Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

February 2, 2012

How To Alleviate Symptoms Of Menopause In A Natural Way

How To Alleviate Symptoms Of Menopause In A Natural Way
The symptoms of menopause afflict most women in their mid-forties to fifties. They include factors such as sweating, depression, weight increase, hair loss, osteoporosis, arthritis and heart attack. Finding natural easing for the common menopausal links is described in work by Dr. Jentschura of Germany. He links many diseases and experiences of this life period to acidic toxicity in the blood and body systems.

The term itself means a cessation of menstrual cycles. Because the gradual stopping of monthly cycles is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels, it is expected that the hormone changes will create disruptions in bodily health. An increasing level of acid in your body means the organs must work harder to complete the natural cycle.

During and after the menopausal period, the needs of the body change significantly. One part of the triple jump process is to increase the nutrients and minerals in the body so that the acidic buildup and toxicity of the bloodstream and organs is eliminated. Daily purification of the body is important, since it is no longer cleansed once per month through the menstrual cycle.

A solution of bath salts, also used in the application of alkaline stockings is helpful for treating and energizing the external organ, the skin. The stocking can be worn at night and help to provide a natural and restful sleep. Drinking an alkaline tea is another aspect of healthful living with the removal of toxins from the body.

In addition to the Triple Jump tenets, Dr. Jentschura focuses on three commandments for a better lifestyle. These include avoiding harmful things; eat, drink, and do beneficial things; and eliminate harmful things. The alkaline products available online offer a three-pronged approach.

Although the Triple Jump is identified as a program to relieve the symptoms of menopause naturally, it is also useful for anyone who wants to feel better. Remaining healthy and fit for additional decades is the goal of the program of detoxification. No harsh or chemical substances are employed in detoxifying the body.

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