“You must buy our protein powder! Otherwise your body will deteriorate” is the message we hear very often. I am always very astonished on the messages we are supposed to believe created by smart marketing managers in cooperation with persuading scientific studies to sell us products we do not really need.
A little side note concerning scientific studies: There is no scientific study that ever proved any benefits of ingesting chemically generated dietary supplements. In the contrary it is more that people increase risk of mortality and heart attack when they ingest artificial generated supplements: e.g. 30% risk of heart attack for women who take calcium supplementation or increased mortality with Vitamin E and A. Please contact me if you like to know more about this.
Anyways, 1- 3 times a week some quality meats (organic, no growth hormones, no antibiotics chicken, or fish) is a very good and sufficient natural source of protein. To learn more about great sources of natural protein and how vegetarians can be successful athletes read this article about 7 veggie sources of protein.
Everything in moderation – this saying hits the point in regards to protein consumption.
Too much animal protein is hard on your liver and produces gall and liver stones.
Too much animal protein in form of red meat increases your risk of heart attack.
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