on Alkaline Disease Recovery
Visit and search for Roland Jentschura

November 26, 2014

Would you like to increase your knowledge about acid/alkaline health and wellness?

Filed under: Alkaline Expert Interview — Tags: , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 12:30 pm

Please make sure to attend Roland Jentschura’s lectures about ANTI-AGING AND DISEASE RECOVERY THROUGH THE ALKALINE-ACID BALANCE

Roland Jentschura (MSc) has researched and studied human metabolism and nutrition for 15 years, with a focus on disease recovery through Alkaline-Acid balance and purification. Roland is an energetic individual who has been speaking in 22 countries worldwide for more than 7 years. When Roland is not giving lectures, he is a consultant to the Austrian Olympic team. He is also the author of numerous publications on health and human biochemistry.

He will be lecturing at the Whole Life Expo this Saturday in Toronto
at 11.30 a.m.

Also do not miss chances to learn from him speaking at these locations:

1st of Dec: Nature’s Emporium Newmarket Lecture with Roland Jentschura

2nd of Dec: Healthy Planet Saint Irene’s at Danforth and Pape Lecture with Roland Jentschura
TEL (416) 465-9998

3rd: Nature’s Emporium Maple Lecture with Roland Jentschura

November 14, 2014

Please meet us at the Edmonton Health Show at the 22.+23. of November

Filed under: alkaline diet,Alkaline Expert Interview,Alkaline Foods and Alkaline Water Filtration — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 3:45 pm

Please come next weekend (22.+23. Nov) to the Edmonton Health Show. Meet us at booth # 43 for free delicious gluten free, organic porridge, life food WurzelKraft and cleansing tee.

Also I will have a lecture on Saturday at 11.50 about Disease Recovery and colon cleanse through the Alkaline-Acid Balance by Dr. Jentschura.
Also people enjoy our trade show specials (up to 35% off).

May 15, 2013

Dr. Jentschura’s successful triple jump from Germany

1. Cleansing
Successful cleansing starts with breaking apart impurities into their original
components. The dissolving or breaking up process reactivates acids and other
toxins that were originally deposited in the body.

For almost two decades now, 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea has proven to be a successful
cleansing agent. As an ideal cell flusher and with its specific combination of
49 herbs, spices, roots and flowers, 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea contains all elements,
which are involved in the process of impurity accumulation. The doctor based
his recipe on the life-long research of a family of naturopaths from the 1920s
in Germany. Due to its amazing formula 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea is able to dissolve all
of the different types of impurities in the human body.

2. Regeneration of the Body’s Functions and Neutralization of Reactivated Acids and Toxins

In the second step, newly released and
reactivated acids and toxins are neutralized
for safe removal from the body
using alkaline-forming vital substances.
WurzelKraft is a purely plant-based food
powder made of 100 plants! These vital
substances neutralize and alkalize; they
also strengthen the elimination function
of the kidneys and detoxification function
of the liver.
Each plant contains specific vital substances. WurzelKraft provides all plant
derived vital substances needed for optimal health, metabolism and all the
body’s important functions.

WurzelKraft also preserves and reconstructs our mineral stores (our body’s
chambers of life) such as skin, hair, nails, vessels, tissue, bones, cartilages and

3. Elimination of Acids and Other Harmful Substances

Finally, the superfluous “ballast” must be expelled from the body! Apart from
our kidneys, intestines and lungs, the human body possesses another quite
large and efficient elimination organ – the skin!
With alkaline body care we can specifically activate the elimination function
of our skin. The underlying principle is simple, but ingenious. Hundreds of
thousands of sweat and sebaceous glands expel acids and other harmful
substances from the body. When submerged in a bath with the optimal
pH value of 8.5, which is alkaline, we are able to drain huge amounts of acids
and toxins via the skin.
The alkalinity of an alkaline bath, foot bath or of another alkaline application
removes the acids and toxins already expelled from the skin. Thus our body
can flush out more. The result of eliminating these harmful substances offers
us substantial relief. The skin is also gently cleaned and its self-oiling function

3 Easy Steps to Follow:

1. Start with 1 – 2 cups of 7×7 AlkaHerb Tea daily, gradually increase
quantity to ½ or 1 litre.
Drink 1 – 1½ l of plain water daily.
2. Eat 5 teaspoons – 12 tablespoons of WurzelKraft distributed throughout the day.
3. Practise intensive alkaline body care, including full baths and
foot baths, alkaline stockings, wraps etc. as often as possible.

And read more about it at

May 11, 2011

Book recommendation: “Eat To Live” by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Filed under: Alkaline Expert Interview — Tags: , , , , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 4:34 pm

Great book! The book is loaded with motivating and encouraging examples of people who not only lost lots of weight but also recovered from life-threatening diseases.

Dr. Fuhrman’s approach is his insight that health is determinate by the ratio of nutrients to calories. The more nutrient-dense your food is, the less you crave for fat, sweets, and high-calorie foods and the healthier you are.

Besides lots of info on how to stay healthy he gives plenty of recipes for fresh healthy cooking. His book on Amazon.

October 13, 2010

How to Boost your Vitality using Alkaline Foods

by Dr. h.c. Jentschura

Remain active! Remain agile! Remain vital!

For us humans, vitality is the efficient interplay of our agility, intellectuality and sexuality. In order to be able to maintain this vitality for many decades, we should continuously exercise our agility, intellectuality and sexuality, but also provide our body with a continuous supply of energy-rich vital substances and also continuously cleanse our body. For this reason, the body should be cleansed by drinking lots of high quality herbal tea. We recommend our 7×7 AlkaHerb, herbal tea and carrying out procedures using the alkaline mineral AlkaBath.

Provide your body with a comprehensive supply of vital substances with our products MorgenStund’ and WurzelKraft aromatic or fruity). Providing the body with an ample supply of WurzelKraft is extremely important for vitality and increasing your sexual capacity. Eight to fifteen teaspoons per day will lead to an impressive regeneration of your sexual functions.

Vitality is based on happiness, emotional, mental and spiritual strength. Vitality signifies health, cleanliness, strength and agility of the joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. We humans maintain the vitality of our mind and body by continuously exercising our mind and also our bodily functions. We need to keep our body free from harmful substances throughout our life and provide our body with an ample supply of vital substances throughout our life.

However, vitality does not just apply to older people, but also to our children. Their vitality can be defined in terms of intelligence and happiness. Their vitality can be defined in terms of their ability to concentrate and their ability to learn. Vitality can often be impaired through obesity and allergies, asthma, neurodermititis or psoriasis. It is therefore important to provide our children with all the vital nutrients they require. This is known as an omnimolecular approach and for this reason we have WurzelKraft, a powder from one hundred plants.

A child’s body should be cleansed daily of all harmful substances. This occurs in the mother’s womb through the alkalinity of the amniotic fluid. This process of cleansing should be continued throughout our life using alkaline baths and foot baths, alkaline inhalations, wraps and rinses. In this way, you can maintain mental and physical agility, your skin will receive a good supply of blood and will be radiant, your body will be cleansed, tissues will have a good blood supply and will be firm without deposits within the body and without unpleasant excretions out of the body.

For the internal cleansing of the body we have a tea made from 49 herbs, which has for decades been used to effectively cleanse the body, the cells and the organs. The alkaline-mineral bath salt AlkaBath is recommended for external use. This works like a magnet drawing acids and toxins out of the skin so that it can once again look radiant and be self-oiled. The alkalinity removes toxins from the body through the sebaceous glands and the sweat glands and the sebaceous glands are reactivated. This cleansing of the body from the inside to the outside maintains the agility of the joints, ligaments and tendons. An unrestricted flow of fluids is maintained and organs function correctly.

And this brings us back to the subject of sexuality and the functioning of our entire urogenital area. In humans all fertility begins in both our kidneys. These remove alkaline substances from the blood to form the egg in the ovaries which is to be fertilised, and in the kidneys hydrogen compounds are removed from the blood to produce sperm.

The kidneys will only function correctly throughout life if they are supplied daily with minerals. WurzelKraft  is used here as an omnimolecular supplement.

Both the male and the female sex organs require an extensive range of vital substances, such as those currently offered by the product WurzelKraft, which is made from one hundred plants which are grated, ground and mixed in our German factory.

This dual approach conceived by Dr. h. c. Peter Jentschura of continuous cleansing and daily omnimolecular nourishment, will aid the functioning of our organs throughout life and provide vitality, which lasts for several decades longer than is the case with many people these days.

Try a daily routine of drinking one to two litres of 7×7 AlkaHerb, herbal tea and having eight to fifteen teaspoons of WurzelKraft aromatic or fruity  for several months to cleanse and nourish the body at the same time. You’ll be impressed with the results.

Before beginning this routine you should make a note of your emotional mood and your physical condition, so that after three weeks you will be able to see the difference.

If you want to improve your skin at the same time, rub your entire body with AlkaBath after a shower. Then all you need is a quick rinse and the result is radiant looking skin which is as smooth as a baby’s. You have to experience it to believe it. If you like to take baths, then why not take regular alkaline baths with AlkaBath. Bathe for 60 to 90 minutes and regularly brush your arms, hands, legs and feet, up to the nails. Also brush your toe and finger nails. Why not try a consistent rejuvenation routine for your entire body over a period of several months consisting of alkaline cleansing and alkaline-generating vital substances.

November 21, 2009

Interview about the H1N1/Swine Flu: Stay healthy with the Alkaline Diet and lots of Alkaline Foods

Please listen to our latest interview on the Swine Flu/H1N1 Virus – an how you can use an Alkaline Diet and Alkaline Foods to stay vital, healthy and happy!

(I am a little biased by it is one of the best shows on BlogTalkRadio we ever did. Thanks Michelle!)

H1N1 Swine Flu and Staying Healthy with an Alkaline Food Diet

November 13, 2009

Interview with Dr. Jentschura -Alkaline Food & Alkaline Diet Expert

Since we had technical problems in the first 10 min of our radio interview, here we go….

Welcome to BlogTalkRadio, Welcome to the AlkalineDietGuy aka StephanWilmes. Our mission is to raise your body’s alkaline level to avoid painful diseases and to boost your vitality.

Our guest today is Dr. Peter Jentschura!

He is a international best-selling author (“Health by Purification) and founder of Jentschura International GmbH. He has dedicated his life to research the effect of acids and alkalines in the human body on a biochemical level.

The Jentschura International GmbH is the global leading company in alkaline foods and body care products and is successfully helping people in 25 different countries worldwide.

Dr. Jentschura, besides to your activity as industrial business manager you are also a successful editor.

Indeed. My two books “Health by Purification” and “zivilisatoselos leben” are international bestsellers, translated into several worldwide spoken languages. The topics I wrote about are health, aging and the modern civilisation diseases.

Together with my co-author Josef Lohkämper, we demonstrate how the present living and nutrition habits negatively influence the acid-alkaline balance in the human biochemistry. We also point out that long-lasting health and beauty are definitely based on an alkaline-generating nutrition and alkaline body care.

Dr. Jentschura, the Moscow University of Natural Science honoured your lifelong research and granted you the title of Doctor honoris causa in biomedicine on 1st June 2007. What significance does this title have for you personally?

It was a very special moment indeed. It was the appreciation and valuing of my comprehensive and permanent research work and an acknowledgment of my theories and discoveries. It was a marvellous and divine moment which encouraged me to go on. ******

Jentschura International GmbH is an international developer and manufacturer of alkaline body care products and alkaline-generating food products. The Executive Board and Management team are based in Münster, Germany. The family business, founded in 1993, employs a staff of about 100 people working in administration and production. The company not only supplies its products to the German domestic market but also primarily to its European neighbours as well as to Russia, Canada, the US, Korea and Taiwan. The international market leader with own branches in Switzerland and Mexico exports its health, beauty, performance and regeneration products and concepts to a total of 26 countries.

Dr. Jentschura, your company Jentschura International GmbH has its roots in the old German drugstore business. Can you give us some more details about this?

In 1935 my parents Margarete and Helmut Jentschura were already running a drugstore in Breslau. They were researching the composition, application and effects of natural body care products and healthy food stuff, especially that of their own tea selections.

How did you continue this research work?

First I was trained as industrial manager. Then I continued with promoting as a druggist. In 1966 I thus followed up the family tradition. Whilst running a regular drugstore business I started with naturopathic research on the human biochemistry with focus on toxin built-up, purification and regeneration processes. This research work set the basis for the present core products of the P. Jentschura product range.

ALKALINEDIETGUY An old German proverb says „In the morning eat like an emperor, at midday like a nobleman and in the evening like a beggar”. Dr. Jentschura, you are considered to be an expert to all issues related to the human metabolism. Therefore you can certainly answer the question why one should eat this way.

This question could already have been answered decades ago by the famous Professor Friedrich Sander of the University of Braunschweig. He postulated that between 5am and 7am a big acid flood runs through our body. He noticed this with his urine measurements.
The acid floods during the day are generated by the parietal cells of the stomach – one in the morning at 7am and one at 1pm, at 7pm and again at 1am at night. The morning acid flood is the strongest.

My colleague Josef Lohkämper and I have done further research. A strong acid flood of the stomach means that precisely at that time the largest plenitude of digestive juices is available. At that time the stomach is able to digest at a high rate. The digestive ability decreases from acid flood to acid flood. This is why you should eat less at lunchtime and even lesser in the evening.

How do you start your day in an “imperial way”?

For me “morning” has a lot of different meanings. On the one hand there is the big acid flood Professor Friedrich Sander spoke about, which invites you to have an ample breakfast. On the other hand there is the red sky in the morning when nature switches on the light of the day and encourages the plant realm to release oxygen so that all human beings firstly awake and start living.

For me one perception bears a meaning which I think I have taken from the Book Daniel. In my understanding it says that the hour of the red sky in the morning is the time when gold arises in our bodies by means of cold and warm nuclear fusion from the elements of the air we breathe. It might be the origin of the old German proverb “MorgenStund’ hat Gold im Mund”.

That sounds very esoteric, even if you refer to the Book Daniel from the Old Testament.

Well you know, terms and claims are esoteric for us only as long as we do not understand their meaning or as long as we have not gained enough information about. Once the degree of knowledge is sufficiently high the previously “esoteric” things become quite clear.
I have for example created a breakfast porridge and sincerely tried to select as many ingredients as possible containing the element gold, according to the research of the German naturopaths family Leisen and my friend Josef Lohkämper. Some of the ingredients are millet, apple, pineapple, amaranth, sunflower seed and sweet almonds.

In your opinion, what is the mission of the element gold in our human metabolism?


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