Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

March 8, 2012

How To Combat The Symptoms Of Menopause Naturally

Although part of the normal human aging process, the cessation of female hormone production can be very unpleasant. Women often experience hot flashes, irritability, a dramatic loss of libido, and sometimes even a greater incidence of osteoporosis. While not technically a disease, the symptoms of menopause may feel like one.

When hormone replacement therapy was introduced, it initially produced remarkable results. Long term testing, however, showed that women undergoing replacement experienced a greater incidence of serious complications, including heart problems and even cancer. These findings prompted the search for a safer and more effective way to control the worst symptoms.

Today, there is growing interest in restoring internal balances of acid and alkaline properties, rather than simply treating the worst outward menopausal symptoms. Imbalances are primarily a result of the unhealthy excesses of modern diet and lifestyle, which regularly expose the body to acidic toxins. Unhealthy acid levels encourage many signs of premature aging.

Restoring optimal alkaline and acidic balance can be accomplished through a specific process of physical cleansing and purification. This type of toxic elimination is designed to remove deposited substances not only from the skin and mucous membranes, but also from most cells, joints, membranes, tissues, and other organs where they cause inflammation.

The cleansing process begins with some major changes in lifestyle and diet. Eliminating refined, denatured, and chemically preserved food products immediately reduces internal stresses, especially when accompanied by increased levels of exercise and fluid intake. When coupled with medically supervised fasting, the body soon begins to rid itself of harmful substances.

By reducing acid and restoring proper alkaline levels, the entire organism begins to experience a rejuvenation, and many symptoms of menopause begin to fade, or even disappear altogether. This process has been successful for some individuals, even when others are ineffective. Women who undergo a process of cleansing not only feel better inside, but may also look younger.

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