Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

November 18, 2019

The time of the year and really good news for you!

This is the time of the year 🙂

Really good news: For the first time in 10 years we do offer free shipping with orders over $50 on our website!
Are you thinking about a healthy, alkaline promoting Christmas presents for you and your dear ones?
People really thoroughly enjoy our relaxing and regenerating detox full or foot baths with Dr. P. Jentschura’s AlkaBath.
Or how about an alkaline supporting drink with our 6 in 1 supplement “My Green Supreme” with 30 days supply of greens, reds, probiotics, digestive, metabolic and immune support to balance out some delicious but perhaps acidic Christmas dinners?
More and more people enjoy the benefits of dry and wet brushing: Support your metabolism, lymphatic system, blood circulation and exfoliation with our top quality brushes with a lifetime warranty.
Or simply get our “Alkaline Starter Kit” for $99 instead of $120.
Very few people know that we also carry natural room fragrances by OLORI from Germany as well.
Please have a look at our beneficial products at
In any way: let us try to stay relaxed, happy and alkaline even when the world around us gets crazy 🙂

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