Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

October 28, 2013

Why should be buy organic alkaline generating produce?

Filed under: alkaline diet — Tags: , , , — Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy @ 3:41 pm

Why you should buy organic?

First of all organic produce generally has higher values in vital substances like vitamins and minerals.

Secondly “industrially” produced fruits and vegetables are loaded with pesticides.

If you cannot avoid buying non organic: here is a list of pesticide residue data which help you to see which fruits/veggies do contain more pesticide residue.

EWG (Environmental Working Group) analyzed pesticide residue testing data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration to come up with rankings for these popular fresh produce items. All 48 foods are listed below from worst to best (lower numbers = more pesticides)
Note: EWG analyzed pesticide tests of 48 popular produce items. Domestic and imported versions of three items – nectarines, blueberries and snap peas- showed sharply different results, so we have ranked those domestic and imported items separately. As a result, the full list of foods ranked by the Shopper’s Guide displays 51 entries.
List of poison in food

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