Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

February 7, 2013

Love, Scientific Proof and What to do about an alkaline diet?

I got a critical email from a MD concerning some statements I made about the connection of body-mind-soul, the importance of being a happy heart and the power of belief. The doctor wanted to see clinical evidence which I understand completely. If you study app. 15 years in a mental system/structure that is based on scientific evidence then you need proof.

Beside the fact that scientists have a very hard time proofing/defining love, most people realize “some importance” of love in their lives.
Modern medicine is based on the statement that all disease is caused by external viruses and bacteria. These are our enemies and we need to fight viruses/bacteria and the symptoms of disease they cause. This approach is founded by Louis Pasteur in the late 19th century.

At the same time Antoine Bechamp founded a completely different approach: all micro organisms exist already in our body and mute into fungi which create toxic waste but only in an acidic environment!
Stay alkaline, stay healthy. Dr. Jentschura wrote a very good book “Health by Purification”.

Also I like to share a general thought concerning any clinical trials and studies: Famous physicist Werner Heisenberg stated that the outcome of every scientific experiment is determined by the consciousness of the one who is creating the experiment. In my words: As humans we are powerful beings which have the power to influence the result of an experiment via mind power. In Germany there is a saying concerning surveys: “Never belief a survey you did not fake yourself.”
That is why there are 50 scientific books on the market telling you to eat meat and 50 books warning you to eat meat.

So what to belief and how to act?
The good news is: The longer you really take care of you heart, mind and body the clearer you can hear your inner voice giving you perfect guidance in all challenges of life.

Try to have an alkaline diet to stay healthy.

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