A new super fresh batch of MyGreenSupreme, our delicious “6 in 1” organic, gluten- and lectin-free supplement arrived. It contains loaded greens, reds, probiotics, metabolic support, immune support, and digestive support.
To make things really irresistible for you, we have a 25% off GET-TO-Know-Me SALE on our website https://youinfocusproducts.com/portfolio/my-green-supreme/
FYI: Our customers also love our alkaline detox super soak AlkaBath, AlkaHerb tea with 49 herbs, and organic, gluten-free MorgenStund porridge, all by Dr. Jentschura from Germany.
Talking about detox and lymphatic stimulation: Check out our high quality dry and wet brushes made in Germany.
Our website www.YouInFocusProducts.com offers all these goodies for you 🙂