Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

September 9, 2010

Strengthen Your Kidneys with Alkaline Foods through an Alkaline Diet

The human body has various ways to secrete acids, toxins and other harmful substances through different organs and functions.

The main secretion organs are the outermost layers of the skin, which release toxins through sweat, pimples, eczema, shed, warts; and the mucous membranes through mucus and discharge.

The intestine is another important secretion organ. For example, in the intestines, acids are split into gas and water, which is the cause of flatulence.

Our two kidneys are the most important secretion organs in removing acids, such as uric acid, lactic acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, oxalic acid and other acids within the body. These two organs are essential in excreting acids, chemical reagents, and other base-forming minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.

From time immemorial our human body has obtained these base-forming minerals from the daily vegetable diet. The vital substances received through this kind of diet are not only the basis to form our bones and tendons, our vessels, cartilage and skin; these vital substances are virtually carriers, which bind the acids molecule to molecule, removing them from our body through urine.

Therefore it is our essential that our daily diet be rich in vital substances and minerals, creating an efficient life of health and beauty for the acid-loaded body of the modern human being.

Dr. h.c. Jentschura’s Wurzelkraft serves as a tremendous assistant for our two kidneys. It strengthens their productivity in secreting acids and other toxins from the body.

The secretion capacity of the kidneys in our modern and diet–with an overabundance of coffee, meat, sweets salty chips and peanuts–is greatly diminished. The kidneys are overloaded with pollutants and acids, while receiving only small amounts of energy-lacking minerals for acid neutralization and strengthening.

Five to seven teaspoons daily of Wurzelkraft are necessary for people suffering from deposits or excretions – it is a tremendous help for the kidneys and their capacity to secrete acids. For patients with structural damage including osteoporosis, spinal disc problems, skin aging or similar, this amount should be increased by three to five tablespoons.

 Wurzelkraft regenerates you body: the more you are able to eat the better for your health!

The product Wurzelkraft, which contains 100 all natural plants and plant substances, is a fully designed omnimolekular (all minerals are completely available in the supplement) whole food, which provides the body with a limitless abundance of minerals and vitamins, amino acids and countless vegetable fiber and other active substances.

It is a living food that permeates our body with vital energy. The superior offer of Wurzelkraft is the high energetic, base-forming minerals that thoroughly strengthen the kidneys, improving overall body function and health.

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